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为保证列车碰撞时车体次要部位或附加装置尽可能多地吸收撞击能量,减少财产损失和人员伤亡,提出组合结构吸能装置的设计思想.根据耐撞性车体吸能装置设计原理,设计出不同截面形状管的组合结构吸能装置.利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA对其分别进行动态仿真,研究其吸能特性,并取其最优方案与试验结果进行对比,从而验证仿真模型的正确性.通过对原始设计方案外箱板的截面形状和吸能管的端部结构加以改进,设计出两种新型的组合结构吸能装置.仿真分析结果表明,结构的截面形状对整个装置的吸能特性有较大影响,改变结构的截面形状可以有效调节碰撞界面力峰值和均值载荷,改进后的吸能装置耐撞性综合指标更优。  相似文献   

为了提高高速轨道列车的安全性,为其头车的主要吸能装置——防撞箱设计较为理想的结构,采用MSC Patran建立防撞箱的有限元分析模型,运用MSC Dytran仿真其耐撞击特性.通过比较分析仿真结果,对防撞箱设计方案予以多次改进,得到综合性能较为理想的方案.  相似文献   

徐顺 《计算机测量与控制》2014,22(7):2295-2296,2300
地铁列车在工厂试验线进行再生电制动试验时所产生的能量若不能及时被其它用电设备或车辆所消耗,将导致线网网压过高造成再生制动试验失败;针对地铁列车再生制动能量特点,采用电阻耗能型地面集中吸收系统,通过在线实时跟踪、检测、逻辑运算判定和控制,达到自动判定识别列车再生制动工况,同时具有数据处理、数据传输及监控系统,实现再生制动能量与吸收功率大小同步的自动控制,现车试验持续吸收功率达1 600kW,维持了线网电压稳定,确保再生制动试验顺利进行。  相似文献   

运用MSC Dytran分析轨道车辆结构的被动安全性能   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为满足城市轨道车辆的被动安全设计的要求,运用MSC Dytran软件对某城市轨道车辆头车的耐碰撞性能进行仿真,经过改进设计得到满足车辆运用要求的吸能结构,分析结果表明车辆耐碰撞设计思路是可行的.  相似文献   

传感器网络技术是普通计算中实现位置感知和上下文感知的主要技术手段,有着广泛的应用前景.文中提出了一种适合普适计算环境下多级能量异构尢线传感器网络的新的剩余能量预测REP模型和可靠聚簇路由RCR协议.协议中节点通过建立相邻节点剩余能量预测机制,使选举簇头节点的概率与节点当前剩余能晕直接相关,以优化数据传输路径.均衡节点的能量消耗.延长网络寿命.此外还通过多簇头方法.采用每个簇由多簇头节点共同承担簇头节点的作用,提高数据传输可靠件.仿真实验结果表明,RCR协议能获得比LEACH协议和HEED协议等主要聚簇协议更长的生存时间、更高的能量利用率和更高的数据传输可靠性.  相似文献   

多级能量异构传感器网络的负载均衡成簇算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在多级能量异构无线传感器网络中,节点的初始能量在一定的范围内随机分布,负载均衡和降低能耗是能量异构网络成簇算法的一个重要挑战.现有的分布式成簇算法主要是针对能量同构或二级异构网络设计的,无法实现节点能量多级异构时的负载均衡,因此提出了适用于多级能量异构传感网络的负载均衡成簇算法LBCA(load balance clustering algorithm).LBCA根据传感器网络的能量分布情况选择簇头节,最和实现负载均衡,可以有效地延长网络的稳定周期.簇头选择过程中,当探测区域能量分布均衡时,拥有较低平均通信能耗的节点将优先成为簇头节点,有利于降低探测区域内的总通信能耗;当探测区域能量分布不均衡时,具有较高剩余能量的节点将优先成为簇头节点,有利于实现探测区域内的负载均衡.将LBCA与主要的分布式成簇方案进行了比较,模拟实验结果显示,在多级能量异构传感器网络中,LBCA可以更好地实现负载均衡,极大地提高网络的稳定周期.  相似文献   

介绍了株洲变流技术国家工程研究中心有限公司生产的地铁能量吸收装置所采取的电磁兼容设计措施,并通过试验检验了其电磁兼容设计的正确性和可行性.试验结果表明该地铁能量吸收装置完全达到GBIT 24338.6-2009等标准的电磁兼容要求.  相似文献   

多级压缩空气储能系统以压缩空气储能及热存储技术为基础,具备冷、热、电多种能量存储及供给能力.针对多变复杂工况下系统热能合理分配问题,提出了一种多级压缩空气储能系统变工况优化运行控制策略.首先基于热力学方法分析,建立压缩空气储能系统模块化数学模型.其次根据系统负荷需求,在"以电定热"及"以热定电"两种工作模式下,分别以储热热量消耗量最小及输出电功最大为优化目标建立优化模型,求解得到不同工况下系统各部件运行参数,并以1 MW多级压缩空气储能系统为例,进行优化求解.该控制策略有效地解决了多级压缩空气储能系统在变工况下的内部能量调配、系统内部运行参数选取的问题,为实现系统高效运行提供有效途径.  相似文献   

地铁列车牵引电力消耗总量过大是目前地铁运营公司面临的一大问题.为量化评估地铁列车牵引能耗,促进厂家不断优化牵引系统设计,降低地铁列车牵引能耗,文章在综合分析影响地铁列车牵引能耗因素的基础上,根据地铁列车牵引能耗测试的控车需求,研制了一种用于地铁列车牵引能耗测试的便携式控车装置,其实现了通过模拟司控器级位信号控制不同厂家...  相似文献   

针对传统算法无法反映地铁车辆轴箱轴承使用工况复杂性的缺陷,提出轴箱轴承寿命的二维计算方法。该计算方法将轴箱轴承的使用工况按照地铁车辆的载荷和线路工况进行二维划分,并将轴承寿命表达为载荷和线路工况及其相应概率的函数。同时,针对到目前为止都没有专门用于地铁车辆轴箱轴承寿命计算的相关软件的问题,通过Matlab软件平台开发了地铁车辆轴箱轴承寿命计算软件。软件具有导入导出具体的参数值以及导出计算结果,自行检测软件参数输入时的一些错误以及自动校验输入的参数值是否超出范围等功能。通过该软件,可以对地铁车辆轴箱轴承的寿命进行精确求解,考察每一个载荷工况或者线路工况对轴箱轴承寿命降低的“贡献率”,考察传统算法与改进算法之间的差异。最后给出计算实例来分别考察传统算法和改进算法,计算结果充分验证了轴箱轴承寿命计算软件的有效性。  相似文献   

从车辆耐撞结构和吸能材料两方面入手,基于材料与结构一体化思想,利用数值仿真技术研究某高速动车被动安全性问题.设计5种适用于高速动车的吸能结构,分别为普通双层吸能管结构,3种端部带有不同薄弱环节的双层吸能管结构和泡沫铝材料夹心双层吸能管结构;利用PAMCRASH软件,分别将5种不同吸能结构安装到整车上进行相同编组对撞试验仿真;针对碰撞仿真结果评价车辆的整体被动安全性,并通过各工况结果的对比分析找出最优吸能装置.结果表明:泡沫铝夹心吸能装置在加速度和逃生空间评价指标中表现最好,在以后的吸能结构设计中可适当采用.  相似文献   

基于传统加筋板架设计出一种新的能量吸收单元——X形夹层板,用Dytran分析X形夹层板在低速冲击载荷作用下的碰撞损伤特性;通过分析结构的极限撞深、碰撞力及能量吸收等结果,与传统加筋板进行比较分析,评估夹层板的耐撞性能;同时分析不同结构型式和结构尺寸参数(蒙皮板厚度、夹芯层壁厚、夹芯层高度及夹芯层的夹角等)对夹层板结构耐撞性能的影响.  相似文献   

夹层板系统碰撞性能数值仿真分析技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进夹层板系统(Sandwich Plate System,SPS)在船舶耐撞结构设计中的应用,用Abaqus分析SPS在碰撞载荷下的数值模型化技术,包括夹芯层和面板的建模方式、连接形式和网格尺寸.根据该技术研究SPS在碰撞冲击载荷作用下的力学性能,如结构损伤变形、碰撞力和结构吸能等.结果表明,SPS建模采用壳一体混合模型(即上、下面板采用壳单元,夹芯层采用体单元)较合理;夹芯层与面板之间采用绑定连接较合理;SPS具有良好的耐撞性能.  相似文献   

为了研究不同编组长度列车的碰撞响应结果,本文基于翟方法,建立了列车一维纵向碰撞仿真平台,将相同编组列车有限元仿真得出的速度和能量等碰撞响应与一维纵向碰撞平台的结果进行对比,验证了一维纵向碰撞仿真平台的准确性.在此基础上,基于该平台,以车辆的速度、加速度以及吸收的能量作为分析指标,研究主动列车与被动列车在相同编组与不同编...  相似文献   

Although deterministic optimization has to a considerable extent been successfully applied in various crashworthiness designs to improve passenger safety and reduce vehicle cost, the design could become less meaningful or even unacceptable when considering the perturbations of design variables and noises of system parameters. To overcome this drawback, we present a multiobjective robust optimization methodology to address the effects of parametric uncertainties on multiple crashworthiness criteria, where several different sigma criteria are adopted to measure the variations. As an example, a full front impact of vehicle is considered with increase in energy absorption and reduction of structural weight as the design objectives, and peak deceleration as the constraint. A multiobjective particle swarm optimization is applied to generate robust Pareto solution, which no longer requires formulating a single cost function by using weighting factors or other means. From the example, a clear compromise between the Pareto deterministic and robust designs can be observed. The results demonstrate the advantages of using multiobjective robust optimization, with not only the increase in the energy absorption and decrease in structural weight from a baseline design, but also a significant improvement in the robustness of optimum.  相似文献   


Optimization for structural crashworthiness and energy absorption has become an important topic of research attributable to its proven benefits to public safety and social economy. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the important studies on design optimization for structural crashworthiness and energy absorption. First, the design criteria used in crashworthiness and energy absorption are reviewed and the surrogate modeling to evaluate these criteria is discussed. Second, multiobjective optimization, optimization under uncertainties and topology optimization are reviewed from concepts, algorithms to applications in relation to crashworthiness. Third, the crashworthy structures are summarized, from generically novel structural configurations to industrial applications. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations are provided to enable academia and industry to become more aware of the available capabilities and recent developments in design optimization for structural crashworthiness and energy absorption.


Automotive bumper beam is an important component to protect passenger and vehicle from injury and damage induced by severe collapse. Recent studies showed that foam-filled structures have significant advantages in light weight and high energy absorption. In this paper, a novel bumper beam filled with functionally graded foam (FGF) is considered here to explore its crashworthiness. To validate the FGF bumper beam model, the experiments at both component and full vehicle levels are conducted. Parametric study shows that gradient exponential parameter m that controls the variation of foam density has significant effect on bumper beam’s crashworthiness; and the crashworthiness of FGF-filled bumper beam is found much better than that of uniform foam (UF) filled and hollow bumper beam. The multiobjective optimization of FGF-filled bumper beam is also performed by considering specific energy absorption (SEA) and peak impact force as the design objectives, and the wall thickness t, foam densities ρf1 and ρf2 (foam densities at the end and at mid cross section, respectively) and gradient exponential parameter m as design variables. The Kriging surrogate modeling technique and multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm were implemented to optimize the FGF-filled bumper beam. The optimized FGF-filled bumper beam is of great advantages and it can avoid the harmful local bending behavior and absorb more energy than UF filled and hollow bumper beam. Finally, the optimized FGF-filled bumper beam is installed to a passenger car model, and the results demonstrate that the FGF-filled bumper beam ensures the crashworthiness performance of the passenger car while reduces weight about 14.4% compared with baseline bumper beam.  相似文献   

As the main safety facility on the highway, a guardrail system is very essential for the highway traffics safety. In this paper, the Finite Element (FE) models of the vehicle and the corrugated beam guardrail system were created. Two types of widely used corrugated beam semi-rigid guardrails were simulated, which were the W-beam guardrail and the Thrie-beam guardrail. The collision between the corrugated beam guardrail systems and the vehicle body was analyzed. In the collision process, the snagging effect of the post to the vehicle body was also concerned. Under the considerations of the collision safety and the mechanism of the snagging effect, the multiobjective optimization problem was defined with dimensional sizes of guardrails to be the design variables. And the radial basis function (RBF) was applied to construct the regression models of the analytical objective, which increased the accuracy of fitting. The Pareto set and the optimal solution were obtained. After the optimization design, the W-beam guardrail and Thrie-beam guardrail were both greatly improved, that increased the collision safety between the corrugated beam guardrail and the vehicle body. This kind of analytical method can also be used for the crashworthiness optimization between any other cars and guardrails.  相似文献   

In automotive industry, structural optimization for crashworthiness criteria is of special importance in the early design stage. To reduce the vehicle design cycle, metamodeling techniques have become so widespread... In this study, a time-based metamodeling technique is proposed for the vehicle design. The characteristics of the proposed method are the construction of a time-based objective function and establishment of a metamodel by support vector regression (SVR). Compared with other popular metamodel-based optimization methods, the design space of the proposed method is expanded to time domain. Thus, more information and features can be extracted in the expanded time domain. To validate the performance of the time-based metamodeling technique, cylinder impacting and full vehicle frontal collision are optimized by the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the proposed method has potential capability to solve the crashworthiness vehicle design.  相似文献   

为验证高速列车司机室三明治板的被动安全设计是否符合要求,参照UIC 651标准运用MSC Dytran软件对某高速列车司机室三明治板的耐碰撞性能进行仿真,分析碰撞后三明治板的变形、应力、能量吸收以及弹头的速度曲线,表明司机室三明治板的耐碰撞结构能满足设计要求.  相似文献   

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