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目前,国际上以Linux为代表的开放源码软件获得了世界各国政府的全力支持,越来越多的国家在优先考虑开放源码软件的采购。Linux也得到了几乎所有知名软件和硬件公司的支持,已经成为当前IT发展的主流之一。 中国政府和相关厂商正大力推动Linux在电子政务和企业信息化中的应用。实践证明,这也是确实可行的。特别是电子政务带头采用Linux系统,必然对其他行业、企业有较大的带动作用,对我国整个信息产业健康、快速发展产生积极地推动作用。  相似文献   

陆恒 《程序员》2003,(1):46-47
开放源码(open source)软件是指源代码对公众开放的软件。这样的软件不特定于某个平台或系统,可以被免费使用、修改和分发。从历史角度看,开放源码软件发源于同Unix、Internet相关的编程,主要由分散在世界各地的编程人员以个人名义开发而成。开放源码的倡导者Eric S. Raymond在其著名的“大教堂和市集”(The Cathedral and the Bazaar)一文中写道:“Linus Torvalds软件发展风格的出现如同一个  相似文献   

CSDN 《程序员》2002,(8):64-65
开放您软件的源代码会改进其安全性吗?开放源码软件与安全性相关的主要好处是所谓的“许多双眼睛”现象——让更多的人仔细检查您的代码,这使您能及时地发现和纠正错误,尤其是与安全性相关的错误。的确,这种现象能够帮助您找到代码中的一些问题;如果不开放源代码,您可能就找不到这些问题。但是,无法保证这些仔细检查您开放源码的人会找到代码中的任何安全性问题,更不用说找到所有问题了;也无法保证任何找到安全性问题的人会真正报告这些问题。  相似文献   

源码公开技术对网络安全的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着以Linux为代表的开放源码软件的出现,源码公开技术日益受到人们青睐。但如何看待开源软件的安全性,却有两种截然不同的看法,一种观点认为,源代码公开有利于安全等级的检验和控制,有利于网络系统整体安全等级的提高;另外一种观点认为,源程序面前没有秘密,公开源代码就意味着公开了软件运行的全部机理和技术细节,虽然有人完善,但也会有人破坏,因此是最不安全的。孰是?孰非?  相似文献   

微软高官在亚洲东奔西走、游说当地政府不要使用开放源码,称这将伤害本地的软件业。曾在Red Hat工作过的微软亚太区平台战略总监Chris Sharp认为,编制开放源软件等于“浪费金钱”,是在白白葬送知识产权,由此软件公司不但不能从知识中获益,而且使未来的发展受阻。他还表示,人们倾向于相信开放源码是免费的,但支持开放源码的公司也是公司,他们也需要商业利益,如果  相似文献   

Micrium公司产品包括μC/OS-Ⅱ,μC/GUI,uC/FS,μC/TCP-IP,μC/USB等。Micrium公司提供嵌入式系统应用方面的产品,并对其软件拥有知识产权。Micrium花费了大量的时间和财力为嵌入式领域提供高质量的软件产品。所有上述产品都以源代码的形式提供给客户,具有极大的适用性。产品不是免费软件,也不是开放源码的软件,因此,不能免费使用,需要清楚地阐明μC/OS-Ⅱ及系列软件不是开放源码的免费软件,这是和Linux完全不一样的。  相似文献   

利用开源软件构建OLAP系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在开源软件的基础上,实现应用系统的开发,已被证明是一种可靠和有效的方式。提出了一个基于开放源码软件构建联机分析处理系统的技术框架。在实际开发过程中,在遵循相关的许可证制度的前提下,通过对多个相关开源软件的源代码进行详细剖析,结合实际需求进行修改,最终成为一个完整的产品化系统,并成功地投入实际应用。  相似文献   

Micrium公司产品包括μ/OS—Ⅱ,μC/GUI,uC/FS,μC/TCP—IP,/μC/USB等。Micrium公司提供嵌入式系统应用方面的产品,并对其软件拥有知识产权。Micrium花费了大量的时间和财力为嵌入式领域提供高质量的软件产品。所有上述产品都以源代码的形式提供给客户,具有极大的适用性。产品不是免费软件,也不是开放源码的软件,因此,不能免费使用,需要清楚地阐明μC/OS—Ⅱ及系列软件不是开放源码的免费软件,这是和Linux完全不一样的。  相似文献   

正当开放源码软件越来越受到国内软件企业和用户重视.中国的开发者们也日益受到国际开源纵织关注之时.“Eclipse中国2006国际高峰沦坛”在满华大学举行,这是Eclipse基金会第一次在中国境内举办此类活动。论坛为国内外开源软件精英们提供了交流和互动的平台,更为我国在Eclipse开放源码软件的研发方面提供了一次交流先进经验和方法技术的机会。  相似文献   

IDC对西欧515名机构IT决策者进行了一项调查,这些机构的雇员均超过了50名,其结果显示使用开源企业应用软件的比例惊人。9%的受访者目前使用的是开放源码的后台办公应用软件,而7%的受访者使用了开放源码的CRM应用软件。调查结果显示,一般说来,各大机构使用开源软件背后的主要驱  相似文献   

The phenomenon of open source software (OSS) has been well studied from the software development perspective, but it has received much less attention from the perspective of business value. Nevertheless, OSS, when viewed as a value creation process rather than ‘free’ software, provides businesses with value through access to knowledge and innovation capacity resident in online communities. This conceptualisation, which we label ‘strategic open source’ requires firms to rethink their strategy and processes as there is a shift in focus from ownership to openness and collaboration with external parties. Nonetheless, the emergence of OSS poses a puzzle for conceptions of organisational theory. Therefore, a theorising process is needed in order to develop a deeper understanding of how value is created and captured with OSS. Using a field study of eleven European firms, this paper explores the creation and capture of business value from strategic open source. The findings reveal that while decision makers look to open innovation initiatives like OSS for value creation and capture, there is still a desire to remain self reliant, resulting in collaborative design (of external innovations) rather than collaborative decision making with value network partners in relation to how such innovations would help create and capture value within firms.  相似文献   

李其锋  李兵 《计算机科学》2015,42(12):43-46
开源软件的开发主要依靠开发人员的自我管理和志愿贡献。在软件开发过程中,开发人员的组成、分工、能力等会发生经常性的改变,这些改变都会通过交互行为的变化反映出来。已有研究成果表明开源软件存在核心团队,他们主导项目的开发与实施,但对开发团队随时间而发生的结构变化的研究较少。通过观测软件项目生命周期中开发者总体的变化情况,研究了开发者网络与软件的协同演化机理,以GNU/Linux公共数据集为例,讨论了开源软件开发者数量、自愿度、开发者经验与项目的协同演化现象,并给出了演化的合理解释。  相似文献   

Reliability analysis and optimal version-updating for open source software   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Although reliability is a major concern of most open source projects, research on this problem has attracted attention only recently. In addition, the optimal version-dating for open source software considering its special properties is not yet discussed.


In this paper, the reliability analysis and optimal version-updating for open source software are studied.


A modified non-homogeneous Poisson process model is developed for open source software reliability modeling and analysis. Based on this model, optimal version-updating for open source software is investigated as well. In the decision process, the rapid release strategy and the level of reliability are the two most important factors. However, they are essentially contradicting with each other. In order to consider these two conflicting factors simultaneously, a new decision model based on multi-attribute utility theory is proposed.


Our models are tested on the real world data sets from two famous open source projects: Apache and GNOME. It is found that traditional software reliability models provide overestimations of the reliability of open source software. In addition, the proposed decision model can help management to make a rational decision on the optimal version-updating for open source software.


Empirical results reveal that the proposed model for open source software reliability can describe the failure process more accurately. Furthermore, it can be seen that the proposed decision model can assist management to appropriately determine the optimal version-update time for open source software.  相似文献   

User satisfaction has always been a major factor in the success of software, regardless of whether it is closed proprietary or open source software (OSS). In open source projects, usability aspects cannot be improved unless there are ways to test and measure them. Hence, the increasing popularity of open source projects among novice and non-technical users necessitates a usability evaluation methodology. Consequently, this paper presents a usability maturity model specifically aimed at usability-related issues for open source projects. In particular, the model examines the degree of coordination between open source projects and their usability aspects. The measuring instrument of the model contains factors that have been selected from four of our empirical studies, which examine the perspectives of OSS users, developers, contributors and the industry. In addition to presenting the usability maturity model, this paper discusses assessment questionnaires, a rating methodology and two case studies.  相似文献   

在当今数字化时代,开源技术、开源软件和开源社区日益重要,而通过量化分析方法研究开源领域的问题也已经成为一个重要的趋势。开发者是开源项目中的核心,其贡献度的量化以及量化后的贡献度提升策略,是开源项目能够健康发展的关键。文中提出了一种数据驱动的开源贡献度量化评估与持续优化方法,并通过一个实际的工具框架Rosstor(Robotic Open Source Software Mentor)进行了实现。该框架包含两个主要部分:1)贡献度评估模型,采取了熵权法,可以动态客观地评估开发者的贡献度;2)贡献度持续优化模型,采取了深度强化学习方法,最大化了开发者的贡献度。文中选取了GitHub上若干著名的开源项目的贡献者数据,通过大量且充分的实验验证了Rosstor不仅能够使所有项目上开发者的贡献度得到大幅度提升,而且还具有一定的抗干扰性,充分证明了所提方法和框架的有效性。Rosstor框架为当下广泛开展的开源项目和开源社区的可持续健康发展提供了方法和工具方面的支持。  相似文献   

Commercial software companies face many challenges when competing in today’s fast moving and competitive industry environment. Recently, the use of open source software (OSS) has been proposed as a possible way to address those challenges. OSS provides many benefits, including high-quality software and substantial profits. Nevertheless, OSS has not been effectively utilized in real business. The purpose of this paper is to find what affects the utilization of OSS. For this study, we propose a structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the relationships between the quality factors based on ISO/IEC 9126 and OSS utilization. In addition, we suggest an open source software utilization index (OSSUI) based on the proposed SEM. The results provide us with the controllable feedback information to improve user (programmer) satisfaction during OSS utilization.  相似文献   

云计算开源软件的涌现为云计算平台的构建提供了便利,同时也为人们从中选择合适的软件带来了挑战。 为明确如何构建云计算平台,研究现有用于构建云计算平台的开源软件十分必要。考察构建云计算平台的开源软件 的发展状况,从提供服务的角度对各种服务模型的开源软件体系结构进行剖析,通过对比分析当前典型的用于构建云 计算平台的开源软件,来为云计算平台建设者利用此类软件构建符合特定需求的云计算环境提供有效的途径。  相似文献   

Scilab是一款自由开源计算软件,主要用于数学、工程计算,Scilab由很多功能包组合而成,每一类包都有特定的功能,以库的形式存在Scilab里,称之为工具箱Toolkit。用户除了使用Scilab提供的现有的工具箱外,还可以利用C和TCL语言开发自己的Toolkit Box。本文介绍如何基于Scilab的这些特性结合自动控制原理课程的应用需求开发出适合教学所需的专用的工具箱。  相似文献   

ContextThe power of open source software peer review lies in the involvement of virtual communities, especially users who typically do not have a formal role in the development process. As communities grow to a certain extent, how to organize and support the peer review process becomes increasingly challenging. A universal solution is likely to fail for communities with varying characteristics.ObjectiveThis paper investigates differences of peer review practices across different open source software communities, especially the ones engage distinct types of users, in order to offer contextualized guidance for developing open source software projects.MethodComparative case studies were conducted in two well-established large open source communities, Mozilla and Python, which engage extremely different types of users. Bug reports from their bug tracking systems were examined primarily, complemented by secondary sources such as meeting notes, blog posts, messages from mailing lists, and online documentations.ResultsThe two communities differ in the key activities of peer review processes, including different characteristics with respect to bug reporting, design decision making, to patch development and review. Their variances also involve the designs of supporting technology. The results highlight the emerging role of triagers, who bridge the core and peripheral contributors and facilitate the peer review process. The two communities demonstrate alternative designs of open source software peer review and their tradeoffs were discussed.ConclusionIt is concluded that contextualized designs of social and technological solutions to open source software peer review practices are important. The two cases can serve as learning resources for open source software projects, or other types of large software projects in general, to cope with challenges of leveraging enormous contributions and coordinating core developers. It is also important to improve support for triagers, who have not received much research effort yet.  相似文献   



The use of open source software in health informatics is increasingly advocated by authors in the literature. Although there is no clear evidence of the superiority of the current open source applications in the healthcare field, the number of available open source applications online is growing and they are gaining greater prominence. This repertoire of open source options is of a great value for any future-planner interested in adopting an electronic medical/health record system, whether selecting an existent application or building a new one. The following questions arise. How do the available open source options compare to each other with respect to functionality, usability and security? Can an implementer of an open source application find sufficient support both as a user and as a developer, and to what extent? Does the available literature provide adequate answers to such questions? This review attempts to shed some light on these aspects.


The objective of this study is to provide more comprehensive guidance from an implementer perspective toward the available alternatives of open source healthcare software, particularly in the field of electronic medical/health records.


The design of this study is twofold. In the first part, we profile the published literature on a sample of existent and active open source software in the healthcare area. The purpose of this part is to provide a summary of the available guides and studies relative to the sampled systems, and to identify any gaps in the published literature with respect to our research questions. In the second part, we investigate those alternative systems relative to a set of metrics, by actually installing the software and reporting a hands-on experience of the installation process, usability, as well as other factors.


The literature covers many aspects of open source software implementation and utilization in healthcare practice. Roughly, those aspects could be distilled into a basic taxonomy, making the literature landscape more perceivable. Nevertheless, the surveyed articles fall short of fulfilling the targeted objective of providing clear reference to potential implementers. The hands-on study contributed a more detailed comparative guide relative to our set of assessment measures. Overall, no system seems to satisfy an industry-standard measure, particularly in security and interoperability. The systems, as software applications, feel similar from a usability perspective and share a common set of functionality, though they vary considerably in community support and activity.


More detailed analysis of popular open source software can benefit the potential implementers of electronic health/medical records systems. The number of examined systems and the measures by which to compare them vary across studies, but still rewarding insights start to emerge. Our work is one step toward that goal. Our overall conclusion is that open source options in the medical field are still far behind the highly acknowledged open source products in other domains, e.g. operating systems market share.  相似文献   

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