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This paper considers the distributed event‐triggered consensus problem for multi‐agent systems with general linear dynamics under a directed graph. We propose a novel distributed event‐triggered consensus controller with state‐dependent threshold for each agent to achieve consensus. In this strategy, continuous communication in both controller update and triggering condition monitoring is not required, which means the proposed strategy is fully continuous communication free. Each agent only needs to monitor its own state continuously to determine if the event is triggered. Additionally, the approach shown here provides consensus with guaranteed positive inter‐event time intervals. Therefore, there is no Zeno behavior under the proposed consensus control algorithm. Finally, numerical simulations are given to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a distributed edge event‐triggered (DEET) scheme of multi‐agent systems via a communication buffer to reduce unnecessary update of controllers induced by fast information transmission. This edge scheme avoids a synchronous phenomenon in node event‐triggered mechanism, in which the triggering of one agent activates information transmission of all edges linked with this agent. Hence, the node event‐triggered scheme leads to unnecessary update of control protocols while the DEET provides a new approach without constrains on synchronous phenomenon of edge information exchange. That is, the communication on each edge is independent with other edges. In addition, we investigate another case where edge information transmission is subject to quantization and a quantized edge event‐triggered control protocol is proposed. Note that such a quantized protocol guarantees asymptotical consensus instead of bounded consensus in most of the existing literature. Meanwhile, both DEET and quantized edge event‐triggered schemes have nontrivial properties of excluding Zeno behavior. Furthermore, an algorithm is provided to avoid continuous event detection; hence, the communication traffic of the whole network is reduced significantly. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, an output‐feedback adaptive consensus tracking control scheme is proposed for a class of high‐order nonlinear multi‐agent systems. The agents are allowed to have unknown parameters, unknown nonlinearities, and input quantization simultaneously. The desired trajectory to be tracked is available for only a subset of agents, and only the relative outputs and the quantized inputs need to be measured or transmitted as signal exchange among neighbors regardless of the system order. By introducing a kind of high‐gain K‐filters and a smooth function, the effect among agents caused by the unknown nonlinearities is successfully counteracted, and all closed‐loop signals are proved to be globally uniformly bounded. Moreover, it is shown that the tracking errors converge to a residual set that can be made arbitrarily small. Simulation results on robot manipulators are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the event‐triggered containment control problem for dynamical multiagent networks of general MIMO linear agents. An event‐triggered containment control strategy is provided, which consists of a control law based on a relative‐state feedback and a distributed triggering rule based on both the relative‐state information and a time‐dependent threshold function. Compared to the previous related works, our main contribution is that the triggering rule depends only on local information of communication networks. It is proved that under the proposed event‐based controller, the containment errors are uniformly ultimately bounded and the Zeno behavior can be excluded. Moreover, when the derivation constant in the threshold function is equal to zero, the containment control problem can be solved. Then, the results are extended to the event‐triggered observer‐based containment controller design.  相似文献   

This paper studies the node‐to‐node consensus problem for multi‐agent networks possessing a leaders' layer and a followers' layer via the pinning control. In order to realize the consensus and reduce the update frequency of the controller, a suitable event‐triggered mechanism is introduced into the control strategy. Furthermore, the phenomenon of packet loss is considered in the designed controller. Based on the M‐matrix theory and Lyapunov stability theory, this paper presents the sufficient conditions for the node‐to‐node consensus of networks. Meanwhile, it is proved that the Zeno behaviour is excluded. Finally, two numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the robust output consensus problem of fractional‐order interval multi‐agent systems (FOIMASs) with fixed undirected topologies, where the fractional order, the system matrix, and the input matrix are perturbed simultaneously, and there exist linear coupling relationships among the fractional order and the perturbations of the system matrix and the input matrix. According to the information of the agents' neighbors, we design a distributed output feedback protocol. A sufficient condition guaranteeing the robust output consensus of FOIMASs is derived in terms of nonlinear matrix inequalities. By the matrix transformation and the singular value decomposition, the nonlinear matrix inequalities are transformed into linear matrix inequalities, and the output feedback gain matrix is obtained. A numerical simulation example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Without assuming that the mobile agents can communicate with their neighbors all the time, the consensus problem of multi‐agent systems with general linear node dynamics and a fixed directed topology is investigated. To achieve consensus, a new class of distributed protocols designed based only on the intermittent relative information are presented. By using tools from matrix analysis and switching systems theory, it is theoretically shown that the consensus in multi‐agent systems with a periodic intermittent communication and directed topology containing a spanning tree can be cast into the stability of a set of low‐dimensional switching systems. It is proved that there exists a protocol guaranteeing consensus if each agent is stabilizable and the communication rate is larger than a threshold value. Furthermore, a multi‐step intermittent consensus protocol design procedure is provided. The consensus algorithm is then extended to solve the formation control problem of linear multi‐agent systems with intermittent communication constraints as well as the consensus tracking problem with switching directed topologies. Finally, some numerical simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical results. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control architecture that employs event‐triggered control techniques to achieve output synchronization of a group of heterogeneous linear time‐invariant agents. We associate with each agent an event‐triggered output regulation controller and an event‐triggered reference generator. The event‐triggered output regulation controller is designed such that the regulated output of the agent approximately tracks a reference signal provided by the reference generator in the presence of unknown disturbances. The event‐triggered reference generator is responsible for synchronizing its internal state across all agents by exchanging information through a communication network linking the agents. We first address the output regulation problem for a single agent where we analyze two event‐triggered scenarios. In the first one, the output and input event detectors operate synchronously, meaning that resets are made at the same time instants, while in the second one, they operate asynchronously and independently of each other. It is shown that the tracking error is globally bounded for all bounded reference trajectories and all bounded disturbances. We then merge the results on event‐triggered output regulation with previous results on event‐triggered communication protocols for synchronization of the reference generators to demonstrate that the regulated output of each agent converges to and remains in a neighborhood of the desired reference trajectory and that the closed‐loop system does not exhibit Zeno solutions. Several examples are provided to illustrate the advantages and issues of every component of the proposed control architecture. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cooperative containment control problem for discrete‐time multi‐agent systems with general linear dynamics. Distributed containment control protocols on the basis of state feedback design and output feedback design are proposed. Necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for both the state feedback and output feedback cases, which are less conservative than those in the literature. These conditions depend on the spectral properties of the topology matrix. Then, effective algorithms are proposed to obtain control gain matrices for both cases based on H type Riccati design. Simulation examples are provided finally to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design methods. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider a distributed consensus problem for continuous‐time multi‐agent systems with set constraints on the final states. To save communication costs, an event‐triggered communication‐based protocol is proposed. By comparing its own instantaneous state with the one previously broadcasted to neighbours, each agent determines the next communication time. Based on this event‐triggered communication, each agent is not required to continuously monitor its neighbours' state and the communication only happens at discrete time instants. We show that, under some mild conditions, the constrained consensus of the multi‐agent system with the proposed protocol can be achieved with an exponential convergence rate. A lower bound of the transmission time intervals is provided that can be adjusted by choosing different values of parameters. Numerical examples illustrate the results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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