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基于CGA和ICA的人脸特征提取方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立分量分析方法是一种有效的人脸特征提取方法。为了提高独立分量分析法表征人脸特征空间的能力,采用遗传算法对特征空间进行选择优化,获得最优的人脸特征子集。针对遗传算法的随机初始化个体分布不均匀性问题,采用混沌种群生成算法,使遗传算法的搜索更具有全局性。仿真实验表明,该方法的识别率明显优于单一独立分量分析方法。  相似文献   

一种高效的面向轻量级入侵检测系统的特征选择算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈友  沈华伟  李洋  程学旗 《计算机学报》2007,30(8):1398-1408
特征选择是网络安全、模式识别、数据挖掘等领域的重要问题之一.针对高维数据对象,特征选择一方面可以提高分类精度和效率,另一方面可以找出富含信息的特征子集.文中提出一种wrapper型的特征选择算法来构建轻量级入侵检测系统.该算法采用遗传算法和禁忌搜索相混合的搜索策略对特征子集空间进行随机搜索,然后利用提供的数据在无约束优化线性支持向量机上的平均分类正确率作为特征子集的评价标准来获取最优特征子集.文中按照DOS,PROBE,R2L,U2R 4个类别对KDD1999数据集进行分类,并且在每一类上进行了大量的实验.实验结果表明,对每一类攻击文中提出的特征选择算法不仅可以加快特征选择的速度,而且基于该算法构建的入侵检测系统在建模时间、检测时间、检测已知攻击、检测未知攻击上,与没有运用特征选择的入侵检测系统相比具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

改进的精英遗传算法及其在特征选择中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合精英遗传算法"优胜"和稳态遗传算法"劣汰"的优点,提出一种先全局大范围搜索后局部重点搜索的分级遗传算法并用于心电信号的特征选择。针对传统遗传算法易陷入局部极小的问题,提出新的存优去劣扩空间选择算子,使种群中的优良个体保持到下一代,且能淘汰劣质个体,加入新的个体,保证算法可以在全空间搜索;引入拼接算子和切断算子在局部空间搜索,解决了遗传算法收敛速度慢的问题。以朴素贝叶斯分类器分类性能作为特征子集评价标准,在MIT-BIH数据库上的实验结果表明,算法得到的特征子集具有良好的分类性能。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的入侵检测特征选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种基于遗传算法的入侵检测特征子集选择方法,只选择最具分类信息的特征构建入侵检测模型。在该方法中,根据入侵检测的特点,将特征选择问题作为优化问题来考虑,充分利用遗传算法的全局搜索及并行处理能力,生成最优解集。同时,为了降低误报率,结合指纹识别技术,优化子集中包括四个包头标志符,作为最终的入侵检测特征集合,并通过试验数据表明这一算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对入侵检测系统产生的高维数据和支持向量机参数优化问题,提出一种遗传算法同步选择特征和支持向量机参数的网络入侵检测模型。首先将特征子集和支持向量机参数编码成染色体,将网络入侵检测的分类准确率作为种群个体的适应度值,然后通过遗传算法的全局搜索能力,同步找到对分类算法最有影响的特征组合和支持向量机最优参数,最后采用KDD99数据集进行仿真实验。结果表明,该模型可以快速找到最优特征子集和支持向量机参数,提高了网络入侵检测正确率,是一种较好的网络入侵检测算法。  相似文献   

张翠军  陈贝贝  周冲  尹心歌 《计算机应用》2018,38(11):3156-3160
针对在分类问题中,数据之间存在大量的冗余特征,不仅影响分类的准确性,而且会降低分类算法执行速度的问题,提出了一种基于多目标骨架粒子群优化(BPSO)的特征选择算法,以获取在特征子集个数与分类精确度之间折中的最优策略。为了提高多目标骨架粒子群优化算法的效率,首先使用了一个外部存档,用来引导粒子的更新方向;然后通过变异算子,改善粒子的搜索空间;最后,将多目标骨架粒子群算法应用到特征选择问题中,并利用K近邻(KNN)分类器的分类性能和特征子集的个数作为特征子集的评价标准,对UCI数据集以及基因表达数据集的12个数据集进行实验。实验结果表明,所提算法选择的特征子集具有较好的分类性能,最小分类错误率最大可以降低7.4%,并且分类算法的执行时间最多能缩短12 s,能够有效提高算法的分类性能与执行速度。  相似文献   

针对网络攻击检测准确率较低的问题,提出基于人工神经网络和遗传算法的混合网络攻击检测算法.将多目标遗传算法和多项式逻辑回归模型组合成封装特征选择算法,利用多项式回归模型对多分类数据的高效学习能力以及多目标遗传算法的全局优化能力,提取数据的最优特征子集;将降维后的特征集送入感知机训练,利用重引力搜索算法搜索神经网络的参数.基于不同的网络数据集完成实验,实验结果表明,该算法有效降低了特征维度,实现了较好的检测性能.  相似文献   

任越美  李垒  张艳宁  魏巍  李映 《计算机科学》2014,41(12):283-287
针对高光谱图像分类过程中数据波段多以及信息冗余量大引起的处理速度慢及Hughes现象等问题,提出了一种基于多粒子协同进化算法进行高光谱图像自动波段选择与分类的方法:使用多粒子群协同进化算法搜索特征子集,对粒子群优化算法进行改进,定义新的位置和速度的更新策略,并以支持向量机为分类器,同时对特征子集和SVM核函数参数进行优化。在协同搜索过程中,引入遗传算法改善粒子群优化的"早熟"收敛问题,构建了一种新的MPSO-SVM(Multiple particle swarm optimization-SVM)分类模型。对高光谱遥感图像的实验结果表明:MPSO-SVM方法不仅能有效地压缩光谱的特征维数,得到最佳的波段组合,还能得到最优的SVM参数,达到较好的分类效果,提高分类精度。  相似文献   

遗传算法在人脸识别中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究人脸图像识别准确率问题,人脸是一个非刚体,具有变形大,针对影响因素多且易受干扰,用传统的方法识别率低.为了提高人脸图像识别正确率,提出了利用遗传算法的人脸特征提取的识别方法.首先采用小波变换和张量主成分分析(PCA)方法对人脸图像进行特征提取,然后通过改进的遗传算法对PCA提取的特征进一步的优化,得到人脸最优人脸特征子集,最后根据最优特征进行识别.利用标准人脸识别库进行仿真,试验结果表明,相对其它特征提取的人脸识别方法,不仅具有识别速度加快,而且正确率高,是有效的人脸识别算法.  相似文献   

基于BPSO-SVM的网络入侵特征选择和检测   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用改进的二进制粒子群优化进行入侵特征子集选择,粒予群中每个粒子代表。个选择的特征子集,结合支持向世机使用该特征子集所对应的数据集进行分类,正确分类结果作为该粒子的适应度,通过粒子群优化实现最优入侵特征选择。改进的BPSO方沾中通过引入粒于群依概率整体变异来避免陷入局部最优,同时采用粒子禁忌搜索列表来扩大粒子搜索范围和避免重复计算;SVM中采用基于粒度的网格搜索来获得最优核参数。最后用KDD99标准数据集进行实验研究,结果表明该方法能获得满意的检测效果。  相似文献   

Feature selection is a key issue in pattern recognition, specially when prior knowledge of the most discriminant features is not available. Moreover, in order to perform the classification task with reduced complexity and acceptable performance, usually features that are irrelevant, redundant, or noisy are excluded from the problem representation. This work presents a multi-objective wrapper, based on genetic algorithms, to select the most relevant set of features for face recognition tasks. The proposed strategy explores the space of multiple feasible selections in order to minimize the cardinality of the feature subset, and at the same time to maximize its discriminative capacity. Experimental results show that, in comparison with other state-of-the-art approaches, the proposed approach allows to improve the classification performance, while reducing the representation dimensionality.  相似文献   

Rough set theory is one of the effective methods to feature selection, which can preserve the meaning of the features. The essence of rough set approach to feature selection is to find a subset of the original features. Since finding a minimal subset of the features is a NP-hard problem, it is necessary to investigate effective and efficient heuristic algorithms. Ant colony optimization (ACO) has been successfully applied to many difficult combinatorial problems like quadratic assignment, traveling salesman, scheduling, etc. It is particularly attractive for feature selection since there is no heuristic information that can guide search to the optimal minimal subset every time. However, ants can discover the best feature combinations as they traverse the graph. In this paper, we propose a new rough set approach to feature selection based on ACO, which adopts mutual information based feature significance as heuristic information. A novel feature selection algorithm is also given. Jensen and Shen proposed a ACO-based feature selection approach which starts from a random feature. Our approach starts from the feature core, which changes the complete graph to a smaller one. To verify the efficiency of our algorithm, experiments are carried out on some standard UCI datasets. The results demonstrate that our algorithm can provide efficient solution to find a minimal subset of the features.  相似文献   

Feature subset selection is basically an optimization problem for choosing the most important features from various alternatives in order to facilitate classification or mining problems. Though lots of algorithms have been developed so far, none is considered to be the best for all situations and researchers are still trying to come up with better solutions. In this work, a flexible and user-guided feature subset selection algorithm, named as FCTFS (Feature Cluster Taxonomy based Feature Selection) has been proposed for selecting suitable feature subset from a large feature set. The proposed algorithm falls under the genre of clustering based feature selection techniques in which features are initially clustered according to their intrinsic characteristics following the filter approach. In the second step the most suitable feature is selected from each cluster to form the final subset following a wrapper approach. The two stage hybrid process lowers the computational cost of subset selection, especially for large feature data sets. One of the main novelty of the proposed approach lies in the process of determining optimal number of feature clusters. Unlike currently available methods, which mostly employ a trial and error approach, the proposed method characterises and quantifies the feature clusters according to the quality of the features inside the clusters and defines a taxonomy of the feature clusters. The selection of individual features from a feature cluster can be done judiciously considering both the relevancy and redundancy according to user’s intention and requirement. The algorithm has been verified by simulation experiments with different bench mark data set containing features ranging from 10 to more than 800 and compared with other currently used feature selection algorithms. The simulation results prove the superiority of our proposal in terms of model performance, flexibility of use in practical problems and extendibility to large feature sets. Though the current proposal is verified in the domain of unsupervised classification, it can be easily used in case of supervised classification.  相似文献   

Feature selection, an important combinatorial optimization problem in data mining, aims to find a reduced subset of features of high quality in a dataset. Different categories of importance measures can be used to estimate the quality of a feature subset. Since each measure provides a distinct perspective of data and of which are their important features, in this article we investigate the simultaneous optimization of importance measures from different categories using multi-objective genetic algorithms grounded in the Pareto theory. An extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed method is presented, including an analysis of the performance of predictive models built using the selected subsets of features. The results show the competitiveness of the method in comparison with six feature selection algorithms. As an additional contribution, we conducted a pioneer, rigorous, and replicable systematic review on related work. As a result, a summary of 93 related papers strengthens features of our method.  相似文献   

Selecting features for multiclass classification is a critically important task for pattern recognition and machine learning applications. Especially challenging is selecting an optimal subset of features from high-dimensional data, which typically have many more variables than observations and contain significant noise, missing components, or outliers. Existing methods either cannot handle high-dimensional data efficiently or scalably, or can only obtain local optimum instead of global optimum. Toward the selection of the globally optimal subset of features efficiently, we introduce a new selector--which we call the Fisher-Markov selector--to identify those features that are the most useful in describing essential differences among the possible groups. In particular, in this paper we present a way to represent essential discriminating characteristics together with the sparsity as an optimization objective. With properly identified measures for the sparseness and discriminativeness in possibly high-dimensional settings, we take a systematic approach for optimizing the measures to choose the best feature subset. We use Markov random field optimization techniques to solve the formulated objective functions for simultaneous feature selection. Our results are noncombinatorial, and they can achieve the exact global optimum of the objective function for some special kernels. The method is fast; in particular, it can be linear in the number of features and quadratic in the number of observations. We apply our procedure to a variety of real-world data, including mid--dimensional optical handwritten digit data set and high-dimensional microarray gene expression data sets. The effectiveness of our method is confirmed by experimental results. In pattern recognition and from a model selection viewpoint, our procedure says that it is possible to select the most discriminating subset of variables by solving a very simple unconstrained objective function which in fact can be obtained with an explicit expression.  相似文献   

Searching for an optimal feature subset from a high-dimensional feature space is an NP-complete problem; hence, traditional optimization algorithms are inefficient when solving large-scale feature selection problems. Therefore, meta-heuristic algorithms are extensively adopted to solve such problems efficiently. This study proposes a regression-based particle swarm optimization for feature selection problem. The proposed algorithm can increase population diversity and avoid local optimal trapping by improving the jump ability of flying particles. The data sets collected from UCI machine learning databases are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Classification accuracy is used as a criterion to evaluate classifier performance. Results show that our proposed approach outperforms both genetic algorithms and sequential search algorithms.  相似文献   

Facial expression recognition generally requires that faces be described in terms of a set of measurable features. The selection and quality of the features representing each face have a considerable bearing on the success of subsequent facial expression classification. Feature selection is the process of choosing a subset of features in order to increase classifier efficiency and allow higher classification accuracy. Many current dimensionality reduction techniques, used for facial expression recognition, involve linear transformations of the original pattern vectors to new vectors of lower dimensionality. In this paper, we present a methodology for the selection of features that uses nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II), which is one of the latest genetic algorithms developed for resolving problems with multiobjective approach with high accuracy. In the proposed feature selection process, NSGA-II optimizes a vector of feature weights, which increases the discrimination, by means of class separation. The proposed methodology is evaluated using 3D facial expression database BU-3DFE. Classification results validates the effectiveness and the flexibility of the proposed approach when compared with results reported in the literature using the same experimental settings.  相似文献   

Neighborhood rough set based heterogeneous feature subset selection   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Feature subset selection is viewed as an important preprocessing step for pattern recognition, machine learning and data mining. Most of researches are focused on dealing with homogeneous feature selection, namely, numerical or categorical features. In this paper, we introduce a neighborhood rough set model to deal with the problem of heterogeneous feature subset selection. As the classical rough set model can just be used to evaluate categorical features, we generalize this model with neighborhood relations and introduce a neighborhood rough set model. The proposed model will degrade to the classical one if we specify the size of neighborhood zero. The neighborhood model is used to reduce numerical and categorical features by assigning different thresholds for different kinds of attributes. In this model the sizes of the neighborhood lower and upper approximations of decisions reflect the discriminating capability of feature subsets. The size of lower approximation is computed as the dependency between decision and condition attributes. We use the neighborhood dependency to evaluate the significance of a subset of heterogeneous features and construct forward feature subset selection algorithms. The proposed algorithms are compared with some classical techniques. Experimental results show that the neighborhood model based method is more flexible to deal with heterogeneous data.  相似文献   

Classification of intrusion attacks and normal network traffic is a challenging and critical problem in pattern recognition and network security. In this paper, we present a novel intrusion detection approach to extract both accurate and interpretable fuzzy IF-THEN rules from network traffic data for classification. The proposed fuzzy rule-based system is evolved from an agent-based evolutionary framework and multi-objective optimization. In addition, the proposed system can also act as a genetic feature selection wrapper to search for an optimal feature subset for dimensionality reduction. To evaluate the classification and feature selection performance of our approach, it is compared with some well-known classifiers as well as feature selection filters and wrappers. The extensive experimental results on the KDD-Cup99 intrusion detection benchmark data set demonstrate that the proposed approach produces interpretable fuzzy systems, and outperforms other classifiers and wrappers by providing the highest detection accuracy for intrusion attacks and low false alarm rate for normal network traffic with minimized number of features.  相似文献   

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