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贾敏智  邓翠艳 《软件》2012,(2):147-149
针对目前塔机运行过程中存在的安全隐患问题,提出了一种基于ARM的塔机自动安全监控系统。该系统以ARM为主控制器,实现了塔机运行时工作状态的监控、显示、记录和报警,通过无线通信技术,实现了相关塔机运行状态的信息传输及塔机之间的相互定位,依靠防碰撞算法,控制塔机输出,预防塔吊群交叉作业时的相互碰撞。该系统制造成本低、具有良好的实时性、可靠性以及广泛的应用价值,符合塔机监控系统小型化、智能化的发展方向。  相似文献   

Dow  Chyi-Ren  Nguyen  Duc-Binh  Cheng  Syuan  Lai  Po-Yu  Hwang  Shiow-Fen 《World Wide Web》2019,22(4):1669-1697

In recent years, Internet of Vehicles has attracted increasing research attention, especially from the viewpoint of establishing effective information transmission methods to aid drivers and road users. Drivers can currently receive numerous types of assisted information. However, too much and cluttered information may affect their driving performance. Thus, effective guidance and notification services should be provided to drivers according to time, location, and events. For this purpose, we propose a Message Queue Telemetry Transport-based adaptive guide and notification service system called VIPER to provide driving assistance information. VIPER adaptively provides information to drivers and road users based on five conditions: Vehicle, points of Interest, People, Environment, and Roads. First, we establish a hierarchical grid architecture that is used to provide location-based services. Second, we collect information from the vehicles, roads, and environmental sensors to produce a weighted road network. Then, guide and notification services are provided based on this network. Thus, we can provide real-time driving assistance and help drivers to increase their safety and avoid traffic jams. We also analyze historical traffic data collected from vehicle detectors and accident data to estimate the safety and accident risk degrees of roads. To verify the feasibility of the proposed system, a system prototype is implemented to provide guidance and notification services. The experimental results show that our system can effectively assist drivers and road users and that it has a low system response time.


针对煤矿安全监控系统中的监控分站采用单一微处理器采集传感器数据而导致的实时性差的问题,提出了一种基于FPGA的煤矿安全监控系统监控分站的设计方案,详细介绍了该监控分站的软、硬件设计。该监控分站采用A3PE600系列FPGA完成传感器信号的数据采集任务,采用ARM系列MCU完成与FPGA通信、与上位机通信、根据配置信息及传感器数据实现断电及报警控制、人机交互等任务。该监控分站实时性强,可接入多种类型的传感器,并适用于传输接口不同的多种安全监测监控系统。  相似文献   

同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)技术一直以来都是移动机器人实现自主导航和避障的核心问题,移动机器人需要借助传感器来探测周围的物体同时构建出相应区域的地图。由于传统的1D和2D传感器,如超声波传感器、声呐和激光测距仪等在建图过程中无法检测出Z轴(垂直方向)上的信息,易增加机器人发生碰撞的概率,同时影响建图结果的精确度。本文利用Kinect作为机器人SLAM的传感器,将其采集到的三维信息转化成二维的激光数据进行地图构建,同时借助机器人操作系统(robot operating system,ROS)进行仿真分析和实际测试。结果表明Kinect可以弥补1D和2D传感器采集信息的不足,同时能够较好的保持建图的完整性和可靠性,适用于室内的移动机器人SLAM实现。  相似文献   

介绍基于Android的多传感器信息融合技术在气溶胶自动化检测中的应用。多个传感器采用统一接口方式组网,每一个独立传感器采集的数据通过蓝牙传输到网内的Android处理终端进行融合和分析。通过对5种传感器进行组网采集数据,结果证明多传感器信息融合技术的应用增强了信息处理系统的适应性,实现了传感器之间的数据互补,提高了系...  相似文献   

冷淑君  徐卫红 《计算机仿真》2012,29(2):131-134,228
研究对水资源环境进行监测的精度问题。针对传统的水资源监测系统难以自适应采集各种类型水资源数据信息和实时可靠地传输水监测数据的问题,特别是传统的监测算法具有较高的复杂性,参数设置需要大量的资源,为了解决上述问题,提出了一种多传感网络平台的水资源环境监测物联网技术。主要难点技术在于将监测区域分为若干个不同的分簇,每个分簇搜集各种类型的环境监测数据,且可依据监测需要设定不同类型的传感器;在监测区域内设置移动Agent节点,根据网络能耗建立实时二维定位表,采用Rosen梯度投影法选择最优路径,构建移动方案,搜集采集到的数据并转发给控制中心。仿真表明,提出的技术对水资源监测实现远程数据采集和传输,具有实时性和可靠性,且网络整体能耗较低。  相似文献   

塔吊支架垂直度检测装置的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田立勇  张兰芬  孙聚涛  李鸿键 《软件》2011,32(8):31-32,60
为了提高塔式起重机的稳定性及塔机操作人员的安全系数,研究了塔式起重机支架平衡检测系统。论文介绍了塔式起重机支架平衡检测系统的构成和平衡检测的工作原理,采用加速度传感器作为检测传感器,通过单片机进行数据采集和计算分析,得到塔式起重机支架垂直度数据,该系统是针对塔式起重机支架的垂直度进行监测,通过检测可以及时了解塔式起重机的倾斜程度,避免塔式起重机因倾斜过度而倒塌造成事故。经过实验验证,该塔式起重机支架平衡检测系统有很好的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

随着我国老年化速度的加快,对老年人养老问题被社会广泛关注和重视。智慧养老被广泛应用于养老院,但目前无法实时监测每一位老年人的体征健康状况。为解决上述问题,设计了一种基于ZigBee的老年人体征监测系统。该系统分为主要分为三个模块数据采集,网络传输和应用分析。系统设计中采用便携式的心电传感器、呼吸波传感器、体温传感器和心率传感器实现对老年人体征数据的采集,采集到的数据通过ZigBee无线传感器网络传输到服务器,再由应用软件与算法对数据进行分析管理,从而保证了老年人在养老院的体征信息被实时监控。实验结果表明,系统设计的终端与各种传感器的数据采集、传输、分析等各模块的功能都被实现,且系统对采集到的信息进行分析预测其老人的健康状况,且预测评估指标RMSE为0.0371。实现了对老年人身体健康的实时监测,有效保护了老年人的健康问题。  相似文献   

针对解决葡萄园环境参数的无线监测问题,论文提出了一套无线实时监测葡萄园生态环境的方案,设计了一种能够实时采集、传输葡萄园环境参数采集系统.该系统基于无线传感器网络技术,采用CC2530芯片为基础设计,传感器节点上接有空气温湿度传感器、土壤温湿度传感器以及二氧化碳浓度传感器,通过这些传感器采集葡萄园环境参数.传感器节点将采集的环境参数经无线方式传给采集节点,采集节点通过串口将数据传输到PC机的数据库中,实现了葡萄园环境参数的无线实时监测.测试证明,该系统具有功耗低、传输实时数据、可靠性高等优点,能够地满足葡萄园环境参数监测的应用要求.  相似文献   

Construction work typically means producing on shifting locations. Moving materials, equipment and men efficiently from place to place, in and in between projects, depends on good coordination and requires specialized information systems. The key to such information systems are appropriate approaches to collect de-centralized sensor readings and to process, and distribute them to multiple end users at different locations both during the construction process and after the project is finished. This paper introduces a framework for the support of such distributed data collection and management to foster real-time data collection and processing along with the provision of opportunities to retain highly precise data for post-process analyses. In particular, the framework suggests a scheme to benefit from exploiting readings from the same sensors in varying levels of detail for informing different levels of decision making: operational, tactical, and strategic. The sensor readings collected in this way are not only potentially useful to track, assess, and analyse construction operations, but can also serve as reference during the maintenance stage. To this extent, the framework contributes to the existing body of knowledge of construction informatics. The operationality of the framework is demonstrated by developing and applying two on site information systems to track asphalt paving operations.  相似文献   

Campus football application is a Wearable innovation in sports area disassembling wearable innovation functionality for different clients and why there is such a need for these gadgets in everyday existence. It shows how persuasive the various sensors are in conveying an assortment of readings, which can help from many angles, in the existing method, deep learning and machine learning-based campus football application monitoring system. In this current system, data monitoring, data sharing are significantly less accurate in the football application monitoring system. So in the proposed system Global Positioning System (GPS) and FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) for Campus Football Application. Wearable sensors are expanding at work, and by coordinating innovations, clients are gathering more information about themselves. The scale of the wearable design is vast, each with its function to perform in different organizations. Sports wearable include an inertia rating unit and a Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor, which can be modified for various purposes. In this audit, differences show which sensors are feasible and lead to sensor innovation for sport applications. The sport requires constant emotional assessment. This is because the details observed by the sensors are physical. The Colony Optimization Algorithm presentation classifies a portion of the assessment capabilities. Separation can give clients a picture of their performance. The sensors measure the execution details and are done by data preparation, where the channels may vary on the actual information in terms of execution. Other reliability concerns are whether the continuous data input is as accurate as the post-game information.  相似文献   

文章磁目标跟踪系统选用霍尼韦尔HMC1043磁传感器阵列来采集永磁体的磁场信息,并实现定位。由于磁场传感器阵列的各传感器位置、方向和灵敏度直接影响系统定位的精确度,所以要求对这些磁传感器参数进行准确的标定。文章针对磁传感器阵列的标定问题提出了目标误差函数和优化计算方法。通过对所有参数的迭代计算和优化更新使目标误差函数达到最小,完成对磁传感器的位置、方向和灵敏度等参数的标定。文章方法已对实际传感器系统实施应用。在MATLAB环境下,PC机采集目标磁体的磁场信号,通过算法计算确定所有磁传感器的位置、方向和灵敏度,完成标定。通过文章方法的标定,系统定位精度有明显的提高,本方法的可行性和合理性也因此得到验证。  相似文献   

对起重机负载电机进行了研究,采用西门子公司的S7-200 SMART PLC采集负载电机的机械振动信号,通过工业Wi-Fi无线模块以无线数据包的形式将采集的数据汇总到上位机LabVIEW监测平台;上位机的LabVIEW监测平台对电动机振动信号进行相关性和频谱分析,将实时振动数据频谱信号和已知常见负载电机的轴承外圈故障、轴承内环故障和滚子故障3种典型的故障状态频谱信号进行相关性运算,得到实时信号与已知状态的相关系数;提出了以相关系数作为故障诊断判定阈值的方法进行故障诊断,实现了对起重机状态进行监测以及监控信息发布。  相似文献   

王飞  崔金强  陈本美  李崇兴 《自动化学报》2013,39(11):1889-1900
提出了一套室内四旋翼无人机控制, 导航, 定位和地图构建的完整解决方案. 无人机机载系统包括三个主要传感器, 即惯性测量单元, 下视相机和激光扫描测距仪. 经过处理, 融合这些传感器的测量数据, 无人机能够可靠的估计自己的飞行速度和实时位置, 并且沿着室内的墙壁进行无碰撞飞行. 通过收集一个完整飞行实验的数据, 无人机的飞行路径和在室内的环境也可以被很好地估计出来. 这套系统中的自主导功能不需要任何远程传感信息或脱机计算能力. 这套室内导航方案的性能和可靠性已在实际的飞行实验中被验证.  相似文献   

An autonomous mobile robot must be able to elaborate the measures provided by the sensor equipment to localize itself with respect to a coordinate system. The precision of the location estimate depends on the sensor accuracy and on the reliability of the measure processing algorithm. The purpose of this article is to propose a low cost positioning system using internal sensors like odometers and optical fiber gyroscopes. Three simple localization algorithms based on different sensor data processing procedures are presented. Two of them operate in a deterministic framework, the third operates in a stochastic framework where the uncertainty is induced by sensing and unmodeled robot dynamics. The performance of the proposed localization algorithms are tested through a wide set of laboratory experiments and compared in terms of localization accuracy and computational cost. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

针对行车在运行过程中,位置难以准确定位的问题,设计了一种行车定位系统。该系统运用绝对编码器对行车各项运行和移动数据实现精确采集,并利用单片机和采集的数据建立了行车的三维空间坐标体系,实现对行车的定位,并通过显示屏实时显示。  相似文献   

The threat to safety of aging bridges has been recognized as a critical concern to the general public due to the poor condition of many bridges in the United States. Currently, the bridge inspection is conducted manually, and it is not efficient to identify bridge condition deterioration in order to facilitate implementation of appropriate maintenance or rehabilitation procedures. In this paper, we report a new development of the autonomous mobile robotic system for bridge deck inspection and evaluation. The robot is integrated with several nondestructive evaluation (NDE) sensors and a navigation control algorithm to allow it to accurately and autonomously maneuver on the bridge deck to collect visual images and conduct NDE measurements. The developed robotic system can reduce the cost and time of the bridge deck data collection and inspection. For efficient bridge deck monitoring, the crack detection algorithm to build the deck crack map is presented in detail. The impact‐echo (IE), ultrasonic surface waves (USW), and electrical resistivity (ER) data collected by the robot are analyzed to generate the delamination, concrete elastic modulus, corrosion maps of the bridge deck, respectively. The presented robotic system has been successfully deployed to inspect numerous bridges in more than ten different states in the United States.  相似文献   

塔机在线无线远程监控系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前塔机安全监控系统中所存在的问题,设计了一种基于Zig Bee技术和GPRS技术的塔机无线安全监控系统,建立了塔机群在线无线远程监控平台,实现了对塔机群的在线监控和管理。阐述了系统的总体设计方案,并完成了各个模块的硬件和软件设计,实验表明:此系统实现了对塔机运行的实时监控,保障塔机设备安全正常运行。  相似文献   

介绍了基于物联网的智能家居监管系统,通过Zig Bee无线网络实现对室内环境进行信息采集和控制。利用基于libev的服务程序采集来自各传感器模块,如温度传感器、湿度传感器等的数据,在液晶显示器上通过Qt图形用户界面显示数据采集情况。同时生成XML文件,传递到基于Go Ahead的嵌入式Web服务器,使用户可通过网络实时了解室内的环境情况。  相似文献   

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