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高光谱遥感在植被监测中的研究综述   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
高光谱遥感数据已成为地表植被地学过程中对地观测的强有力的工具。综述了利用高光谱遥感数据进行植被监测的研究进展,主要包括以下三个部分:(1)高光谱遥感信息的处理方法;(2)高光谱遥感数据用于植被参数估算与分析;(3)高光谱遥感数据在植被生长监测中的作用。  相似文献   

高光谱图像(Hyperspectral Imagery,HSI)分类是高光谱图像处理和应用的一项重要工作。随着深度学习的不断发展,卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)日渐成为处理高光谱遥感图像分类问题的一个有效方法。首先对高光谱遥感图像分类任务进行了概述,分析了目前存在的问题;其次对CNN及其基于光谱特征、空间特征、空谱特征的分类方法进行了系统的梳理,并且将上述的分类方法通过实验分析其性能;最后对高光谱遥感图像分类的关键问题进行了总结,并讨论了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

张帆  杜博  张良培  张乐飞 《计算机科学》2014,41(12):275-279
如何准确识别图像中的类别信息,是计算机视觉和模式识别领域的重要研究问题。遥感卫星图像数据,尤其是高光谱等遥感图像数据的出现,将空间信息与光谱信息集成于同一数据集中,丰富了图像信息来源。如何准确地识别高光谱图像中的地物类别,已经成为了图像处理和模式识别领域的热点问题。面向高光谱图像数据提出了一种基于波段分组特征和形态学特征的高光谱图像分类方法,结合空间和光谱特征提高分类精度。通过真实的高光谱数据实验证明:利用波段分组可以有效地保持光谱特征,降低数据冗余;在波段分组基础上结合形态学特征进行分类,比传统分类方法的分类精度明显提高。  相似文献   

斑状植被在世界范围内的干旱半干旱区、海岸滩涂均有分布。近年来,有关斑状植被形成、时空格局演替的研究受到了越来越多的关注。斑状植被分布及其时空动态是其中重要的研究方向之一,它是植被演替机制研究的基础,也是表征生态系统中植被长期变化的关键指标之一。以现代黄河三角洲类圆形植被斑块为研究对象,将其分为裸斑区、明显类圆形植被斑块区和隐性类圆形植被斑块区等三大类,通过1996、2005、2007、2010和2012年5个时相多源遥感影像的人机交互目视解译,首次给出了现代黄河三角洲这三大类区域的分布范围,在此基础上分析了其时空动态。结果表明:现代黄河三角洲类圆形植被斑块在空间分布上存在明显的梯度分布和动态演替规律,具有海域—光滩—裸斑区—明显类圆形植被斑块区—隐性类圆形植被斑块区高程梯度分布的普遍特征;类圆形植被斑块的直径、植被覆盖度、植被平均高度以及土壤全盐量可作为判别新老斑块的直观标志;10m、5~6m分辨率的多光谱图像能够较好划分3种类圆形植被斑块区,但对于斑块面积变化的测量精度仍显不足,1m甚至更高分辨率图像的运用将会弥补这一缺陷。研究结果可为将来现代黄河三角洲斑状植被格局及演替机制的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,不断发展的遥感技术使遥感数据呈现出高空间分辨率、高光谱分辨率和高时间采集频率的特点。卫星图像空间分辨率已经提高到0.6米级,而航空遥感数字影像分辨率高达0.1米以上。光谱分辨率高达3—4纳米。不断发展的高分辨率遥感数据能够提高信息提取和监测精度,并拓展遥感数据的应用范围。目前,国外已经加快对高分辨率图像,特别是高空间分辨率影像,在城市环境、精准农业、  相似文献   

HJ-1 A高光谱数据的条带噪声去除方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对环境减灾小卫星的高光谱图像条带的特点,提出了基于光谱空间连续性的倾斜条带去除方法。高光谱数据的光谱分辨率达到纳米级,光谱波段多,在一定范围内可以连续成像,具有光谱空间的连续性,基于光谱空间连续性的条带去除方法利用了光谱空间连续性的这一重要特点。本文在考虑了图像条带噪声的倾斜角度的基础上,成功地将该方法应用于批量的环境减灾小卫星2级高光谱数据,进行了相对辐射校正的研究,并将相邻列均衡方法应用于单幅环境减灾小卫星2级高光谱数据,对比二者的单幅图像条带去除效果,结果证明基于光谱空间连续性的条带去除方法较相邻列均衡方法更适合于对环境减灾小卫星的2级高光谱数据进行条带噪声的去除。  相似文献   

为了解决常规卫星遥感叶面积指数真实性检验方法存在的破坏样地植被、操作复杂、耗时费力,且难以用于对应大范围的植被采样等问题,该文以安徽省来安县为研究区,利用实测水稻冠层光谱结合GF1-WFV传感器进行光谱重采样并计算水稻NDVI,基于此进行LAI反演建模,通过光谱计算的LAI反演结果对GF-1星多光谱遥感水稻LAI的反演结果进行真实性检验,并结合野外LAI观测数据证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。研究表明,该方法操作简单,准确度高,大大减少了野外试验的工作量,为快速、准确获取大量真实性检验数据及定量化应用提供了有效的途径。  相似文献   

基于相位一致特征的CBERS-02B遥感图像自动配准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王洪海  陆书宁 《遥感信息》2009,(5):47-52,76
以CBERS-02B卫星HR高分辨率和CCD多光谱遥感图像数据为基础,针对基于特征的自动配准方法中的特征检测与特征匹配两个关键步骤,通过引入性能优良的相位一致特征检测方法和特征相似与空间关系相结合的特征匹配策略,实现了一种基于相位一致特征的遥感图像高精度自动配准方法。实验结果表明,该方法对遥感图像亮度和对比度具有不变性,能稳定可靠提取HR高分辨率和CCD多光谱遥感图像显著的点特征,精确匹配相位一致特征点,实现了CBERS-02B卫星不同谱段,不同传感器和不同时相遥感图像间高精度自动配准,所进行实验的自动配准精度均到达了优于0.3 像元的系统配准精度。因此,该自动配准方法适合应用于有高配准精度要求的遥感图像间自动配准。  相似文献   

遥感影像数据挖掘研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周小成  汪小钦 《遥感信息》2005,(3):58-62,42
遥感影像数据挖掘是一个有着广阔应用前景的研究领域。由于遥感影像数据库的海量特征,遥感影像数据挖掘已成为空间数据挖掘的主流。依据遥感影像数据挖掘的方法和目的,从图像索引和检索、图像分类、图像聚类、空间关联规则挖掘、影像变化检测以及高光谱数据挖掘六个方面对遥感影像数据挖掘的国内外研究现状进行了综述。并指出了遥感影像数据挖掘和知识发现中应该着力解决和注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

林志垒  晏路明 《计算机应用》2014,34(8):2365-2370
受制于成像原理及制造技术等因素,航天高光谱遥感图像的空间分辨率相对较低,为此提出将高光谱图像与高空间分辨率图像进行融合处理,设计最佳的增强高光谱遥感图像空间分辨率的融合算法。针对地球观测1号(EO-1)Hyperion高光谱图像和高级陆地成像仪(ALI)全色波段图像的特点,从9种具体遥感图像融合算法中选用4种融合算法开展山区与城市的数据融合实验,即Gram-Schmidt光谱锐化融合法、平滑调节滤波(SFIM)变换融合法、加权平均法(WAM)融合法和小波变换(WT)融合法,并分别从定性、定量和分类精度三方面对这些方法的融合效果进行综合评价与对比分析,从而确定适合EO-1高光谱与全色图像融合的最佳方法。实验结果显示:从图像融合效果看,在所采用的4种融合方法中,Gram-Schmidt光谱锐化融合法的效果最好;从图像分类效果看,基于融合图像的分类效果要优于基于源图像的分类效果。理论分析与实验结果均表明:Gram-Schmidt光谱锐化融合法是一种较为理想的高光谱与高空间分辨率遥感图像的融合算法,为提高高光谱遥感图像的清晰度、可靠性及图像的地物识别和分类的准确性提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

光学遥感图像舰船目标检测与识别综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王彦情  马雷  田原 《自动化学报》2011,37(9):1029-1039
遥感图像舰船目标自动检测与识别是遥感图像处理与分析领域备受关注的课题, 其核心任务是判断遥感图像中是否存在舰船目标,并对其进行检测、分类与精确定位, 它在海面交通监控、船只搜救、渔业管理和海域态势感知等领域具有广阔的应用前景. 本文主要围绕光学卫星遥感图像中的舰船目标自动检测与识别, 分析舰船目标检测与识别面临的难点问题, 综述当前光学遥感图像舰船检测与识别的主要处理方法, 在此基础上指出研究中尚存在的问题并展望未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The highly variable rainfall in the arid and semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Western Africa drives both surface water availability and vegetation cover. Recent studies have established linkages between rainfall and vegetation cover at local to regional scales, but no study related yet remote sensing derived rainfall and vegetation cover to the available surface water. A new dataset based on SPOT VEGETATION (VGT) represents surface water bodies (SWB) in the arid and semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Western Africa. Water bodies represent the integrated hydrological response of a catchment, and changes in their spatial extent involve complex interactions at the catchment scale. We analyzed time series of remotely sensed vegetation cover, rainfall and surface water extent for the period 1999–2008, and could detect and statistically demonstrate the links between these biophysical variables. Our findings for two regions in Mali and Burkina Faso suggest that vegetation cover is positively related to the amount of available surface water for those catchments that are mainly covered by annual plants. The observed relationships between remotely sensed variables allow developing ecological indicators that can indicate short-term changes in arid and semi-arid ecosystems at local to regional scales.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine, for the first time, the potential of remote sensing to monitor flood dynamics in urban areas and constrain mathematical models of these processes. This is achieved through the development of a unique data set consisting of a series of eight space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and aerial photographic images of flooding of the UK town of Tewkesbury acquired over an eight day period in summer 2007. Previous observations of urban flooding have used single image and wrack mark data and have therefore been unable to adequately chart the propagation and recession of flood waves through complex urban topography. By using a combination of space-borne radar and aerial imagery we are able to show that remotely sensed imagery, particularly from the new TerraSAR-X radar, can reproduce dynamics adequately and support flood modelling in urban areas. We illustrate that image data from different remote sensing platforms reveal sufficient information to distinguish between models with varying degrees of channel-floodplain connectivity, particularly toward the end of the recession phase of the event. For this test case, our results also show that high resolution SAR imagery even when acquired from satellites can reveal important hydraulic characteristics difficult to simulate with current dynamic flood models. Hence, it is established, at least for this test case and event, that SAR imagery from as far as several hundred kilometers from the Earth's surface can deliver important information about floodplain dynamics that can be used to identify and help build suitable models, even in built-up environments.  相似文献   

The semantic segmentation of remotely sensed aerial imagery is nowadays an extensively explored task, concerned with determining, for each pixel in an input image, the most likely class label from a finite set of possible labels. Most previous work in the area has addressed the analysis of high-resolution modern images, although the semantic segmentation of historical grayscale aerial photos can also have important applications. Examples include supporting the development of historical road maps, or the development of dasymetric disaggregation approaches leveraging historical building footprints. Following recent work in the area related to the use of fully-convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation, and specifically envisioning the segmentation of grayscale aerial imagery, we evaluated the performance of an adapted version of the W-Net architecture, which has achieved very good results on other types of image segmentation tasks. Our W-Net model is trained to simultaneously segment images and reconstruct, or predict, the colour of the input images from intermediate representations. Through experiments with distinct data sets frequently used in previous studies, we show that the proposed W-Net architecture is quite effective in colouring and segmenting the input images. The proposed approach outperforms a baseline corresponding to the U-Net model for the segmentation of both coloured and grayscale imagery, and it also outperforms some of the other recently proposed approaches when considering coloured imagery.  相似文献   

Trajectory analysis of land cover change in arid environment of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remotely sensed data have been utilized for environmental change study over the past 30 years. Large collections of remote sensing imagery have made it possible for spatio‐temporal analyses of the environment and the impact of human activities. This research attempts to develop both conceptual framework and methodological implementation for land cover change detection based on medium and high spatial resolution imagery and temporal trajectory analysis. Multi‐temporal and multi‐scale remotely sensed data have been integrated from various sources with a monitoring time frame of 30 years, including historical and state‐of‐the‐art high‐resolution satellite imagery. Based on this, spatio‐temporal patterns of environmental change, which is largely represented by changes in land cover (e.g., vegetation and water), were analysed for the given timeframe. Multi‐scale and multi‐temporal remotely sensed data, including Landsat MSS, TM, ETM and SPOT HRV, were used to detect changes in land cover in the past 30 years in Tarim River, Xinjiang, China. The study shows that by using the auto‐classification approach an overall accuracy of 85–90% with a Kappa coefficient of 0.66–0.78 was achieved for the classification of individual images. The temporal trajectory of land‐use change was established and its spatial pattern was analysed to gain a better understanding of the human impact on the fragile ecosystem of China's arid environment.  相似文献   

随着遥感技术的快速发展以及遥感数据的广泛应用,影像的融合处理已成为多源遥感影像信息聚合、获取高质量空间影像的有效途径。基于SPOT全色和多光谱、TM多光谱遥感数据,运用IHS和小波变换相结合的融合方法,进行了不同来源影像融合、融合图像质量对小波分解层数的响应以及这种响应对研究区域面积的敏感性分析。结果表明,多源影像之间的IHS和小波变换相结合的融合方法明显地改善了影像的质量;融合图像质量与原始影像空间分辨率相关,如经1层小波变换融合,TM,SPOT融合图像熵值的增幅分别为2095%,019%。小波融合图像质量对小波分解的层数的敏感性较强,在小波分解层数为2,3或4时,都能获得高质量的融合图像;小波分解层数等于或大于5时融合图像质量下降,7是大幅下降的临界层数。融合图像质量对小波分解层数的响应特性对面积大小变化是敏感的,特别是小面积图像,为此,实际应用中需特别注意最佳分解层数问题。  相似文献   

Landscapes are complex systems composed of a large number of heterogeneous components as well as explicit homogeneous regions that have similar spectral character on high‐resolution remote sensing imagery. The multiscale analysis method is considered an effective way to study the remotely sensed images of complex landscape systems. However, there remain some difficulties in identifying perfect image‐objects that tally with the actual ground‐object figures from their hierarchical presentation results. Therefore, to overcome the shortcomings in applications of multiresolution segmentation, some concepts and a four‐step approach are introduced for homogeneous image‐object detection. The spectral mean distance and standard deviation of neighbouring object candidates are used to distinguish between two adjacent candidates in one segmentation. The distinguishing value is used in composing the distinctive feature curve (DFC) with object candidate evolution in a multiresolution segmentation procedure. The scale order of pixels is built up by calculating a series of conditional relative extrema of each curve based on the class separability measure. This is helpful in determining the various optimal scales for diverse ground‐objects in image segmentation and the potential meaningful image‐objects fitting the intrinsic scale of the dominant landscape objects. Finally, the feasibility is analysed on the assumption that the homogeneous regions obey a Gaussian distribution. Satisfactory results were obtained in applications to high‐resolution remote sensing imageries of anthropo‐directed areas.  相似文献   

In recent years, object-based segmentation methods and shallow-model classification algorithms have been widely integrated for remote sensing image supervised classification. However, as the image resolution increases, remote sensing images contain increasingly complex characteristics, leading to higher intraclass heterogeneity and interclass homogeneity and thus posing substantial challenges for the application of segmentation methods and shallow-model classification algorithms. As important methods of deep learning technology, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can hierarchically extract higher-level spatial features from images, providing CNNs with a more powerful recognition ability for target detection and scene classification in high-resolution remote sensing images. However, the input of the traditional CNN is an image patch, the shape of which is scarcely consistent with a given segment. This inconsistency may lead to errors when directly using CNNs in object-based remote sensing classification: jagged errors may appear along the land cover boundaries, and some land cover areas may overexpand or shrink, leading to many obvious classification errors in the resulting image. To address the above problem, this paper proposes an object-based and heterogeneous segment filter convolutional neural network (OHSF-CNN) for high-resolution remote sensing image classi?cation. Before the CNN processes an image patch, the OHSF-CNN includes a heterogeneous segment filter (HSF) to process the input image. For the segments in the image patch that are obviously different from the segment to be classified, the HSF can differentiate them and reduce their negative influence on the CNN training and decision-making processes. Experimental results show that the OHSF-CNN not only can take full advantage of the recognition capabilities of deep learning methods but also can effectively avoid the jagged errors along land cover boundaries and the expansion/shrinkage of land cover areas originating from traditional CNN structures. Moreover, compared with the traditional methods, the proposed OHSF-CNN can achieve higher classification accuracy. Furthermore, the OHSF-CNN algorithm can serve as a bridge between deep learning technology and object-based segmentation algorithms thereby enabling the application of object-based segmentation methods to more complex high-resolution remote sensing images.  相似文献   

人工神经网络遥感分类方法研究现状及发展趋势探析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
从人工神经网络技术本身出发,概括了其在遥感分类中的研究现状,分析了人工神经网络遥感分类方法与其它分类方法相比具有的优势,介绍了人工神经网络遥感分类的一些主要应用,并进一步对人工神经网络遥感分类方法的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

In Mediterranean regions, the combination of disturbances, life histories, plant regeneration traits, and microhabitat variability form highly heterogeneous vegetation mosaics which shift in space and time. Consequently, structure-based forest management is emerging as a superior alternative to management of vegetation formations in such areas. Delineation of management units in these areas is often based on manual interpretation of aerial imagery coupled with field surveys. Here, we propose an alternative approach that is based on segmentation of remotely sensed height and cover maps derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) imagery. A large suite of alternative segmentation maps was generated using multiresolution segmentation (MS) with different parameters, and an area-fit approach used to select the map that most successfully captured a reference set of structural units delineated manually. We assessed the feasibility of this approach in a nature reserve in northern Israel, compared the resulting map with a traditional vegetation formations map, and explored the performance of the segmentation algorithm under various parameter combinations. Pronounced differences between the structure and formation maps highlight the suitability of this approach as an alternative to the existing methods of delineating vegetation units in Mediterranean systems, and possibly in other systems as well.  相似文献   

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