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针对云计算中多任务调度和资源分配问题,提出一种融合田口方法和差分进化算法(DEA)的改进差分进化算法(IDEA),优化云计算中多任务调度和资源分配。利用田口方法的一个正交表(OA)作为掩膜变异算子对任务进行编码,通过变异、交叉过程产生更好的后代。建立成本和时间模型,以此寻找调度方案的帕累托最优解。仿真具有5个任务和5个资源的云平台环境,以平均交叉率、分布距离、最大宽度和高维空间比率作为性能指标,将IDEA算法与DEA、NSGA-II等现有算法进行比较。实验结果表明,IDEA算法在寻找任务调度和资源分配的帕累托最优解上优于NSGA-II和DEA等算法。此外,对于不同的完工时间和任务调度成本的目标,分别列出了提出算法所寻找到的最优调度方案,能够为决策者提供很大帮助。  相似文献   

一种云计算资源优化分配的方法探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对云计算的特征提出了云银行模型,在模型中以多维的帕累托最优理论为依据进行资源调度,对其进行了最优化分析,目的在于提高客户的满意度,提高资源的利用率。通过对比实验,证明了该文提出的方法是有效的。  相似文献   

数据集中处理的云计算模式提供交互迅速、绿色高效的多样化应用服务面临新挑战.将云计算能力扩展到边缘设备,提出了边云协同计算框架;设计了基于任务预测的资源部署算法,在云服务中心通过二维时间序列对任务进行预测,结合分类聚合、延迟阈值判定等优化边缘服务器任务运行所需资源部署;提出了基于帕累托优化的任务调度算法,在边缘服务器分2个阶段进行帕累托渐进比较得到用户服务质量和系统服务效应2个目标曲线的相切点或任一相交点以优化任务调度.实验结果表明:结合基于任务预测的资源部署算法与基于帕累托优化的任务调度算法在提高平均用户任务命中率基础上,其用户平均服务完成时间、系统整体服务效应度、总任务延迟率在不同用户任务规模、不同Zipf分布参数α的应用场景下,均优于基于帕累托优化的任务调度算法和基于FIFO(first input first output)的基准任务调度算法.  相似文献   

云计算弹性的资源提供和虚拟机性能的不稳定性使得工作流的执行面临诸多不确定性.针对此问题,考虑执行时间具有不确定性,基于执行时间和代价的同步优化,提出同步满足健壮性的三目标优化工作流调度算法.以满足帕累托最优的均衡最优解集的形式进行建模,以启发式方式对模型求解.为衡量均衡解的质量,设计基于超体积的评估机制,得到冲突目标的均衡调度解,比原始双目标优化对执行时间的波动具有更小敏感性.实验结果表明,比较未考虑不确定性的双目标优化,该算法求解质量更高,均衡度更好,更符合不确定性实时云工作流调度.  相似文献   

为了同步考虑用户的任务QoS需求和云资源提供方的收益,提出一种云环境中满足帕累托最优的多目标最优化DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph)粒子群算法MODPSO(Multi-objective DAG Particle Swarm Optimization)。综合考虑任务执行跨度、执行代价与执行能耗的三目标同步最优化,设计基于DVFS的离散PSO调度优化方法。重新定义PSO的种群粒子进化过程和更新规则,进而得到多目标优化工作流调度解。通过人工合成工作流和现实科学工作流进行仿真测试,并对算法性能进行分析。结果表明,该算法可以通过非支配集的方式实现冲突多目标的调度优化求解。在满足用户QoS的同时,得到最优解的Pareto边界集,实现调度性能与系统能耗的均衡。  相似文献   

针对云计算中平台主机之间工作负载分布的作业调度问题,本文提出了一种基于近似ε-约束的优化算法。首先,将作业调度问题建模为一个数学决策模型;然后,求出模型的可行工作调度集;最后,利用ε-约束算法获得每个单目标模型的帕累托前沿,从而优化作业的总平均等待时间、最长工作调度中作业的平均等待时间(如调度跨度)和所需的主机数目。实验通过建立实例将本文算法与传统的加权和(WS)算法进行比较,实验结果表明,本文算法找到的非支配解平均数比WS算法多77.8%,且更具多样化,优化了同构云计算平台中多目标作业调度问题。  相似文献   

资源合理调度是云计算研究热点。为了提高云计算资源的调度效率,提出一种改进蛙跳算法的云计算资源调度方法。首先对云资源调度问题进行分析,建立云资源调度的目标函数,然后采用蛙跳算法对云资源调度问题进行寻优,并将对蛙跳算法进行改进,加快搜索速度,以提高算法学习能力。实验结果表明,相对于其他云计算资源调度方法,该方法可以更快找到最优云计算资源调度方案,使云计算资源负载更加均衡,提高云计算资源的利用率。  相似文献   

提出一种基于双局部最优的多目标粒子群优化算法,与可行解为优的约束处理方法相结合,来求解决非线性带约束的多目标电力系统环境经济调度问题。该算法针对传统多目标粒子群算法多样性低的局限性,通过对搜索空间的分割归类来增加帕累托最优解的多样性;并采用一种新的双局部最优来引导粒子的搜索,从而增强了算法的全局搜索能力。算法加入了可行解为优的约束处理方法对IEEE30节点六发电机电力系统环境经济负荷分配模型分别在几个不同复杂性问题的情况进行仿真测试,并与文献中的其他算法进行了比较。结果表明,改进的算法能够在保持帕累托最优解多样性的同时具有良好的收敛性能,更有效地解决电力系统环境经济调度问题。  相似文献   

云计算环境下的资源合理调度是当前的研究热点,针对粒子群优化算法的不足,引入膜计算理论,提出一种基于膜计算改进粒子群优化算法的云资源调度算法(PSO-MC)。对云资源调度问题进行分析,建立云资源调度的目标函数,受到膜计算的启发,将粒子放入膜中,主膜内粒子进行精细化局部寻优,辅助膜内的粒子进行全局搜索,通过膜区域之间信息传递搜索结果,找到云资源调度问题的最优解,在CloudSim平台对算法进行仿真实验。结果表明,PSO-MC算法减少了任务的平均完成时间,提高了任务处理的效率,使云计算资源调度更加合理。  相似文献   

为提高车载云计算资源调度的可靠性,减少数据处理时间,提出一种服务质量感知的并行MapReduce启发式车载云资源调度算法。在MapReduce并行计算模型的基础上,设计云计算环境中以车载单元为基础的车辆并行检测服务框架,利用相对优先级因子构建车载云计算调度模型,并通过启发式并行优化算法对模型进行优化,降低算法复杂度。在NS-3中的仿真结果表明,该算法可有效缩短作业执行时间,并具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   

Since the appearance of cloud computing, computing capacity has been charged as a service through the network. The optimal scheduling of computing resources (OSCR) over the network is a core part for a cloud service center. With the coming of virtualization, the OSCR problem has become more complex than ever. Previous work, either on model building or scheduling algorithms, can no longer offer us a satisfactory resolution. In this paper, a more comprehensive and accurate model for OSCR is formulated. In this model, the cloud computing environment is considered to be highly heterogeneous with processors of uncertain loading information. Along with makespan, the energy consumption is considered as one of the optimization objectives from both economic and ecological perspectives. To provide more attentive services, the model seeks to find Pareto solutions for this bi-objective optimization problem. On the basis of classic multi-objective genetic algorithm, a case library and Pareto solution based hybrid Genetic Algorithm (CLPS-GA) is proposed to solve the model. The major components of CLPS-GA include a multi-parent crossover operator (MPCO), a two-stage algorithm structure, and a case library. Experimental results have verified the effectiveness of CLPS-GA in terms of convergence, stability, and solution diversity.  相似文献   

针对云计算环境下如何高效分配资源,实现资源供应者利润最大化这一难题,提出了一种基于服务级别协议(SLA)的动态云资源分配策略。该策略通过将SLA中的计算力、网络带宽、数据存储等属性作为优化参数,构造了一种服务请求与资源的映射模型,同时设计相应的效用函数,并结合改进的与模拟退火算法相融合的混合粒子群算法(SA-PSO),实现云环境下的优化资源分配。实验分析结果表明,基于SLA参数的SA-PSO算法具有更好的全局最优值,在给定虚拟资源相同情况下,调用该算法完成用户任务实现的利润更高。  相似文献   

建立了服务主体优选的数学模型,采用Pareto遗传算法对多目标问题进行优化,给出了适用于该模型的操作算子,并提出了在最优解集中选取决策方案的算法。实验结果表明,该方案效果明显优于文献[3]中给出的解决方案。  相似文献   

袁浩  李昌兵 《计算机科学》2015,42(4):206-208, 243
为了提高云计算资源的调度效率,提出了一种基于社会力群智能优化算法的云计算资源调度方法.首先将云计算资源调度任务完成时间最短作为社会力群智能优化算法的目标函数,然后通过模拟人群疏散过程中的自组织、拥挤退避行为对最优调度方案进行搜索,最后采用仿真实验对算法性能进行测试.结果表明,相对于其它云计算资源调度方法,该方法可以更快地找到最优云计算资源调度方案,使云计算资源负载更加均衡,提高了云计算资源的利用率.  相似文献   

基于云计算神经网络物流车辆调度算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了物流车辆调度优化问题。针对云计算下任务调度算法没有考虑调度的服务质量和用户满意度的问题,特别是在物流任务调度问题中存在复杂的计算网络,造成计算率降低,为了解决上述问题,提出了一种新的有关云计算和神经网络相结合的物流作业调度算法。算法充分考虑了调度的服务质量以及用户满意度,建立一个参数化的处理模型,计算用户在各个资源上的综合满意度,再将任务分配到满足用户需求和使系统资源达到均衡的资源上执行,最后采用改进的神经网络进行优化车辆调度。实验结果表明,改进算法不仅能满足用户的多种需求,提高了用户的满意度,同时也提高了资源调度率和系统资源的利用率。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a bi-objective experimental evaluation of online scheduling in the Infrastructure as a Service model of Cloud computing regarding income and power consumption objectives. In this model, customers have the choice between different service levels. Each service level is associated with a price per unit of job execution time, and a slack factor that determines the maximal time span to deliver the requested amount of computing resources. The system, via the scheduling algorithms, is responsible to guarantee the corresponding quality of service for all accepted jobs. Since we do not consider any optimistic scheduling approach, a job cannot be accepted if its service guarantee will not be observed assuming that all accepted jobs receive the requested resources. In this article, we analyze several scheduling algorithms with different cloud configurations and workloads, considering the maximization of the provider income and minimization of the total power consumption of a schedule. We distinguish algorithms depending on the type and amount of information they require: knowledge free, energy-aware, and speed-aware. First, to provide effective guidance in choosing a good strategy, we present a joint analysis of two conflicting goals based on the degradation in performance. The study addresses the behavior of each strategy under each metric. We assess the performance of different scheduling algorithms by determining a set of non-dominated solutions that approximate the Pareto optimal set. We use a set coverage metric to compare the scheduling algorithms in terms of Pareto dominance. We claim that a rather simple scheduling approach can provide the best energy and income trade-offs. This scheduling algorithm performs well in different scenarios with a variety of workloads and cloud configurations.  相似文献   

针对部署在云环境下的云应用资源配置优化问题,提出了通过感知服务质量变化自适应配置云应用资源的策略。设计了一种基于采集到的历史运行指标数据生成贝叶斯网络概率推理模型,并利用预定义应用服务质量目标(Service Level Objectives,SLO)找到资源超配或不足的虚拟设备,生成资源优化方案。在仿真环境下验证测试结果显示,开启自适应配置算法的云应用请求响应时间指标明显优于未开启的云应用。  相似文献   

云计算是计算网络模型研究的热点领域,能实现几种资源共享和资源动态配置。然而,云计算中存储资源如何快速路由,减少动态负荷,兼顾全局负载平衡是有待解决的问题。ACO是一种仿生优化算法,具有健壮性强、智能搜索、全局优化、易与其他算法结合等优点。K中心点算法是K均值的改进算法,鲁棒性强,不易受极端数据的影响。结合这两种算法的优点,提出一种基于云计算环境下的ACO-K中心点资源分配优化算法,得到最优的计算资源,提高云计算的效率。通过仿真验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Cloud computing uses scheduling and load balancing for virtualized file sharing in cloud infrastructure. These two have to be performed in an optimized manner in cloud computing environment to achieve optimal file sharing. Recently, Scalable traffic management has been developed in cloud data centers for traffic load balancing and quality of service provisioning. However, latency reducing during multidimensional resource allocation still remains a challenge. Hence, there necessitates efficient resource scheduling for ensuring load optimization in cloud. The objective of this work is to introduce an integrated resource scheduling and load balancing algorithm for efficient cloud service provisioning. The method constructs a Fuzzy-based Multidimensional Resource Scheduling model to obtain resource scheduling efficiency in cloud infrastructure. Increasing utilization of Virtual Machines through effective and fair load balancing is then achieved by dynamically selecting a request from a class using Multidimensional Queuing Load Optimization algorithm. A load balancing algorithm is then implemented to avoid underutilization and overutilization of resources, improving latency time for each class of request. Simulations were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness using Cloudsim simulator in cloud data centers and results shows that the proposed method achieves better performance in terms of average success rate, resource scheduling efficiency and response time. Simulation analysis shows that the method improves the resource scheduling efficiency by 7% and also reduces the response time by 35.5 % when compared to the state-of-the-art works.  相似文献   


We propose a new approach for the organic integration of edge cloud offloading decision and Stackelberg game pricing to address the problem that the current Stackelberg games all allocate edge cloud computing resources equally and ignore the difference of different users’ demand for computing resources. Firstly, the Stackelberg game theory is used to establish a model of the optimal amount of data to be offloaded by users and the optimal number of computing resource blocks to be purchased, which converts the multivariate offloading decision problem of users into a univariate optimization problem, simplifies the offloading decision problem of users, and proves the existence of Nash equilibrium. Secondly, the KKT condition is applied to realize the offloading decision of users to purchase the optimal computing resource blocks. The upper and lower bounds of edge cloud pricing are established. Finally, a dynamic programming-based offloading (DPPO) algorithm for edge cloud pricing is proposed to achieve the optimal pricing of edge cloud utility and maximize each user’s own utility. The simulation results show that the proposed method not only achieves the equilibrium of edge cloud utility and user utility, but also has good convergence and scalability. The DPPO algorithm yields better results than with different pricing and offloading strategies.


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