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光照变化严重影响了人脸图像的外貌,这阻碍了人脸识别的过程。为了识别可变光照下的人脸图像,提出了一种基于小波的光照归一化算法,将一幅图像分解为低频成分和高频成分,对不同的频带成分进行不同的操作——对低频成分进行直方图均衡化,同时着重强调细节(高频成分),将它乘以一个标量从而增强图像边缘;对修改后的系数进行逆小波变换就得到归一化后的图像。最后,直接使用PCA方法对单训练样本条件下的人脸进行识别,在AR和FERRET人脸库上的实验结果表明,提出的方法可以显著提高人脸识别系统的识别率。  相似文献   

针对人脸图像易受光线和表情影响的特点,提出了一种基于二进小波变换和仿生模式识别的人脸识别方法。应用样条二进小波对人脸图像进行处理,对得到的细节子图进行融合。在FFT和PCA处理与降维后,用仿生模式识别进行学习和识别。实验结果表明,该方法比传统方法具有更高的识别率。  相似文献   

针对复杂光照条件下的人脸识别,提出了一种基于光照归一化分块完备局部二值模式(B-CLBP)特征的人脸识别算法。该方法对人脸图像进行光照归一化预处理,对处理后的人脸图像进行B-CLBP特征提取,融合成B-CLBP直方图,根据最近邻准则进行分类识别。在Extended Yale B人脸库上的实验结果表明,所提算法可以有效提高复杂光照条件下的人脸识别率。  相似文献   

Properties of the Haar transform in image processing and pattern recognition are investigated. A lower bound of the performance of the Haar transform relative to that of the Karhunen-Loeve transform for first-order Markov processes is found. It is proved that the Haar transform is inferior to the Walsh-Hadamard transform for such processes. A unique condition is presented which, if satisfied by the elements of a matrix, will make the Karhunen-Loeve transform of the matrix and the Haar transform equivalent. Some fast algorithms are given to realize the diagonal elements of a Haar transformed matrix.  相似文献   

A unifying framework for invariant pattern recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We introduce a group-theoretic model of invariant pattern recognition, the Group Representation Network. We show that many standard invariance techniques can be viewed as GRNs, including the DFT power spectrum, higher order neural network and fast translation-invariant transform.  相似文献   

人脸图像的灰度分布标准化处理是人脸识别的预备工作 ,文献中并不多见 ,且大体上为经验式的 ;本文从较为理论化的角度推导了一种简单的近似标准化算法 ;接着又设计了另一种新算法 ,对图像灰度作精确的标准化处理 .两种算法各有其优缺点和应用场合 ,文中设计了它们的质量评价方法 .本文工作使灰度分布标准化算法研究达到一个比较系统的阶段 .  相似文献   

Cheng-Lin  Katsumi   《Pattern recognition》2005,38(12):2242-2255
The nonlinear normalization (NLN) method based on line density equalization is popularly used in handwritten Chinese character recognition. To overcome the insufficient shape restoration capability of one-dimensional NLN, a pseudo two-dimensional NLN (P2DNLN) method has been proposed and has yielded higher recognition accuracy. The P2DNLN method, however, is very computationally expensive because of the line density blurring of each row/column. In this paper, we propose a new pseudo 2D normalization method using line density projection interpolation (LDPI), which partitions the line density map into soft strips and generate 2D coordinate mapping function by interpolating the 1D coordinate functions that are obtained by equalizing the line density projections of these strips. The LDPI method adds little computational overhead to one-dimensional NLN yet performs comparably well with P2DNLN. We also apply this strategy to extending other normalization methods, including line density projection fitting, centroid-boundary alignment, moment, and bi-moment methods. The latter three methods are directly based on character image instead of line density map. Their 2D extensions provide real-time computation and high recognition accuracy, and are potentially applicable to gray-scale images and online trajectories.  相似文献   

成奋华  杨海燕 《计算机应用》2011,31(8):2119-2122
疲劳是造成交通事故的主因之一,提出了一种基于Gabor小波变换的疲劳监控新方法。首先,在训练阶段采用频繁模式挖掘算法对疲劳脸部图像序列集进行疲劳模式挖掘;然后,在疲劳识别阶段,将待检测的脸部图像序列基于Gabor小波变换表示为融合特征序列;最后,采用分类算法进行人脸序列的疲劳检测。对自行收集的一天内500幅疲劳图像的仿真结果表明,所提方法正确检测率达到92.8%,错误检测率达到0.02%,优于比较算法。  相似文献   

针对传统的三维人脸识别算法受光照、表情、姿态及遮掩等变化而影响识别性能的问题,提出了一种基于正则化最近点优化图像集匹配算法。将图库图像集和探针图像集建模成正则化仿射包,利用迭代器自动确定两个图像集间的正则化最近点;利用最近子空间分类器最小化正则化最近点;根据正则化最近点之间的欧氏距离及结构计算RNP集之间的距离,利用最近邻分类器完成人脸的识别。在Honda/UCSD、BU4DFE两大视频人脸数据库上的实验验证了该算法的有效性及可靠性,实验结果表明,相比其他几种较为先进的三维人脸识别算法,该算法取得了更好的识别效果,同时,大大减少了训练及测试总完成时间。  相似文献   

Color is one of salient features for color object recognition, however, the colors of object images sensitively depend on scene illumination. To overcome the lighting dependency problem, a color constancy or color normalization method has to be used. This paper presents a color image normalization method, called eigencolor normalization, which consists of two phases as follows. First, the compacting method, which was originally used for compensating the adverse effect due to shape distortion for 2-D planar objects, is exploited for 3-D color space to make the color distribution less correlated and more compact. Second, the compact color image is further normalized by rotating the histogram to align with the reference axis computed. Consequently, the object colors are transformed into a new color space, called eigencolor space, which reflects the inherent colors of the object and is more invariant to illumination changes. Experimental results show that our eigencolor normalization method is superior to other existing color constancy or color normalization schemes on achieving more accurate color object recognition.  相似文献   

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