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基于VC++6.0的高速串口通信数据采集系统   总被引:22,自引:11,他引:22  
在VC 6.0中利用MSComm控件实现串口通信时实时性较差。系统资源利用不足。无法满足高速串口数据采集软件的编程要求.针对高速串口数据采集软件的设计要求,提出了基于多线程技术和自定义消息机制的异步串口通信的设计思想.结合串口通信的机理和多线程同步方式,分析了Win32系统下多线程异步串口通信程序的开发方法。  相似文献   

介绍了如何在PC平台上借助一些通用的软件来实现一个临床场感遥控系统的设计,比较详细地介绍了设计思路和实现的过程,对构建虚拟现实系统和遥控系统具有一定的鉴意义,对BCB环境下的OpenGL编程和通讯及多线程编程具有一的价值。  相似文献   

Windows NT环境下多线程技术在测控软件中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘九七 《测控技术》2001,20(3):45-46,49
论述了WindowsNT环境下多线程的应用,介绍了Deldpdhi中多线程的编程方法,举出了应用多线程技术编写测控软件的实例。  相似文献   

Java并发机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对高质量Java多线程并发程序设计,结合实例分析研究了Java多线程同步机制、通信机制以及并发机制的扩展,给出了防止死锁现象的编程策略,有助于解决实际编程中的并发问题。  相似文献   

基于声卡的虚拟信号发生器设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种以普通声卡为硬件设备的虚拟信号发生器的设计方法。设计采用了虚拟仪器技术,利用NI公司的Lab-VIEW软件的模块化编程以及多线程技术,实现了多种常见周期信号及任意指定信号的双通道输出。  相似文献   

针对Java多线程并发程序设计,归类和总结了不同功能的Java多线程设计模式,结合实例分析比较了这些设计模式,这有助于解决实际编程中的并发问题,开发出高质量的Java多线程程序。  相似文献   

介绍实时数据库系统和历史数据库系统的设计及管理,给出无线录井监控软件的设计实现过程。利用面向对象的编程方法,借助可视化的开发工具Visual C++设计了无线录井监控软件。在实现过程中采用了多线程、ADO、双缓冲等关键技术,保证了软件的实时性。  相似文献   

多人群聊软件是应用Java编程语言中的Socket、多线程技术以及MVC设计思想,C/S网络模式实现,软件设计的成功充分显示了Java语言的优势。  相似文献   

基于平台结构的模态参数识别软件编程技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模态参数识别软件主要功能信号采集、信号处理和参数识别,为了增强可扩展性能,软件采用了平台技术进行设计,接口具有规范性和通用性,平台由面向对象编程方法搭建而成,不仅强调封装概念,更重要的是平台的结构关系和开发标准,软件广泛运用表达式计算,状态机,多线程编程;OpenGL图形开发技术,设计了功能齐全的数据类,以满足参数识别工程应用的要求。  相似文献   

鲁晋  王遵立  庄文 《微计算机信息》2003,19(3):58-59,68
介绍和分析了一种原用于计算机高级语言的编程思想--多线程编辑,向单片机控制系统的移植。利用多线程的编程思想进行单片机的复杂控制,可以应用到一些对系统控制有苛刻要求的项目中,利用多线程编程的各个线程同时运行的特点,加大单片机控制的灵活性和复杂性,在功能的层面上极大地提高了单片机控制系统的运行速度,本文对这种模拟多线程的编程思想的适用性做出了分析,以及提出了可用于更苛刻条件的扩展型多线程模拟思想。  相似文献   

线程处理使C#程序能够执行并发处理,以便可以同时执行多个操作。描述了线程状态,阐述了利用C#进行程序设计时线程同步数据处理的几种方式:使用监视器来同步变量的访问、使用事件来同步线程和使用Mutex同步多个对象并避免锁死,多线程同步数据处理方法能避免多线程数据处理时出现的线程同步错误.  相似文献   

Delphi多线程编程技术是程序设计最为广泛应用的技术之一 ,也是处理并发问题和多任务管理的最方便的解决方法。本文介绍了在数据库应用中 ,使用多线程处理数据的存储和查询  相似文献   

Scsh, the Scheme shell, enables concurrent system programming with portable user-level threads. In scsh, threads behave like processes in many ways: each thread receives its own set of process resources; like Unix processes, new threads can inherit resources from the creating thread. The combination of scsh's interface to the POSIX API with user-level threads creates a number of design and implementation challenges: Scsh's abstractions for managing process resources raise interesting modularity issues, particularly in connection with first-class continuations. Scsh also provides an interface to the fork system call; its implementation must avoid common pitfalls that arise with a user-level thread system. This paper describes the design and implementation of the relevant abstractions and discusses the implications for programming-language and system design.  相似文献   

Despite the portability and platform independence of Java programs, their performance depends on the threading mechanisms of the host operating system. In this paper, we measure the performance of Java threads for two different multi-threading implementations, Linux Thread and Green Thread, using PersonalJava (TM) on a Linux-based platform. The experimental results show the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two threading mechanisms with respect to synchronization overhead, I/O efficiency, and thread control.  相似文献   

基于粒子群算法的多核处理器线程调度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为有效解决多核处理器的线程调度问题,提出了一种基于粒子群算法框架上的线程调度算法.该算法依据设计的调度模型,在线程DAG图上通过复制不在同一处理器上且存在相关性的线程,生成相互独立的子DAG图,并采用改进的粒子群优化算法对其进行合理调度,由此提高线程调度效率.仿真实现了该算法,并通过实验数据验证了该算法的优越性.  相似文献   

The increasing level of automation in critical infrastructures requires development of effective ways for finding faults in safety critical software components. Synchronization in concurrent components is especially prone to errors and, due to difficulty of exploring all thread interleavings, it is difficult to find synchronization faults. In this paper we present an experimental study demonstrating the effectiveness of model checking techniques in finding synchronization faults in safety critical software when they are combined with a design for verification approach. We based our experiments on an automated air traffic control software component called the Tactical Separation Assisted Flight Environment (TSAFE). We first reengineered TSAFE using the concurrency controller design pattern. The concurrency controller design pattern enables a modular verification strategy by decoupling the behaviors of the concurrency controllers from the behaviors of the threads that use them using interfaces specified as finite state machines. The behavior of a concurrency controller is verified with respect to arbitrary numbers of threads using the infinite state model checking techniques implemented in the Action Language Verifier (ALV). The threads which use the controller classes are checked for interface violations using the finite state model checking techniques implemented in the Java Path Finder (JPF). We present techniques for thread isolation which enables us to analyze each thread in the program separately during interface verification. We conducted two sets of experiments using these verification techniques. First, we created 40 faulty versions of TSAFE using manual fault seeding. During this exercise we also developed a classification of faults that can be found using the presented design for verification approach. Next, we generated another 100 faulty versions of TSAFE using randomly seeded faults that were created automatically based on this fault classification. We used both infinite and finite state verification techniques for finding the seeded faults. The results of our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented design for verification approach in eliminating synchronization faults.  相似文献   

On Migrating Threads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the notion of persistent threads in Tycoon (Matthes and Schmidt, 1994), we investigate thread migration as a programming construct for building activity-oriented distributed applications. We first show how a straight-forward extension of a higher-order persistent language can be used to define activities that span multiple (semi-) autonomous nodes in heterogeneous networks. In particular, we discuss the intricate binding issues that arise in systems where threads are first-class language citizens that may access local and remote, mobile and immobile resources.We also describe how our system model can be understood as a promising generalization of the more static architecture of first-order and higher-order distributed object systems. Finally, we give some insight into the implementation of persistent and migrating threads and we explain how to represent bindings to ubiquitous resources present at each node visited by a migrating thread on the network to avoid excessive communication or storage costs.  相似文献   

NPTF螺纹作为干密封螺纹,其牙型精度比NPT螺纹高,旋合时不用任何填料,完全依靠螺纹自身形成密封,螺纹间无任何密封介质,很适合用于高温高压的场合。由于其精度很高,所以必须要掌握好其加工性能和正确的检测方法。本文就这NPTF螺纹的参数、加工方法、检验方法展开讨论。  相似文献   

IOCP机制与网络代理服务器实现方法   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
论述了一种在Windows服务平台上比较成熟的I/O方法-完成端口,针对大量并发客户请求问题,提出采用IOCP多线程控制模型建立高效网络代理服务器思想,较好地解决了代理服务器中的多线程竞争问题,并在比较基于该模型的两种编程方案的基础上,给出了基于Windows 2000的网络代理服务器的设计与代理实现过程。  相似文献   

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