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袁友伟  鲍泽前  俞东进  李万清 《软件学报》2018,29(11):3326-3339
针对现有云环境下的多科学工作流调度算法中存在的未考虑安全调度问题,提出多科学工作流安全-时间约束费用优化算法MSW-SDCOA(Multi-Scientific Workflows Security-Deadline constraint Cost OptimizationAlgorithm).首先MSW-SDCOA基于数据依赖关系压缩科学工作流,减少任务节点数从而节省了调度开销;并通过改进HEFT(Heterogeneous Earliest-Finish-Time)算法形成调度序列,以实现全局多目标优化调度;最后,通过优化ACO(Ant Colony Optimization)中信息素更新策略和启发式信息,进一步改善费用优化效果.仿真实验表明,MSW-SDCOA算法在费用优化效果上比MW-DBS算法提高了约14%.  相似文献   

提出了一种嵌入式DSP系统的存储优化方法。该方法基于同步数据流模型SDF(Synchronous Data Flow)。针对其他优化算法不适用于存在反馈环的同步数据流模型的问题,该方法为反馈环的空间优化设计实现了启发式的调度算法,并提出了将SAS(Single Appearance Schedules)和Non-SAS类型调度序列相结合的层次化的空间优化方案,为同步数据流模型调度序列的空间优化提供一个通用的解决方案。实验结果证实了该方案的有效性。  相似文献   

数据流编程语言是一种面向领域的编程语言,它能够将计算与通信分离,暴露应用程序的并行性.多核集群中计算、存储和通信等底层资源的复杂性对数据流程序的性能提出了新的挑战.针对数据流程序在多核集群上执行存在资源利用低和扩展性差等问题,利用同步数据流图作为中间表示,文中提出并实现了面向多核集群的层次性流水线并行优化方法.方法包含任务划分与调度、层次流水线调度和数据局部性优化,经过编译优化后生成基于MPI的可并行执行的目标代码.其中任务划分与调度是利用程序中数据和任务并行性将任务映射到计算核上,实现负载均衡和低通信同步开销;层次性流水线调度是利用程序中的并行性构造低延迟流水线调度;数据局部性优化是针对数据访问存在的Cache伪共享做面向存储的优化.实验以X86架构多核处理器组成的集群为平台,选取媒体处理领域的典型应用算法作为测试程序,对层次流水线优化进行实验分析.实验结果表明了优化方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对多用户OFDMA系统资源分配中已有算法对系统容量和公平性兼顾较差的情况,提出了一种满足比例公平性的系统容量最大化资源分配算法。首先选择合适的公平度门限范围,在子载波分配中,先将各个子载波分配给信道增益最大的用户,再在公平度门限约束下重新分配最大速率用户的信道增益最小的子载波,可以实现子载波利用率和公平度的折中。然后采用注水线法分配功率来调整用户间的比例公平性,最终找到使系统容量最大的公平度门限。仿真结果表明,该算法在保证了用户间比例公平性为1的同时提高了系统容量。  相似文献   

针对云计算环境下大量用户任务请求各异的服务质量(Quality of Service, QoS)调度目标要求,通过综合考虑云用户任务的截止时间底线、调度预算等QoS目标约束条件以及各类可用资源的性能参数,对任务调度的多QoS目标约束条件进行形式化建模,基于构造的隶属度函数将多QoS目标约束的优化求解问题转化成一个单目标约束的优化问题,对转化后的单目标约束优化问题进行近似求解,最终提出一种多QoS目标约束的云计算任务调度策略。在CloudSim模拟器上的仿真结果表明,提出的多QoS目标约束的云计算任务调度策略总体上优于传统的Min-min算法以及改进的以QoS为导向的Min-min算法。  相似文献   

云工作流系统研究集中在工作流任务执行的时间效率优化,然而时间最优的任务调度方案可能存在不同能耗,因此,文中求解满足时间约束时能耗最优的调度方案。首先改进任务执行能耗模型,设计适用于评价任务调度方案执行能耗的适应度计算方法。然后基于精准调整粒子速度的自适应权重,提出解决任务调度能耗优化问题的自适应粒子群算法。实验表明,文中算法收敛稳定,调度方案执行能耗较低。  相似文献   

针对云工作流调度问题面临的安全威胁,首先采用云模型量化任务与虚拟机资源的安全性,通过安全云相似度衡量用户对任务所分配虚拟机资源的安全满意程度;然后建立考虑安全性、完成时间和使用费用的云工作流调度模型,并提出基于离散粒子群优化的云工作流调度算法;最后对所提算法进行仿真实验.实验结果表明,与同类算法相比,该算法在安全效用值、完成时间、使用费用和负载均衡离差方面具有较好的性能表现.  相似文献   

孙明  曹伟  李大辉  马志晟 《控制与决策》2020,35(5):1175-1182
针对正交频分多址系统中容量与公平之间的矛盾,提出在子载波分配中兼顾公平、在功率分配中保证公平度门限的最大化系统容量策略.该策略首先将现有子载波方法与匈牙利算法结合,在优先最大化系统容量的基础上兼顾公平;然后利用基于公平度门限的人工蜂群功率分配算法,在优先保证公平度门限的基础上最大化系统容量.实验结果表明:该策略的子载波分配方法能够最大化系统容量并兼顾用户的公平,可实现系统容量和用户公平度的同时提升;该策略的人工蜂群功率分配方法具有较好的稳健性和全局寻优能力,即使在用户数较大时也能够实现所要求的公平度门限并最大化系统容量.研究结果验证了所提出策略的有效性.  相似文献   

计算密集型应用中存在大量的并行性,如何优化并行处理任务,充分利用多核处理器的并行资源是当前多核编程领域亟待解决的重要问题.针对此问题,文中提出编译器辅助消息驱动的动态调度模型来优化任务调度;设计出新的编程模型DFBrook,以便更好地支持数据级和任务级的并行;采用编译器辅助的方式,由编译器产生将在运行时创建数据流图的代码;调度器对数据流图进行分析和解除任务依赖,并将任务分发到各处理核,处理核执行完任务后提供反馈信息给主控核进行调度决策.实验结果表明,调度模型具有较好的扩展性,并保持了较高的负载均衡效率和较低的通信开销.  相似文献   

在基于OFDM的认知无线电网络中,认知用户采用放大转发(Amplify-and-Forward,AF)协作模式进行数据传输。提出了功率和子载波分配及配对的优化算法,认知用户在子载波上的总发射功率是有限的,同时对授权用户造成的干扰必须低于门限值。采用拉格朗日对偶分解法和次梯度法对功率分配算法进行求解,并对子载波分配及配对算法进行了推导。仿真结果表明,与最大化总速率(maximize-total)公平性和最大化最小速率(maximize-worst)公平性相比,比例公平性(maximize-pro-fair)是一个能够使效率与公平性更加均衡的标准;在低信噪比时,就提高系统传输效率以及资源分配公平度指标而言,该算法依然优于其他三种分配方案。  相似文献   

Big data, Internet of things (IoT), and cloud computing have been recognized a family of technologies for a connected world. Besides hailed hope for the future, there are also challenges to security due to complexity and unpredictability of the Internet, clouds, and data. One of the challenges is information and data exchange, for example, identifying untrustworthy cloud users and analyzing abnormal user behavior during information exchange. This paper addresses exchange mechanism, which is a useful theoretic basis to make secure electronic commerce and electronic business transactions possible. To ensure and verify the property of fairness, a crucial property of exchange mechanism, this paper proposes a specific model for behavior analysis based on the extensive game with imperfect information. Rationality and fairness properties are built in the corresponding game and the game tree. To verify the properties, a tree analysis method is proposed, and a linear time algorithm is given. As a case study, some flaws of the ASW protocol are found.  相似文献   

随着数据的极端稀疏性,仅仅依赖于传统的协同过滤相似性的度量方法已无法取得精确的推荐结果。针对这一问题,提出基于用户特征属性和云模型的协同过滤算法。首先,算法利用云模型计算用户评分云相似性,结合用户打分偏好对原矩阵进行填充,在此基础上得到用户的评分云相似性;其次,再结合用户特征属性相似性通过加权因子计算用户的最终相似性,得到一种新的相似性度量方法;最后,得到算法的评分预测。实验结果表明,该方法能够提高推荐质量。  相似文献   


We propose a new approach for the organic integration of edge cloud offloading decision and Stackelberg game pricing to address the problem that the current Stackelberg games all allocate edge cloud computing resources equally and ignore the difference of different users’ demand for computing resources. Firstly, the Stackelberg game theory is used to establish a model of the optimal amount of data to be offloaded by users and the optimal number of computing resource blocks to be purchased, which converts the multivariate offloading decision problem of users into a univariate optimization problem, simplifies the offloading decision problem of users, and proves the existence of Nash equilibrium. Secondly, the KKT condition is applied to realize the offloading decision of users to purchase the optimal computing resource blocks. The upper and lower bounds of edge cloud pricing are established. Finally, a dynamic programming-based offloading (DPPO) algorithm for edge cloud pricing is proposed to achieve the optimal pricing of edge cloud utility and maximize each user’s own utility. The simulation results show that the proposed method not only achieves the equilibrium of edge cloud utility and user utility, but also has good convergence and scalability. The DPPO algorithm yields better results than with different pricing and offloading strategies.


This paper is concerned with the new bandwidth allocation model that considers the structural allocation constraints. Suppose that a system is composed of finite groups of users and the bandwidth assigned to each user and to each group of users has pre-specified upper and lower bounds. If each user is granted with the utility function satisfying the standard continuity and concavity conditions, the existence, uniqueness, fairness and optimality properties of the Nash equilibrium point in the allocation game are studied. To identify the equilibrium point, an algorithm proved to converge globally is proposed and illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

Cloud computing provides infrastructure, platform and software as services to customers. For the purpose of providing reliable and truthful service, a fair and elastic resource allocation strategy is essential from the standpoint of service customers. In this paper, we propose a game theoretic mechanism for dynamic cloud service management, including task assignment and resource allocation to provide reliable and truthful cloud services. A user utility function is first devised considering the dynamic characteristics of cloud computing. The elementary stepwise system is then applied to efficiently assign tasks to cloud servers. A resource allocation mechanism based on bargaining game solution is also adopted for fair resource allocation in terms of quality of service of requested tasks. Through numerical experiments, it is shown that the proposed mechanism guarantees better system performance than several existing methods. The experimental results show that the mechanism completes the requested tasks earlier with relatively higher utility while providing a significant level of fairness compared with existing ones. The proposed mechanism is expected to support cloud service providers in elastically managing their limited resources in a cloud computing environment in terms of quality of service. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于正交频分多址(OFDMA)解码-转发中继的系统资源分配方法不能兼顾系统容量与用户公平度。针对该问题,提出一种新的子载波与功率资源分配算法,其中包括子载波分配与配对以及功率分配2个过程。在子载波分配与配对过程中,设计新的同步子载波差值最小配对方法,以最大程度匹配两跳链路配对的子载波。在功率分配过程中,通过拉格朗日方法调整每个子载波对的功率,进一步提高系统传输速率。仿真结果表明,将该策略运用于不同的OFDMA子载波分配算法中能够较好地兼顾系统容量与用户间公平度。  相似文献   

Job scheduling algorithm based on Berger model in cloud environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Considered the commercialization and the virtualization characteristics of cloud computing, the paper proposed for the first time an algorithm of job scheduling based on Berger model. In the job scheduling process, the algorithm establishes dual fairness constraint. The first constraint is to classify user tasks by QoS preferences, and establish the general expectation function in accordance with the classification of tasks to restrain the fairness of the resources in selection process. The second constraint is to define resource fairness justice function to judge the fairness of the resources allocation. We have expanded simulation platform CloudSim, and have implemented the job scheduling algorithm proposed in this paper. The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively execute the user tasks and manifests better fairness.  相似文献   

针对“中心云服务器+多个边缘服务器”构成的“云+边”混合环境中多任务卸载效率不足的问题,提出了一种基于概率性能感知演化博弈策略的任务卸载方法。首先,在一个“中心云服务器+多个边缘服务器”构成的“云+边”混合环境中,假设其中分布的边缘服务器具有时变波动的性能,采用一种基于概率性能感知演化博弈策略的任务卸载方法对边缘云服务器的历史性能数据进行概率分析,以获得演化博弈模型;然后,生成服务卸载的演化稳定策略(ESS),使每个用户都能在获得高满意度的前提下进行任务的卸载。基于云边缘资源位置数据集和云服务性能测试数据集进行模拟实验,在24个连续时间窗口上进行不同方法的测试比较。实验结果表明,所提方法在多个性能指标上都优于传统的贪婪(Greedy)算法、遗传算法(GA)和基于纳什均衡的博弈论算法等任务卸载方法。该方法的平均用户期望达成度相较于三个对比方法分别提升了13.7%、117.0%、13.8%,平均卸载时延分别降低了6.5%、24.9%、8.3%,平均货币成本分别降低了67.9%、88.7%、18.0%。  相似文献   

资源分配策略是云计算领域的一个重要研究热点,其主要目标是同时考虑云用户和云提供商双方的利益,有效满足系统用户和任务的公平性,同时尽可能达到系统资源的充分利用。考虑到云环境中的用户需求各异,每个用户的任务请求数量不同,各个任务的资源需求也不同,设计了一种基于偏好的公平分配策略FABP,并给出了用户优先级和任务优先级的定义。实验分析表明,该算法不仅能缩短平均任务调度时间,而且还可以保证任务调度过程中用户和任务的公平性,实现综合资源利用率的最大化。  相似文献   

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