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网格纹理平滑技术要求既能保持模型大尺度结构特征又能去除模型小尺度纹理.然而当模型小尺度纹理与噪声相差较大时,大多数网格光顺算法会将网格纹理识别为特征加以保持,而无法有效将其去除;现有的基于谱分析的网格光顺方法尽管能有效去除网格纹理,但又无法同时保持模型大尺度结构特征.为解决该问题,本文提出一种基于混合频谱信号编码的低通过滤网格纹理平滑算法.首先采用基于视觉感知的特征识别方法,准确区分模型大尺度与小尺度特征.然后,基于顶点特征尺度,采用差异性频谱信号编码的方式进行几何信息重建,最终实现在保持网格模型大尺度结构特征的同时有效去除小尺度纹理.算法解决了现有网格光顺方法在模型小尺度纹理特征与噪声有明显区别时,无法有效去除纹理的问题;并且也解决了现有基于谱分析的网格光顺方法无法在去除模型小尺度纹理的同时,又能保持模型大尺度特征的矛盾.实验结果验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了去除三角网格模型中的噪声,提出了一种基于均值漂移的特征保持的网格光顺算法。该方法在对模型中的三角形的法向量进行滤波的基础上鲁棒地计算了顶点的法向量,利用均值漂移方法自适应地聚类出顶点的邻域。结合顶点间几何特征的相似性,将改进后的双边滤波算子应用于顶点的位置更新,从而完成模型的光顺。实验结果证明了网格光顺算法的有效性。利用这种网格算法,可以达到光顺带噪声的三角网格模型的目的,并在光顺的同时,有效地保持了模型中原有的特征。  相似文献   

滤波作为一种信号处理的方法,广泛地运用在许多不同领域。在逆向工程中,由测量数据建立的三角网格模型常常包含着各种噪声点。为了提高网格模型质量,常需要对网格模型进行光顺、除噪。滤波是一种快速而有效方法,被广泛应用于光顺和除噪的过程中。该文介绍了3种常用的网格滤波方法,并且比较了这3种不同方法在处理不同网格模型的滤波效果,并给出了它们的适用范围。  相似文献   

为了提高三角网格模型的质量,满足模型后续处理的要求,提出了一种基于邻域相似性的网格光顺算法。类比图像像素的灰度值,首先构造顶点的双边滤波微分算子,作为其几何灰度值;然后计算顶点邻域之间的相似性,作为顶点几何灰度值的权值,并对顶点的邻域顶点的几何灰度值进行加权平均,得到该顶点的最终几何灰度值;最后将顶点沿着其法矢量方向移动几何灰度值大小的距离,得到光顺后的三角网格模型。实验证明,该算法在光顺模型的同时有效地保持了网格的几何特征。  相似文献   

在逆向工程和计算机图形学中,由扫描得到的数据多存在噪声,为了对其进行光顺处理,提出一种基于加权最小二乘思想的保特征网格光顺算法.首先提出一个关于光顺后网格顶点或者法向的离散二次能量函数,该能量一方面满足光顺后的网格在除特征点外的地方处处光滑的同时,还满足光顺后网格与原噪声网格尽可能相似;然后对此能量函数关于每个顶点求偏导数并使其为0,得到一个线性方程组,求解该方程组得到光顺后的网格.实验结果表明,该算法是线性的,复杂度低,且无需人工交互就可以很好地保持网格的尖锐特征,还能避免发生收缩现象.  相似文献   

董洪伟  石坚 《计算机工程》2007,33(21):229-231
提出了一种保特征的网格光顺算法,能够在快速地去除噪声的同时,保持网格模型的结构特征。该算法对网格中每个三角形的法矢进行光顺,同时求得顶点的法矢。根据当前点到邻接点的距离以及当前点的法矢与邻接点的法矢的夹角对顶点移动的方向进行调整,使顶点分布更加均匀。利用高斯函数求得光顺权值。实验结果证明,该算法能够有效地保持网格模型的结构特征,同时具有迭代次数少、体积收缩小、执行效率高的特点。  相似文献   

主曲率均匀的网格光顺   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
针对三角网格数据提出了一种主曲率均匀的光顺方法 .该算法首先通过建立局部抛物二次曲面来估算网格顶点的主曲率和主方向 ,其次以邻点的主曲率和主方向的加权平均作为光顺后顶点的曲率值 ,然后由新曲率值和二次曲面方程计算出调整后的顶点位置 ,实现模型的光顺 .进行局部光顺时 ,将区域内的点组成各个封闭环 ,根据邻点所在环的层次分配权值 ,可以满足是否去除或保留内部区域特征的需要 .该文给出了应用实例 ,结果表明本方法对网格模型实施整体和局部光顺均有较好的效果 ,光顺前后模型体积变化较小 .  相似文献   

结合边折叠和局部优化的网格简化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘峻  范豪  孙宇  陆向艳  刘艳 《计算机应用》2016,36(2):535-540
针对目前网格简化算法在将三维模型简化到较低分辨率时,网格模型的细节特征丢失、网格质量不佳的问题,提出一种保持特征的高质量网格简化算法。引入顶点近似曲率的概念,并将其与边折叠的误差矩阵结合,使得简化模型的细节特征在最大限度上得到保持。同时分析简化后三角网格的质量,对三角网格作局部优化处理,减少狭长三角形的数量,提高简化模型的网格质量。使用Apple模型和Horse模型进行实验,并与一种经典的基于边折叠的网格简化算法以及其改进算法之一进行对比。实验结果显示,两种对比算法三角网格分布过于均匀,局部细节模糊不清,而所提算法的三角网格在曲率大的区域稠密,在平坦处稀疏,细节特征清晰可辨;简化模型的几何误差的数量值与两种对比算法处于同一数量级;所提算法的简化网格的平均质量远高于两种对比算法。实验结果表明,在不扩大几何误差的情况下,所提算法不仅具有较强的细节特征保持能力,而且简化模型的网格质量较高,视觉效果较好。  相似文献   

佟玉斌  王辉 《计算机工程》2012,38(8):242-245
针对有限元网格简化问题,将边折叠和三角形折叠算法相结合,提出一种基于曲面拟合的网格简化方法。根据节点离散度识别网格特征,对具有不同特征的部位采用不同的简化策略从而实现自适应变密度网格简化。按长高比最优原则对合并后的节点进行预测,运用曲面拟合技术最终确定合并后的节点,达到优化网格和保持网格特征的目的。实验结果证明,该方法能在保证网格质量的前提下有效简化网格模型,提高CAE分析速度,最多可缩短75%的计算时间。  相似文献   

微分坐标是刻画网格模型几何细节特征的有力工具,面法向量作为网格模型的一阶微分量,计算简单、不易受噪声影响,能真实反映网格模型的细节特征。基于此,提出一种改进的网格光顺去噪算法,使用信号处理技术中的谱网格处理方法,通过分解面法向量的拉普拉斯矩阵,将网格模型的面法向量变换到频谱域中,利用低频滤波器去除高频噪声得到连续的面法向量信号,基于三角面片重心约束条件重建网格顶点坐标,得到光顺的网格模型。实验结果表明,该算法使用的面法向量不易受到噪声影响,比顶点法向量更鲁棒,大幅提高了谱分解的效率,并且能克服光顺过程中产生的体积收缩、变形和过光滑等现象。  相似文献   

Mesh blending   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for smoothly connecting different patches on triangle meshes with arbitrary connectivity, called mesh blending, is presented. A major feature of mesh blending is to move vertices of the blending region to a virtual blending surface by choosing an appropriate parameterization of those vertices. Once blending is completed, the parameterization optimization is performed to perfect the final meshes. Combining mesh blending with multiresolution techniques, an effective blending technique for meshes is obtained. Our method has several advantages: (1) the user can intuitively control the blending result using different blending radii, (2) the shape of cross-section curves can be adjusted to flexibly design complex models, and (3) the resulting mesh has the same connectivity as the original mesh. In this paper, some examples about smoothing, sharpening, and mesh editing show the efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel template-based meshing approach for generating good quality quadrilateral meshes from 2D digital images. This approach builds upon an existing image-based mesh generation technique called Imeshp, which enables us to create a segmented triangle mesh from an image without the need for an image segmentation step. Our approach generates a quadrilateral mesh using an indirect scheme, which converts the segmented triangle mesh created by the initial steps of the Imesh technique into a quadrilateral one. The triangle-to-quadrilateral conversion makes use of template meshes of triangles. To ensure good element quality, the conversion step is followed by a smoothing step, which is based on a new optimization-based procedure. We show several examples of meshes generated by our approach, and present a thorough experimental evaluation of the quality of the meshes given as examples.  相似文献   

Template-based finite-element mesh generation from medical images   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The finite-element (FE) method is commonly used in biomedical engineering to simulate the behaviour of biological structures because of its ability to model complex shapes in a subject-specific manner. However, generating FE meshes from medical images remains a bottleneck. We present a template-based technique for semi-automatically generating FE meshes which is applicable to prospective studies of individual patients in which FE meshes must be generated from scans of the same structure taken at different points in time to study the effects of disease progression/regression. In this "template-based" meshing approach, the baseline FE (tetrahedral) volume mesh is first manually aligned with the follow-up images. The triangulated surface of the mesh is then automatically deformed to fit the imaged organ boundary. The deformed surface nodes are then smoothed using a Laplacian smoothing algorithm to correct triangle (surface nodes) distortion and thus preserve triangle quality. Finally, the internal mesh nodes are smoothed to correct distorted tetrahedral elements and thus preserve tetrahedral element quality. This template-based approach is shown to be as accurate and precise as the previous technique used by our group, while preserving element quality and volume.  相似文献   

A new method as a post-processing step is presented to improve the shape quality of triangular meshes, which uses a topological clean up procedure and discrete smoothing interpolate (DSI) algorithm together. This method can improve the angle distribution of mesh element. while keeping the resulting meshes conform to the predefined constraints which are inputted as a PSLG.1 Introduction Triangular mesh is very useful in manyapplications, especially in numerical simulationssuch as finite elem…  相似文献   

We present two techniques for simplifying the list processing required in standard iterative refinement approaches to shape quality mesh generation. The goal of these techniques is to gain simplicity of programming, efficiency in execution, and robustness of termination. ‘Shape quality’ for a mesh generation method usually means that, under suitable conditions, a mesh with all angles exceeding a prescribed tolerance is generated. The methods introduced in this paper are truncated versions of such methods. They depend on the shape improvement properties of the terminal-edge LEPP-Delaunay refinement technique; we refer to them as approximate shape quality methods. They are intended for geometry-based preconditioning of coarse initial meshes for subsequent refinement to meet data representation needs. One technique is an algorithm re-organization to avoid maintaining a global list of triangles to be refined. The re-organization uses a recursive triangle processing strategy. Truncating the recursion depth results in an approximate method. Based on this, we argue that the refinement process can be carried out using a static list of the triangles to be refined that can be identified in the initial mesh. Comparisons of approximate to full shape quality meshes are provided.  相似文献   

Silhouette smoothing for real-time rendering of mesh surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coarse piecewise linear approximation of surfaces causes undesirable polygonal appearance of silhouettes. We present an efficient method for smoothing the silhouettes of coarse triangle meshes using efficient 3D curve reconstruction and simple local re-meshing. It does not assume the availability of a fine mesh and generates only moderate amount of additional data at run time. Furthermore, polygonal feature edges are also smoothed in a unified framework. Our method is based on a novel interpolation scheme over silhouette triangles and this ensures that smooth silhouettes are faithfully reconstructed and always change continuously with respect to continuous movement of the view point or objects. We speed up computation with GPU assistance to achieve real-time rendering of coarse meshes with the smoothed silhouettes. Experiments show that this method outperforms previous methods for silhouette smoothing.  相似文献   

基于区域生长的网格模型分割技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对三角形网格模型简化中保持细节特征的要求,提出了以顶点和三角形作为种子的区域生长策略,并采用可变阈值的生长方法.首先将与顶点相关的三角形面积的均值作为顶点的属性值,在区域生长过程中重复选择具有极大属性值的图元作为种子;在预分割后,区域要进行合并和平滑处理.实验表明,该方法快速有效,能够满足网格模型简化中保持局部区域特征的需要.  相似文献   

类螺旋特征测点数据的闭曲面建模方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂曲面及海量点云测量数据的曲面建模已成为通用CAD/CAM软件的重要功能;然而,对于复杂的闭曲面建模方法,仍然存在许多技术上的难题,至今尚未能很好的解决,比如,基于海量的测量数据,如何进行闭曲面特征点识别,如何进行区域分割与处理,这一切都使得闭曲面建模过程中很难采用已经成熟的自由曲面建模技术和方法.通过研究异步仿形测量原理以及测量数据类型,针对鞋楦测量形成的空间螺旋线数据特征,提出一种闭曲面建模方法.该方法包括如下步骤:首先对测量点数据处理;并以特征螺旋线数据为基础对曲面进行三角分割;最后,以三角Bezier曲面为基础进行曲面构造,并将各曲面进行拼接、裁剪,形成完整的曲面.采用该方法对鞋楦测量数据的建模实例说明,能够有效地对具有空间螺旋线数据特征的闭曲面进行数据处理、曲面重构,提高了产品建模效率.  相似文献   

We present a new iterative technique based on radial basis function (RBF) interpolation and smoothing for the generation and smoothing of curvilinear meshes from straight-sided or other curvilinear meshes. Our technique approximates the coordinate deformation maps in both the interior and boundary of the curvilinear output mesh by using only scattered nodes on the boundary of the input mesh as data sites in an interpolation problem. Our technique produces high-quality meshes in the deformed domain even when the deformation maps are singular due to a new iterative algorithm based on modification of the RBF shape parameter. Due to the use of RBF interpolation, our technique is applicable to both 2D and 3D curvilinear mesh generation without significant modification.  相似文献   

When dealing with triangle meshes, it is often important to compute curvature information for the purposes of feature recognition, segmentation, or shape analysis. Since a triangle mesh is a piecewise linear surface, curvature has to be estimated. Several different schemes have been proposed, both discrete and continuous, i.e. based on fitting surfaces locally. This paper compares commonly used discrete and continuous curvature estimation schemes. We also present a novel method which uses biquadratic Bézier patches as a local surface fitting technique.  相似文献   

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