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通过分析企业信息系统的组成结构和领域共性,将企业信息系统框架分为通用业务构件、专用业务构件和基础构件三部分,提出企业信息系统领域通用的构件化框架模型(GFEIS).给出了该框架模型的体系结构、构件约束规则以及装配算法.该框架模型提供了可扩展、可裁剪的描述能力,实际应用表明,利用该框架模型可以提高企业级应用的开发效率,降低开发成本.  相似文献   

面向业务构件的黑白盒混合的领域框架的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在OO领域框架与构件化领域框架的基础上,兼顾两者优点,利用业务构件技术,并借助于CCM构件模型标准,提出了面向业务构件的黑白盒混合的领域框架设计思想.设计了管理调度中心,依据领域规则,将业务构件库的构件、热点知识库的热点子系统粘贴起来,实现构件在框架上的即插即用.重点设计了领域规则库及管理调度中心,并结合订单处理系统的实例,说明了面向业务构件的黑白盒混合的领域框架的具体实现.  相似文献   

基于构件的地理工作流框架:一个方法学的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘瑜  高勇  王映辉  邬伦  王立福 《软件学报》2005,16(8):1395-1406
软件框架为特定领域的软件复用带来了便利.众所周知,软件框架开发的难度要大于开发一个普通可复用构件.采用支持黑盒复用的基于构件的软件框架概念,探讨了地理工作流框架的开发过程.一个地理工作流应用是地理信息领域的工作流管理系统,它可以通过复用地理工作流框架实现.从方法学的角度看,为了开发地理工作流框架,需要进行以下活动:领域分析、领域设计、框架设计和实现.其输出分别是识别了领域变化性的领域模型、领域特定的软件体系结构(DSSA)、软件框架产品.在地理工作流的上下文中,首先对领域变化性进行了识别和分类,包括空间数据类型、空间数据管理、空间操作、过程和空间数据表现5个方面的变化性,它们可以组织成树状视图.然后,为了处理上述变化性,设计了DSSA和框架的软件体系结构,其中前者是后者的模板,而框架体系结构采用HMB风格.最后,对地理工作流框架构件的开发以及框架复用进行了简单描述.与其他地理工作流系统相比,其优势在于由于框架扩展能力带来的灵活性.  相似文献   

尹胜彬  边小凡 《微机发展》2006,16(6):239-241
随着构件技术的发展,构件粒度对于构件组装的复杂性变化起着不可忽视的作用。如何进行大粒度构件的组装,及同领域的构件以何种方式结合在一起,对这些问题的研究现在逐渐浮出水面,框架技术的研究已经提到了议事日程。构造应用框架是软件复用技术的飞跃。但是如何构造应用框架才能使框架具有较高的复用程度,才能实现以积木搭接式方法构造应用系统。结合当前应用框架研究,提出了应用框架的层次泛化模型,将应用框架分成不同的层次结构,居于不同层次的应用框架相对不同的解决方案,层次越高变化的概率也相应降低。  相似文献   

框架和构件提取是面向复用的软件再工程的一个重要目标.在分析遗产系统中框架和构件的存在方式的基础上,提出了一种领域框架和构件的提取方法.该方法首先标识框架骨干类,然后以这些类为原点向外进行扩展得到整个框架实例,并通过抽象和精化得到领域框架.从框架实例分离的那些类上继续进行扩展可以获取遗产构件.整个扩展过程都是以所考察的类与当前类簇的整体关系作为判断依据,因此划分更加合理.  相似文献   

艾萍  倪伟新 《计算机工程与应用》2003,39(34):213-217,232
水利软件体系结构是水利计算机应用软件系统中构件及构件间交互关系的描述。论文以领域构件技术为背景,在分析水利应用系统的基础上,围绕信息资源共享与软件复用,提出了由总体框架、主框架、框架、构件和规则集合构成的水利领域软件体系结构,并对这些成份的主要特征及其相互关系进行了论述,给出了一个框架级体系结构的具体构造及描述的例子。  相似文献   

随着构件技术的发展,构件粒度对于构件组装的复杂性变化起着不可忽视的作用。如何进行大粒度构件的组装,及同领域的构件以何种方式结合在一起,对这些问题的研究现在逐渐浮出水面,框架技术的研究已经提到了议事日程。构造应用框架是软件复用技术的飞跃。但是如何构造应用框架才能使框架具有较高的复用程度,才能实现以积木搭接式方法构造应用系统。结合当前应用框架研究,提出了应用框架的层次泛化模型,将应用框架分成不同的层次结构,居于不同层次的应用框架相对不同的解决方案,层次越高变化的概率也相应降低。  相似文献   

软件复用是在软件开发过程中避免重复劳动的解决方案,但要设计在许多领域都通用的可复用业务组件是很困难的,而面向领域的复用是在一个特定应用领域中实现复用;因此,设计大粒度复用的应用框架对于提高软件的生产率和软件质量具有重要的意义;文中以软件复用为出发点,基于构件化软件的开发思路,对软件的构件技术、领域工程、面向领域的应用框架技术进行了深入的研究,提出了基于需求驱动的面向领域应用框架的开发方法,并详细说明了该方法在项目评审领域的应用.  相似文献   

目前,RFID技术已在物流仓储、交通运输等很多领域被广泛使用,但在应用系统的开发过程中存在大量重复工作。依据软件工程思想,设计了通用的RFID构件,并给出了构件化工程框架,同时采用以飞思卡尔KL25MCU(ARM Cortex-M0+内核)和射频芯片RC531组成的实验装置为实例,在KDS1.1.1开发环境下对该构件框架进行了具体的工程测试,为提高RFID应用系统开发的规范性和可移植性提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

介绍了面向人力资源领域的框架分析与建模过程,从而构建了符合HR领域的软件框架模型,并以一子模块为例,介绍了框架构件的生成。  相似文献   

近年来,我国各级政府部门对组织干部人事管理系统的需求与日俱增。为了应对大量的系统开发需求,希望通过对组织干部人事管理领域的分析,设计生产出基于组织干部人事管理领域的软件构件,并进行构件的管理与组装,最终快速生成用户期望的组织干部人事管理系统。为了解决当前通用构件库无法适应组织干部人事管理领域需求的问题,设计建立了基于组织干部人事管理领域的构件库管理系统。文中分析了领域工程以及软件构件库的研究方法,根据组织干部人事管理领域的领域特性,建立起一套专有的构件库管理系统。  相似文献   

基于构件的框架式开发方法及其重用库系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统软件开发方法因难以支持需求的早期验证而易导致项目失控。基于此,该文提出了FCDM开发方法,通过大粒度软件重用技术来实现软件系统的快速高层构造。论文简要介绍了 FCDM方法并对其重用库系统的体系结构、构件的分类、检索、组装等方面进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

Automated negotiation is widely applied in various domains. However, the development of such systems is a complex knowledge and software engineering task. So, a methodology there will be helpful. Unfortunately, none of existing methodologies can offer sufficient, detailed support for such system development. To remove this limitation, this paper develops a new methodology made up of (1) a generic framework (architectural pattern) for the main task, and (2) a library of modular and reusable design pattern (templates) of subtasks. Thus, it is much easier to build a negotiating agent by assembling these standardized components rather than reinventing the wheel each time. Moreover, because these patterns are identified from a wide variety of existing negotiating agents (especially high impact ones), they can also improve the quality of the final systems developed. In addition, our methodology reveals what types of domain knowledge need to be input into the negotiating agents. This in turn provides a basis for developing techniques to acquire the domain knowledge from human users. This is important because negotiation agents act faithfully on the behalf of their human users and thus the relevant domain knowledge must be acquired from the human users. Finally, our methodology is validated with one high impact system.  相似文献   

随着软件技术的发展,越来越多的软件系统出现了业务特征冲突问题,如何在新的环境下解决该问题成为人们研究的重点。该文通过对软件本身的分析,给出了软件系统中业务特征冲突产生的核心原因,并基于此核心原因,对软件系统的业务特征冲突进行了分类,提出了一种新的分类方法。由于该方法并不针对某个具体的软件系统,而是从软件的角度进行分析,因此具有较好的普遍性,基于此方法的冲突检测和冲突解决也具有广泛的适用性。  相似文献   

During the last two decades, there has been a growing interest in component-based software system (CBSS) development both in academia and in industry. In CBSS development, it is common to identify software modules first. Once they are determined, we need to select appropriate software components for each software module. However, very few research works so far have addressed the theoretical aspect especially in the optimization of software component selection for CBSS development. Previous studies of CBSS development seldom considered the influence of software components on coupling and cohesion of software modules. In this paper, the formulation of an optimization model of software components selection for CBSS development is described. The model has two objectives: maximizing the functional performance of the CBSS and maximizing the cohesion and minimizing the coupling of software modules. A genetic algorithm (GA) is introduced to solve the optimization model for determining the optimal selection of software components for CBSS development. An example of developing a financial system for small- and medium-size enterprises is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the physical simulation methodology currently employed in the Industrial Automation Laboratory in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Texas A&M University. Physical simulation is the study of complex automated manufacturing and material handling systems through the use of scaled-down system replicas controlled by mini and microcomputers using full-sized software. The physical simulation methodology is the design, construction, operation, and study of such systems in a laboratory environment. The methodology consists of identifying basic automated system components; constructing scaled-down, functionally-equivalent generic models of the components with mechanical breadboarding kits; and then using these generic models to construct fully functional scaled-down systems. Thus, it allows us to evaluate the dynamic physical interactions using the models to confirm design decisions and to develop and test system software in parallel with the construction of the full-sized system. This approach should allow a cost reduction in the design cycle for complex automation because (1) through it we can identify design errors early, and (2) it provides a mechanism for the parallel development of both the computer hardware/software control system and the system's machinery. The methodology is currently under development in the Industrial Automation Laboratory in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Texas A&M University.  相似文献   

The primary focus of weapon systems research and development has moved from a hardware base to a software base and the cost of software development is increasing gradually. An accurate estimation of the cost of software development is now a very important task in the defense domain. However, existing models and tools for software cost estimation are not suitable for the defense domain due to problems of accuracy. Thus, it is necessary to develop cost estimation models that are appropriate to specific domains. Furthermore, most studies of methodology development are aligned with generic methodologies that do not consider the pertinent factors to specific domains, whereas new methodologies should reflect specific domains. In this study, we apply two generic methodologies to the development of a software cost estimation model, before suggesting an integrated modeling process specifically for the national defense domain. To validate our proposed modeling process, we performed an empirical study of 113 software development projects on weapon systems in Korea. A software cost estimation model was developed by applying the proposed modeling process. The MMRE value of this model was 0.566 while the accuracy was appropriate for use. We conclude that the modeling process and software cost estimation model developed in this study is suitable for estimating resource requirements during weapon system development in South Korea’s national defense domain. This modeling process and model may facilitate more accurate resource estimation by project planners, which will lead to more successful project execution.  相似文献   

Formulation of qualitative models for complex decision problems exhibiting less structure, more imprecision and uncertainty is not adequately addressed in DSS research. Typical characteristics and requirements of such problems prohibit the development of DSS using knowledge based system development methodologies. This paper presents a methodology for formulation of qualitative models using fuzzy logic to handle the imprecision and uncertainty in the problem domain. The problem domain, in this methodology, is represented using problem-solving knowledge, environmental knowledge, and control knowledge components. A high level non-procedural language for representing these components of knowledge is illustrated using a project selection and resource allocation problem. The paper also describes the implementation of a prototype decision support environment based on this methodology.  相似文献   

Component-based software development is being identified as the emerging method of developing complex applications consisting of heterogeneous systems. Although more research attention has been given to Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components, original software components are also widely used in the software industry. Original components are smaller in size, they have a narrower functional scope and they usually find more uses when it comes to specific and dedicated functions. Therefore, their need for interoperability is equal or greater, than that of COTS components. A quality framework for developing and evaluating original components is proposed in this paper, along with an application methodology that facilitates their evaluation. The framework is based on the ISO9126 quality model which is modified and refined so as to reflect better the notion of original components. The quality model introduced can be tailored according to the organization-reuser and the domain needs of the targeted component. The proposed framework is demonstrated and validated through real case examples, while its applicability is assessed and discussed.  相似文献   

MIS系统构件化开发中系统集成过程的研究与设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
MIS系统构件化开发方法是实现MIS系统工业化生产的一条途径,与其他有关构件的论述不同,本文着重从整体上阐述构件的集成和组装。首先概述了这种开发方法的过程和特点,其次介绍了各种MIS构件的定义和分类,然后举例说明了MIS系统集成的一般过程、方法及特点,最后简要介绍了几种系统构件的设计思路。  相似文献   

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