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寿志勤  刘波 《微机发展》2011,(10):133-136
政府网站评估是电子政务建设的重要组成部分,持续的评估工作积累了大量的数据。如何利用这些宝贵的信息资源为网站评估管理与决策服务,是政府网站评估深入发展的重要研究课题。将数据仓库和OLAP技术引入到政府网站评估分析系统,建立了网站评估多维数据立方体,并通过OLAP多维结构操作,对其进行多角度、多层次的观察分析。系统最终实现了数据多维分析与查询,为网站评估决策分析提供了有力支持,对提高评估质量、促进评估发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

日前,“2009中国政府网站绩效评估与第四届中国特色政府网站评选结果发布大会”在北京梅地亚中心举行。会上,绿盟科技首次披露《2009年政府网站挂马监测研究报告》部分数据,报告显示,政府网站安全形势依然严峻,目前我国政府网站绩效评估体系设计上存住安全指标的缺失,并没有考虑到网站安全问题给政府形象、政务网站业务运行带来的潜在风险与隐患。  相似文献   

政府网站是电子政务建设的重中之重,其建设水平、服务能力和质量效益直接关系到我国电子政务建设的整体效益。为帮助政府部门控制网站发展方向,发现存在问题,修补漏洞不足,需要构建政府网站绩效评估指标体系并以此作为参照进行评估。  相似文献   

政府网站是电子政务建设的重中之重,其建设水平、服务能力和质量效益直接关系到我国电子政务建设的整体效益.为帮助政府部门控制网站发展方向,发现存在问题,修补漏洞不足,需要构建政府网站绩效评估指标体系并以此作为参照进行评估.  相似文献   

为帮助政府部门控制区(县)网站发展方向,发现存在问题,修补漏洞不足,需要构建区(县)政府网站绩效评估指标体系并以此作为参照进行评估。  相似文献   

政府网站评估揭晓 《2004年中国政府公众网站评估研究报告》近日公布。国家税务总局、民政部、农业部、审计署等政府网站进入了中央部委政府网站综合得分的前10名。 中国政府公众网站评估研究是在国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室的指导下,从2002年起开始实施的。2004年组织的对政府  相似文献   

日前,"2009中国政府网站绩效评估与第四届中国特色政府网站评选结果发布大会"在北京梅地亚中心举行。会上,绿盟科技首次披露《2009年政府网站挂马监测研究报告》部分数据,报告显示,政府网站安全形势依然严峻,  相似文献   

2004年中国政府网站绩效评估报告(节选)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
受国务院信息化工作办公室委托,赛迪顾问股份有限公司于2004年11月~12月我国各级政府网 站开展了绩效评估工作,评估范围包括76个国务院部委及相关机构、31个省级政府、333个地级政府 的网站以及414个抽样县级政府门户网站。整个评估体系完全采用客观性指标构建,全部评估数据由 互联网上直接对各政府网站进行人工访问采集得到,数据截至日期为2004年12月30日。  相似文献   

日前,天津市召开2011年度政府系统网站绩效评估总结大会。会上,天津市政府办公厅对全市政府系统网站测评情况进行了逯报。  相似文献   

2009年1月11日,由工业和信息化部组织的第七届(2008)中国政府网站绩效评估结果发布,商务部网站以79.15分的成绩蝉联部委级网站第一名。这是自2002年我国开展政府网站绩效评估以来,商务部网站第七次荣获第一名,创造了“七连冠”的佳绩。  相似文献   

县级政府门户网站公共服务水平评估模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府门户网站评估体系的科学与否不仅会影响评测的结果,而且也会影响政府门户网站的建设与发展。本文围绕县级政府的职能和县级电子政务所处的发展阶段,运用层次分析法构建了县级政府门户网站公共服务水平评估模型,并运用该模型对江苏省仪征市政府门户网站的公共服务水平进行了测评。  相似文献   

This study examines the concept of electronic government (e-government) inclusiveness and evaluates the inclusiveness of local e-government websites. Inclusiveness sets e-government apart from other types of websites (e.g. commercial or organizational sites) that only serve exclusive market segments. An evaluation for inclusiveness of 101 local government websites from Mississippi (an underdeveloped area by many health and social metrics) revealed (1) a high frequency of issues that prevent inclusive service (on average each site had 291.83 issues), (2) high variability in terms of number of issues (range = [2, 3171]), and (3) widespread absence of websites (87 of the 188 municipalities and county seats did not have discoverable websites). These results suggest there is a need for more inclusiveness, but the allocation of resources to accomplish this may not be feasible. To address this, two strategic options are presented to information technology (IT) policy-makers who seek to leverage e-government for development: an idealistic approach with traditional IT investment for future returns and a pragmatic one that resembles an entrepreneurial IT start-up venture. The study contributes in three ways: we identify the concept and criteria of e-government inclusiveness; develop an automated, software-based, and replicable evaluation method that can be used by local governments to improve a website's inclusiveness; and present strategic options for using e-government to promote social and economic development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to provide an overview of the status of web accessibility in China and to reveal any improvements during the period 2009 to 2013. Two evaluation studies were carried out in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Thirty-eight popular Chinese websites were evaluated in 2009 and fifty in 2013 with reference to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG). The studies applied the conformance evaluation method with the help of the automatic evaluation tool Hera. The evaluation results indicated that none of the surveyed websites passed all the checkpoints of Priority 1 in both studies, which means no website met the minimum requirement for web accessibility. The average level of web accessibility worsened between 2009 and 2013 due to the increase of website complexity and the amount of content. However, e-government websites had made some significant improvement during these 4 years, which indicated that the government had realized the web accessibility issues and made some effort to address them. The evaluation also revealed five major accessibility barriers existing in both studies, and these barriers also served as technical suggestions for web content providers. The web accessibility of Chinese websites is far from satisfactory, and it is getting worse from 2009 to 2013. However, e-government websites had improved significantly in regards to accessibility due to the release of accessibility regulations. Thus, the reason that explains low web accessibility in China is the lack of awareness rather than lack of technical skills.  相似文献   

夏大文 《计算机时代》2011,(12):58-59,62
政务网站建设的成败与否,标志着国家电子政务的水平。文章根据国内外政务网站发展状况的对比分析,指出我国政务网站的现存问题,研究并提出开发动态信息发布系统,是提高政务网站方便性、时效性、交互性和信息化政务办事效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

In this study we examined the influence of attitude strength on the processing and evaluation of sources and information on the Web. Seventy-nine German university students participated in an eye-tracking study in which they read information from eight pre-selected websites from different sources on the controversial topic of organic foods. Results showed that participants who felt strongly about the topic (i.e., those with strong prior attitude strength) scrutinized website logos of attitude-inconsistent websites shorter and judged the credibility of attitude-inconsistent websites lower. They also included more attitude-consistent information in an essay task than participants with weaker prior attitudes. Participants who felt less strongly about the topic (i.e., those with weaker prior attitudes) fixated longer on text from attitude-inconsistent websites than from attitude-consistent websites. By contrast, for participants with strong prior attitudes the time spent on the texts from attitude-consistent websites and attitude-inconsistent websites did not differ significantly. The results show that prior attitudes can bias evaluation and processing of information in different ways. Even though participants were not fully biased during initial information processing, they were so when evaluating the information and presenting it in an essay task.  相似文献   

当今我国的网络安全形势严峻,政府网站成为不法分子重点攻击的目标,加强政府网站安全建设刻不容缓。本文以武汉市为例,分析了政府网站的安全现状;通过在线安全漏洞扫描,对各部门政府网站存在的安全漏洞进行了分析总结;最后针对监测中发现的安全漏洞,以及各单位的漏洞修复情况,从安全技术、安全管理两个层面提出防范措施。  相似文献   

电子政务网站是政府工作面向社会公开的主要平台之一,同时也是各部门、各层级政府网站相互沟通与联系的平台,所设计的电子政务网站不仅要实现政府政策与公文信息的发布、登记、归档与信息检索功能,还要实现不同部门与不同层级网站之间的互动与沟通,实现网络化办公,为提高电子政务的安全性,还主要针对电子政务网站的安全进行设计,确保政府网站的信息安全性和应用安全性。  相似文献   

Learning is becoming increasingly self‐directed and often occurs away from schools and other formal educational settings. The development of a myriad of new technologies for learning has enabled people to learn anywhere and anytime. Web 2.0 technology allows researchers to shed a new light on the importance and prevalence of informal learning. However, there are few empirical studies that support the claim that this technology facilitates informal learning. The present study investigates the relationship between Web 2.0 levels and the evaluation of informal learning websites. For this purpose, 287 informal learning websites were selected and their Web 2.0 levels were rated based upon eight criteria proposed in the Web 2.0 exploratory literature. In addition, previously examined informal learning evaluation results were employed. The results showed that current informal learning websites have moderately adopted the most heavily promoted features of Web 2.0. Correlation analyses showed a positive relationship between Web 2.0 features and informal learning website ratings. The implications for the relationship and internal correlations of variables were summarized and discussed.  相似文献   

本文在当前信息技术迅速发展的背景下,依据政府网站安全的现状和挑战,思考和论述了政府网站安全防护工作对策。  相似文献   

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