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针对认知无线电技术对射频微波滤波器的新要求,提出了一种基于枝节加载多模谐振器的电调微波滤波器。该电调微波滤波器由一个枝节加载微带多模谐振器和变容二极管组成,实现了滤波器的小型化。在分析枝节加载微带多模谐振器的基础上,通过在微带谐振器两端和加载枝节上加载变容二极管的方法,设计了枝节加载的电调多模微带谐振器,并提出了复杂微带谐振器谐振特性的分析方法。采用源和负载耦合的方法在通带右边引入一传输零点。通过在源和负载端放置耦合线的方法,提高了滤波器的通带选择性。针对滤波器带外衰减小的问题,引入一种新型的频变馈电结构,改善了滤波器的带外衰减特性。通过优化仿真确定了电调滤波器的尺寸参数。仿真验证了该滤波器的特性,当变容二极管的可调范围为2pf-10pf时,滤波器的频率可调范围为2.10GHz-2.40GHz,频率变化范围为300MHz。  相似文献   

傅关新  竹有章  孙超 《计算机仿真》2012,29(5):148-151,226
针对谐振器频带窄的问题,设计了一种新型的微带-共面波导型复合左右手传输线。利用缺陷地面结构(DGS)在微带线底板上蚀刻了矩形逆开环谐振器(CSRR),中心导带与上表面导带相互耦合形成左手电容,来设计CRLH-TL。利用传输矩阵法和Bloch-Floquet理论分析了传输特性和色散特性,并利用Ansoft HFSS高频仿真软件的传输特性进行了全波仿真。CRLH传输线单元尺寸为13.2mm,通带范围为1.1~5.6GHz,相对带宽为134%,属于超宽带左手结构。经仿真结果证明有较好的带通滤波性能,适合在微波器件中推广应用,促进左手材料在微波电路中的发展。  相似文献   

提出了一种用阶梯型阻抗方形环谐振器构成的双模微带滤波器,该滤波器引入一个方形切角作为微扰,并采用输入/输出与谐振器直接馈电的方式。该结构的滤波器在通带两侧均产生了传输零点,使阻带抑制性提高。使用电磁仿真软件HFSS对滤波器进行仿真优化,结果表明,双模带通滤波器的中心频率在2.2 GHz处,通带内的最小插损为-0.47 dB,3 dB相对带宽为18.2%,仿真结果与实测结果基本一致。  相似文献   

林丹艳  周希朗 《计算机仿真》2009,26(12):325-328,346
首次提出一种复合左右手传输线零阶谐振器及互补谐振环的新型带通滤波器.设计方法利用左右手复合传输线的独有特性,即零阶谐振器中心频率与谐振器长度无关,能在特定非零频率上得到无限波长的特点,来构造环形滤波器,并且地板蚀刻了长方形互补谐振环结构.设计过程中使用了AnsoftHFSS软件进行全波仿真,经过多次仿真,通过调节参数大小优化设计,最终结果得到中心频率为1.85GHz、带宽为0.1GHz的新型带通滤波器.在达到同样效果的前提下,减小尺寸,单个谐振器与传统相比体积减少了近80%,长方形CSBR还提高了传输特性.上述结构的实现对于左手材料在微波器件中的发展有一定的促进作用,进一步扩大了左手材料的应用范围.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种高稳定介质稳频的11GHz GaAs MESFET振荡器.K波段的小功率固体振荡器,过去大多采用微波体效应二极管或雪崩二极管作为有源器件构成.但是由于体效应振荡器效率低,雪崩管振荡噪声大,把它们用作接收机的本振均感到有不足之处.而用GaAs-MESFET为有源器件做成11GHz振荡器,又采用高稳定度的介质谐振器来稳频,基本上满足了接收机对本振的要求.但限于目前国产GaAs-FET管的性能和介质谐振器的材料性能,此振荡器的电性能指标还不甚理想.  相似文献   

从设计指标出发,采用基片集成波导结构,研究并设计了一种小型化的滤波器。通过采用四分之一基片集成波导谐振器,实现了整体电路的小型化。通过引入微带谐振器,在频带高端引入一个传输零点,提高了滤波器的选择性。滤波器的中心频率设置在3.6GHz,通带的带宽为400MHz。  相似文献   

基于多层板的多功能组件微波互联技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决多芯片组件高密度互联的难点,设计了一种基于复合多层板工艺的板间微波互联结构。优化后的多层互联结构在10 GHz~20 GHz范围内只比直通微带的插损大0.1 dB,驻波比大0.3;而在30 GHz~40 GHz范围内只比直通微带的插损大0.3 dB,驻波比大0.4,具备良好的微波特性。该多层互连结构具有工艺简单、成本低廉的优势,可以很好地解决组件高密度互联问题。  相似文献   

S波段微带均衡器的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计了一种用于低噪声放大器后端的微带增益均衡器,通过对其结构进行理论分析、设计、仿真及加工调试,完全实现了所需的目标幅频曲线,改善了输出增益平坦度。根据测试结果,该微带均衡器工作于2 GHz-3 GHz频带内的幅度在2 GHz频点最大衰减3.5 dB,3 GHz频点最小衰减0.5dB,并随频率呈递增特性,且输入输出回波损耗超过14 dB。  相似文献   

基于微带贴片天线在无线引信中的应用,根据微带天线原理,通过HFSS天线仿真软件,设计了中心频率为6.14GHz和7.2GHz的同轴馈电圆形微带天线。仿真结果表明:该天线谐振频率、回波损耗等性能参数符合设计要求。  相似文献   

1W微波无线输电系统的发射端设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种小功率(1 W)、2.45 GHz微波无线输电系统的发射端设计。直流电平经过锁相频率合成芯片ADF4360-0转换为S波段的2.45 GHz微波信号,ADF4360-0的寄存器配置由MSP430控制;2.45 GHz微波信号经过由功放芯片ERA-5SM及ADL5606组成的驱动级功率放大器将功率放大到1 W,加上喇叭天线即组成了小功率微波输电系统的发射端。利用矩形微带整流天线接收并整流微波信号,整流后的直流电平供给负载,便形成了完整的微波无线输电系统。详细分析了设计参数与方法,并进行了仿真及验证试验。  相似文献   

We propose a feedback type oscillator and two negative resistance oscillators.These microwave oscillators have been designed in the S band frequency.A relatively symmetric resonator is used in the feedback type oscillator.The first negative resistance oscillator uses a simple lumped element resonator which is substituted by a microstrip resonator in the second oscillator to improve results.The negative resistance oscillator produces 4.207 dBm and 7.124 dBm output power with the lumped element resonator and microstrip resonator respectively,and the feedback type oscillator produces ?10.707 dBm output power.The feedback type oscillator operates at 3 GHz with phase noise levels at-83.30 dBc/Hz and-103.3 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz and 1 MHz offset frequencies respectively.The phase noise levels of the negative resistance oscillator with the lumped element resonator are-94.64 dBc/Hz and-116 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz and 1 MHz offset frequencies respectively,at an oscillation frequency of 3.053 GHz.With the microstrip resonator the phase noise levels are-99.49 dBc/Hz and-119.641 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz and 1 MHz offset frequencies respectively,at an oscillation frequency of 3.072 GHz.The results showed that both the output power and the phase noise of the negative resistance oscillators were better than those of the feedback type oscillator.  相似文献   

A microstrip open‐loop resonator oscillator operating at even modes is proposed. The even mode of the ring circuit can be predicted by using a simple transmission‐line model. The new oscillator has a characteristic similar to that of a push‐push oscillator. In addition, in comparison with the push‐push oscillator, the new oscillator with one active device can minimize the size and lower the cost. A voltage‐controlled piezoelectric transducer (PET) is used to vary the resonant frequencies of the ring resonator, which in turn tunes the oscillator with a good tuning range of 4.9% at around 12.1 GHz. This tuned oscillator should have many applications in wireless systems. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2005.  相似文献   

In this article, a balanced microstrip dual‐band bandpass filter (BPF) is designed. The proposed filter is achieved by employing a microstrip U‐shape half‐wavelength resonator, a folded stub‐loaded resonator and balanced microstrip/slotline transition structures. The center frequencies and the fractional bandwidths of the two differential‐mode (DM) passbands can be controlled independently by changing the physical lengths of the two resonators and the gaps between each resonator, respectively. The balanced microstrip/slotline transition structures can achieve a wideband common‐mode (CM) suppression. Meanwhile, the DM passbands are independent from the CM responses, which significantly simplify the design procedure. In addition, a wide DM stopband is also realized. In order to validate the design strategies, a balanced dual‐band BPF centered at 2.57 and 3.41 GHz was fabricated and a good agreement between the simulated and measured results is observed.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel single negative metamaterial (MTM) transmission line (TL) consisting of a Hilbert‐shaped complementary ring resonator (H‐CRR) on the ground plane is initially presented and studied in depth. Then based on the proposed MTM TL, a novel six‐section Hi‐Lo microstrip low‐pass filter (LPF) with a cut‐off frequency 2.5 GHz is developed, fabricated, and measured. Measurement results indicate that: by integrating H‐CRR, the selectivity has been significantly improved which is 77.3 dB/GHz due to the single negative permittivity; by etching a crown square on low‐impedance section, the bandwidth characterized by 20 dB return loss was obviously enhanced by 26.2% and the maximal sidelobe level of in‐band return loss was reduced from 22 to 24.6 dB. What' more, the developed LPF achieved a 36.3% size reduction with respect to its conventional counterpart. The design concept, which was confirmed by the measurement data, is of practical value and can be popularized in other microwave devices where high selectivity is requested. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

This article presents a dual‐plane structure high selectivity tri‐band bandpass filter (BPF) which consists of a pair of T‐shaped microstrip feed lines with capacitive source‐load coupling as well as spur lines embedded, and three resonators, i.e., a dual‐mode stub‐loaded stepped impedance resonator and two nested dual‐mode defected ground structure resonators. Using the intrinsic characteristics of the resonators and feed lines, nine transmission zeros near the passband edges and in the stopband can be generated to achieve high selectivity. An experimental tri‐band BPF located at 2.4/5.7 GHz [wireless local area networks (WLAN) application] and 3.5 GHz [worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) application] has been simulated and fabricated. Good agreement between the simulated and measured results validates the design approach. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2013.  相似文献   

A wideband slot‐coupled microstrip‐to‐microstrip vertical transition is presented in this paper. The transition consists of upper/lower microstrip patch, a metallized via, a wide slot, and a CPW patch on the ground plane. The CPW patch is connected to the upper microstrip patch through the metallized via. The upper microstrip patch, the CPW patch, and the metallized via together constitute a hybrid resonator. By introducing the fundamental resonance of the hybrid resonator into the passband, a broadband microstrip vertical transition can be realized. A sample transition has been designed and measured. Experimental results indicate that a broad frequency range of 2.3 to 8.4 GHz with return loss better than 10 dB can be obtained.  相似文献   

A new dual‐band compact hybrid resonator antenna is proposed in this article. The analysis is based on electric‐field and magnetic‐field integral equations. In the proposed design, the structure uses a combination of a thin circular disk dielectric resonator (DR) and a microstrip‐fed dog‐bone slot. This dog‐bone slot works as a half‐wavelength radiator and as a feed circuit for the DR. By optimizing the structure's parameters, the hybrid structure allows not only the DR to resonate at one frequency band but also the dog‐bone slot to resonate at the other one with the required frequency separation. Based on the above design concept, an antenna prototype for wireless communication applications centered at 1.9 and 2.45 GHz is successfully designed, fabricated, and tested. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2006.  相似文献   

In this article, a hybrid microstrip fed dual‐cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (dual‐CDRA) has been proposed for the sub‐6 GHz band application with a wide circular polarization band. The proposed hybrid microstrip feed cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna utilizes an S‐shaped microstrip feed line to excite fundamental HE11δ like mode and hybrid mode in dual‐CDRAs. The presented antenna structures are acting as monopole antenna separately with 48.75% (3.88‐6.38 GHz) bandwidth whereas both radiators called dual‐CDRAs enhances the bandwidth up to 93.06% (2.16‐5.92 GHz) in addition with an axial ratio bandwidth of 15.2% (3.52‐4.1 GHz). The proposed antenna is applicable for WiMAX (3.4‐3.69 GHz), and WLAN application of 802.11d and 8.02.11e IEEE standard. For validation of simulated results, an antenna prototype has been fabricated and experimentally verified. A good agreement between simulation and measured results are obtained. The simulation results have been carried out by using Ansys HFSS 14.0 version software.  相似文献   

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