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随着各类新型计算技术和新兴应用领域的浮现,传统数据库技术面临新的挑战,正在从适用常规应用的单一处理方法逐步转为面向各类特殊应用的多种数据处理方式.分析并展望了新型数据管理系统的研究进展和趋势,涵盖分布式数据库、图数据库、流数据库、时空数据库和众包数据库等多个领域.具体而言:分布式数据管理技术是支持可扩展的海量数据处理的关键技术;以社交网络为代表的大规模图结构数据的处理需求带来了图数据库技术的发展;流数据管理技术用来应对数据动态变化的管理需求;时空数据库主要用于支持移动对象管理;对多源、异构而且劣质数据源的集成需求催生出新型的众包数据库技术.最后讨论了新型数据库管理系统的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网技术与O2O(offline-to-online)商业模式的发展,各类空间众包平台变得日益流行,如滴滴出行、百度外卖等空间众包平台更与人们日常生活密不可分.在空间众包研究中,任务分配问题更是其核心问题之一,该问题旨在研究如何将实时出现的空间众包任务分配给适宜的众包工人.但大部分现有研究所基于的假设过强,存在两类不足:(1)现有工作通常假设基于静态场景,即全部众包任务和众包工人的时空信息在任务分配前已完整获知.但众包任务与众包工人在实际应用中动态出现,且需实时地对其进行任务分配,因此现存研究结果在实际应用中缺乏可行性;(2)现有研究均假设仅有两类众包参与对象,即众包任务与众包工人,而忽略了第三方众包工作地点对任务分配的影响.综上所述,为弥补上述不足,本文提出了一类新型动态任务分配问题,即空间众包环境下的三类对象在线任务分配.该问题不但囊括了任务分配中的三类研究对象,即众包任务、众包工人和众包工作地点,而且关注动态环境.本文进而设计了随机阈值算法,并给出了该算法在最差情况下的竞争比分析.特别的是,本文还采用在线学习方法进一步优化了随机阈值算法,提出自适应随机阈值算法,并证明该优化策略可逼近随机阈值算法使用不同阈值所能达到的最佳效果.最终,本文通过在真实数据集和具有不同分布人造数据集上进行的大量实验验证了算法的效果与性能.  相似文献   

叶晨  王宏志  高宏  李建中 《软件学报》2020,31(4):1162-1172
传统方法多数采用机器学习算法对数据进行清洗.这些方法虽然能够解决部分问题,但存在计算难度大、缺乏充足的知识等局限性.近年来,随着众包平台的兴起,越来越多的研究将众包引入数据清洗过程,通过众包来提供机器学习所需要的知识.由于众包的有偿性,研究如何将机器学习算法与众包有效且低成本结合在一起是必要的.提出了两种支持基于众包的数据清洗的主动学习模型,通过主动学习技术来减少众包开销,实现了对给定的数据集基于真实众包平台的数据清洗,最大程度减少成本的同时提高了数据的质量.在真实数据集上的实验结果验证了所提模型的有效性.  相似文献   

李战怀  于戈  杨晓春 《软件学报》2020,31(3):597-599
大数据时代,数据规模庞大,数据管理应用场景复杂,传统数据库和数据管理技术面临很大的挑战.人工智能技术因其强大的学习、推理、规划能力,为数据库系统提供了新的发展机遇.专刊强调数据管理与人工智能的深度融合,研究人工智能赋能的数据库新技术和新型系统,包括两方面:(1)传统数据管理、数据分析技术及系统与人工智能相结合,将会焕发新的生机;(2)大数据管理与分析是新一代人工智能技术发展的基石.因此,围绕传统数据管理的不同技术层面,需要新的理论和系统经验.  相似文献   

区块链技术可以广泛应用于各种服务,如在线微支付、供应链跟踪、医疗记录共享以及众包.将该技术应用到众包系统中,可以得到一个去中心化的、隐私保护的、可验证和可追溯的众包服务平台.随着区块链技术的发展,出现了许多基于区块链的众包解决方案,但是缺乏对相关研究的综述.目前研究人员主要从两个角度对去中心化的众包系统展开研究:基于智能合约的去中心化众包平台、基于区块链架构的去中心化众包平台.文中详细综述了主要的基于区块链的去中心化众包的相关工作,并且总结了已有技术中出现的问题,如区块链系统的安全性、智能合约的安全性以及隐私保护的相关问题,并对这些问题展开了详细讨论.最后展望了该领域未来的可研究问题,并提供了大量的可参考文献.  相似文献   

随着"众包"这种商业模式的快速发展, 越来越多的互联网公司选择以"众包"的形式发布软件任务. 然而, 软件任务因其高门槛、高复杂度、长周期等特性, 面临着严重的低参与度问题. 本文结合全球最大的软件众包平台TopCoder的数据, 对软件众包任务的参与度进行研究. 首先, 使用多元回归分析了影响软件众包参与度的因素; 接着, 综合数据挖掘领域的多种分类预测算法, 探讨软件众包参与度的预测模型. 希望通过本实证研究, 为发包方、众包平台降低软件众包的低参与风险提供参考.  相似文献   

李博扬  成雨蓉  王国仁  袁野  孙永佼 《软件学报》2020,31(12):3836-3851
近年来,时空众包平台正逐步走入人们的生活,并受到研究者的广泛关注.在时空众包平台中,任务分配是一个核心问题,即在满足时间和空间的条件约束下,如何为不同用户分配合适的工人来进行服务.现有的工作往往将最大化任务匹配个数或效用值之和作为研究目标,这些方法关注全局的解决方案,但是没有考虑用户和工人的偏好来提高他们对于分配的满意程度.此外,现有工作大多只考虑用户和工人两种角色,即工人移动到用户当前位置进行服务.但是,新型时空众包平台的中往往包含用户、工人和工作点三种角色,即为用户和工人分配一个工作点来进行服务.基于以上不足,三维时空稳定分配问题被提出.但是,此问题只关注了静态场景,而时空众包平台往往是在线的,即工人和用户发出的任务都是实时出现的.因此,提出了面向新型时空众包平台的三维在线稳定匹配问题和一种基础算法.通过分析基础算法的不足,结合人工智能的方法提出一种改进算法来解决这个问题.采用大量的真实数据和合成数据集来验证算法的高效性和有效性.  相似文献   

随着Internet技术的快速发展,“众包”成为一种灵活有效的解决问题方式. 虽已在很多领域中得到广泛的应用,但在软件开发领域的应用仍存在很多问题,如缺乏统一标准及开发方法,没有成熟的应用平台等. 针对此问题,本文提出一个基于“众包”的软件开发平台及“众包”软件开发方法,一定程度上为利用“众包”进行软件开发提供了一种思路和借鉴.  相似文献   

区块链系统中的分布式数据管理技术——挑战与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
区块链是在数字加密货币的应用基础之上发展起来的一种分布式数据库技术.区块链系统具有去中心化、不可篡改、分布共识、可溯源和最终一致性等特点,这使其可以用于解决不可信环境下数据管理问题.区块链独特的数据管理功能已经成为各领域应用中发挥区块链价值的关键.本文基于对比特币、以太坊、超级账本等代表性区块链系统的研究分析,阐述区块链系统中分布式数据管理技术.首先,深入讨论区块链系统与传统分布式数据库系统之间的异同点,从分布式部署模式、节点角色、链拓扑结构等多个方面给出区块链的分类.然后,详细分析各类区块链系统所使用的数据存储结构、分布式查询处理与优化技术及其优缺点.最后,总结区块链系统的分布式数据管理技术在各专门领域应用中所面临的挑战和发展趋势.  相似文献   

空间众包泛指将一个或多个与地点相关的子任务,分配给大量携带有智能终端的移动用户,通过他们共同完成而形成的一种新型协作计算模式.如何分配执行的移动用户并覆盖所有空间众包任务,对于企业的发展有决定性作用.本文综合考虑了空间众包系统在现实中的不同应用场景(如移动数据收集、快递、共享汽车等),引入了一种三层空间众包架构,包括系统平台、服务网点、移动用户3部分.本文针对该架构的服务网点选址问题,建立以收益最大化为目标的问题模型,证明了这是NP难解问题.并且结合Voronoi图,设计了遗传算法,借助于Matlab软件对模型进行求解,并通过实验验证了算法的优越性.本研究能够帮助企业更好地利用资源、降低成本并提供更好的服务,因此具有较高的社会价值、应用价值和现实价值.  相似文献   

当前的时空众包任务推荐方法大都是针对有奖励约束、全职做众包任务的众包工人,忽略了有兴趣偏好、不受奖励约束完成任务的兴趣型众包工人,如何将众包任务推荐给这些兴趣型工人,是亟待解决的问题。针对此情况,提出考虑兴趣型时空众包工人的时空行为规律和兴趣偏好的推荐方法。引入基尼系数,在数据中筛选出兴趣型时空众包工人的数据,利用地理-社会关系模型的聚类方法对众包任务进行聚类,用高斯分析的马尔可夫模型预测众包工人在下一转移时间点可能到达各个地点的概率,把位于众包工人可能到达地点的任务按概率降序推荐给兴趣型工人。实验结果表明,所提方法有效提高了兴趣型时空众包任务的完成率。  相似文献   

Online crowdsourcing enables the distribution of work to a global labor force as small and often repetitive tasks. Recently, situated crowdsourcing has emerged as a complementary enabler to elicit labor in specific locations and from specific crowds. Teamwork in online crowdsourcing has been recently shown to increase the quality of output, but teamwork in situated crowdsourcing remains unexplored. We set out to fill this gap. We present a generic crowdsourcing platform that supports situated teamwork and provide experiences from a laboratory study that focused on comparing traditional online crowdsourcing to situated team-based crowdsourcing. We built a crowdsourcing desk that hosts three networked terminal displays. The displays run our custom team-driven crowdsourcing platform that was used to investigate collocated crowdsourcing in small teams. In addition to analyzing quantitative data, we provide findings based on questionnaires, interviews, and observations. We highlight 1) emerging differences between traditional and collocated crowdsourcing, 2) the collaboration strategies that teams exhibited in collocated crowdsourcing, and 3) that a priori team familiarity does not significantly affect collocated interaction in crowdsourcing. The approach we introduce is a novel multi-display crowdsourcing setup that supports collocated labor teams and along with the reported study makes specific contributions to situated crowdsourcing research.  相似文献   

The Internet based cyber-physical world has profoundly changed the information environment for the development of artificial intelligence (AI), bringing a new wave of AI research and promoting it into the new era of AI 2.0. As one of the most prominent characteristics of research in AI 2.0 era, crowd intelligence has attracted much attention from both industry and research communities. Specifically, crowd intelligence provides a novel problem-solving paradigm through gathering the intelligence of crowds to address challenges. In particular, due to the rapid development of the sharing economy, crowd intelligence not only becomes a new approach to solving scientific challenges, but has also been integrated into all kinds of application scenarios in daily life, e.g., online-to-offline (O2O) application, real-time traffic monitoring, and logistics management. In this paper, we survey existing studies of crowd intelligence. First, we describe the concept of crowd intelligence, and explain its relationship to the existing related concepts, e.g., crowdsourcing and human computation. Then, we introduce four categories of representative crowd intelligence platforms. We summarize three core research problems and the state-of-the-art techniques of crowd intelligence. Finally, we discuss promising future research directions of crowd intelligence.  相似文献   

A Survey of Uncertain Data Algorithms and Applications   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In recent years, a number of indirect data collection methodologies have lead to the proliferation of uncertain data. Such data points are often represented in the form of a probabilistic function, since the corresponding deterministic value is not known. This increases the challenge of mining and managing uncertain data, since the precise behavior of the underlying data is no longer known. In this paper, we provide a survey of uncertain data mining and management applications. In the field of uncertain data management, we will examine traditional methods such as join processing, query processing, selectivity estimation, OLAP queries, and indexing. In the field of uncertain data mining, we will examine traditional mining problems such as classification and clustering. We will also examine a general transform based technique for mining uncertain data. We discuss the models for uncertain data, and how they can be leveraged in a variety of applications. We discuss different methodologies to process and mine uncertain data in a variety of forms.  相似文献   

在大数据环境下,对移动众包系统的研究已经成为移动社会网络(MSN)的研究热点。然而由于网络个体的自私性,容易导致移动众包系统的不可信问题,为了激励个体对可信策略的选取,提出一种基于声誉的移动众包系统的激励机制——RMI。首先,结合演化博弈理论和生物学中的Wright-Fisher模型研究移动众包系统的可信演化趋势;在此基础上,分别针对free-riding问题和false-reporting问题建立相应的声誉更新方法,从而形成一套完整的激励机制,激励感知用户和任务请求者对可信策略的选取;最后通过模拟实验对提出的激励机制的有效性和适应性进行了验证。结果显示,与传统的基于社会规范的声誉更新方法相比,RMI有效地提高了移动众包系统的可信性。  相似文献   

Visualization researchers have been increasingly leveraging crowdsourcing approaches to overcome a number of limitations of controlled laboratory experiments, including small participant sample sizes and narrow demographic backgrounds of study participants. However, as a community, we have little understanding on when, where, and how researchers use crowdsourcing approaches for visualization research. In this paper, we review the use of crowdsourcing for evaluation in visualization research. We analyzed 190 crowdsourcing experiments, reported in 82 papers that were published in major visualization conferences and journals between 2006 and 2017. We tagged each experiment along 36 dimensions that we identified for crowdsourcing experiments. We grouped our dimensions into six important aspects: study design & procedure, task type, participants, measures & metrics, quality assurance, and reproducibility. We report on the main findings of our review and discuss challenges and opportunities for improvements in conducting crowdsourcing studies for visualization research.  相似文献   

移动终端群智感知研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移动终端集成了越来越多的内置传感器,移动群智感知成为近几年来的研究热点。通过对移动终端传感器感知数据的收集分析处理,用户所处情境便能被识别,还原用户所处场景,为用户提供个性化服务。文中通过归纳国内外的最新研究成果,提出了移动终端群智感知模型,并从数据处理、激励机制和群智感知应用、群智感知平台等几个方面具体归纳概括了国内外的研究趋势。文中归纳了最新的数据处理技术和群智感知应用场景,并提出了竞争和协作相辅相成的激励模式。  相似文献   

In recent years, an increasing number of data-intensive applications deal with continuously changing data objects (CCDOs), such as data streams from sensors and tracking devices. In these applications, the underlying data management system must support new types of spatiotemporal queries that refer to the spatiotemporal trajectories of the CCDOs. In contrast to traditional data objects, CCDOs have continuously changing attributes. Therefore, the spatiotemporal relation between any two CCDOs can change over time. This problem can be more complicated, since the CCDO trajectories are associated with a degree of uncertainty at every point in time. This is due to the fact that databases can only be discretely updated. The paper formally presents a comprehensive framework for managing CCDOs with insights into the spatiotemporal uncertainty problem and presents an original parallel-processing solution for efficiently managing the uncertainty using the map-reduce platform of cloud computing.  相似文献   

Design intelligence, namely, artificial intelligence to solve creative problems and produce creative ideas, has improved rapidly with the new generation artificial intelligence. However, existing methods are more skillful in learning from data and have limitations in creating original ideas different from the training data. Crowdsourcing offers a promising method to produce creative designs by combining human inspiration and machines’ computational ability. We propose a crowdsourcing intelligent design method called ‘flexible crowdsourcing design’. Design ideas produced through crowdsourcing design can be unreliable and inconsistent because they rely solely on selection among participants’ submissions of ideas. In contrast, the flexible crowdsourcing design method employs a cultivation procedure that integrates the ideas from crowd participants and cultivates these ideas to improve design quality at the same time. We introduce a series of studies to show how flexible crowdsourcing design can produce original design ideas consistently. Specifically, we will describe the typical procedure of flexible crowdsourcing design, the refined crowdsourcing tasks, the factors that affect the idea development process, the method for calculating idea development potential, and two applications of the flexible crowdsourcing design method. Finally, it summarizes the design capabilities enabled by crowdsourcing intelligent design. This method enhances the performance of crowdsourcing design and supports the development of design intelligence.  相似文献   

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