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提出一种关联规则挖掘发现问题的协同式需求获取方法。该方法的基本思想是:首先,通过关联规则挖掘发现问题;然后,识别问题的解决方案,进而获取隐藏于大量数据中的隐性需求。  相似文献   

一种问题驱动基于场景的协同式需求诱导方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在软件开发中,大多数的利益相关者并不能清晰地把握他们对于将要开发的软件系统的明确需求.文中提出了一种问题驱动基于场景的协同式需求诱导方法,试图在企业信息系统的上下文中为需求获取问题提供一种现实可行的解决方案.该方法的基本思想是:软件系统的需求不应该以一种主观的方式由利益相关者提出;而应该通过一种"问题识别与解决"的过程,逐步引导利益相关者提出具有客观依据的软件需求.即首先识别出组织的业务现状中存在的重要问题;然后,以解决问题为目标,提出相应的软件需求.基于这种思想,文中采用"场景"的概念作为描述组织业务状况的基本单元,并通过利益相关者之间的协同实现对业务现状的建模、对业务现状中问题的识别、对问题解决方案的确定以及对业务期望的建模等活动,从而实现对软件需求的有效获取.  相似文献   

在软件工程理论发展的几十年里,正确地获取待开发软件系统的确切需求一直是该领域研究的重要课题。在需求分析研究的早期阶段,Bell和Thayer观察到,不充分、相互矛盾以及非完全的软件需求描述是影响软件设计质量的一个非常关键的因素。  相似文献   

在软件工程理论发展的几十年里,正确地获取待开发软件系统的确切需求一直是该领域研究的重要课题.在需求分析研究的早期阶段,Bell和Thayer观察到,不充分、相互矛盾以及非完全的软件需求描述是影响软件设计质量的一个非常关键的因素.  相似文献   

俞一峻  刘春 《软件学报》2017,28(6):1488-1497
采用问题框架方法分析软件需求通过借助领域知识及其之间的结构关系,论述用户的需求是可以被软件系统满足的.这类定性的可满足性论述支持早期需求决策,选择合理的软件体系结构和设计方案.但是,当前的移动软件需求方是偏好各异的用户个体,需求差异化明显,而且根据应用场景这些需求发生动态变化.在这种情况下,现有的定性分析方法不再适用.大数据分析提供一种数据驱动的深度学习机制,为很多实践者采用.但依靠数据驱动的软件分析往往就事论事,仍然不能从根本上提供一个合理的论述来说明大量软件用户的需求到底是什么,也无法对可信软件的安全和私密性提供可靠的论证.再多的数据也只能提供统计意义的表象,而无法彻底防范别有用心的漏洞利用.本文尝试从提炼软件抽象目标行为的角度进一步深化问题框架的研究思路,针对各类个体行为建立概率模型,提出一种基于模型代数分析的方法,以避开纯粹数据驱动思路的大数据分析盲点.通过对安全和隐私性问题的分析,对所提出的方法可用性及局限性进行探讨,对未来大数据软件需求研究给予一定的启示.  相似文献   

可信软件需求获取与分析研究综述及展望*   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
需求获取与分析是可信软件领域的研究热点,近年来得到了广泛的关注和快速的发展。首先分析了中小型软件系统中需求获取方法与分析方法的国内外研究现状,接着对新近出现的可信软件中需求获取与分析方法进行了分析和综述;最后对需求获取与分析方法的研究动态进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

王越  刘春  张伟  金芝 《计算机学报》2011,34(11):2165-2175
软件系统的可信性已经成为一个受到广泛关注的焦点问题.开发可信的软件系统的前提是在需求阶段提取恰当的可信性需求.能否提取出足够好的软件可信性需求,不仅依赖于需求工程师对未来软件系统可能面临的威胁的认识,还依赖于其对各种威胁有效的应对措施的了解和掌握.目前缺少系统化的方法指导软件可信性需求的提取.文中提出一个软件可信性需求...  相似文献   

高洁  卓汉魁  李磊 《计算机科学》2012,39(8):141-146,177
目前,软件系统已逐渐成为日常生活中不可缺少的组成部分。利用人工智能的方法进行软件需求获取,可以在短时间内自动获取软件需求,有利于避免人为的理解偏差以及节省人力时间成本。为了解决软件需求的自动获取问题,利用智能规划与机器学习的方法,将需求领域转化为部分规划域,并建立了具有不确定性效果的动作模型学习算法AMLCP。应用该算法,可以获得完整规划域以及需求规格说明。  相似文献   

通过提取社会对于慈善组织信息公开和监督的需求,提出一种基于大数据分析的公益组织慈善信息开发与利用研究方法。给出慈善信息公众需求属性,构建公益组织慈善信息大数据采集机制,通过分布式系统技术特点,建立慈善信息大数据开发与利用框架,确立慈善大数据开发和利用的目标、流程和体系方案。基于社会需求,解析慈善数据开发与利用过程中的现实矛盾问题和挑战,寻找解决问题的对策,提高慈善大数据的有效应用。  相似文献   

将社会组织结构抽象为递归的社会组织域树,其顶层目标即为社会组织总体目标,总体目标层层分解为社会子组织域目标,从层次化的社会组织目标构建软件系统需求目标分解树,进而构建软件系统需求,并用层次着色Petri网对软件系统需求过程进行形式化建模,无缝连接社会组织目标与软件系统需求,为软件系统需求分析提出了一种自然、直观的需求过程建模方法.  相似文献   

As a result of the importance of the usability approach in system development and the EC's 'Directive concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for VDT workers' (EWG 1990), there is an accepted need for practical evaluation methods for user interfaces. The usability approach and the EC Directive are not restricted to user interface design, as they include the design of appropriate hardware and software, as well as organization, job, and task design. Therefore system designers are faced with many, often conflicting, requirements and need to address the question, 'How can usability requirements comprehensively be considered and evaluated in system development?' Customers buying hardware and software and introducing them into their organization ask, (How can I select easy-to-use hardware and software?' Both designers and customers need an evaluation procedure that covers all the organizational, user, hard- and software requirements. The evaluation method, EVADIS.II, we present in this paper overcomes characteristic deficiencies of previous evaluation methods. In particular, it takes the tasks, the user, and the organizational context into consideration during the evaluation process, and provides computer support for the use of the evaluation procedure.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2004,29(2):187-203
In order to design a better information system, a designer would like to have notations to visualize how design experts’ know-how can be applied according to one's specific social and technology situation. We propose the combined use of a goal-oriented requirements language (GRL) and a scenario-oriented notation Use Case Maps (UCM) for representing design knowledge of information systems. Goal-oriented modelling is used throughout the requirements and design process. In GRL, goals are used to depict business objectives and system requirements, both functional and non-functional. Tasks are used to represent different ways for achieving goals. Means-ends reasoning is used to explore alternative solutions and their operationalizations into implementable system constructs. Social context is modelled in terms of dependency relationships among agents and roles. Scenarios expressed in UCM are used to describe elaborated business processes or workflow. The complementary use of goal-oriented modelling with GRL and scenario modelling with UCM is illustrated with an example of designing a web-based training system.  相似文献   

Successful software development involves the elicitation, implementation, and management of critical systemic requirements related to qualities such as security, usability, and performance. Unfortunately, even when such qualities are carefully incorporated into the initial design and implemented code, there are no guarantees that they will be consistently maintained throughout the lifetime of the software system. Even though it is well known that system qualities tend to erode as functional and environmental changes are introduced; existing regression testing techniques are primarily designed to test the impact of change upon system functionality rather than to evaluate how it might affect qualities such as performance, usability, or portability. The concept of using goal-centric traceability to establish relationships between a set of strategically placed assessment models and system goals is introduced. This paper describes the process, algorithms, and techniques for utilizing goal models to establish executable traces between goals and assessment models, detect change impact points through the use of automated traceability techniques, propagate impact events, and assess the impact of change upon systemic qualities. The approach is illustrated through two case studies respectively representing a small business application and a safety-critical real-time system.  相似文献   

Like any other quality attribute, usability imposes specific constraints on software components. Features that raise the software system's usability have to be considered from the earliest development stages. But, discovering and documenting usability features is likely to be beyond the usability knowledge of most requirements engineers, developers, and users. We propose an approach based on developing specific guidelines that capitalize upon key elements recurrently intervening in the usability features elicitation and specification process. The use of these guidelines provides requirements analysts with a knowledge repository. They can use this repository to ask the right questions and capture precise usability requirements information.  相似文献   

曙光2000超级计算机系统软件的设计   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
曙光2000超级计算机系统采用可扩展机群体系结构,是通用的超级并行计算机,可支持科学与工程计算、网络服务和数据处理应用。该文介绍了曙光2000系统软件设计采用担SUMA技术路线,即在通信软件、可扩展文件系统和服务器取信的设计上体现可管理性,在单一系统映像、集成化并行环境和傻瓜界面的设计上体现好用性。文章详细阐述了系统软件的设计和关键技术,包括通信系统、COSMOS可扩展文件系统、管理软件和用刻界面  相似文献   


As a result of the importance of the usability approach in system development and the EC's ‘Directive concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for VDT workers’ (EWG 1990), there is an accepted need for practical evaluation methods for user interfaces. The usability approach and the EC Directive are not restricted to user interface design, as they include the design of appropriate hardware and software, as well as organization, job, and task design. Therefore system designers are faced with many, often conflicting, requirements and need to address the question, ‘How can usability requirements comprehensively be considered and evaluated in system development?’ Customers buying hardware and software and introducing them into their organization ask, (How can I select easy-to-use hardware and software?’ Both designers and customers need an evaluation procedure that covers all the organizational, user, hard- and software requirements. The evaluation method, EVADIS.II, we present in this paper overcomes characteristic deficiencies of previous evaluation methods. In particular, it takes the tasks, the user, and the organizational context into consideration during the evaluation process, and provides computer support for the use of the evaluation procedure.  相似文献   

随着信息存储需求的不断扩大,超大存储容量、高数据传输率以及高系统可用性等已经成为存储设备的基本要求。传统的数据备份机制需要首先停止业务,卸载文件系统,以保证备份数据的一致性,这样就无法实现在线备份。基于一个与日本某一大型公司的国际合作项目,结合VxVM(VERITAS Volume Manager)强大的磁盘管理功能实现了高可用性文件备份系统,它能够在业务不停止状态下实现数据的实时备份,大大提高了系统的可用性。  相似文献   

The alignment of information technology (IT) with business strategies is optimal when harmony exists between organizational and system goals. Empirical evidence reveals that effective strategic alignment leads to superior financial performance for organizations. This observation has spurred extensive research into business-IT alignment. Yet, the issue of alignment remains a top concern for CIOs. We argue that the parochial view undertaken by past research into business-IT alignment is a probable cause for continuing system failures. Furthermore, strategic alignment research is limited and devoid within the requirements engineering discipline. In this paper, we highlight existing shortfalls of research in business-IT alignment, and bring to light insights that may be offered by other disciplines to augment this field. Subscribing to a multi-disciplinary perspective, we develop a goal-based framework that incorporates goals from various literatures in investigating business-IT alignment. One of the novelties of our proposed framework lies in its delineation between goals that have been originally assigned to stakeholders versus those interpreted by stakeholders. Additionally, the framework includes constructs at the strategic level for supporting the rationale of strategic level goals. We tested the usefulness and usability of this methodology in an organization with a newly developed information system founded on strategic business goals and reported lessons learnt from both researchers’ and practitioners’ perspectives.  相似文献   

In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to enterprise information systems. This interest is motivated by the need for achieving better integration of new technologies (hardware and software) with the business processes of an organization. Business processes have become more and more dependent on technologies because technology has a direct impact on business processes, changing the way they are performed and thus also affecting the way analysts design the software system. However, at the present time, there are still some gaps between the definition of business processes and the technologies used in the organization. In practice, organizations have carried out their business processes using different technologies; however, it is sometimes not possible to determine how technologies are useful in achieving current business goals. This is because business models do not explicitly consider the technologies in the organizational requirements. The goal of this paper is to present a systematic process for integrating business processes and technologies at the conceptual level. To validate our approach, we present a case study that describes the processes of the inventory management department of a public research center.  相似文献   

Data mining (DM) models are knowledge-intensive information products that enable knowledge creation and discovery. As large volume of data is generated with high velocity from a variety of sources, there is a pressing need to place DM model selection and self-service knowledge discovery in the hands of the business users. However, existing knowledge discovery and data mining (KDDM) approaches do not sufficiently address key elements of data mining model management (DMMM) such as model sharing, selection and reuse. Furthermore, they are mainly from a knowledge engineer’s perspective, while the business requirements from business users are often lost. To bridge these semantic gaps, we propose an ontology-based DMMM approach for self-service model selection and knowledge discovery. We develop a DM3 ontology to translate the business requirements into model selection criteria and measurements, provide a detailed deployment architecture for its integration within an organization’s KDDM application, and use the example of a student loan company to demonstrate the utility of the DM3.  相似文献   

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