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The derivation of leaf area index (LAI) from satellite optical data has been the subject of a large amount of work. In contrast, few papers have addressed the effective model inversion of high resolution satellite images for a complete series of data for the various crop species in a given region. The present study is focused on the assessment of a LAI model inversion approach applied to multitemporal optical data, over an agricultural region having various crop types with different crop calendars. Both the inversion approach and data sources are chosen because of their wide use. Crops in the study region (Barrax, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) include: cereal, corn, alfalfa, sugar beet, onion, garlic, papaver. Some of the crop types (onion, garlic, papaver) have not been addressed in previous studies. We use in-situ measurement sets and literature values as a priori data in the PROSPECT + SAIL models to produce Look Up Tables (LUTs). Those LUTs are subsequently used to invert Landsat-TM and Landsat-ETM+ image series (12 dates from March to September 2003). The Look Up Tables are adapted to different crop types, identified on the images by ground survey and by Landsat classification. The retrieved LAI values are compared to in-situ measurements available from the campaign conducted in mid July-2003. Very good agreement (a high linear correlation) is obtained for LAI values from 0.1 to 6.0. LAI maps are then produced for each of the 12 dates. The LAI temporal variation shows consistency with the crop phenological stages. The inversion method is favourably compared to a method relying on the empirical relationship between LAI and NDVI from Landsat data. This offers perspectives for future optical satellite data that will ensure high resolution and high temporal frequency.  相似文献   

In this study, the consistency of systematic retrievals of surface reflectance and leaf area index was assessed using overlap regions in adjacent Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus (ETM+) scenes. Adjacent scenes were acquired within 7-25 days apart to minimize variations in the land surface reflectance between acquisition dates. Each Landsat ETM+ scene was independently geo-referenced and atmospherically corrected using a variety of standard approaches. Leaf area index (LAI) models were then applied to the surface reflectance data and the difference in LAI between overlapping scenes was evaluated. The results from this analysis show that systematic LAI retrieval from Landsat ETM+ imagery using a baseline atmospheric correction approach that assumes a constant aerosol optical depth equal to 0.06 is consistent to within ±0.61 LAI units. The average absolute difference in LAI retrieval over all 10 image pairs was 26% for a mean LAI of 2.05 and the maximum absolute difference over any one pair was 61% for a mean LAI of 1.13. When no atmospheric correction was performed on the data, the consistency in LAI retrieval was improved by 1%. When a scene-based dense, dark vegetation atmospheric correction algorithm was used, the LAI retrieval differences increased to 28% for a mean LAI of 2.32. This implies that a scene-based atmospheric correction procedure may improve the absolute accuracy of LAI retrieval without having a major impact on retrieval consistency. Such consistency trials provide insight into the current limits concerning surface reflectance and LAI retrieval from fine spatial resolution remote sensing imagery with respect to the variability in clear-sky atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate whether the retrieval of the leaf chlorophyll content and leaf area index (LAI) for precision agriculture application from hyperspectral data is significantly affected by data compression. This analysis was carried out using the hyperspectral data sets acquired by Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) over corn fields at L'Acadie experimental farm (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) during the summer of 2000 and over corn, soybean and wheat fields at the former Greenbelt farm (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) in three intensive field campaigns during the summer of 2001. Leaf chlorophyll content and LAI were retrieved from the original data and the reconstructed data compressed/decompressed by the compression algorithm called Successive approximation multi-stage vector quantization (SAMVQ) at compression ratios of 20:1, 30:1, and 50:1. The retrieved products were evaluated against the ground-truth.In the retrieval of leaf chlorophyll content (the first data set), the spatial patterns were examined in all of the images created from the original and reconstructed data and were proven to be visually unchanged, as expected. The data measures R2, absolute RMSE, and relative RMSE between the leaf chlorophyll content derived from the original and reconstructed data cubes, and the laboratory-measured values were calculated as well. The results show the retrieval accuracy of crop chlorophyll content is not significantly affected by SAMVQ at the compression ratios of 20:1, 30:1, and 50:1, relative to the observed uncertainties in ground truth values. In the retrieval of LAI (the second data set), qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed. The results show that the spatial and temporal patterns of the LAI images are not significantly affected by SAMVQ and the retrieval accuracies measured by the R2, absolute RMSE, and relative RMSE between the ground-measured LAI and the estimated LAI are not significantly affected by the data compression either.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is an important variable needed by various land surface process models. It has been produced operationally from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data using a look-up table (LUT) method, but the inversion accuracy still needs significant improvements. We propose an alternative method in this study that integrates both the radiative transfer (RT) simulation and nonparametric regression methods. Two nonparametric regression methods (i.e., the neural network [NN] and the projection pursuit regression [PPR]) were examined. An integrated database was constructed from radiative transfer simulations tuned for two broad biome categories (broadleaf and needleleaf vegetations). A new soil reflectance index (SRI) and analytically simulated leaf optical properties were used in the parameterization process. This algorithm was tested in two sites, one at Maryland, USA, a middle latitude temperate agricultural area, and the other at Canada, a boreal forest site, and LAI was accurately estimated. The derived LAI maps were also compared with those from MODIS science team and ETM+ data. The MODIS standard LAI products were found consistent with our results for broadleaf crops, needleleaf forest, and other cover types, but overestimated broadleaf forest by 2.0-3.0 due to the complex biome types.  相似文献   

New concepts for river management in northwestern Europe are being developed which aim at both flood protection and nature conservation. As a result, methods are required that assess the effect of management activities on the biodiversity of floodplain ecosystems. In this paper, we show that dynamic vegetation models (DVMs) in combination with regional scale derived remote sensing products can be adopted to assess both current and future ecosystem development and biodiversity status of a complex floodplain ecosystem in the Netherlands. The dynamic vegetation model SMART2-SUMO2 in combination with the nature valuation model NTM3 predicting potential floristic diversity was applied to simulate the biodiversity status of the Millingerwaard floodplain along the river Rhine in the Netherlands. Estimates of net primary production (NPP) derived from airborne HyMap imaging spectrometer data were used for validation of the simulated NPP by the DVM at the time of data acquisition in 2004. Imaging spectrometer derived NPP was in good agreement with the SMART2-SUMO2 modeled results. The NTM3 derived nature valuation in 2004 expressed as plant diversity for the floodplain was high and well in agreement with field observations. In a next step, the DVM was re-initialized using imaging spectrometer derived NPP in 2004 and a forecast of plant diversity and biomass development in 2050 was made. A comparison was performed for three pre-defined floodplain management scenarios using a data-assimilation based approach as well as one without. Significant differences in biomass development can be observed between the scenarios. Predicted plant diversity for individual ecosystems in 2050 shows increased variability for forest ecosystems compared to grass ecosystems. This shows that floodplain management should take advantage of spatiotemporal dynamics of the floodplain as a basis for fostering the development of increased biodiversity. The results of this study demonstrate that imaging spectrometer derived products can be used for validation and initialization of DVMs.  相似文献   

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