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智能卡的研究与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了智能卡及JAVA卡的相关技术,智能IC卡由硬件和操作系统组成 ,可理解成一个计算机系统,智能IC卡有着完善的安全技术体制,安全性是其最大的特点,近年来,Java技术与智能卡技术的结合产生了Java卡,Java卡是一种新型的智能卡,它基于Java语言和Java卡虚拟机JCVM(Java Card Virtual Machine),是智能卡发展的方向。  相似文献   

智能卡与因特网连接模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章提出了因特网智能卡的概念,给出了其系统结构,并重点分析了智能卡协议栈的层次结构。在此基础上,提出智能卡与因特网连接的远程控制模型和代理模型。通过分析智能卡和终端之间的数据交换过程,阐明了两种连接模型的工作机理,为因特网智能卡的实际应用提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和科技的发展,治安、交通、金融、医疗、通信、商业、社会保障和服务、防伪、跟踪等部门刷卡办业务将是未来的一种发展趋势,形形色色的磁条卡、IC卡在社会上流通,导致刷卡管理上的混乱和人们生活的不便,而"一证在手,一卡通"的方式将会因其具有方便、快捷、安全、实用等众多有利因素而最终成为现实。当二代证信息系统和一卡通服务终端设备在社会上投入运行时,无论系统软件的维护和更新,还是各类一卡通服务终端设备的研发和更新升级,都将有不可估量的巨大市场。  相似文献   

Smart cards were invented four decades ago so as to keep data secrets and to process them secretly. Even though their main goal are still the same today, the smart cards have been subject to many evolutions at both their hardware and software levels. Indeed they have been the target of numerous attacks and new demands from the market. These demands have expanded their domains of application. When they were born and during some thirty years smart cards have been monolithic platforms with a fixed piece of software dedicated to one single application. But in the mid 90's, some technologies appeared that have broken this situation by enabling to easily host several applications on the same card. These new technologies have changed the business models and pushed the smart cards towards new domains and to a world where they will integrate lots of new functionalities.The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the evolution of the smart cards (and of their application domains) from monolithic static pieces of hardware and software to a flexible multiapplication platforms. This paper also explores the possibilities to see open multiapplication cards in the future and exposes the breakthroughs that are required to achieve in order to produce such cards.  相似文献   

Smart cards are used in information technologies as portable integrated devices with data storage and data processing capabilities. As in other fields, smart card use in health systems became popular due to their increased capacity and performance. Their efficient use with easy and fast data access facilities leads to implementation particularly widespread in security systems. In this paper, a smart card based healthcare information system is developed. The system uses smart card for personal identification and transfer of health data and provides data communication via a distributed protocol which is particularly developed for this study. Two smart card software modules are implemented that run on patient and healthcare professional smart cards, respectively. In addition to personal information, general health information about the patient is also loaded to patient smart card. Health care providers use their own smart cards to be authenticated on the system and to access data on patient cards. Encryption keys and digital signature keys stored on smart cards of the system are used for secure and authenticated data communication between clients and database servers over distributed object protocol. System is developed on Java platform by using object oriented architecture and design patterns.  相似文献   

Java card is a new system for programming smart cards,which is based on the Java language and Virtual Machine,Java card programs(applets)run in Java Card Runtime Environment (JCRE)including the java Card Virtual Machine(JCVM),the framework,the assoicated native methods and the API(Application Programming Interface),JCVM is implemented as two separate pieces: off-card VM(Virtual Machine)and on-card VM.The stack model and heap memory structure used by on-car VM and exception handling are introduced.Because there are limited resources wihin smart card environment,and garbage collection is not supported in JCVM,the preferred way to exception handling does not directly involve the use of throw,although the throw keyowrd is supported.Security is the most important feature of smart card.The Java Card applet security feature is also discussed.  相似文献   

Multi-application smart cards enable a user to potentially have a diverse set of applications on her smart card. The growing trend of services convergence fuelled by Near Field Communication and smart phones has made multi-application smart cards a tangible reality. In such an environment, cardholders might have a number of applications on their smart cards and if a card is lost, all of the applications would be lost with it. In addition, consumers might decide to upgrade their smart cards and require a seamless and secure framework to migrate their applications from the old smart card to the new one. Currently, the recovery of a smart card-based service might take from a day to a week at best as each of the lost cards can only be replaced by the respective card issuer, during which time the card issuer might lose business from the user because she is not able to access the provisioned services. Similarly, there is at present no migration mechanism proposed for smart card applications. The proposed framework in this paper enables a user to acquire a new smart card as she desires and then migrate/restore all of her applications onto it—allowing her to recover from her lost digital wallet in a secure, efficient, seamless and ubiquitous manner.  相似文献   

王浩鸣 《计算机工程》2002,28(9):6-7,15
随着电子商务活动的日益增多,智能卡在这些活动中的安全性与方便性也日益受到人们重视,但从智能卡本身来说,它所提供的功能并不能完全满足目前已有的应用需求,为了进一步完善智能卡技术,需要从硬件和软件两方面加以改进,文章仅从硬件的角度阐述智能卡发展的关键技术。  相似文献   

智能卡特别是非接触智能卡具有存储量大、数据保密性好、抗干扰能力强、读卡设备简单、操作速度快、脱机工作能力强等特点,为现代信息处理和传递提供了一种全新的手段.本文主要介绍多功能智能卡在小学校园管理系统中的应用,将智能卡技术与校园管理信息系统相连接,一卡多用,使原本需要建设在不同的系统平台的不同类型的卡,统一在多应用管理平台下.这样一来卡内应用在其生命周期内可以更新和重复利用,用户就能享受一张卡集成多种服务并可灵活更新所带来的便利.  相似文献   

A smart card is a small computer in credit card format with no man-machine interface. This industry wide recognition expresses an essential fact. The specific properties of smart cards, compared with all other types of cards, are determined by a microcontroller integrated in a card, which controls, initiates, and monitors all activities. Software alone cannot satisfy all smart card requirements. Manufacturers must offer additional functions in hardware. The authors describe true random-number generators and an advanced encryption standard computation unit: two different special-purpose hardware blocks that can be integrated on the silicon substrate along with the usual functional units of a smart card microcontroller  相似文献   

应鹏 《微型电脑应用》2014,(6):53-54,64
随着我国的信息化事业的迅猛发展,以Internet技术为基础的计算机网络已成为人们生活中最重要的基础设施之一,与此同时,智能卡(通常称为IC卡)也已在国民经济各部门、各行业以及各地区获得了广泛应用。我国电信、社会保障、交通、建设及公用事业、卫生、组织机构代码管理等领域应用的智能卡数量已经超过了40亿张,智能卡的广泛应用在促进政府与行业管理模式和工作方法的转变,推动国家经济与社会的协调发展,方便百姓生活,提高人民的信息化意识方面发挥了关键作用,做出了重大贡献。从Internet技术和智能卡技术入手,将两者相结合,提出了一个基于网络的大型城市一卡通系统线上交易与网上银行交互的应用方案。  相似文献   

70年代,随着超大规模集成电路和大容量存储芯片技术的发展,出现一种存储容量大、安全、可靠的集成电路卡,即IC卡,又称其为智能卡。由于具有以上许多明显优越于磁卡等存储卡的优点,IC卡的应用在随后的一段时间里飞速发展。虽然目前世界上磁卡仍在广泛使用,但其逐步被IC卡取代是必然的趋势。在当今这个信息时代,IC卡的应用将不断深入到人们生活的各个领域,成为人们处理各种事务的必不可少的工具。  相似文献   

IC卡作为一种微型智能产品,目前广泛应用于各行各业。社保卡采用的是IC卡其中的一种,即CPU卡。社保卡作为在劳动保障领域办理有关事务的身份验证和交易消费的唯一电子凭证.安全性尤为重要。通过对社保卡内部结构和安全体系的设计要求的分析,在着重探讨社保卡的安全体系划分(安全状态、安全属性、安全机制、密码算法和密钥管理)、如何通过卡内操作系统COS来管理卡内软硬件资源以及如何通过安全通道与外界交换信息来保证用户数据安全的传输的基础上,以达到社保卡安全应用的目的。  相似文献   

对智能卡COS现有USB、串口读写器的烧写技术进行了研究与分析,提出了一种以ARM处理器为母片硬件平台,通过智能卡接口对其他智能卡COS进行快速烧写的片拷贝方法。该方法具有硬件设计简单、烧写速度快,稳定性、安全性高等优点,且易于扩展为批量智能卡COS烧写器平台。目前该技术已在贴片智能卡生产厂商得以全面应用,大大提高了COS的烧写效率,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

文章首先介绍双界面智能卡的概念,然后讨论了为该卡设计的卡操作系统,主要包括文件管理、通信传输、安全管理和应用控制四部分。该卡操作系统在实践中已得到初步验证。  相似文献   

随着医院信息化的发展,患者到医院的就诊流程也随之发生变化,该文浅析了当下医院使用信息卡和储值卡的两种一卡通模式,展望未来区域协同医疗环境下一卡通给医院和患者带来的就诊模式的变化和优越性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种智能IC卡煤气表的设计方案,阐明了系统结构和各模块的功能。智能IC卡煤气表的硬件是由一个电源模块,可擦除只读存储器模块,IC卡模块,数字液晶模块和煤气传感器等模块组成,所有这些都是由一个单片机控制的。同时本文给出了软件的设计流程。  相似文献   

研究和分析卡片操作系统(COS)性能要求,提出以ARM智能卡为硬件平台的COS设计思路及方法,论述智能卡STK扩展应用及OTA技术实现原理。该系统利用空中下载技术实现卡片STK菜单的远程更新,结构合理、功能齐全、兼容性好。  相似文献   

JavaCard技术运用于校园一卡通的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
JavaCard是一种新的智能卡,它基于Jvaa语言,能运行多个卡应用程序(Applet).文中介绍了JavaCard相对于传统智能卡的优势,JavaCard的体系结构以及安全机制,并简述了校园一卡通对学校的现代化管理工作的作用,以及JavaCard技术运用到校园一卡通所产生积极因素的探讨及其建设方案.  相似文献   

When compared with data carriers such as cards with magnetic stripes or diskettes, the potential for protecting and securing data is one of the main advantages of cards with electronic chips (smart cards). Consequently, the chip hardware must be designed in an optimum fashion to meet this purpose; this includes the corresponding cryptographic procedures for securing the secret data. However, security is not only dependent on the specialised hardware of the microcontroller or on the cryptographic algorithms implemented in the operating system software. The security of applications for smart cards and the design principles applied by the developers to meet these security needs are of fundamental importance. The essential property of a smart card is its ability to offer a secure environment for data and programs. This article examines the range of possible attacks against smart cards, and the measures that can be used to protect against these attacks.  相似文献   

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