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触觉显示的人机交互研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
触觉显示是应用触觉刺激表示信息,通过触觉来显示和传递信息。首先介绍了触觉显示的研究背景,回顾了触觉显示的研究历史和国内外的研究现状,指出了触觉显示方面主要的研究领域。其次通过对现有的触觉显示的人机交互研究及应用所取得成果的分析,对当前触觉显示的人机交互研究及应用的发展进行了总结,最后对触觉显示的人机交互研究及其应用前景提出了一些展望,旨在帮助研究人员和工程师今后更好地研究、开发和利用触觉显示技术。  相似文献   

李嘉  胡军  刘文江  胡怀中 《机器人》2003,25(Z1):593-597
在介绍国内外触觉显示领域研究的基础上,针对人类FAⅠ和FAⅡ触觉神经末梢的频率响应特性和感受深度阈,利用Moonie型压电陶瓷-金属复合体结构的逆压电致伸效应,研制了33像素规模的压电振动式触觉显示器.以几何图形平均识别成功率作为评价衡量触觉显示质量的指标,分析了驱动频率与触觉感受的关系.最后指出PZT触觉显示器走向实用化所必须研究克服的问题.  相似文献   

机器人触觉传感技术研发的历史现状与趋势   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
触觉是机器人实现与外部环境直接作用的必需媒介.相对其它机器人传感技术触觉传 感技术已明显落后.本文从总体上简要回顾触觉传感技术研发历程,分析指出其中的不足与 主要原因.在简述目前触觉传感技术研发的现状后,介绍分析机器人技术发展的新趋势及随 之而来的触觉传感技术发展趋势.对今后触觉传感技术的研发提出我们的见解.  相似文献   

遥作机器人触觉临场感的电触觉实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对电触觉的实现作了实验性研究.提出了在操作者手指上实现触觉再现的电极形状和分布以及刺激电流波形,并由此给出了实现遥作机器人触觉临场感的系统构成及实现方案.该系统可使操作者遥感到从机器人机械手指与点,线,面等形状物体的接触,位置分辨力可达2.2mm.  相似文献   

利用冗余信息消除触觉临场感的通信时延   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
帅立国  况迎辉 《机器人》2002,24(1):40-43
通信时延消除是机器人临场感技术应用中一个极其重要的课题.本文就机器人临场感 中的触觉通信时延问题,以实现触觉再现信息的本地快速重构为出发点,提出并阐述了利用 冗余信息消除触觉临场感空间通信时延的新方法,同时推导出了相应的时延消除算法,仿真 试验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

触觉是机器人感知外部环境的重要信息来源。近10年来,随着触觉感知技术和交互技术的广泛应用,机器人触觉传感技术得到了机器人研发人员的高度关注。首先简要回顾了近50年来机器人触觉传感器技术研究的发展情况,特别是我国在机器人触觉传感器技术领域的研究历程;然后,对现有机器人触觉传感技术进行了分类总结;接着,对当前触觉传感技术研发的前沿即电子触觉皮肤的研究做了分析和阐述,指出了机器人触觉传感技术研发亟待解决的关键问题,并对未来的发展趋势提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

1临场感遥控技术临场感遥控技术,是使操作者在远地遥控操作时具有在现场实地操作时的身临其境的感觉的技术。即将远端机器人感知到的机器人与环境的交互信息以及环境的信息(包括视觉的、力觉的、触觉的和动觉的等信息),实时地、真实地反馈给操作者,使操作者产生身临其境的感觉,从而有效的感知环境及控制从机器人完成复杂的作业任务。临场感遥控操作系统被广泛运用于移动机器人的操纵,例如在宇宙空间、水下或陆上危险区域从事科学研究时,让机器人代替人类进去这些操作现场,由人在安全区域控制机器人执行。临场感遥控操作机器人的应用范围主要…  相似文献   

一种输电线路巡检机器人控制系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种超高压输电线路巡检机器人控制系统的设计与实现方法.根据巡检作业任务的要求,采用遥控与局部自主相结合的控制模式实现巡检机器人沿线行走及跨越障碍.设计了巡检机器人有限状态机模型,实现了机器人遥控与局部自主控制的有机结合.采用基于激光传感器定位的方法实现了巡检机器人的自主越障控制.实验结果表明,该机器人可实现沿线行走及自主跨越障碍,从而验证了控制系统设计的有效性与合理性.  相似文献   

全部由操作人员操作的纯粹的主从式机械手虽然也具有某种临场感,但其使用范围是有限的。最近日本正在开发一种自主行驶式遥控机器人系统,机器人的行驶是自主控制的,而它的机械手是由操作人员遥控的。通过由远处机器人传回的视觉、触觉、力觉及听觉等信号,产生一种使操作人员亲临现场的感觉。开发该机器人的目的,是从社会需求出发,扩大机器人在非结构环境中的应用。  相似文献   

带有力觉和触觉临场感的灵巧手主从系统的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈辉  宋爱国  金世俊  黄惟一 《机器人》1998,20(6):437-441
针对遥控作业中控制者操作时缺乏力觉和触觉临场感等问题,介绍了设计的带有力觉和触觉临场感主、从灵巧手系统,讨论了在从机械手上触觉和力觉的感知以及在主机械手上触觉和力觉的再现等问题,提出了利用模糊控制实现触觉再现以及改进的力反馈-位置型结构来实现力觉再现的新方法,最后进行了实验验证.  相似文献   

Telerobotics is perhaps one of the oldest fields in robotics. Since its humble beginning in the 1940s when the first teleoperator was designed, the focus had been primarily on the nuclear, space, and underwater applications until the 1980s. The recent advances in computing power and in communications have led to the emergence of new applications such as telesurgery, semiautonomous telerobotics, live power line maintenance, and others. On the other hand, progress in bilateral control has been the key point for the development of new master?slave architectures, which are important in precise telemanipulation tasks. This pervasive interest has spawned the continuous development of the new telerobotic systems.  相似文献   

High-frequency vibrations are an essential part of numerous manipulation tasks. A promising research area, in particular, are telemanipulation tasks where vibrations occurring in the remote environment are fed back through tactile displays. Three experiments concerning the perception of vibrations were conducted. The first experiment aims at determining whether vibrations are coded primarily by frequency, amplitude, or acceleration by human participants. Results show that primarily frequency and amplitude, but not acceleration of the vibrations were perceived. In the second experiment, participants’ just noticeable difference (JND) for frequency under different conditions was examined. The resulting JND of 18% for frequencies showed dependence neither on the amplitude or acceleration, which were independently held constant, nor on the reference frequencies. Therefore, it is not necessary to adjust the subjective intensity for vibrations for each human operator when designing and using tactile displays. In the third experiment, the stimuli and the procedure of the second experiment were replicated using different configurations and a mere force-output device. The resulting JNDs were 21% for vibrations of 100 Hz, and 17% for vibrations of 150 Hz and above. Furthermore, there was no visual dominance over the haptic modality regarding the JND for frequencies.  相似文献   

The complexity of telemanipulation systems has increased and thus there are a variety of elements and factors that affect the performance of these systems. An experimental study was done in this field to obtain information about the effect of several factors on the quality of tasks carried out by the system. Not only the effect of the factors has been considered but also the interactions among them. A taxonomy of functional factors was proposed to facilitate this study. The factors were divided into two principal groups: intrinsic and extrinsic factors. A factorial design was conducted with five factors: operator (with vs. without training), movement control (position vs. rate control), force feedback (kinesthetic vs. visual feedback), master bandwidth (high vs. low bandwidth) and task type (insertion vs. tracking movement). An open platform for experimentation with telerobotics systems (PLATERO) was developed to perform all the proposed experiments. Analyzed variables include completion time, SOSF (sum of squared forces), insertion forces and tracking error. Results show that there is a great deal of interaction between type of task and the other factors. This means that for each task there is a system configuration that obtains better performance. Another important finding shows that an expert operator is able to adapt to the different system configurations and obtain good results. However, a novice operator obtains better results with some factors than with others. Finally, in order to determine which system configuration obtains the highest task quality, the main task requirement must be defined, because the best system configuration depends on it.  相似文献   

基于Agent的遥操作机器人控制器研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究网络环境下基于Agent的遥操作机器人控制器结构,提出了人/智能体/机器人(M/AR)模型,探讨了基于Agent的机器人控制器的体系 和功能,介绍了采用任务规划和反应式行为的复合机器人控制系统,对意外事件的处理和运动轨迹的规划实验表明,这种遥操作机器人控制器能提高系统的实时性,可靠性和对环境的适应性。  相似文献   

基于过程模型随机仿真的TDD模块选取建模方法研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了帮助项目经理合理选择TDD实施模块,基于进程代数方法对测试驱动软件开发过程和非测试驱动软件开发过程建立过程仿真模型。通过用例度量软件模块的复杂性来获取随机变量参数对模型调参,并采用该模型得到仿真结果。提出TDD模块选取算法来分析仿真结果并得出最佳TDD实施策略,最终为项目经理提供合理的决策。  相似文献   

基于TDD方式的无线通信系统在国内目前的应用中还相对较少,但随着我国的TD-SCDMA标准不断深入而越来越受到重视。而语音通信在无线通信中一直占据着重要地位,而且应用领域也在不断扩大。本文在基于以TDD技术为基础的无线语音通信系统中,制定了时分双工通讯协议,并通过编程实现了无线语音双工通信。  相似文献   

Guest Editors' Introduction: TDD--The Art of Fearless Programming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Test-driven development is a discipline of design and programming where every line of new code is written in response to a test the programmer writes just before coding. This special issue of IEEE Software includes seven feature articles on various aspects of TDD and a Point/Counterpoint debate on the use of mock objects in applying it. The articles demonstrate the ways TDD is being used in nontrivial situations (database development, embedded software development, GUI development, performance tuning), signifying an adoption level for the practice beyond the visionary phase and into the early mainstream. In this introduction to the special issue on TDD, the guest editors also summarize selected TDD empirical studies from industry and academia.  相似文献   

本文研究了IEEE802.16WiMax的RF前端结构。其中:TDD模式适用于高密度用户地区的局部覆盖和对称及不对称的数据业务,FDD模式适用于大区制的国际和国家范围内的覆盖及对称业务;HFDD模式将TDD的优势融于一体,同时仍然允许频率复用。文中给出了TDD、FDD和HFDD无线通信结构,以及主要应用于3.5GHzWiMax的HFDD模式,并对它们的特点和优缺点进行了分析和说明。  相似文献   

Teleoperation systems allow an operator to perform complex tasks in a remote environment. Stability of a bilateral teleoperation system is quite sensitive to time delays. One of the methods to guarantee the stability of bilateral telerobotics in the presence of time delays is wave variable control. A review of various applications of wave variable methods in telerobotics has been conducted. An evaluation of different methods proposed to compensate for the intrinsic problems associated with wave variable methods, including position drift, wave reflection and time varying delay, has also been carried out. In addition, different techniques developed to enhance the performance of the wave-based systems are also identified and reviewed. The research gaps in this field are identified and future directions for further research are proposed.  相似文献   

Support for test-driven development [TDD] is growing in many development contexts beyond its common association with extreme programming. By focusing on how TDD influences design characteristics, we hope to raise awareness of TDD as a design approach and assist others in decisions on whether and how to adopt TDD. Our results indicate that test-first programmers are more likely to write software in more and smaller units that are less complex and more highly tested. We weren't able to confirm claims that TDD improves cohesion while lowering coupling, but we anticipate ways to clarify the questions these design characteristics raised. In particular, we're working to eliminate the confounding factor of accessor usage in the cohesion metrics.  相似文献   

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