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基于消息传递的移动EJB对象强迁移构件模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
移动计算环境下的Agent对象迁移包括强迁移和弱迁移技术。在特定的多环境中,一个重要的问题是合理地为移动Agent对象实现异地迁移计算提供有效的管理和支持,目前使用的支持系统有基于传统解释语言的、基于CORBA平台的和基于Java语言的。在移动Agent对象强迁移技术的理论基础上,提出了一种基于消息传递的移动EJB对象强迁移构件模型,分析与改进了适合强迁移对象进程消息发送的同步消息传递算法,使得该构件模型的消息传递具有很好的同步机制,从而提供了一种良好的移动Agent对象迁移构件化管理支持方式。  相似文献   

QNX消息传递及其在线程间通信的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了QNX嵌入式实时多任务操作系统的消息传递和微内核体系结构的特点.创建线程的方法,消息传递的基本原理.以及阻塞式消息传递在线程间通信的实现方法.并给出了实例代码。  相似文献   

该文给出了在分布式系统下一种基于消息传递与排队技术的进程间异步通信模型,并给出了消息队列的管理方法和消息传递模式,最后提出了用局部按名手址方式来解决进程寻址问题。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在冯结构理论框架下的分布并行计算系统中通信技术研究的重要性,简要介绍了现阶段消息传递通信路由技术的主要成果,例如Wormhole技术,Segmentroute技术,主动消息技术等;最后提出了通信路由问题的几点设想,并作了简要分析。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种图视化的消息传递模型及其接口和弧类型的概念。在这个模型中,对象之间 消息传递与对象内部的运算相独立,程序员不仅可以快速地构造对象之间通过消息传递建立起来的联系,方便地修改重新配置这种联系,而且还可以集中精力于对象内部算法的构造。  相似文献   

对于一系列电子邮件之外的应用程序(从组调度乃至文档共享),消息传递已成为一项至关重要的功能。这就是为什么软件公司正集中前所未有的力量确立基础消息传递技术。 自1992年API争斗以来发生了什么?尽管有Microsoft和Vendor Independent Messaging(VIM) Consortium的攻击及回避,X.400 Application Program Interface Association(XAPIA)正在确定第三种消息传递  相似文献   

机群系统是一种分布存储系统,它主要利用消息传递方式来实现各结点之间的通信。而MPI(Message Passing Interface)作为一种基于消息传递的并行程序设计环境,已广泛应用于多种并行系统,尤其是像机群系统那样的分布存储并行机。该文主要探讨了MPI中的消息传递调用接口,提出了几种有效的在结点间传递多维稀疏数组的方法,并通过实践加以比较。  相似文献   

多线程下的消息处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
说明在Windows95环境下,如何实现多线程间的消息传递,并给出线程间消息传递的具体方式  相似文献   

面向对象的并行消息传递库的设计与实现分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马珂绛 《计算机应用》2005,25(3):628-630,636
MPI是并行程序设计中广泛使用的一个消息传递库,虽然标准MPI-2定义了C 绑定,但它并不严格符合面向对象的观点。在分析各类已有面向对象消息传递系统的基础上,用C 设计并实现了一个面向对象的、易于传递对象(包括用户自定义类型和STL容器)的、MPI一致的、类型安全的、基于MPI的并行消息传递库,并给出了相应的使用实例及性能分析。  相似文献   

基于消息传递的构件组装模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用构件组装分布式系统是软件开发的流行趋势,但由于构件之间规范不一致,相互联系和相互依赖,降低了构件的复用程度,限制了生成目标系统的灵活性.消息传递是应用程序和软件构件之间进行通信的一种方式,基于消息传递的构件组装模型采用了XML技术,通过连接子和消息总线进行消息传递,实现构件之间的交互,使构件在组装时对外呈现出一致的视图.  相似文献   

Competitive facility location problems have been investigated in many papers. In most, authors have applied location models with two competitors. In this paper three companies, which are mutually competitive, intend to locate their facilities in a linear market. It is well-known that Nash equilibrium solution for location problem does not include three competitive facilities. In this paper we present the optimal location strategies for three facilities. In our model we assume that the demands are continuously distributed in a linear market and the facilities are locating according to a specific order of sequence, A, B and C. We apply the Stackelberg equilibrium solutions for competitive location problems with three facilities. In our model, we consider the decision problems in three stages. In the first stage, we decide the optimal location of facility A, which is located optimally in respect to the remaining two facilities B and C. In the second stage, we determine the optimal location of facility B which is optimally located in respect to facility C, by utilizing the information on the location of facility A. Finally in the third stage problem we decide the location of facility C, optimally located by utilizing the information on the location of A and B. In the first stage, we need the optimal solutions of the second and third stages. In the second stage we need the optimal solution of the third stage problem. Therefore, first we solve the third stage problem which is the simplest. After that, we solve the second stage problem utilizing the optimal solution strategy of the third stage problem. In this paper we present the optimal location strategies for three facilities.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the application of divergence-free wavelet bases for the analysis of incompressible turbulent flows and perform several experiments. In particular, we analyze various nominally incompressible fields and study the influence of compressible perturbations due to experimental and computational errors. In addition, we investigate the multiscale structure of modes obtained from the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method. Finally, we study the divergence-free wavelet compression of turbulent flow data and present results on the energy recovery. Moreover, we utilize wavelet decompositions to investigate the regularity of turbulent flow fields in certain non-classical function spaces, namely Besov spaces. In our experiments, we have observed significantly higher Besov regularity than Sobolev regularity, which indicates the potential for adaptive numerical simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a number of current and future research directions in network optimization. First, we categorize current research efforts as primarily methodological or primarily applied and we carefully define the boundaries of each class. In addition, we survey the present capabilities of network algorithms. Next, we delineate objectives in each class. Finally, we list several network problems for each class that should, in our opinion, be investigated and we give pertinent background information.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, we have introduced the notion of Strong iISS as a compromise between the strength of input-to-state stability (ISS) and the generality of integral ISS (iISS). In this note, we continue the investigations around this property by studying its behavior in an interconnection context. In particular, we show that the cascade of Strongly iISS systems is itself Strongly iISS and we recall some useful tools to study Strongly iISS systems in feedback interconnection.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new fully computerized image analysis method for measuring the thickness of muscles from ultrasound image obtained by muscle endurance test using morphological information of fascia and thoracic vertebra. Firstly, we divide the image into lumbar region and thoracolumbar region by the difference of density in image for measuring the thickness of muscles. In lumbar region, we notice that the intensity of fascia is relatively higher than other parts. Thus, we measure the thickness of muscles surrounding the fascia area. In the process, we apply median filter to candidate fascia areas for extracting candidate muscle layers between fascias. Then, the thickness of muscles we measure is that of the third layer. In thoracolumbar region, we apply region expansion method for classifying the region into subcutaneous fat part and part including thoracic vertebra. Then, we apply counting method and evolutionary computation search model to find the measuring location that is in between subcutaneous fat area and thoracic vertebra. In experiment, the proposed method is effective in measuring the thickness of muscles and avoids failures of previous studies. The performance of this approach is sufficiently comparable to that of medical experts.  相似文献   

汉英机器翻译中时体态处理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为机器翻译系统,我们必须处理目标语中句子的时态和体态。介绍了汉语中句子的时体态形式,给出了汉语中时态、体态抽取分析算法,归纳出汉英机器翻译时时体态转换规则,介绍了时体态处理系统流程。  相似文献   

Image segmentation is one of the most important and challenging problems in image processing. The main purpose of image segmentation is to partition an image into a set of disjoint regions with uniform attributes. In this study, we propose an improved method for edge detection and image segmentation using fuzzy cellular automata. In the first stage, we introduce a new edge detection method based on fuzzy cellular automata, called the texture histogram, and empirically demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method and its robustness in denoising images. In the second stage, we propose an edge detection algorithm by considering the mean values of the edges matrix. In this algorithm, we use four fuzzy rules instead of 32 fuzzy rules reported earlier in the literature. In the third and final stage, we use the local edge in the edge detection stage to more accurately accomplish image segmentation. We demonstrate that the proposed method produces better output images in comparison with the separate segmentation and edge detection methods studied in the literature. In addition, we show that the method proposed in this study is more flexible and efficient when noise is added to an image.  相似文献   

为了避免传统的人工免疫算法在属性约简时陷入局部最优解,提出了具有自适应特性的并行人工免疫算法,并且运用该算法进行粗糙集的变精度属性约简。该算法构造了趋同算子,异化算子和传优算子,利用“趋同”算子的分布性特点实现多个子种群的并行搜索,利用“异化”算子来交换种群之间优秀个体的信息,维持种群的多样性,利用“传优算子”把当前最优抗体分配到各个子群体当中,实现群体跨越式进化。在各个算子操作过程中,为了从准确度和覆盖度两方面来度量生成的规则集合的不确定性,引入了不确定量度HVPRS作为评价因子,并以此为依据,自动调整抗体的交叉概率和变异概率,使得算法不仅具有自适应的特性,而且所提取的规则集具有较高的覆盖能力和泛化能力。最后通过某发电厂发电机级故障诊断的实例,表明该算法获得的故障诊断规则集合具有较高准确度和覆盖度,满足了实际故障诊断中的要求。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了软件系统的开发背景和预期要达到的目标,然后在系统的体系结构上进行了简单的分析,在使用的关键技术进行了简单的介绍,对系统在系统安全方面进行了详细的介绍,最后介绍了整个软件系统的特点.  相似文献   

针对防护工程参数检测的特点,设计出一种基于LonWorks技术的防护工程温湿度检测系统。该系统由温湿度采集智能节点,Lon网络适配器和上位管理计算机组成。采集节点中,以单片机为核心,对温湿度传感器采集到的数据进行处理。在通信部分,采用广播发送显式消息的方式,完成节点间的数据传输,降低了系统的成本,提高了传输的效率。  相似文献   

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