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Kalman-based state estimators assume a priori knowledge of the covariance matrices of the process and observation noise. However, in most practical situations, noise statistics and initial conditions are often unknown and need to be estimated from measurement data. This paper presents an auto-covariance least-squares-based algorithm for noise and initial state error covariance estimation of large-scale linear time-varying (LTV) and nonlinear systems. Compared to existing auto-covariance least-squares based-algorithms, our method does not involve any approximations for LTV systems, has fewer parameters to determine and is more memory/computationally efficient for large-scale systems. For nonlinear systems, our algorithm uses full information estimation/moving horizon estimation instead of the extended Kalman filter, so that the stability and accuracy of noise covariance estimation for nonlinear systems can be guaranteed or improved, respectively.  相似文献   

基于时空特性的无线传感器网络节点故障诊断方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线传感器网络中故障节点会产生并传输错误数据,这将消耗节点的能量和带宽,同时会形成错误的决策。利用节点感知数据的空间相似性,提出了节点故障诊断的算法,通过对邻节点所感知的传感数据进行比较,从而确定检测节点的状态,并将测试状态向网络中其他相邻节点进行扩散。对于网络中存在的节点瞬时故障,通过时间冗余的检测方法,降低故障诊断的虚警率。该算法对实现故障节点的检测具有较好的性能,实验结果验证了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) for sensors of aircraft. In the most general case, fault detection of these sensors on modern aircraft is performed by a logic that selects one of, or combines, the three redundant measurements. Such a method is compliant with current airworthiness regulations. However, in the framework of the global aircraft optimization for future and upcoming aircraft, it could be required, e.g., to extend the availability of sensor measurements. Introducing a form of analytical redundancy of these measurements can increase the fault detection performance and result in a weight saving of the aircraft. This can be achieved by exploiting the knowledge of the kinematic relations between the measured variables. These relations are exactly known giving the advantage that no model-mismatches need to be accounted for. Furthermore these relations are valid over the whole flight envelope and general for any type of aircraft. Two example applications will be presented, showing the applicability of the method for the FDI of air data sensors and measurements of the inertial reference unit.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the filtering problem for a class of nonlinear systems with stochastic sensor saturations and event-triggered measurement transmissions. An event-triggered transmission scheme is proposed with hope to ease the traffic burden and improve the energy efficiency. The measurements are subject to randomly occurring sensor saturations governed by Bernoulli-distributed sequences. Special effort is made to obtain an upper bound of the filtering error covariance in the presence of linearisation errors, stochastic sensor saturations as well as event-triggered transmissions. A filter is designed to minimise the obtained upper bound at each time step by solving two sets of Riccati-like matrix equations, and thus the recursive algorithm is suitable for online computation. Sufficient conditions are established under which the filtering error is exponentially bounded in mean square. The applicability of the presented method is demonstrated by dealing with the fault estimation problem. An illustrative example is exploited to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of robust H fault detection for a class of uncertain nonlinear Markovian jump stochastic systems with mode-dependent time delays and sensor saturation. We aim to design a linear mode-dependent H fault detection filter that ensures, the fault detection system is not only stochastically asymptotically stable in the large, but also satisfies a prescribed H-norm level for all admissible uncertainties. By using the Lyapunov stability theory and generalised Itô formula, some novel delay-dependent sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequality are proposed to guarantee the existence of the desired fault detection filter. Explicit expression of the desired mode-dependent linear filter parameters is characterised by matrix decomposition, congruence transformation and convex optimisation technique. Sector condition method is utilised to deal with sensor saturation, a definite relation of sector condition parameters with fault detection system robustness against disturbances and sensitivity to faults is put forward, and weighting fault signal approach is employed to improve the performance of the fault detection system. A simulation example and an industrial nonisothermal continuous stirred tank reactor system are utilised to verify the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed method.  相似文献   


This paper proposes an invariant set-based robust fault detection (FD) and optimal fault estimation (FE) method for discrete-time linear parameter varying (LPV) systems with bounded uncertainties. Firstly, a novel invariant-set construction method for discrete-time LPV systems is proposed if and only if the system is poly-quadratically stable, which need not satisfy the condition that there must exist a common quadratic Lyapunov function for all vertex matrices of the system compared to the traditional invariant-set construction methods. Furthermore, by using a shrinking procedure, we provide minimal robust positively invariant (mRPI) set approximations that are always positively invariant at each step of iteration and allow a priori desired precision to obtain a high sensitivity of FD. Owing to the existence of invariant set-based FD phase, the assumption that the initial faults should be bounded by a given set can be avoided for FE. We compute an optimal parametric matrix gain by minimising the Frobenius norm-based size of the corresponding FE set to obtain the optimal FE performance. Theoretically, any trajectory in the FE tube can be chosen as a specific-value estimation for the real fault signals. Finally, a vehicle dynamics system is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This study aims to present a fault detection and isolation (FDI) framework based on the marginalized likelihood ratio (MLR) approach using uniform priors for fault magnitudes in sensors and actuators. The existing methods in the literature use either flat priors with infinite support or the Gamma distribution as priors for the fault magnitudes. In the current study, it is assumed that the fault magnitude is a realization of a uniform prior with known upper and lower limits. The method presented in this study performs detection of time of occurrence of the fault and isolation of the fault type simultaneously while the estimation of the fault magnitude is achieved using a least squares based approach. The newly proposed method is evaluated by application to a benchmark CSTR problem using Monte Carlo simulations and the results reveal that this method can estimate the time of occurrence of the fault and the fault magnitude more accurately compared to a generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) based approach applied to the same benchmark problem. Simulation results on a benchmark problem also show significantly lower misclassification rates.  相似文献   

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