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吴晨  张全 《计算机科学》2006,33(6):200-202
HNC问答处理系统是一种崭新的问答处理模式,与传统的问答处理系统相比,它把对语言的处理深入到语言概念空间中进行,以求尽可能地减少语言中的同义和多义模糊。本文在介绍HNC问答处理系统整体构架的同时,设计和实现了问答系统中的3个关键算法,服务于问答系统的不同阶段处理需要。实际应用表明,在这些算法指导下的HNC问答处理系统具有良好的问题处理能力。  相似文献   

在OSPF静态配置支持系统模型基础上,提出了基于OSPF的动态配置支持系统模型,该模型采取四层模块分级处理结构,各层对大量MIB变量的处理统一接口,规范MIB处理模式,并建立实时任务完成MIB存储和OSPF协议改变间的异步处理,还运行配置支持系统状态机,检测各层的MIB处理状况,加强和协调各层间的MIB处理。最后基于这种模型实现了动态配置支持系统DCSS-OSPF,还列出了TMS系统中DCSS-OSPF系统的边界处理。  相似文献   

基于网格的遥感图像快速处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海量遥感图像快速处理是遥感图像处理与分析的重要任务之一,它既是数据密集型,也是计算密集型的工作。针对海量遥感图像的快速处理问题,构建了基于网格计算的图像处理网格平台,开发了针对遥感图像处理的网格计算中间件,用于遥感图像的清晰化处理。应用结果表明,海量遥感图像处理计算效率得到大幅度提高,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

目前在带电处理35~220kV线路导地线异物作业中存在因除障工具性能不足而出现复杂异物无法处理而不得不进行停电处理的现象,导致供电可靠性降低,作业风险增加。本文重点围绕解决带电处理导地线异物时出现的不足而研制出一种带电处理导地线异物的新型除障器,实现改进作业中的不足,避免停电处理,提高带电处理异物效率的目的。  相似文献   

针对蘑菇生长环境的神经网络据处理策略研究范围过大,提出一种基于神经元横向布局的蘑菇生长环境数据处理策略,改善神经网络处理的收敛效率,选用双曲正切的神经元基本函数、信息数据度量的基本函数、以及神经元横向布局,神经网中的神经节点(神经元)的空间横向拓扑结构处理策略,通过试验测试,本文所研究的神经元横向部署处理策略,提高了神经网络处理的效率,可以支撑智能监测系统的核心处理策略,能够为林下经济发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

现代微处理器的中断处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文人中断的精确性,中断处理系统的实现方式,各类中断处理硬件等方面详细介绍现代微处理器中所采用的各种中断处理策略和硬件实现技术,并结合十种微处理器的中断处理实现,讨论中断处理的各个阶段中所能采用的策略与技术。  相似文献   

本试验研究了不同抗应激添加剂对断奶仔猪的影响,试验分四个处理,每个处理做两次重复,其中A处理组为对照组,B处理组是在A处理组基础日粮上添加电解质及维生素。C处理组是在B处理组的基础上添加丝兰属植物提取物(Yuccasolids),D处理组是在B处理组基础上添加中草药添加剂。试验结果表明,在21日龄平均日增重方面,添加丝兰属植物提取物(YUCCA)处理组最好,与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05),与添加矿物质及多维处理组比较,差异不显著(P>0.05),与添加中草药处理组比较,差异极显著(P<0.01);其次是添加电解质及维生素处理组较好,与添加中草药试验组比较,差异极显著(P<0.01),与对照组比较,差异不显著(P>0.05);添加中草药试验组最差,与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05);在抑制仔猪下痢方面,添加中草药试验组最好,对照组最差;在料重比方面,添加YUCCA试验组较好。综上所述,添加丝兰属植物提取物试验组对断奶仔猪抗应激最好。  相似文献   

开发XML应用程序时常用到sax和dom处理模型,基于这两种处理模型又衍生出了很多XML处理工具,本文描述了处理XML格式文档的几种常见工具性能比较。这几种工具分别为:crimson,xerces,jdom,dom4j。根据两大处理模型的特点,依次分析每种工具在相关测试要点上的性能优劣。  相似文献   

工作流异常处理的形式描述   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
异常处理是工作流执行中要解决的主要问题之一,清楚地描述异常处理的过程是最终得到实现的基础。Petri-net对工作流的描述适合于对过程定义进行正确性验证和评价,但描述各种不同条件下的处理策略却很繁琐,采用了一种直观的描述方法对异常处理过程中的元素,即活动、异常处理策略以及处理措施进行了形式化描述,特别是对不同处理策略下的处理过程进行了描述。结合消息机制,分析了一个异常事件出现时,如何处理一个活动实例产生的中间数据,并对事务处理和异常处理的补偿策略进行了比较。描述方法为编码实现提供了很大的方便。  相似文献   

张聪品  糜宏斌 《计算机工程》2003,29(15):118-120
目前,开发和运行企业过程的最好工具是工作流管理系统,对于企业这样复杂的应用系统,出现异常是非常频繁和正常的,但企业要求工作流管理系统不仅在正常情况下发挥作用,而且需要灵活地处理各种异常情况。文章设计了数字银行的电话收费业务的异常处理机制,使用JECA规则描述异常处理,同时采用基于CBR的异常处理机制提高系统的灵活性和柔性,增强系统处理异常的能力。  相似文献   

Farris (2003) discovered that users had greater difficulty finding information on a Web site when their prior knowledge was inconsistent with the Web site's content, relative to when their knowledge was consistent with it. In addition, he found that this difficulty was persistent over trials. To explain this persistence, Farris offered a schema-based account, which instantiated inconsistency in a single manner. These studies tested 2 predictions that were derived from Farris's account. Specifically, Experiment 1 assessed whether schema elaboration would be gradual, whereas Experiment 2 assessed whether task repetition would eliminate the negative impact of inconsistent knowledge. The results associated with navigation efficiency supported the predictions derived from Farris's account. The results associated with the choices made by participants as they navigated the site, however, contradicted the predictions. A new account, based on production-rules rather than schemata, is offered that considers both sets of results, because it instantiates inconsistency in more than 1 manner. This new account has implications for the design and redesign of Web sites.  相似文献   

利用电子钱包的公正支付系统   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨波  王育民 《计算机学报》1999,22(8):792-796
提出了一种利用电子钱包的公正支付系统,用户在银行有一个和身份相联系的个人帐号,在所持的电子鲆包中有一个和身份没有联系的匿名帐号。用户在银行提款时,将钱从他的个人帐号转到电子钱包中的匿名帐号,而不泄露个人帐号和匿名帐号的联系,以后用匿名帐号支付。  相似文献   

This short feature documents elements of research in advance of a long-term work. Rather than a technical account or retrospective, the aim is to demonstrate by example how research itself is a primary process, illustrated by work carried out at the Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT) during the last few years. When creative output is appraised only from its visible results, something is lost in the telling; carefully selected public facets rarely convey the depths of the underlying lines of inquiry. The research covered is for a work that generates quantitative data, driving visualisations of human movement, proximity and orientation. The aim is to reveal how these literal data reflect our relationships to one another in social settings. To contextualise the current process, complex systems, dynamic pattern formation and other works are also mentioned. As a personal account, it seemed appropriate to supplement the usual academic passive voice with first-person narrative.  相似文献   

针对景点较分散的旅游区设计了一种基于无线网络平台的旅游佣金结算系统。该系统采用民用GSM网络传输佣金数据,使用RSA双钥加密算法确保数据安全,利用网络银行完成佣金结算,系统能够安全、快速、实时地划转佣金,而且具有网络覆盖面积广、建设投资低的优点。  相似文献   

张裔智 《数字社区&智能家居》2007,2(6):1233-1234,1254
目前校园网正处于一种高速发展之中,全国各高校都非常重视校园网的发展,但是有一些网络发展中的问题始终困扰着网络管理人员,比如IP、帐号等的盗用、与服务器IP地址冲突造成网络瘫痪、以及来自校园网内部的攻击等许多网络安全问题.本文详细的讲述了如何应用VLAN技术减少类似网络安全问题的发生。  相似文献   

It is determined that the cost of sold goods and services in the market of goods, taken into account by the statistics on the nominal gross domestic product and the price index allows estimating the market value of production capital in the national currency. National accounts also take into account the costs of productive capital and fixed capital stocks, which are valued by their market value. It is shown that when the discounted capital is underestimated as compared to the market value, the money in circulation serves turnover only and does not ensure the reproduction of capital. It is also shown that economic growth and technological progress is possible when the value of the recorded production capital is no less than its market value.  相似文献   

This paper gives a personal account of some early developments in automata theory and the initiation of research in computational complexity theory. Although the account is subjective and deals primarily with the research areas of direct interest to the author, It discusses the underlying beliefs and philosophy that guided this research as well as the intellectual environment and the Ideas and contacts that influenced it. An attempt is also made to draw some general conclusions about computer science research and to discuss the nature of theoretical computer science.  相似文献   

The calculus of elastic beams for maximum stiffness, that can be understood in several diffent manners, has been usually performed in current literature taking into account only bending deformation. In the present paper such calculus has been extended taking into account shear deformation as well and comparing these results with those obtained considering bending deformation only. Finally an estimation of the error made disregarding shear deformation is also obtained. Received November 27, 1998  相似文献   

Based on the discrete sources method (DSM), a new mathematical model is constructed and implemented making it possible to take into account the nonlocal effect (NE) in problems of light scattering by plasmonic nanoparticles located on a substrate. The effect of allowing the NE on the integral scattering characteristics in the spectral range near plasmon resonance (PR) is investigated. It is shown that taking the NE into account leads to a shift and a significant change in the PR’s amplitude.  相似文献   

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