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数控系统是一种典型的运动控制系统和实时应用,要求系统必须在事先设定好的时限内做出相应的响应.实时系统中存在的调度抖动会影响实时控制的精确度,抖动补偿是解决这一问题的重要手段.本文讨论了抖动的测试和补偿技术,针对当前数控系统的运动控制中任务的调度抖动的特点,提出了两种高效的抖动补偿方法,并对这两种方法的性能进行了对比分析;最后在我们开发的蓝天数控系统中对这两种补偿方法进行了实际应用,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

网络控制延时解决方案探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对基于Web的LonWorks远程监控系统中存在网络延时对系统性能造成的影响,提出了一种延时预估补偿的控制方法.  相似文献   

随着嵌入式实时系统低能耗研究的不断深入,软件能耗已经成为影响系统的主要因素,并朝着定量分析方向发展.针对嵌入式实时系统缺乏有效的软件能耗建模与分析的方法,提出一种基于进程代数的嵌入式实时系统软件能耗建模与分析的方法.通过在时间通信顺序进程上扩展价格信息得到价格时间通信顺序进程,将嵌入式实时系统指令的功耗映射成价格时间通信顺序进程的价格,利用价格时间通信顺序进程对嵌入式实时系统软件能耗建模并进行量化分析,提出的最优路径算法可以对建模结果进行指令功耗可满足性检查,并计算当前最低能耗可达路径.该方法可以从很大程度上提高嵌入式实时系统软件能耗计算和分析的准确性,计算结果有助于嵌入式实时系统软件能耗的量化分析和优化设计.  相似文献   

时间因素在对实时系统的分析中占据着重要的位置。随着时间因素在Petri网应用分析中的地位越发重要,各种与时间相关的Petri网模型相继被提出。文中结合动态实时系统的运行特征,设计了一种变迁点火时间服从正态分布的随机Petri网模型,并基于对系统行为的统计分析,提出了一种用于对变迁时间参数进行识别的数值算法。以一种随机制造单元为例,建立正态随机Petri网模型,并运用参数识别算法确定变迁时间参数。仿真结果符合系统的实际运行结果,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对带有输出死区的多智能体系统的一致性控制问题,提出一种可预设时间的事件触发式协同控制方法.输出死区现象普遍存在于实际系统,对控制回路中负反馈调节影响较大,会导致系统控制性能的下降.为此,通过结合Nussbaum函数对输出死区特性进行补偿,以削弱其对系统性能的影响,但上述问题解决的同时也会加剧对系统控制传输资源的占用.由于多智能体系统依靠智能体之间频繁的信息交互实现控制目标,自身传输资源有限.考虑到实际系统的限制,利用事件触发控制策略节省系统的控制传输资源.更进一步,为有效提高系统性能,使系统能够快速达到稳定,引入一类转换函数进行系统变换,实现系统同步误差在预设时间内收敛于紧集的目标.理论分析和仿真结果验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于着色时间Petri网的实时系统的形式验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嵌入式实时系统多数应用在安全性要求较高的场合,因此需要保证系统的正确性.复杂性不断增加的实时系统迫切需要在系统开发早期引入形式化分析技术来验证系统的期望性质.时间Petri网是有严格数学基础的图形表达工具,适合对实时系统建模;时间自动机(Timed Automata,TA)有成熟的验证工具,被广泛用于实时系统的模型检验和验证.本文提出一种基于着色时间Petri网(Colored Time Petri Net,CTPN)的实时系统的验证方法,用CTPN对带有控制流和数据流的实时系统建模,通过转换规则将CTPN模型转换成语义等价的TA模型,利用模型检验工具UPPAAL验证系统的性质.最后,用实例证明此方法有效.  相似文献   

为了减少测试产生、执行,存储以及维护测试用例的代价,提出了一种基于时间自动机模型的测试用例生成方法的优化技术.针对实时系统中不同的时间尺度,为了加快基于模型的测试用例生成的速度,通过对原时间自动机模型的结构进行改进,对这类实时系统进行测试产生优化.实验结果表明,优化后产生的测试用例集的大小及所用时间相对于优化之前有较大程度的约减,为进一步减少测试执行的时间,提高测试效率,加快软件开发进程提供了可行的解决途径.  相似文献   

利用面向方面的编程思想,在实时系统设计的需求分析阶段分离系统的功能性核心关注点和非功能性横切关注点,并着重对系统的非功能性等横切性关注点进行分析.通过扩展UML对实时系统时间切面建模,讨论了时间方面织入过程,利用AspectJ对建模的结果进行简单的编码实现.通过实际ATM自动提款机的实际例子说明如何在实时系统开发中运用这些技术进行系统建模和实现,充分显示了这些技术对实时系统进行分析建模的优越性.  相似文献   

非线性离散时间系统的自适应模糊补偿控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一类非线性离散时间系统,提出一种自适应模糊逻辑补偿控制方案.控制律由跟踪控制律和逼近误差补偿控制律两部分组成,利用模糊逻辑系统对系统参数扰动和外界干扰进行自适应补偿,由模糊滑模控制律实现对模糊逻辑系统逼近误差的进一步补偿.所设计的控制器可保证闭环系统一致最终有界.将该控制器用于月球探测车动态转向系统中,仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

为进一步提高时栅角位移测量系统的测量精度,降低生产成本和生产时间,根据时栅传感器的误差组成和误差特性,提出了一种新的误差补偿方法;同时建立了基于傅里叶函数的误差分离模型。该补偿方法将沿空间正弦分布的非线性误差转化成线性误差,并运用最小二乘法理论对系统的误差进行补偿。通过试验与测试证明,采用该方法进行误差补偿可以大幅度提高时栅角位移测量系统的测量精度。  相似文献   

We have implemented a technique for execution of formal, model-based specifications. The specifications we can execute are written at a level of abstraction that is close to that used in nonexecutable specifications. The specification abstractions supported by our execution technique include using quantified assertions to directly construct post-state values, and indirect definitions of post-state values (definitions that do not use equality). Our approach is based on translating specifications to the concurrent constraint programming language AKL. While there are, of course, expressible assertions that are not executable, our technique is amenable to any formal specification language based on a finite number of intrinsic types and pre- and postcondition assertions.  相似文献   

在软件程序中插入断言是保证软件质量的一个简单但有效的方法,人们常使用测试的方法检验程序中的断言是否满足,但测试很难保证验证的完备性。本文提出了一种可以保证完备性的全自动静态断言验证方法,其基本思想是基于程序切片符号执行程序的所有执行路径,并证明路径上的所有断言都满足。为了尽量减少符号执行的语句的数量,使用了基于反例的抽象精化方法,从一个粗略的切片标准开始迭代地符号执行一爷路径,根据验证的反例自动生成下一次迭代过程中使用的精化的切片标准。包含循环的程序可能具有无穷多条程序执行路径,提出的基于符号执行上下文不变式证明的方法可以证明由于循环导致的无穷多条路径中断言都满足,从而使得验证过程可以终止。实验表明,提出的全自动静态断言验证方法不仅可行,而且验证代价较小,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

RDF knowledge graphs (KG) are powerful data structures to represent factual statements created from heterogeneous data sources. KG creation is laborious and demands data management techniques to be executed efficiently. This paper tackles the problem of the automatic generation of KG creation processes declaratively specified; it proposes techniques for planning and transforming heterogeneous data into RDF triples following mapping assertions specified in the RDF Mapping Language (RML). Given a set of mapping assertions, the planner provides an optimized execution plan by partitioning and scheduling the execution of the assertions. First, the planner assesses an optimized number of partitions considering the number of data sources, type of mapping assertions, and the associations between different assertions. After providing a list of partitions and assertions that belong to each partition, the planner determines their execution order. A greedy algorithm is implemented to generate the partitions’ bushy tree execution plan. Bushy tree plans are translated into operating system commands that guide the execution of the partitions of the mapping assertions in the order indicated by the bushy tree. The proposed optimization approach is evaluated over state-of-the-art RML-compliant engines, and existing benchmarks of data sources and RML triples maps. Our experimental results suggest that the performance of the studied engines can be considerably improved, particularly in a complex setting with numerous triples maps and large data sources. As a result, engines that time out in complex cases are enabled to produce at least a portion of the KG applying the planner.  相似文献   

A formalism is presented for tracking assertions which hold universally, i.e., at the end of all the execution paths to a given program point, and assertions which hold existentially, i.e., at the end of some execution paths. In the formalism, the assertions which hold at a given execution path are uniformly defined by an entry environment which contains the assertions which hold when the execution of the program begins and an environment transformer for every program construct. The novel aspect of our formalism is that Horn clauses are used to specify the consistent environments and the meaning of program constructs. The best iterative algorithm (a notion defined by P. Cousot and R. Cousot) for tracking universal and existential assertions simultaneously is given. Conditions are presented under which the best iterative algorithm can be efficiently implemented. The formalism is applied to the pointer equality problem in Pascal. It is shown that universal pointer equalities may be used to reduce the number of superfluous existential equalities, and that existential equalities may be used to obtain more universal equalities. Recent empirical results indicate that tracking the combination of may and must equalities leads to substantial improvements in the result of the analysis. For programs without recursively defined records, the best iterative algorithm can be effectively implemented. These results apply to multiple levels of pointers and can be extended to handle possibly recursive procedures. However, for programs with recursively defined data types further approximations are necessary, e.g., by using a finite graph to model all the possible pointer equalities. For simplicity, this paper does not present an analysis algorithm for this case. Received: 2 September 1991 / 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Correctness of the execution of sorting programs can be checked by two assertions: the order assertion and the permutation assertion. The order assertion checks if the sorted data is in ascending or descending order. The permutation assertion checks if the output data produced by sorting is a permutation of the original input data. Permutation and order assertions are sufficient for the detection of errors in the execution of sorting programs; however, in terms of execution time these assertions cost the same as sorting programs. An assertion, called the order-sum assertion, that has lower execution cost than sorting programs is derived from permutation and order assertions. The reduction in cost is achieved at the expense of incomplete checking. Some metrics are derived to quantify the effectiveness of order-sum assertion under various error models. A natural connection between the effectiveness of the order-sum assertion and the partition theory of numbers is shown. Asymptotic formulae for partition functions are derived  相似文献   

Real-time rule-based expert systems are embedded decision systems that must respond to changes in the environments within stringent timing constraints. Given a program p, the response time analysis problem is to determine the response time of p. This problem consists of: determining whether or not the execution of p always terminates in bounded time; and computing the maximal execution time of p. The Equational Logic (EQL) language is a simple language designed for real-time applications. It has been proved by A.K. Mok (1989) that the response time analysis problem is undecidable if the program variables have infinite domains, and is PSPACE-hard in the case where all of the variables have finite domains. However, we have observed that the use of a simple syntactic and semantic check on programs coupled with other techniques such as state space graph checks can dramatically reduce the time needed in the analysis. There are sets of syntactic and semantic constraint assertions such that if the set S of rules satisfies any of them, then the execution of S always terminates in bounded time. Each of these sets of syntactic and semantic constraint assertions is called a Special Form. The focus of the paper is on proving the existence of two Special Forms and determining tight response time upper bounds of EQL rule-based programs. For each known Special Form, an algorithm used to calculate the maximal response time of programs satisfying this Special Form is presented. Additionally, to enhance the applicability of the proposed algorithms, we show how the General Analysis Algorithm can be used with these algorithms  相似文献   

为深入分析无人机电气设备的电子负载性能,实现对传输电子量的合理性监管与控制,设计基于单片机负载控制的无人机电气设备监测系统;利用电气信号发生电路,构建负载网络控制器与以太网模块运行所需的电气设备负载环境,借助PCB监控板建立PLC扩展负载模块与核心监控主机之间的物理连接关系,实现无人机电气设备监测系统的硬件执行环境搭建;在此基础上,通过STM32型单片机移植协议,确定无人机电气设备通信主机的现有组态形式,联合已设定的监控任务有线级条件,实现监测系统的软件执行环境搭建,完成基于单片机负载控制的无人机电气设备监测系统设计;对比实验结果表明,基于单片机负载控制的无人机电气设备监测系统的电子负载量等级更高,阶段性时间内的电子量监控数值也相对更大,能够准确实现无人机电气设备负载监测。  相似文献   

基于Java开发的企业级应用系统中存在的性能问题一直是关注的热点。当网络环境、机器物理配置等外在条件足够优等从而不会影响系统性能时,系统内在的服务端方法执行时间长短就成为解决系统性能问题的关键。只有通过分析方法执行耗时,才能定位出耗时长的具体服务方法以便分析解决。在目前的性能监控工具中,开源Jwebap监控框架基于字节码注入技术高效的实现了对方法耗时和数据库执行耗时的监控。本文主要分析Jwebap工具的架构及实现原理,阐述了架构中所使用的ASM字节码注入机制和Trace追踪机制,并完善该框架,扩展实现了方法树以及SQL与方法的关联。最后通过测试比较该框架对系统性能的影响,根据测试结果对框架使用提出建议。  相似文献   

A methodology for specifying and providing assertions about time in higher-level-language programs is described. The approach develops three ideas: the distinction between, and treatment of, both real-time and computer times; the use of upper and lower bounds on the execution times of program elements; and a simple extension of Hoare logic to include the effects of the passage of real-time. Schemas and examples of timing bounds and assertions are presented for a variety of statement types and programs, such as conventional sequential programs including loops, time-related statements such as delay, concurrent programs with synchronization, and software in the presence of interrupts. Examples of assertions that are proved include deadlines, timing invariants for periodic processes, and the specification of time-based events such as those needed for the recognition of single and double clicks from a mouse button  相似文献   


MapReduce framework is an effective method for big data parallel processing. Enhancing the performance of MapReduce clusters, along with reducing their job execution time, is a fundamental challenge to this approach. In fact, one is faced with two challenges here: how to maximize the execution overlap between jobs and how to create an optimum job scheduling. Accordingly, one of the most critical challenges to achieving these goals is developing a precise model to estimate the job execution time due to the large number and high volume of the submitted jobs, limited consumable resources, and the need for proper Hadoop configuration. This paper presents a model based on MapReduce phases for predicting the execution time of jobs in a heterogeneous cluster. Moreover, a novel heuristic method is designed, which significantly reduces the makespan of the jobs. In this method, first by providing the job profiling tool, we obtain the execution details of the MapReduce phases through log analysis. Then, using machine learning methods and statistical analysis, we propose a relevant model to predict runtime. Finally, another tool called job submission and monitoring tool is used for calculating makespan. Different experiments were conducted on the benchmarks under identical conditions for all jobs. The results show that the average makespan speedup for the proposed method was higher than an unoptimized case.


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