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排爆机器人及相关技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对比国内外排爆机器人的发展玑状,对排爆机器人的关键技术进行了分析;根据排爆机器人的自身的特点.从机器人的行走机构、白主导航与控制、路径规划、障碍辨识、越障稳定牲、机器人系统动态辨识、遥控操作、通信等许多方面部进行了深入地分析研究。  相似文献   

针对排爆作业的安全性、稳定性和实时性的要求,设计了一套基于以太网的排爆机器人测控系统.该系统由排爆机器人和遥操作控制器组成,排爆机器人作为服务器,遥操作控制器作为客户端,两者之间通过长距离增强型网线实现以太网通信.客户端对服务器进行请求控制,服务器向客户端提供视频、激光雷达点云数据和其他多种传感器信息,为操作人员提供了重要的环境感知信息.该系统能够准确、实时地完成排爆作业,具有较好的稳定性和可靠性.  相似文献   

为了辅助公安人员更好地完成排爆工作,设计和开发了一个带双目立体视觉系统的排爆机器人。该视觉系统使用Matlab7.0和机器视觉软件EVision的EasyMatch库进行开发,能实时捕获排爆机器人周围的图像信息、进行摄像机标定、图像预处理、立体图像匹配、求取可疑目标物的特征点的立体坐标,并把图像实时显示在控制台,控制排爆机器人准确地抓取可疑目标物。该机器人视觉系统成功地抓取实验,表明了它在精度上能够满足排爆机器人的项目要求。  相似文献   

设计和开发了一个排爆机器人的双目立体视觉系统。该系统使用Matlab7.0和机器视觉软件EVision6.2的EasyMultiCam进行图像捕获并和EasyMath模式匹配库进行图像特征匹配,能实时捕获排爆机器人周围的图像信息、进行摄像机标定、图像预处理、立体图像匹配、求取可疑目标物的特征点的立体坐标,并把图中实时显示在控制台上,控制排爆机器人准确地抓取可疑目标物。该机器人视觉系统成功的抓取实验,表明了它在精度上能够满足排爆机器人的项目要求。  相似文献   

基于RTX51的排爆机器人嵌入式控制器固件开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍遥操作排爆机器人PBJ-1的嵌入式控制系统研制情况。叙述了利用RTX51开发排爆机器人嵌入式控制系统固件中的一些问题和解决办法。实践证明基于嵌入式实时操作系统RTX51开发工作于非结构环境中的遥操作机器人控制系统可以有效地提高整个机器人系统的性能及开发效率。  相似文献   

研究和开发一个双目视觉系统用于智能排爆机器人的自动控制。该系统利用计算机双目视觉原理,采用Matlab 7作为运算引擎,调用机器视觉软件eVision 6.2进行立体匹配,实时捕获图像,进行摄像机标定、图像预处理和匹配,确定可疑目标物的坐标,把图像实时显示在控制台,并通过xPC目标系统实现该机器人实时控制系统,自动控制手臂靠近并准确抓取可疑目标物。排爆机器人的抓取实验表明,该双目立体视觉系统在精度上能满足排爆要求。  相似文献   

二、地面移动机器人和警用车 1.排爆机器人 在西方国家中,恐怖活动一直就是个令当局头疼的问题。英国由于民族矛盾,饱受爆炸物的威胁,因而早在60年代就研制成功排爆机器人。英国研制的履带式“手推车”及“超级手推车”排爆机器人,已向50多个国家的军警机构售出了800台以上。  相似文献   

基于MatlabRTW的排爆机器人控制系统   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文提出一种基于Matlab语言的排爆机器人控制系统的设计方案,使用SIMLINK仿真工具,分别设计了控制系统框图、控制信息流程图,并通过xPC目标系统实现了该机器人实时控制系统。实验结果表明,该控制系统能满足机器人自动抓取目标物体的实际要求。  相似文献   

排爆机器人是一种用于代替人处理危险爆炸物无人设备。本文介绍了一种大型排爆机器人的研究工作,包括:机械、电气、控制、计算机、通讯等多种技术。排爆机器人有很强的越障与抓取能力,机器人是防水、防沙、防震、耐高低温,适应沙地、草地、软地等野外环境,技术先进、可靠,是一种避免人员伤亡的高科技产品。  相似文献   

为了实现六足机器人驾驶员的模拟训练,对六足机器人模拟驾驶系统的关键技术进行了研究,进而开发了一种实时的六足机器人模拟驾驶系统.该系统在复杂系统实时仿真框架Eurosim下进行开发以保证各软、硬件模块之间的实时交互.对系统的软、硬件进行了设计,以一种有人驾驶六足机器人为原型建立了仿真模型,实现了六足机器人模拟驾驶.实验结果表明该系统能够实时地、正确地对驾驶员的操作做出反应,真实地模拟了机器人的运动.  相似文献   

Haptic Direct-Drive Robot Control Scheme in Virtual Reality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper explores the use of a 2-D (Direct-Drive Arm) manipulator for mechanism design applications based on virtual reality (VR). This article reviews the system include a user interface, a simulator, and a robot control scheme. The user interface is a combination of a virtual clay environment and human arm dynamics via robot effector handler. The model of the VR system is built based on a haptic interface device behavior that enables the operator to feel the actual force feedback from the virtual environment just as s/he would from the real environment. A primary stabilizing controller is used to develop a haptic interface device where realistic simulations of the dynamic interaction forces between a human operator and the simulated virtual object/mechanism are required. The stability and performance of the system are studied and analyzed based on the Nyquist stability criterion. Experiments on cutting virtual clay are used to validate the theoretical developments. It was shown that the experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement and that the designed controller is robust to constrained/unconstrained environment.  相似文献   

介绍一种基于目标分解的机器人导航系统,机器人通过激光或声纳传感器获得地图信息,并以此为基础,系统控制机器人按照事先规划路径的分解任务导航,最终利用视觉传感器发现目标球并加以捕获。分析仿真和实际环境实验数据存在差异的原因,证明系统实现了预期目标。  相似文献   

With the growth of factory automation, the need for off-line robot programming is increasing rapidly. Off-line programming requires a robot simulator. This is the reason for the development of a TIPS/GS (Geometric Simulator), accompanied by a robot simulator. TIPS/GS has been developed as a project in the TIPS Research Association. The goal of this project is to extend the functions and applications of the solid modeler TIPS-1. Four simulators (i.e. the assembly simulator, engineering, NC simulator and robot simulator) have been developed for these extended applications.

The robot simulator described in this paper has the following special features:

• • When a robot motion is prescribed by the VAL-G language, the result can be seen on a CRT display in several patterns.

• • High-speed dynamic display which can almost keep up with real-time movements.

• • A shaded as well as wire-frame picture is used for the high-speed display entioned above.

• • Supported by the solid modeler, any robot and environment can be used with this system.

• • The preparation of a precise interference checker based on an analytical methods.

This paper is a report on the development of the robot simulator.  相似文献   

虚拟现实辅助机器人遥操作技术研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
刘伟军  朱枫  董再励 《机器人》2001,23(5):385-390
本文以水下机器人的遥操作作业为应用背景,提出并实现了虚拟现实技术和视觉感知 信息辅助机器人遥操作实验系统.该系统使用了CAD模型和立体视觉信息完成遥操作机器人 及其作业环境的几何建模和运动学建模,实现了虚拟作业环境的生成和实时动态图形显示. 采用了基于立体视觉的虚拟环境与真实环境的一致性校正、图形图像叠加、作业体与环境位 姿关系建立、基于网络的监控通讯等关键技术.在这个实验系统中,操作人员可利用所生成 的虚拟环境,在多视点、多窗口作业状态图形和图像显示帮助下,实时动态地进行作业观测 与机器人遥操作与运动规划,为先进遥操作机器人系统的实现提供了经验和关键技术.  相似文献   

This paper presents a homogeneous modular robot system design based on four per-module degrees of freedom (DOF), including a prismatic DOF to increase the versatility of its reconfiguration and locomotion capabilities. The ModRED (Modular Robot for Exploration and Discovery) modules are developed with rotary-plate genderless single sided docking mechanisms (RoGenSiD) that allow chain-type configurations and lead towards hybrid-type configurations. Various locomotion gaits are simulated through the Webots robot simulator and implemented in the real ModRED system. This work also addresses the problem of dynamic reconfiguration in a modular self-reconfigurable robot (MSR). The self-reconfiguration problem is modeled as an instance of the graph-based coalition formation problem. We formulate the problem as a linear program that finds the “best” partition or coalition structure among a set of ModRED modules. The technique is verified experimentally for a variety of settings on an accurately simulated model of the ModRED robot within the Webots robot simulator. Our experimental results show that our technique can find the best partition with a reasonably low computational overhead.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(2):205-224
Snakes perform many kinds of movement adapted to the environment. Utilizing the snake (its forms and motion) as a model to develop a snake-like robot, that performs the snake's function, is important for generating a new type of locomotion and expanding the possible uses of robots. In this study, we developed a simulator to simulate the creeping locomotion of the snake-like robot, in which the robot dynamics is modeled and the interaction with the environment is considered through Coulomb friction. This simulator makes it possible to analyze creeping locomotion with normaldirection slip, adding to the glide along the tangential direction. Through the developed simulator, we investigate the snake-like robot creeping locomotion which is generated only by swinging each of the joints from side to side and discuss the optimal creeping locomotion of the snake-like robot that is adapted to the environment.  相似文献   

We present a multibody simulator being used for compliant humanoid robot modelling and report our reasoning for choosing the settings of the simulator’s key features. First, we provide a study on how the numerical integration speed and accuracy depend on the coordinate representation of the multibody system. This choice is particularly critical for mechanisms with long serial chains (e.g. legs and arms). Our second contribution is a full electromechanical model of the inner dynamics of the compliant actuators embedded in the COMAN robot, since joints’ compliance is needed for the robot safety and energy efficiency. Third, we discuss the different approaches for modelling contacts and selecting an appropriate contact library. The recommended solution is to couple our simulator with an open-source contact library offering both accurate and fast contact modelling. The simulator performances are assessed by two different tasks involving contacts: a bimanual manipulation task and a squatting tasks. The former shows reliability of the simulator. For the latter, we report a comparison between the robot behaviour as predicted by our simulation environment, and the real one.  相似文献   

In an autonomous multi-mobile robot environment, path planning and collision avoidance are important functions used to perform a given task collaboratively and cooperatively. This study considers these important and challenging problems. The proposed approach is based on a potential field method and fuzzy logic system. First, a global path planner selects the paths of the robots that minimize the potential value from each robot to its own target using a potential field. Then, a local path planner modifies the path and orientation from the global planner to avoid collisions with static and dynamic obstacles using a fuzzy logic system. In this paper, each robot independently selects its destination and considers other robots as dynamic obstacles, and there is no need to predict the motion of obstacles. This process continues until the corresponding target of each robot is found. To test this method, an autonomous multi-mobile robot simulator (AMMRS) is developed, and both simulation-based and experimental results are given. The results show that the path planning and collision avoidance strategies are effective and useful for multi-mobile robot systems.  相似文献   

基于ODE 引擎的开放式仿人机器人仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了获得灵活、开放、简洁的仿真功能,提出了一种基于ODE(open dynamics engine)的仿人机器人 仿真平台集成方案.将基于ODE 的仿人机器人仿真系统开发过程定义为两类运算:变换叠加和关节叠加,并设计 了这两类叠加的ODE 算法.将仿人机器人结构描述为一个设计者和计算机都可以理解的结构表,将该结构表翻译 为ODE 基本元素实现仿真.设计并实现了一个基于所提出方案的仿人机器人仿真平台,根据基于倒立摆的步态规 划思想,设计并在仿真平台上实现了双足步行的仿真实验.实验证明了文中方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper the mathematical background of the developed robot soccer simulator is presented. It involves robot and ball dynamic behaviour and focuses mainly on their collisions study. Vital parts of the simulator are explained and modelled in more detail, beginning with the simple model of ball and robot motion and continuing with a more complex approximate collisions models, where the real robot shape is taken into consideration. Some new ideas of collision formulation, realization and real robot shape inclusion are used. The implementation of the simulator is described and advantages for the usage of the realistic simulator are stated.  相似文献   

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