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基于Petri网的模型检测研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
蒋屹新  林闯  曲扬  尹浩 《软件学报》2004,15(9):1265-1276
模型检测是关于系统属性验证的算法和方法.它通常采用状态空间搜索的方法来检测一个给定的计算模型是否满足某个用时序逻辑公式表示的特定属性.系统模型的状态空间的爆炸问题是模型检测所面临的主要问题,其主要原因是系统自身的并发特性和状态变迁的语义交织对基于Petri网的模型检测理论和验证技术进行了较为详细的研究,着重探讨了基于Petri网状态可达图的偏序简化和偏序语义技术、基于自动机的模型检测算法、基于Petri网的状态聚合法以及基于系统对称性的参数化和符号模型检测技术,并给出了研究思路以及未来所要进行的重点研究工作.模型检测技术已在通信协议和硬件系统的验证等领域得到成功应用,并且随着各种状态空间简化技术和模型检测算法的不断优化,其在其他应用领域也展示出广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

在传统的UML Statechart图中加入了数据流对象后,因为UML Statechart图缺乏精确的数据流语义,所以不适合应用UML Statechart图对工作流中的数据流进行建模并验证其正确性。为了解决这一问题,选择标记转换系统(LTS)作为语义域,并用结构化操作语义(SOS)分两步定义了UML Statechart图的数据流语义,为工作流中的数据流正确性验证奠定了基础。在此基础上,使用时序逻辑公式表示数据流所需满足的性质,在验证数据流的正确性之前,给出了将它的UML Statechart图模型转化为可达状态迁移图的算法,最后通过模型检测算法验证数据流的正确性。  相似文献   

UML已经是软件建模方面的标准语言,UML Statechart描述了系统在其生命周期中的动态行为。随着系统规模的扩大和复杂度的提高,Statechart往往包含设计者所未预料到的隐患,通过模型检查来对Statechart进行穷举检验就成为一个重要课题,首先给出了含层次、并发Statechart的语义;随后提出了对Statechart进行模型检查的一种新方法,并且已经编写软件SC2Spin实现此方法,该方法使用了提出的Statechart山脉算法和迁移提取法,可以将一个Statechart自动转化为Spin的输入语言Promela,从而验证Statechart的死锁、活锁等错误和时序逻辑公式。  相似文献   

随着多核体系结构的出现和普及,片上总线逐渐成为影响片上系统功能和性能的关键部件.因此,片上总线的验证成为片上系统设计中一个重要组成部分.模型检测作为一种主流的形式化验证方法,可以自动化穷举搜索系统行为以决定片上系统的设计是否满足设计规范.然而,模型检测受制于状态空间爆炸问题,且现有规范语言如计算树逻辑和线性时序逻辑等的描述能力有限.提出了一种基于命题投影时序逻辑的WISHBONE片上总线符号模型检测方法.该方法将以Verilog硬件描述语言实现的WISHBONE总线转化为以NuSMV模型检测工具的建模语言SMV描述的系统模型,使用命题投影时序逻辑描述WISHBONE总线期望的性质,通过PLSMC工具验证系统模型是否满足期望的性质.实验结果表明该方法能够有效验证WISHBONE片上总线的定性性质,以及时间敏感和迭代性等定量性质.  相似文献   

引入模型检查方法对可执行文件进行脆弱性分析.对可执行文件形式化建模,采用有界模型检查技术验证可执行文件的安全属性,并在X86体系结构上开发了一个用于可执行文件的模型检查器.实验以内存泄漏和栈溢出漏洞为例,将其属性描述为线性时序逻辑公式,在可执行文件的状态迁移系统模型中验证公式是否能满足,实验结果表明对可执行文件的有界模型检查是一种有效的静态分析方法.  相似文献   

在总结前人工作的基础上,提出了一种有效检测并发或反应系统的动态行为模型中违反安全属性的方法,目的是减少为检测违反安全属性所需检测的状态数量,验证过程包括构造一个由所有独立状态图组成的全局状态空间图,并遍历这个全局状态空间图中的状态以便检测安全协议。首先读待验证的安全属性和可能会违反这些属性的相关事件集,构造全局状态空间图只考虑相关事件产生的状态转换。使用该方法验证了"火车道口"系统,减少了59%的搜索空间。  相似文献   

串空间模型是分析安全协议的一种实用、直观和严格的形式化方法。概述基于该模型结合使用定理证明和模型检测技术开发的安全协议验证工具AVSP的体系结构,提出一些剪枝规则对状态搜索空间进行剪枝。通过Needham-Schroeder安全协议的弱一致性认证属性验证过程来表明这些状态搜索空间剪枝规则可有效缩小状态搜索空间,防止状态空间爆炸。  相似文献   

张频  罗贵明 《计算机应用》2007,27(10):2493-2497
统一建模语言(UML)是设计和分析软件系统最常用的方法,如何保证UML模型满足某些特性是一个非常重要的问题,而模型检测是一种能够有效提高系统可靠性的自动化技术。研究了使用简单进程元语言解释器(SPIN)对UML模型进行检测的方法。首先对UML模型进行形式化描述,使用层次自动机来描述状态图,然后根据层次自动机的操作语义将状态图和类图的部分信息转化为SPIN的输入语言PROMELA,使用SPIN来验证模型是否满足给定的线性时序逻辑所描述的系统约束,通过LTL公式描述顺序图的方式来验证与状态图之间的一致性问题。项目组基于此方法还开发了一套模型检测工具UMLChecker。  相似文献   

对含有模糊不确定性信息的系统进行模型检测时,状态空间爆炸问题成为了亟待解决的主要问题.将形式化的系统模型用拟布尔公式表示,用多终端二叉决策图来对拟布尔公式进行存储.对模糊计算树逻辑的不动点语义给出了解释和证明,然后给出模糊计算树逻辑的符号化模型检测算法,最后通过一个实例验证算法的正确性.该算法可有效缓解对模糊模型检测验证时的状态空间爆炸问题,并扩展了模型检测的应用范围.  相似文献   

陈超超  曾庆凯 《计算机工程》2009,35(11):131-133
模型检验通过状态空间搜索检验一个给定的计算模型是否满足某个用时序逻辑公式表示的特定性质。对L4微内核操作系统的内存管理机制进行形式化抽象建模,针对L4内核API提供的地址空间操作原语Grant,Map和Flush等操作进行形式化描述,模拟地址页面映射的树形结构管理,运用模型检验工具SPIN对抽象模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

We revisit the problem of real‐time verification with dense‐time dynamics using timeout and calendar‐based models and simplify this to a finite state verification problem. We introduce a specification formalism for these models and capture their behaviour in terms of semantics of timed transition systems. We discuss a technique, which reduces the problem of verification of qualitative temporal properties on infinite state space of a large fragment of these timeout and calender‐based transition systems into that on clock‐less finite state models through a two‐step process comprising of digitization and finitary reduction. This technique enables us to verify safety invariants for real‐time systems using finite state model checking avoiding the complexity of infinite state (bounded) model checking and scale up models without applying techniques from induction‐based proof methodology. In the same manner, we verify timeliness properties. Moreover, we can verify liveness for real‐time systems, which are not possible by using induction with infinite state model checkers. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

UML diagrams are the conventional methods for visual modeling systems. Among them, the Statechart diagrams are used to show the runtime behavior of a system, but the correctness of such diagrams is the primary concern of the designers because of concurrency issues like livelock, inaccessible states, and non-deterministic states. Process algebra methods have the capabilities that are suitable for verification and validation of Statecharts. To this end, in this paper, process algebra language LOTOS (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification) is used as the target language, and a method is presented to map UML Statecharts to the LOTOS processes, called USLP. Then the correctness of the proposed mappings is proved by demonstrating the isomorphism relation between the Labeled Transition System (LTS) of a Statechart and the LTS of its transformed LOTOS specification. Next, tools CADP (Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes) is used for verification and validation of the mapped LOTOS models, and the CSP process algebra and its tools, FDR are used to verify the properties could not be verified by the LOTOS and its toolset. The experimental results show our approach can: (1) verify some properties (the issues) that are not verified by other approaches and (2) reduce the space that should be searched to verify the properties.  相似文献   

舒新峰  段振华 《软件学报》2011,22(3):366-380
为采用定理证明的方法对并发及交互式系统进行验证,研究了有穷论域下有穷时间一阶投影时序逻辑(projection temporal logic,简称PTL)的一个完备公理系统.在介绍PTL的语法、语义并给出公理系统后,提出了PTL公式的正则形(normal form,简称NF)和正则图(normal form graph,简称NFG).基于NF给出了NFG的构造算法,并利用NFG可描述公式模型的性质证明PTL公式的可满足性判定定理和公理系统的完备性.最后,结合实例展示了PTL及其公理系统在系统验证中的应用.结果表明,基于PTL的定理证明方法可方便用于并发系统的建模与验证.  相似文献   



This paper deals with the development and verification of liveness properties on reactive systems using the Event-B method. By considering the limitation of the Event-B method to invariance properties, we propose to apply the language TLA+ to verify liveness properties on Event-B models.


This paper deals with the use of two verification approaches: theorem proving and model-checking, in the construction and verification of safe reactive systems. The theorem prover concerned is part of the Click_n_Prove tool associated to the Event-B method and the model checker is TLC for TLA+ models.


To verify liveness properties on Event-B systems, we extend first the expressivity and the semantics of a B model (called temporal B model) to deal with the specification of fairness and eventuality properties. Second, we propose semantics of the extension over traces, in the same spirit as TLA+ does. Third, we give verification rules in the axiomatic way of the Event-B method. Finally, we give transformation rules from a temporal B model into a TLA+ module. We present in particular, our prototype system called B2TLA+, that we have developed to support this transformation; then we can verify liveness properties thanks to the model checker TLC on finite state systems. For the verification of infinite-state systems, we propose the use of the predicate diagrams and its associated tool DIXIT. As the B refinement preserves invariance properties through refinement steps, we propose some rules to get the preservation of liveness properties by the B refinement.


The proposed approach is applied for the development of some reactive systems examples and our prototype system B2TLA+ is successfully used to transform a temporal B model into a TLA+ module.


The paper successfully defines an approach for the specification and verification of safety and liveness properties for the development of reactive systems using the Event-B method, the language TLA+ and the predicate diagrams with their associated tools. The approach is illustrated on a case study of a parcel sorting system.  相似文献   

Behavioral models capture operational principles of real-world or designed systems. Formally, each behavioral model defines the state space of a system, i.e., its states and the principles of state transitions. Such a model is the basis for analysis of the system’s properties. In practice, state spaces of systems are immense, which results in huge computational complexity for their analysis. Behavioral models are typically described as executable graphs, whose execution semantics encodes a state space. The structure theory of behavioral models studies the relations between the structure of a model and the properties of its state space. In this article, we use the connectivity property of graphs to achieve an efficient and extensive discovery of the compositional structure of behavioral models; behavioral models get stepwise decomposed into components with clear structural characteristics and inter-component relations. At each decomposition step, the discovered compositional structure of a model is used for reasoning on properties of the whole state space of the system. The approach is exemplified by means of a concrete behavioral model and verification criterion. That is, we analyze workflow nets, a well-established tool for modeling behavior of distributed systems, with respect to the soundness property, a basic correctness property of workflow nets. Stepwise verification allows the detection of violations of the soundness property by inspecting small portions of a model, thereby considerably reducing the amount of work to be done to perform soundness checks. Besides formal results, we also report on findings from applying our approach to an industry model collection.  相似文献   

Efficient symbolic and explicit-state model checking approaches have been developed for the verification of linear time temporal logic (LTL) properties. Several attempts have been made to combine the advantages of the various algorithms. Model checking LTL properties usually poses two challenges: one must compute the synchronous product of the state space and the automaton model of the desired property, then look for counterexamples that is reduced to finding strongly connected components (SCCs) in the state space of the product. In case of concurrent systems, where the phenomenon of state space explosion often prevents the successful verification, the so-called saturation algorithm has proved its efficiency in state space exploration. This paper proposes a new approach that leverages the saturation algorithm both as an iteration strategy constructing the product directly, as well as in a new fixed-point computation algorithm to find strongly connected components on-the-fly by incrementally processing the components of the model. Complementing the search for SCCs, explicit techniques and component-wise abstractions are used to prove the absence of counterexamples. The resulting on-the-fly, incremental LTL model checking algorithm proved to scale well with the size of models, as the evaluation on models of the Model Checking Contest suggests.  相似文献   

Of special interest in formal verification are safety properties, which assert that the system always stays within some allowed region. Proof rules for the verification of safety properties have been developed in the proof-based approach to verification, making verification of safety properties simpler than verification of general properties. In this paper we consider model checking of safety properties. A computation that violates a general linear property reaches a bad cycle, which witnesses the violation of the property. Accordingly, current methods and tools for model checking of linear properties are based on a search for bad cycles. A symbolic implementation of such a search involves the calculation of a nested fixed-point expression over the system's state space, and is often infeasible. Every computation that violates a safety property has a finite prefix along which the property is violated. We use this fact in order to base model checking of safety properties on a search for finite bad prefixes. Such a search can be performed using a simple forward or backward symbolic reachability check. A naive methodology that is based on such a search involves a construction of an automaton (or a tableau) that is doubly exponential in the property. We present an analysis of safety properties that enables us to prevent the doubly-exponential blow up and to use the same automaton used for model checking of general properties, replacing the search for bad cycles by a search for bad prefixes.  相似文献   

Temporal logic is a valuable tool for specifying correctness properties of reactive programs. With the advent of temporal logic model checkers, it has become an important aid for the verification of concurrent and reactive systems. In model checking the temporal logic properties are verified against models expressed in the tool's modelling language. In addition, model-checking techniques are useful to test actual implementations or to verify models of the system that are too detailed to be analysed by a model checker, by means of, for instance, simulation.A tableau construction is an algorithm that translates a temporal logic formula into a finite-state automaton that accepts precisely all the models of the formula. It is a key ingredient to checking satisfiability of a formula as well as to the automata-theoretic approach to model checking. An improvement to the efficiency of tableau constructions has been the development of on-the-fly versions.In this paper, we present a particular tableau construction for the incremental analysis of execution traces during test, simulation or model-checking. The automaton forms the basis of a monitor that detects both good and bad prefix of a particular kind, namely those that are informative for the property under investigation. We elaborate on the construction of the monitor and demonstrate its correctness.  相似文献   

Grid computing is the federation of resources from multiple locations to facilitate resource sharing and problem solving over the Internet. The challenge of finding services or resources in Grid environments has recently been the subject of many papers and researches. These researches and papers evaluate their approaches only by simulation and experiments. Therefore, it is possible that some part of the state space of the problem is not analyzed and checked well. To overcome this defect, model checking as an automatic technique for the verification of the systems is a suitable solution. In this paper, an adopted type of resource discovery approach to address multi-attribute and range queries has been presented. Unlike the papers in this scope, this paper decouple resource discovery behavior model to data gathering, discovery and control behavior. Also it facilitates the mapping process between three behaviors by means of the formal verification approach based on Binary Decision Diagram (BDD). The formal approach extracts the expected properties of resource discovery approach from control behavior in the form of CTL and LTL temporal logic formulas, and verifies the properties in data gathering and discovery behaviors comprehensively. Moreover, analyzing and evaluating the logical problems such as soundness, completeness, and consistency of the considered resource discovery approach is provided. To implement the behavior models of resource discovery approach the ArgoUML tool and the NuSMV model checker are employed. The results show that the adopted resource discovery approach can discovers multi-attribute and range queries very fast and detects logical problems such as soundness, completeness, and consistency.  相似文献   

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