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张媛媛  王坚  肖创柏 《计算机科学》2016,43(Z11):290-295
针对异构无线网络中域内资源管理优化方案进行了研究,提出了部分可观察马尔科夫调制泊松过程的业务模型对异构无线网络单一域内突发性事件——溢出呼叫进行了分析,提出了针对异构无线网络结构特点和实际业务需求的优化接纳控制模型。建立了最小化网络能耗的优化目标,综合考虑网络状态和拒绝呼叫产生的网络开销,构建了优化决策模型,获得的优化策略能平衡溢出呼叫引起的网络开销和业务服务质量需求之间的矛盾,进一步推导和验证了业务服务请求到达网络的到达率、呼叫连接时间和呼叫逗留时间之间的关系,采用部分可观察马尔科夫调制泊松过程进行性能分析,根据获得的性能参数进行接纳控制决策,验证了异构无线网络域内优化管理模型的合理性和适用性。与资源完全共享算法相比,所提模型降低了网络能耗,在优化策略适应网络状态变化的同时,保证了业务的服务质量需求。  相似文献   

在异构无线网络中,使用有效的流量均衡可以服务更多的移动用户。文章为异构分层无线网络提出了一种基于移动速度、方向和位置的流量均衡算法,其原理是选择逗留时间较长的移动用户执行垂直切换,从负载较重的小区转移到负载较轻的重叠覆盖小区。同时,快速切换呼叫在一定条件下可以接入到微小区,慢速切换呼叫也可以切换进入宏小区。仿真实验结果表明,该算法改善了新呼叫阻塞率和切换呼叫掉线率等方面的性能。  相似文献   

针对跨域远程协作中的实时流通信质量问题,构建了实时流服务网格(LSSG),这是一个可扩展的且面向用户QoS需求的覆盖组播通信中间件结构,LSSG服务由网络服务提供商策略部署的服务代理(SvB)提供。论文主要采用面向QoS的域间覆盖组播算法(QIOM)来组织SvB建立实时流组播服务树,根据用户服务质量请求提供跨自治系统的实时流组通信服务,将域间资源管理转变为流媒体应用的动态协同服务管理。仿真结果表明QIOM能有效地发现和提供QoS满意的覆盖服务及实现SvB间的覆盖流量负载平衡。  相似文献   

随着云计算技术的成熟,跨域边缘云模式下的流媒体服务正逐渐兴起。但流媒体相关的用户请求随时间波动较大,边缘云需要动态调整需租赁的云资源来同时保证用户服务质量和资源利用率。文中提出的云资源调整策略综合考虑了跨域流媒体边缘云的资源消耗模型、相关用户服务质量指标的量化以及跨域转发用户请求对系统服务的影响,通过系统资源调整阶段和子云资源调整阶段策略的合理协调,在保证用户服务质量的同时节约了系统总体云资源的租赁代价,同时仿真结果表明文中策略能够取得上述优化效果。  相似文献   

资源管理和呼叫接纳控制作为未来蜂窝网络的核心管理模块,能为移动用户提供具有QoS保证的多媒体应用并实现无线资源的有效利用.针对多业务CDMA蜂窝网络,结合非理想功率控制下的容量定义,提出退避缓存与自适应速率调控相结合的呼叫接纳控制策略.其中退避缓策略采用请求呼叫主动退避的思想,有效降低阻塞率;自适应速率调控策略则采用业务用户双重分级的思想,确保用户公平性的同时实现平稳的QoS.仿真结果表明,该策略可以自适应地保证各类业务的QoS要求,提高业务间的公平性和系统资源的利用率.  相似文献   

异构网络的接入策略与网络资源管理效率紧密相关;同时,网络复杂性与网络资源竞争性直接影响到用户服务质量。针对异构网络接入控制存在的切换掉话率和呼叫阻塞率高、资源利用率低等问题,提出了基于马尔科夫链的联合呼叫接入控制算法。接入控制算法为切换呼叫业务、实时业务动态地预留了一定的带宽资源,根据不同业务设置带宽降级因子来决定是否释放带宽;同时,根据用户偏好和不同业务的QoS要求,构建了呼叫接入控制效用函数,利用马尔科夫链进行了建模分析。仿真表明,算法提高了网络资源利用率,降低了系统复杂度,满足了各类业务的QoS要求。  相似文献   

在CDMA2000蜂窝网络和WLAN组成的异构无线网络中,呼叫接纳控制算法对于提高系统资源的利用率有着非常重要的作用。根据WLAN的网络负载情况和移动用户的速度来判决是否接入WLAN;提出一种基于概率机制的CAC算法,WLAN能够限制来自于蜂窝网的VHO呼叫,减少不必要的VHO处理负荷;对新呼叫阻塞率和DVHO呼叫阻塞率进行理论分析和推导。仿真结果表明,该CAC算法能够减少不必要的重复上下垂直切换,同时将DVHO呼叫阻塞率控制在可接受的范围内。算法保证了较高的系统吞吐量,提高了系统整体性能。  相似文献   

李真  朱磊  陈栩杉  蒋海霞 《计算机应用》2013,33(9):2455-2459
为了弥补异构无线网络中呼叫接纳控制研究场景的局限性,降低终端选择接入网时的盲目性,将研究场景从两个接入网延伸为多个接入网,提出一种基于声望模型的联合呼叫接纳控制算法。将声望模型应用于网络选择过程,增加了网络反馈机制。在用户侧,终端根据网络声望值大小选择接入网;在网络侧,采用动态带宽分配和缓冲队列策略来提高接入成功率。仿真结果表明,该算法有效降低了新呼叫阻塞率和切换呼叫掉线率。  相似文献   

在异构分层无线网络中使用有效的流量均衡技术,可以给更多的移动用户提供服务。现有的流量均衡算法主要针对同种无线网络,因而不能直接用于异构无线网络。本文提出了一种适用于异构无线网络的基于业务和逗留时间的动态流量均衡算法,该算法首先根据移动模型计算移动用户在小区内的逗留时间,然后基于小区呼叫到达率和重叠覆盖小区的流量状态来确定一个周期内转移的非实时性呼叫数量,最后依据逗留时间门限值将重负载小区中满足条件的呼叫转移到轻负载的重叠覆盖小区中。为降低切换呼叫掉线率,还对异构网间的呼叫切换策略做了改进。仿真实验结果表明.本算法在新呼叫阻寒率和切换呼叫掉线率等性能指标上比传统方法有显著提高.  相似文献   

随着人们对网络服务的依赖性日益增强,网络服务系统的服务质量和可用性变得至关重要.然而,服务系统的日益复杂化及第三方软件和异构中间件系统的大量部署,为各种软件缺陷提供更多隐蔽空间.这对保证服务质量和系统可用性提出挑战.文中提出一个自适应的选择性再生框架,以保证系统的服务质量.选择性再生框架,把基于请求处理路径的性能故障分析诊断技术和软件再生技术相结合,通过及时诊断和再生系统中性能故障的部件,改善请求的响应时间,保证系统服务质量.文中提出了一个新的基于请求路径的性能故障的诊断方法.同时,文中实现了一个层次化的选择性的再生策略.基于RUBiS系统的实验结果表明文中方法可以有效保证多层服务系统的服务质量.  相似文献   

In the present and next generation wireless networks, cellular system remains the major method of telecommunication infrastructure. Since the characteristic of the resource constraint, call admission control is required to address the limited resource problem in wireless network. The call dropping probability and call blocking probability are the major performance metrics for quality of service (QoS) in wireless network. Many call admission control mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to decrease connection dropping probability for handoffs and new call blocking probability in cellular communications. In this paper, we proposed an adaptive call admission control and bandwidth reservation scheme using fuzzy logic control concept to reduce the forced termination probability of multimedia handoffs. Meanwhile, we adopt particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique to adjust the parameters of the membership functions in the proposed fuzzy logic systems. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve satisfactory performance when performance metrics are measured in terms of the forced termination probability for the handoffs, the call blocking probability for the new connections and bandwidth utilization.  相似文献   

针对异构无线网络中的信任评估问题,提出了一种基于用户QoS感知的信任管理模型。该模型基于异构网络中业务交互及由此产生的用户QoS感知,刻画节点间的信任关系与信任度;并针对QoS感知的主观性和网络欺骗行为,给出了相应的信任策略。理论分析和仿真结果表明:该模型不仅能够有效地完成异构网络环境下的节点信任评估,并能抵御虚假欺骗、振荡服务等恶意行为。  相似文献   

Next-generation wireless communication systems aim at supporting wireless multimedia services with different quality-of-service (QoS) and bandwidth requirements. Therefore, effective management of the limited radio resources is important to enhance the network performance. In this paper, we propose a QoS adaptive multimedia service framework for controlling the traffic in multimedia wireless networks (MWN) that enhances the current methods used in cellular environments. The proposed framework is designed to take advantage of the adaptive bandwidth allocation (ABA) algorithm with new calls in order to enhance the system utilization and blocking probability of new calls. The performance of our framework is compared to existing framework in the literature. Simulation results show that our QoS adaptive multimedia service framework outperforms the existing framework in terms of new call blocking probability, handoff call dropping probability, and bandwidth utilization.   相似文献   

Next generation of wireless cellular networks aim at supporting a diverse range of multimedia services to mobile users with guaranteed quality of service (QoS). Resource allocation and call admission control (CAC) are key management functions in future 3G and 4G cellular networks, in order to provide multimedia applications to mobile users with QoS guarantees and efficient resource utilization. There are two main strategies for radio resource allocations in cellular wireless networks known as complete partitioning (CP) and complete sharing (CS). In this paper, theses strategies are extended for operation in 3G and beyond network. First, two CS-based call admission controls, referred to herein as queuing priority call admission control (QP-CAC) and hybrid priority call admission control (HP-CAC), and one CP-based call admission control referred to as complete partitioning call admission control (CP-CAC) are presented. Then, this study proposes a novel dynamic procedure, referred to as the dynamic prioritized uplink call admission control (DP-CAC) designed to overcome the shortcomings of CS and CP-based CACs. Results indicate the superiority of DP-CAC as it is able to achieve a better balance between system utilization, revenue, and quality of service provisioning. CS-based algorithms achieve the best system utilization and revenue at the expense of serious unfairness for the traffic classes with diverse QoS requirements. DP-CAC manages to attain equal system utilization and revenue to CS-based algorithms without the drawbacks in terms of fairness and service differentiation.  相似文献   

基于无线网络中设计提供服务质量(quality of service,QoS)的路由协议是一项具有挑战性的工作,提出无线卫星网络中基于定向天线的服务质量保证的空间重用的带宽预留算法。卫星网络中许多音/视频会议、远程教育等重要应用,需要服务质量保证。无线网络中的定向天线技术提供了显著增加空间重用性的能力,提高无线网络中的数据传输效率。研究使用定向天线的无线卫星网络中基于时分多址的带宽预留算法,该算法给不同方向的地面终端分配相同时隙来提高带宽资源的空间重用性,提高通信效率。通过模拟实验分析研究证明,该算法在服务质量调用成功率、吞吐量和延迟方面有比较好的性能。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a mobility adaptive network selection scheme in the context of wireless wide area network (WWAN) and wireless local area network (WLAN) radio access technologies (RATs) that supports both real-time (RT) and non-real-time (NRT) service classes. Physical layer information based call admission control (CAC) is considered for the two RATs to enforce service specific QoS requirements. The effectiveness of the cross-protocol-layer information for radio resource management (RRM) in integrated WWAN and WLAN networks is assessed analytically for individual service classes in a multi-service environment using the theory of Markov chains. The impact of non-uniform user and mobility distributions due to the existence of hotspot in the macro-cell area and the effect of network selection parameter measurement errors on the RRM performance are also evaluated. Numerical results show that the proposed network selection scheme minimizes the rate of unnecessary vertical handoffs, thereby providing stable communication without degrading the call blocking probability and call outage probability performance metrics.  相似文献   

面向用户的异构网接入选择算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
无线通信网络的发展趋势之一是将各种不同无线接入技术进行融合。多接入选择作为无线资源管理中的关键技术是目前异构网融合的研究热点之一。从用户的利益出发,充分考虑预接入网络的费用、QoS和稳定性;假定不同的网络运营商之间是彼此竞争的,即没有达成统一的协议,提出了一种结合目标代价函数与层次分析法的动态多接入选择算法。通过对影响因素进行分析和二次判断,建立了网络选择决策模型,仿真结果验证了该算法的正确性与有效性。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of joint multicast routing, scheduling, and call admission control in multiradio multi-channel wireless mesh networks. To heuristically solve this problem, we propose a cross-layer algorithm named “extended MIMCR with scheduling and call admission control phases (EMSC)”. Our model relies on the ondemand quality of service (QoS) multicast sessions, where each admitted session creates a unique tree with a required bandwidth. The proposed scheme extends the MIMCR algorithm to fairly schedule multiple non-interfering transmissions in the same time slot. It also exploits a call admission control mechanism to protect the QoS requirements of the multicast traffics. EMSC reduces the number of occupied time slots, with consideration of spatial reuse, both Intra-flow and Inter-flow interferences, and selecting the minimuminterference minimum-cost paths. This subsequently leads to better radio resource utilization and increases the network throughput. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other algorithms and improves the network performance.  相似文献   

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