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李迅  陈明 《计算机应用》2014,34(1):281-285
服装行业中缩短刀具裁剪空行程对于高效裁剪布料具有重要意义。结合服装裁片排列具有轮廓形状复杂、分布密集的特点,将问题转化成广义旅行商问题。 基于最大最小蚁群(MMAS)算法提出了一种新的用于裁片刀具空行程路径寻优的算法--密集多轮廓蚁群算法,该算法包括4步:1)用MMAS算法确定初步裁片顺序;2)由裁片顺序寻找各裁片入刀节点;3)将各裁片的入刀节点再次用MMAS进行顺序优化重组得到初步裁剪路径;4)反复迭代第2)步和第3)步以求得最优路径。实验验证了所提算法的有效性,对比现有的扫描算法以及双信息素蚁群(NACS)算法其结果分别提升了60.15%和22.44%,该算法在刀具空行程优化上具有明显优势。  相似文献   

服装行业中缩短刀具裁剪空行程对于高效裁剪布料具有重要意义。结合服装裁片排列具有轮廓形状复杂、分布密集的特点,将问题转化成广义旅行商问题。基于最大最小蚁群(MMAS)算法提出了一种新的用于裁片刀具空行程路径寻优的算法——密集多轮廓蚁群算法,该算法包括4步:1)用MMAS算法确定初步裁片顺序;2)由裁片顺序寻找各裁片入刀节点;3)将各裁片的入刀节点再次用MMAS进行顺序优化重组得到初步裁剪路径;4)反复迭代第2)步和第3)步以求得最优路径。实验验证了所提算法的有效性,对比现有的扫描算法以及双信息素蚁群(NACS)算法其结果分别提升了60.15%和22.44%,该算法在刀具空行程优化上具有明显优势。  相似文献   

三维服装参数化设计技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过拓展传统参数化,在三维服装设计中引入曲线曲面作为参数化的基本元素,提出包括模型构建、模型驱动与模型联动的三维服装参数化设计技术框架及其实现.利用特征信息分层次构建服装模型,得到具有非精确表达的服装几何模型;利用混合维度输入信息,对服装多层次几何模型进行多因素驱动;基于模型层次关联信息,对服装模型进行多层次联动和混合维度联动,并能得到系列化产品.相应的实例表明,文中方法能有效地实现人体、衣片和裁片的参数化设计,从而为三维服装大规模定制提供设计方法与技术支持.  相似文献   

参数化图形库技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文论述了参数化图形库的实现原理,建立了以尺寸叠加算法为基础的参数化图形库开发工具,利用这种开发工具建立的图形数据可以由数据库管理,方便有效。  相似文献   

针对服装裁片手工排版中实际出现的重复操作、资源无法共享等问题,本文设计并实现了一个基于图像操作的协同裁片排版系统,介绍了系统的协同工作原理和在协同工作过 程中数据交换更新的方法。对于协同工作中出现的冲突问题,提出了对象锁和区域锁并用的解决方式。系统已经应用于服装生产公司,运行效果良好。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在微机上利用AutoCAD2000及其内部开发语言Visual LISP及VBA开发的注塑模参数化图形库系统,其中包括国标中的中小型模架及大型模架图形库及16种注塑模标准零件的参数化图形库系统。  相似文献   

用户界面友好和操作方便是软件工程的一个重要指标。充分利用AutoCAD的开放式体系结构,可方便地进行应用软件用户环境的开发与定制。本文以某服装纸样设计系统为例,详细介绍了AutoCAD2000环境下用户操作界面的设计方法,并实现之。  相似文献   

为满足用户对虚拟试衣的个性化需求和提高虚拟试衣体验,提出一种包括自动化蒙皮、基于单张图片人脸三维自动重建、人体参数化变形以及服装模型穿透处理等模块的个性化虚拟试衣系统。设计了自动化蒙皮算法,解决已有虚拟试衣服装模型制作成本高的问题;通过基于单张图片的三维人脸自动重建和人体参数化变形,满足消费者个性化需求;运用基于自动透明贴图计算的服装穿透处理方法,改进系统试衣效果。实验表明,所提出的系统能够以较低的构建与运行成本实现较好的试衣效果,提供良好的个性化虚拟试衣体验。  相似文献   

一个军事专家系统开发环境的设计和实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种以知识库,数据库,图形库,模型库的一致化管理为特点的军事专家系统开发环境的设计和实现方案,并对其功能结构特点,使用情况进行了描述。  相似文献   

座椅悬架图形库的设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了汽车座椅悬架的零部件图形库的设计方法.利用I-DEAS软件包,采用参数化绘图和交互式绘图建立图形库.利用VFP7.0建立相应的数据库,实现对图形库的增加、删除和扩充等工作.然后利用VB6.0具有良好界面的特点,把图形库和数据库二者结合起来.此设计提出了一种新的处理图形的方法,座椅悬架图形库的建立对座椅的推广起到一定的促进作用.  相似文献   

The word “fashion” is synonymous with the word “change”. Fashion begins with fabrics and fabrics begin with colour’. This famous remark/definition of ‘fashion’ must now be revised in the era of digital technology. In this paper, we propose a novel print design concept, from 3D garments to 2D textiles. By taking advantage of the cutting-edge developments in surface parameterisation, cloth simulation and texture assignment, we develop a computer system that allows designers to create figure-flattering prints directly onto 3D garments, and will output 2D pattern pieces with matched texture that are ready for digital printing and garment production. It reverses the traditional design process from 2D fabrics to 3D garments. The results produced by the proposed method guarantee textural continuity in both garment and pattern pieces. It not only releases apparel makers from the tedious work of matching texture along seams, but also provides users with a new tool to create one-of-a-kind fashion products by designing personalised prints.  相似文献   

针对服装企业各信息化系统相互独立、交互性差等现状,提出基于MTM的服装大批量定制平台构建理论,三维人体测量系统获得顾客个性化体型数据并存入客户订单数据库,由客户订单系统将此数据导出至服装CAD系统,通过MTM变形,得到衣片变更样板,存入PDM系统,为服装CAM系统提供数据源。由此将三维人体测量系统、客户订单系统、服装PDM系统、服装CAD系统和服装CAM系统有机集成,减少企业信息孤岛,形成一个面向服装大批量定制的设计、加工、销售、管理集成平台。  相似文献   

The integration of physics-based models within CAD systems for garment design leads to highly accurate cloth shape results for virtual prototyping and quality evaluation tasks. To this aim, we present a physics-based system for virtual cloth design and simulation expressly conceived for design purposes. This environment should allow the designer to validate her/his style and design option through the analysis of garment virtual prototypes and simulation results in order to reduce the number and role of physical prototypes. Garment shapes are accurately predicted by including material properties and external interactions through a particle-based cloth model embedded in constrained Newtonian dynamics with collision management, extended to complex-shaped assembled and finished garments. Our model is incorporated within a 3D graphical environment, and includes operators monitoring the whole design process of apparel, e.g. panel sewing, button/dart insertion, multi-layered fabric composition, garment finishings, etc. Applications and case studies are considered, with analysis of CAD modelling phases and simulation results concerning several male and female garments.  相似文献   

Clothing computer design systems include three integrated parts: garment pattern design in 2D/3D, virtual try-on and realistic clothing simulation. Some important results have been obtained in pattern design and clothing simulation since the 1980s. However, in the area of virtual try-on, only limited methods have been proposed which are applicable to some defined garment styles or under restrictive sewing assumptions. This paper presents a series of new techniques from virtually sewing up complex garment patterns on human models to visualizing design effects through physical-based real-time simulation. We first employ an hierarchy of ellipsoids to approximate human models in which the bounding ellipsoids are optimized recursively. We also present a new scheme for including contact friction and resolving collisions. Four types of user interactive operation are introduced to manipulate cloth patterns for pre-positioning, virtual sewing and later obtaining cloth simulation. In the cloth simulation, we propose a simplified cloth dynamic model and an integration scheme to realize a high quality real-time cloth simulation. We demonstrate the robustness of our proposed systems by complex garment style virtual try-on and cloth simulation.  相似文献   

A problem encountered in the apparel industry is that of producing, with no excess, a known number of different styles from the same cloth. This situation occurs, for instance, in the case of special order or made-to-order garments. In the cutting process, plies of cloth are spread on a cutting table, and several patterns are placed across the top ply. Cutting out the patterns through all plies creates a set of bundles of garment pieces, and several such lays may be required to satisfy all demands. The cut scheduling problem concerns finding a feasible cutting schedule having the minimum number of lays. We present an exact enumerative approach that identifies all optimal solutions to a practically important variant of this problem. The availability of multiple solutions allows greater flexibility and permits decision makers to apply additional criteria in selecting an appropriate cutting schedule. Computational evidence shows that our approach can efficiently solve standard test problems from the literature as well as some very challenging examples provided by a global garment manufacturer.  相似文献   

孙守迁  徐爱国  黄琦  王鑫 《软件学报》2007,18(11):2921-2931
提出了一种快速处理三维服装仿真中角色与服装碰撞的方法.该方法能够满足交互式实时仿真环境的需求.在预处理阶段,根据蒙皮动画的特点,将角色的几何形状以球和简化凸包等简单碰撞体进行估计.在实时模拟阶段,这些碰撞体跟随骨架运动并代替角色模型网格完成与虚拟服装之间的碰撞处理.此外,为了能够快速计算碰撞响应信息,该方法还利用外围映射机制进一步开发了相交测试的空间局部性.实验结果表明,应用该方法可以有效避免衣片与角色模型之间的相互穿透,同时大幅度地减少碰撞处理计算量.实时仿真系统对于复杂服装网格仍然保持了较高的模拟帧速率.  相似文献   

基于原型的三维服装款式智能CAD方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
服装业的发展对服装CAD技术的智能化、立体化提出了要求。该文在研究三维服装款式变化规律的基础上,构建三维服装款式数学原型;为了智能控制三维原型的变化,采用三次样条曲线和双三次曲面片构建三维服装原型;分析原型变换控制参数,研究款式变化与原型控制参数之间的关系,总结归纳出款式设计知识,建立相应知识库及推理机制。以服装衣领为例,实现了以款式描述输入驱动的智能衣领设计。  相似文献   

在“互联网+”普及的环境中,无论是消费者,还是服装定制企业,对于互联网在线服装定制都拥有较高的接受程度和需求. 交互式是一种新型的线上服务模式,它的出现为人们提供了一种新的消费理念. 针对服装定制行业的发展现状,文中提出并研究了基于WeX5的交互式服装定制平台移动端. 首先介绍了系统用到的关键技术,指出了应用移动端模式定制的优势. 然后分析了服装线上定制的需求,完成了系统移动端的设计.  相似文献   

介绍了由服装的二维款式设计研究三维款式真实感效果显示的步骤,并对人台参数化建模、服装的变空隙量模型等技术进行实践,提出了一种实现三维着装效果显示方法,为款式设计提供直观帮助.通过二维款式平面图到三维图形的映射得到可控的三维服装,通过精确可靠的三维数据模拟三维款式效果.在三维服装上添加全局纹理映射和多重纹理映射以及褶皱效果,增强服装设计可视化效果.  相似文献   

Garment pattern generation from body scan data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An automatic garment pattern design system using three-dimensional body scan data has been developed. A body model has been generated from massive body scan data using segmentation and the Fourier series expansion method. The surface geometry of a standard garment model used in the apparel industry was reconstructed by stereovision technique and converted into a mesh structure. Surface warping algorithm was used to make an equalized geometry of two models, and multi-resolution mesh generation along with optimum planar pattern mapping algorithm were used to generate the optimum two-dimensional patterns of the garment.  相似文献   

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