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In this paper, an optimal gain tuning method for PID controllers is proposed using a novel combination of a simplified Ant Colony Optimization algorithm and Nelder–Mead method (ACO-NM) including a new procedure to constrain NM. To address Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller tuning for the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) system, this paper presents a meta-analysis of the literature on PID parameter sets solving the AVR problem. The investigation confirms that the proposed ACO-NM obtains better or equivalent PID solutions and exhibits higher computational efficiency than previously published methods. The proposed ACO-NM application is extended to realistic conditions by considering robustness to AVR process parameters, control signal saturation and noisy measurements as well as tuning a two-degree-of-freedom PID controller (2DOF-PID). For this type of PID, a new objective function is also proposed to manage control signal constraints. Finally, real time control experiments confirm the performance of the proposed 2DOF-PIDs in quasi-real conditions. Furthermore, the efficiency of the algorithm is confirmed by comparing its results to other optimization algorithms and NM combinations using benchmark functions.  相似文献   

通过一种基于函数值的分母与分子均为一次的线性有理插值函数构造出带参数的叹线性有理插值函数,该函数形式简单,灵活度高。利用该函数提出了一种新的图像插值算法,实验表明,该方法控制灵活,能有效实现图像的缩放。  相似文献   

In this study, 3D scanning systems that utilize a pair of laser stripes are studied. Three types of scanning systems are implemented to scan environments, rough surfaces of near planar objects and small 3D objects. These scanners make use of double laser stripes to minimize the undesired effect of occlusions. Calibration of these scanning systems is crucially important for the alignment of 3D points which are reconstructed from different stripes. In this paper, the main focus is on the calibration problem, following a treatment on the pre-processing of stripe projections using dynamic programming and localization of 2D image points with sub-pixel accuracy. The 3D points corresponding to laser stripes are used in an optimization procedure that imposes geometrical constraints such as coplanarities and orthogonalities. It is shown that, calibration procedure proposed here, significantly improves the alignment of 3D points scanned using two laser stripes.  相似文献   

针对传统的3种图像插值算法在插值后分别存在灰度不连续、轮廓模糊、计算量大等问题,提出了一种新的区域插值算法。该算法先对图像依据纹理平坦或复杂进行区域的相对划分,然后根据待插值点在源图像中所属的区域对应地使用不同的插值算法。与一些典型插值算法进行仿真比较,验证了该算法在基本不改变插值精度的前提下,可以有效地降低运算时间。  相似文献   

In this article, the antenna partial gain to ‐factor based on the antenna current optimization is used as figure of merit for antenna design proposing an efficient global hybrid technique that combining very simple optimization (VSO) and Nelder‐Mead (NM) algorithm. To validate the strength of the approach, a set of three antennas operating within different frequency bands of super high frequency, submillimeter, and light spectrum are addressed and optimized. The antennas are analyzed completely using finite difference time domain method. The results showed the strength of the approach of optimizing antenna gain to ‐factor based on antenna current optimization using the hybrid VSO‐NM algorithm in different frequency bands. Compared to stand‐alone VSO, the hybrid VSO‐NM algorithm showed the ability to reduce the processing time on average by 58.73% in addition to enhancing the search capability by 43%.  相似文献   

多重网格方法求解两类Helmholtz方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细给出了多重网格方法的实现过程,借助正定Helmholtz方程及不定Helmholtz方程的求解来探讨多重网格方法的特性。对多重网格V环、W环以及F环三种不同迭代格式的收敛效果进行了对比。通过正定Helmholtz方程的求解,发现多重网格的确有很高的计算效率。对于不定Helmholtz方程,随着波数的增加,利用多重网格方法得到结果不收敛,原因出在细网格光滑和粗网格矫正过程。如何针对此问题对多重网格进行有效改进还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

郑豪 《计算机工程与设计》2008,29(11):2984-2986
插补运算速度、进给速度和插补精度是圆弧插补算法中最重要的指标,虽然圆弧插补算法有很多种,但在进给速度和插补精度上都不是很理想.现在提出了一种切割法圆弧插补新算法,这种圆弧插补算法计算简单,不仅插补运算速度明显提高,同时在保证插补精度的前提下,进给速度也得到了显著的提高.  相似文献   

~~Constructing triangular patch by basic approximation operator plus additional interpolation operator1. Barahill, R. E., Birkhoff, G., Gordon, W. J., Smooth interpolation in triangles, J. Approx. Theory, 1973, 8: 114-128. 2. Gregory, J. A., Smooth interpolation without twist constraints, in Computer Aided Geometric Design (eds. Barn-hill, R. E., Riesenfeld, R. R), New York: Academic Press, 1974, 71-88. 3. Charrot, P., Gregory, J. A., A pentagonal surface patch for comput…  相似文献   

针对经典新边缘指导插值(NEDI)算法存在的计算复杂度高、硬件实现困难、插值系数误差累计导致放大图像边缘噪声大的缺陷,提出一种改进的快速NEDI算法。算法采用圆形窗口计算插值系数,且该插值系数在高倍放大中可重复使用,避免了迭代计算插值系数引入的误差,并节省了迭代计算的时间。同时,对边缘区域非中心像素插值时,采用和被插点相邻的6个原像素点估计高分辨率图像的局部协方差。最后给出实验,并与双立方插值及经典NEDI算法进行比较。实验结果表明,使用改进算法插值后的图像边缘更加清晰,消除了大比例缩放时锯齿现象,提高了图像的视觉质量,计算复杂度也较经典NEDI算法大大降低。  相似文献   

将多重网格技术引入SIMPLER算法以加快其收敛速度,从而节约计算时间。通过计算不同雷诺数下的二维方腔顶盖驱动流,研究了多重网格方法中的V循环、W循环对SIMPLER算法的加速效果,并讨论了网格层数对加速性能的影响。研究结果表明,在不同雷诺数下,多重网格方法均可以起到良好的加速效果;在相同雷诺数和精度要求下,W循环方式的外迭代次数少于V循环方式的外迭代次数,而且网格层数对多重网格加速性能的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

随着工业计算需求的激增,计算流体力学 (Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) 学科对计算效率问题越来越重视。作者基于自行开发的 Navier-Stokes 解算器,引入多重网格加速收敛算法,并结合NVIDIA GPU 计算平台,从数值方法和高性能计算两个方面为 CFD 实现加速。数值加速算例测试结果表明,基于多重网格算法的 GPU 解算器相对 CPU 版本代码双精度可获得 45 倍以上的加速。  相似文献   

离群点检测问题中的数据可被看作是正常点与异常点在空间中的高度混合,在减少正常点损失的前提下,离群点通常包含在离聚类中心最远的样本集中。受这种思想启发,提出一种针对高维稀疏数据的基于插值的离群点检测方法,该方法在K-means基础上应用遗传算法对原始数据进行插值处理,解决了K-means聚类中稀疏数据容易被合并的问题。实验结果表明,对比基于传统K-means聚类的离群点检测方法以及几种典型的基于改进K-means的检测方法,本文 方法损失的正常点更少,提高了检测的准确率和精确率。  相似文献   

鲁志波  胡国恩 《计算机应用》2006,26(7):1570-1572
提出了一种新的图像插值算法,该算法利用局部结构张量所描述的图像几何特征增强了图像的边缘而不会产生伪影。在仿真实验中,应用该方法能够得到比传统的双线性和双三次插值方法更优的结果,特别是在边缘区域。而且该方法采用的插值格式能有效地减小计算量,适合实时应用。就提出的插值模型和一种基于变分的插值方法之间的关系进行了讨论,分析表明后者只是该模型的一个特例。  相似文献   

提出跨尺度插值方法,获取高质量、高帧率和高分辨率的运动图像序列,以增强空间对接任务中图像的运动平滑性,流畅地再现空间图像运动细节。提出基于视觉对应的关注域探测方法,有效地缩小插值帧的预测范围,实现关注尺度改变;提出基于一致敏感哈希的帧插值方法,生成高质量的插值帧,实现帧率尺度改变;提出基于区域的运动序列插值方法,提高关注域插值细节,实现分辨率尺度改变。实验结果表明,相比于已有的方法,可取得更好的视觉效果和更高的客观评价指标值。  相似文献   

The Hermite interpolation problem in the plane considered here is to join two points and to match given unit tangent vectors and signed curvatures at the two points with various G2 curves consisting of a pair of spirals. The rotation of the tangent vector of the interpolating curve from one point to the other is restricted to being less than π. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of each of the various curves are given.  相似文献   

In this paper, a modified Nelder Mead Self Organizing Migrating Algorithm (mNM-SOMA) has been presented for solving unconstrained optimization problems. It is based on the hybridization of self organizing migrating algorithm (SOMA) with modified Nelder Mead (mNM) Crossover Operator. SOMA is a low population based technique that has good exploration and exploitation qualities, but sometimes converges premature to local optima solution due to lack of diversity preserve mechanism. In this paper an attempt has been made to improve the efficiency of SOMA using a modified NM crossover operator (mNM) for maintaining the diversity in the search space. mNM-SOMA has been tested on a set of 15 test problems, taken form literature and results are compared with the results obtained by self organizing migrating genetic algorithm (SOMGA), SOMA, genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). For better presentation, results are also analyzed graphically using a Performance Index. Besides this, mNM-SOMA has also been used to solve Frequency Modulation Sounds Parameter Identification Problem. Analysis of numerical results infers mNM-SOMA as a less expensive robust technique.  相似文献   

为了更好地进行快速插值,提出一种改进的沃尔什滤波器:首先研究了传统的Walsh变换及其性质,在此基础上推导出Walsh滤波模板的设计方法;其次由于Walsh模板仅有4×4大小,因此给出一种基于权值矩阵的拼合方法;最后,对上千幅图像进行测试,求解出最佳权值a=1.6,b=0.8。实验将5幅标准测试图像分为两组,分别进行1/2抽取与1/4抽取,得到的插值结果均表明算法的插值效果优于最近邻插值、三次插值、区域坐标三次插值法、Walsh插值。同时,时间分析表明,算法的运行时间与三次插值相当。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新的数控车床螺纹插补加减速控制方法,其核心思想就是将加减速的过程离散成N级,在每一级中步进电机要以给定的频率恒速运行给定的步数,而后再升速。该算法有效地解决了高速螺纹加工过程中丢步、中断嵌套等问题,保证了加工精度。在配以MCF375和RTOS数控系统的TDNC150型车床上验证了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   

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