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In this paper, a four hot-arm U-shape electro-thermal actuator that can achieve bidirectional motion in two axes is introduced. By selectively applying voltage to different pairs of its four arms, the device can provide actuation in four directions starting from its rest position. It is shown that independent in-plane and out-of-plane motions can be obtained by tailoring the geometrical parameters of the system. The lumped model of the microactuator was developed using electro-thermal and thermo-mechanical analyses and validated using finite element simulations. The device has been fabricated using PolyMUMPs and experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions. Total in-plane deflections of 4.8 μm (2.4 μm in either direction) and upward out-of-plane deflections of 8.2 μm were achieved at 8 V of input voltage. The large achievable deflections and the higher degree-of-freedom of the proposed device compared to its counterparts, foresee its use in diverse MEMS applications.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new universal electromagnetic microactuator that makes use of novel magnetic interconnection concepts. In order to realize the universal actuator, planar microinductors are fabricated on a substrate which already contains anisotropically etched Ni/Fe permalloy-electroplated magnetic vias or through-holes. The inductor, which acts as a flux generator, is physically located on one side of the wafer, but is magnetically connected to the opposite side of the wafer where actuation occurs. This approach to actuator design provides for maximum flexibility in the range of applications. In addition, it allows the actuator to be readily connected to driving circuitry without interfering with the actuating device. Multi-layer 3D inductive components are fabricated using a LIGA-like thick photoresist lithography process. The fabricated coils consist of a horseshoe-shaped permalloy-electroplated magnetic core and electroplated copper conductor lines that form the windings around the core. Initial testing using a prototype cantilever beam structure has proven functionality and indicates that the new device has much potential as a low power magnetic microactuator. Many magnetic MEMS applications require an electromagnetic actuator with high efficiency, and some areas which this device is expected to impact include microfluidics, micromotors, optics, and resonating devices  相似文献   

This paper presents the characteristics of the first microactuator using magnetic fluid (MF). MF actuators with flat and corrugated diaphragms are fabricated by the micromachining technique and their deflections are measured. The MF actuator consists of an inductor, a fluid chamber filled with magnetic fluid, and a parylene diaphragm. In the presence of the magnetic field, magnetic fluid easily deforms its shape and generates some pressure. The relation between the MF pressure and magnetic flux density is obtained by the comparison of the deflection for the applied air pressure with that for the MF pressure. At 110 Gauss, the deflection of MF actuator with corrugated parylene diaphragm is more than 200 μm and the generated MF pressure is 2.8 kPa. The successful operation of the first MF actuator shows the high potential for the application to the micromachined devices.  相似文献   

Micromachined deformable mirror technology can boost the imaging performance of an otherwise nonrigid, lower-quality telescope structure. This paper describes the optimization of lead zirconium titanate (PZT) unimorph membrane microactuators for deformable mirrors. PZT unimorph actuators consisting of a variety of electrode designs, silicon-membrane thickness, and membrane sizes were fabricated and characterized. A mathematical model was developed to accurately simulate the membrane microactuator performance and to aid in the optimization of membrane thicknesses and electrode geometries. Excellent agreement was obtained between the model and the experimental results. Using the above approach, we have successfully demonstrated a 2.5-mm-diameter PZT unimorph actuator. A measured deflection of 5 /spl mu/m was obtained for 50 V applied voltage. Complete deformable mirror structures consisting of 10-/spl mu/m-thick single-crystal silicon mirror membranes mounted over the aforementioned 4/spl times/4 4 PZT unimorph membrane microactuator arrays were designed, fabricated, assembled, and optically characterized. The fully assembled deformable mirror showed an individual pixel stroke of 2.5 /spl mu/m at 50 V actuation voltage. The deformable mirror has a resonance frequency of 42 kHz and an influence function of approximately 25%.  相似文献   

In the study, two types of polyimide (PI) magnetic microactuator with different geometries were designed, fabricated and tested. Mathematic model is created by ANSYS software to design the two microactuators, respectively. The magnetic field generated by the planar coil with permalloy circuit loop design was simulated by ANSYS software. The simulation result shows that the magnetic force can be up to 34.69 mN. Fabrication of the electromagnetic microactuator combines with 10 m thick Ni/Fe (80/20) permalloy circuit loop deposition, 10 m thick permalloy plate with 800 × 800 m in area on PI diaphragm, high aspect ratio electroplating of copper planar coil with 10 m in thickness, bulk micromachining, and excimer laser ablation. They were fabricated by a novel concept avoiding the etching selectivity and residual stress problems during wafer etching. First, PI diaphragm with micro-electroplated Ni/Fe permalloy was released by anisotropic wet etching, followed by mask projection of 248 nm excimer laser ablation. The new concept of excimer laser ablation process demonstrates that microstructure can be post-ablated after bulk micromachining. By applying a current through planar coil, the PI diaphragm will be actuated. ANSYS software was used to predict the deflection angle of the two types of microactuators. The preliminary theoretical simulation shows a good agreement with experimental result.The authors would like to thank Dr. Tung-Chuan Wu and Mr. M.-C. Chou at MIRL of ITRI in Taiwan for their guidances, and National Science Council (NSC) for their financial supports to the project (granted number: NSC92-2622-E110-009-CC3 and NSC92-2212-E110-029).  相似文献   

 We demonstrate an electrostatic micro actuator which is fabricated by LIGA process. The actuator is designed for a magnetic head tracking system of hard disk drives (HDDs). The actuator is essential to achieve very high track density of HDDs. We realize the aspect ratio of 125 by the LIGA process using a Si-Au mask. We propose to use PMMA molds both as the mechanical structure and as the insulator between electrodes. We believe there are great opportunity for the LIGA process in making micro actuators of HDDs. Received: 25 August 1997 / Accepted: 24 October 1997  相似文献   

Micromachining of microelectromechanical systems which is similar to other fabrication processes has inherent variation that leads to uncertain dimensional and material properties. Methods for optimization under uncertainty analysis can be used to reduce microdevice sensitivity to these uncertainties in order to create a more robust design, thereby increasing reliability and yield. In this paper, approaches for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, and robust optimization of an electro-thermal microactuator are applied to take into account the influence of dimensional and material property uncertainties on microactuator tip deflection. These uncertainties include variation of thickness, length and width of cold and hot arms, gap, Young modulus and thermal expansion coefficient. A simple and efficient uncertainty analysis method is performed by creating second-order metamodel through Box-Behnken design and Monte Carlo simulation. Also, the influence of uncertainties has been examined using direct Monte Carlo Simulation method. The results show that the standard deviations of tip deflection generated by these uncertainty analysis methods are very close to each other. Simulation results of tip deflection have been validated by a comparison with experimental results in literature. The analysis is performed at multiple input voltages to estimate uncertainty bands around the deflection curve. Experimental data fall within 95 % confidence boundary obtained by simulation results. Also, the sensitivity analysis results demonstrate that microactuator performance has been affected more by thermal expansion coefficient and microactuator gap uncertainties. Finally, approaches for robust optimization to achieve the optimal designs for microactuator are used. The proposed robust microactuators are less sensitive to uncertainties. For this goal, two methods including Genetic Algorithm and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm are employed to find the robust designs for microactuator.  相似文献   

 Based on a previously developed three phase variable reluctance (VR) linear microactuator design features, improving the dynamic properties, were investigated. The active part exhibits, as in the case of its predecessor, permalloy yokes and stator poles with teeth, and is fabricated using thin film technology. Improvements regarding the dynamic motor range were made by varying the number of phases. The new design has substantially improved the dynamic properties, due to the fact that the six phase design greatly reduced the location dependent driving force ripple. Received: 21 May 2001 / Accepted: 30 July 2001  相似文献   

In this paper, a low-temperature stress-free electrolytic nickel (EL) deposition process with added dispersed diamond nanoparticles (diameter <0.5 /spl mu/m) is developed to synthesize Ni-diamond nanocomposite for fabricating electrothermal microactuators. Device characterization reveals dramatic performance improvements in the electrothermal microactuator that is made of the nanocomposite, including a reduction in the input power requirement and enhanced operation reliability. In comparison with the microactuator made of pure nickel, the nanocomposite one can save about 73% the power for a 3 /spl mu/m output displacement and have a longer reversible displacement range, which is prolonged from 1.8 /spl mu/m to more than 3 /spl mu/m. Furthermore, the nanocomposite device exhibits no performance degradation after more than 100 testing cycles in the reversible regime. The enhancements increase with the incorporation of the nanodiamond in a nickel matrix, so the Ni-diamond nanocomposite has potential for application in MEMS fabrication.  相似文献   

A micromachined impact microactuator driven by electrostatic force   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a novel micromachined actuator which is developed to produce precise and unlimited displacement. The actuator is driven by impact force between a silicon micro-mass and a stopper. The suspended silicon micro-mass is encapsulated between two glass plates and driven by electrostatic force. When the mass hits the stopper which is fixed on glass plates, impact force is generated to drive the whole actuator in a nano size step (/spl sim/10 nm). The overall dimension of the device is 3 mm /spl times/3 mm. The driving voltage is 100 V and average speed is 2.7 /spl mu/m/s. The total thickness is 600 /spl mu/m.  相似文献   

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