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键位相关速度当量的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文从二百多万个实验数据中统计分析出通用小键盘连续击键键位相关速度当量矩阵。键位相关速度当量表是优化汉字键盘输入键位设计的人机工程基础据, 也为自动浏定汉字键盘输入方法速度素质提供了科学依据。本文还介绍了采集数上述数据的实验设计原理和数据处理所采用的方法。  相似文献   

汉字键盘输入的认知模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文从汉字键盘输入方法评测的重要意义和目前遇到的困难出发, 说明以工程心理学的方法建立的汉字键盘输入认知模型是设计完整的评测系统和优化输入方案的有效手段。  相似文献   

利用键盘, 通过手动, 向计算机输入中文信息, 是中文输入的基本方式。键盘的设计、输入方法的设计是中文信息处理标准化的基本课题之一。 本文认为:1K级汉字键盘应是对4K级和2K级汉字键盘的实质性压缩, 并且能够覆盖住汉字音、形、义中一个方面的特征。键盘的布局应便于对盘面字的定位与检索, 并能体现汉字的使用频度特征。 本文介绍了关于1K级汉字键盘的由“音节键入法”、“字频覆盖与联词输入法”、“文末集中提示法”及“逐码频度提示法”所组成的一套输入方法体系。本文最后给出了关于简化汉字和繁体汉字的1K级汉字键盘盘面的实施举例图。  相似文献   

本文提出一种汉字键盘输入编码方案, 采用十一种笔画部件和汉字拼音首字母描述汉字。文中通过对国标6763个汉字的实际编码与计算机辅助统计评测结果, 证明该方案规则简单, 重码率低, 效率高。  相似文献   

基于FPGA的保密型密码输入器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善现有密码输入器容易造成密码泄露的缺点,设计了保密型密码输入器。阐述了保密型密码输入器的工作原理,给出具体设计、计算机仿真。经过实验分析和计算机仿真,该电路能够最大限度地保护用户密码并且容易在工程中应用。  相似文献   

重码自动区分技术是汉字键盘输入技术中的重要研究方向, 是解决编码易学和输入快速之间矛盾的有效方法。本文首先介绍了联想字库的结构和双向联想区分重码的技术原理, 接着阐述了压缩词库的存储结构以及区分重码所采用的查询、生成、匹配和剪切技术。  相似文献   

汉字键盘输入智能处理软件综述   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
作为输入编码的后处理,各种类型输入软件智能化的共同目标是由软件来识别和选定上屏的重码字、词与缩短平均码长,并促使编码简单化和规范化。本文简要地论述了基于理解的智能输入、基于语用统计的智能输入、基于模板匹配的智能输入和基于上下文关联的智能输入等四种类型的汉字键盘输入智能处理软件的原理、优点和有待解决的问题,并列举了每种类型的典型作品。  相似文献   

陆国华 《电脑》1994,(3):54-55
本文分析对汉字键盘编码输入方法的需求,归纳出6条规律;论述了作者努力实现这6条规律而开发的一种四维形声码(“陆码”)输入法所做的技术工作,以及达到的效果。  相似文献   

汉字双向有穷自动机的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
汉字的计算机输入是中文信息处理的关键问题之一,而汉字计算机输入的数学模型对汉字的计算机输入的研究有重要的意义。本文从自动机理论的角度对汉字输入的数学模型进行了研究,把控制操作引入了输入模型,并给出确定汉字双向有穷自动机和不确定汉字双向有穷自动机的模型。新的模型较之以前的数学模型,能刻画出汉字输入的控制操作,表达能力进一步增强,是对以前汉字键盘输入数学模型的推广。  相似文献   

杨寅夏  符国刚 《软件世界》1995,(4):41-41,16
汉字键盘输入法已有几百种。为提高输入速度,许多输入法既有单字输入方式,也有词组输入方式,有的输入法甚至还提供短句输入方式。就词组输入方式而方,所谓常用词组是相对于具体的应用领域而言的。目前流行的输入法程序模块大多由汉字操作系统自带,且都较好地解决了日常生活中常用的词组快速输入问题,但专业领域的工作人员在用这些输入法录入专业的的常用词组时却仍只能按单字一一输入(例如税务领域的常见短语“当期销项税额”)。在计算机应用水平  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experiment investigating the functionality and usability of novel input devices on a wearable computer for text entry tasks. Over a 3-week period, 12 subjects used three different input devices to create and save short textual messages. The virtual keyboard, forearm keyboard, and Kordic keypad input devices were assessed for their efficiency and usability in simple text-entry tasks. Results collected included the textual data created by the subjects, the duration of activities, the survey data and observations made by supervisors. The results indicated that the forearm keyboard is the best performer for accurate and efficient text entry while other devices may benefit from more work on designing specialist graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for the wearable computer.  相似文献   

Effective text entry on handheld devices remains an important user input problem. On a personal digital assistant (PDA), text entry methods traditionally support stylus-based input performed by the user’s dominant hand. In this paper, we present the design of a two-handed software keyboard for a PDA which specifically takes advantage of the thumb in the non-dominant hand. We compare our chorded keyboard design to other stylus-based text entry methods in an evaluation that studies user input in different user mobility states. Our study shows that users type fastest using the mini-qwerty keyboard, and most accurately using our two-handed keyboard. We also discover a difference in input performance with the mini-qwerty keyboard between stationary and mobile states. As a user walks, text input speed decreases while error rates and mental workload increases; however, these metrics remain relatively stable in our two-handed technique despite user mobility.  相似文献   

键盘作为基本的人机交互设备之一,在多个领域有广泛的应用。对于标准键盘,现有的Qwerty键盘布局并不是为提高工作效率而设计的。而键盘输入作为一个复杂的人体工程学问题,依赖于操作者的习惯、不同手指的易用性差异以及不同的文本信息等诸多因素。在键盘输入过程分解、手指参数假定和语言文本分析之上,通过定义距离矩阵和文本矩阵,为标准键盘布局比较和优化设计建立较为客观的评价模型,并对现有键盘布局进行比较。作为应用,给出了针对汉语拼音输入的新键盘布局,并利用实际文本进行了测试与比较。  相似文献   

Patients with locked-in syndrome are perceptually and cognitively aware of their environment but are unable to speak and have very limited motor capabilities. These patients frequently use a virtual keyboard with a cursor that moves over different items. The user triggers a selector when the cursor is over the desired item. For text entry such a method is excruciatingly slow, but is critical for patients who otherwise cannot communicate. We show how such keyboards can be optimally designed to maximize text entry speed while simultaneously controlling the entry error rate. The described method quantifies how different factors in keyboard design influence both entry speed and accuracy and demonstrates that different keyboard designs can greatly alter the efficiency of keyboard use. For a given text corpus and allowable average entry error proportion, the method identifies the cursor duration and character layout that minimizes average entry time. The method can easily be adapted to a variety of keyboard designs and selection devices and thereby improve the communication of locked-in syndrome patients.  相似文献   

汉字输入编码优劣评测方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
字形编码的优劣必须进行科学的评测。编码规则的轻松性和速度潜力是评价字形编码优劣的两个关键指标。本文共分四部分,第一部分简单地陈述了什么是简单、规范、易学、轻松,提出了选择轻松的理由;第二部分通过具体的例子说明了导致轻松与不轻松的内在因素,提出了评测轻松的实验草案;第三部分分析了考核一种通用键盘汉字输入系统速度素质的现状,认为字形编码应将编码层次和软件层次分割开来进行性能考核,编码层次应评测编码规则的轻松性和速度潜力;第四部分从实践和理论两个方面分析了平均偏移量与速度潜力之间的关系,即平均偏移量越小,速度潜力就越大,并提出了反映速度潜力的参数指标。  相似文献   

计算机技术领域中,使用键盘输入汉字的方法实质是区位码/国标码输入法。本文介绍了区位码/国标码输入法的现实意义,IME的组成结构以及区位码/国标码输入法的发展动态。主要说明区位码/国标码输入法在中文键盘输入法的重要地位,并简单分析了中文键盘输入法编辑器的组成结构等技术。  相似文献   

键盘录入信息的保护大多采用安全软件的方式,无法防止按键信息在录入至计算机途中被硬件记录器非法窃取,且硬件记录器无法被安全软件查杀。本文结合USB驱动技术设计一种可加密防侧录的USB键盘录入系统,通过可加密的USB键盘配合计算机端USB驱动解密的方式,提高按键信息的安全性。测试结果表明,该系统可有效保护按键信息在传输过程中的安全。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展和网上银行系统的应用日益广泛,并且伴随RootKit技术的日益成熟,针对这些应用系统的信息窃取行为也日益增多,恶意软件的检测变得更加困难。本文在网上银行系统键盘保护模块设计方案的基础上,提出针对目前流行的RootKit检测方法的一种比较完善的键盘录入信息保护策略。该保护方案以一种安全可靠的键盘录入信息方式很好地保护用户输入信息,以达到更好的信息安全保护效果。  相似文献   

Several changes to computer peripherals have been developed to reduce exposure to identified risk factors for musculoskeletal injury, notably in keyboard designs. Negative keyboard angles and their resulting effects on objective physiological measures, subjective measures and performance have been studied, although few angles have been investigated despite the benefits associated with their use. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of negative keyboard angles on forearm muscle activity, wrist posture, key strike force, perceived discomfort and performance and to identify a negative keyboard angle or range of keyboard angles that minimizes exposure to risk factors for hand/wrist injuries. Ten experienced typists (four males and six females) participated in a laboratory study to compare keyboard angles ranging from 0° to ?30°, at 10° increments, and a keyboard with a 7° slope, using a wedge designed for use with standard QWERTY keyboards. Repeatability of exposures was examined by requiring participants to complete two test sessions 1 week apart. Dependent variable data were collected during 10 min basic data entry tasks. Wrist posture data favoured negative keyboard angles of 0° (horizontal) or greater, compared to a positive keyboard angle of 7°, especially for the flexion/extension direction. In general, the percentage of wrist movements within a neutral zone and the percentages of wrist movements within ±5° and ±10° increased as keyboard angle became more negative. Electromyography results were mixed, with some variables supporting negative keyboard angles whilst other results favoured the standard keyboard configuration. Net typing speed supported the ?10° keyboard angle, whilst other negative typing angles were comparable, if not better than, with the standard keyboard. Therefore, angles ranging from 0° to ?30° in general provide significant reductions in exposure to deviated wrist postures and muscle activity and comparable performance.  相似文献   

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