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Fundamentally, semantic grid database is about bringing globally distributed databases together in order to coordinate resource sharing and problem solving in which information is given well-defined meaning, and DartGrid II is the implemented database gird system whose goal is to provide a semantic solution for integrating database resources on the Web. Although many algorithms have been proposed for optimizing query-processing in order to minimize costs and/or response time, associated with obtaining the answer to query in a distributed database system, database grid query optimization problem is fundamentally different from traditional distributed query optimization. These differences are shown to be the consequences of autonomy and heterogeneity of database nodes in database grid. Therefore, more challenges have arisen for query optimization in database grid than traditional distributed database. Following this observation, the design of a query optimizer in DartGrid II is presented, and a heuristic, dynamic and parallel query optimization approach to processing query in database grid is proposed. A set of semantic tools supporting relational database integration and semantic-based information browsing has also been implemented to realize the above vision.  相似文献   

基于多重加权树的并行数据库查询优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李建中 《计算机学报》1998,21(5):401-412
本文提出了一种基于多重加权树的查询优化方法,包括多重加权树并行查询计划模型、并行查询计划的复杂性模型和查询优化处工法。  相似文献   

优化处理并行数据库查询的并行数据流方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李建中 《软件学报》1998,9(3):174-180
本文使用并行数据流技术优化和处理并行数据库查询的方法,提出了一整套相关算法,并给出了一个基于并行数据流方法的并行数据库查询优化处理器的完整设计.这些算法和相应的查询优化处理器已经用于作者自行设计的并行数据库管理系统原型.实践证明,并行数据流方法不仅能够快速有效地实现并行数据库管理系统,也能够有效地进行并行数据库查询的优化处理.  相似文献   

The interest for multimedia database management systems has grown rapidly due to the need for the storage of huge volumes of multimedia data in computer systems. An important building block of a multimedia database system is the query processor, and a query optimizer embedded to the query processor is needed to answer user queries efficiently. Query optimization problem has been widely studied for conventional database systems; however it is a new research area for multimedia database systems. Due to the differences in query processing strategies, query optimization techniques used in multimedia database systems are different from those used in traditional databases. In this paper, a query optimization strategy is proposed for processing spatio-temporal queries in video database systems. The proposed strategy includes reordering algorithms to be applied on query execution tree. The performance results obtained by testing the reordering algorithms on different query sets are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the design and implementation of OPT++, a tool for extensible database query optimization that uses an object-oriented design to simplify the task of implementing, extending, and modifying an optimizer. Building an optimizer using OPT++ makes it easy to extend the query algebra (to add new query algebra operators and physical implementation algorithms to the system), easy to change the search space, and also to change the search strategy. Furthermore, OPT++ comes equipped with a number of search strategies that are available for use by an optimizer-implementor. OPT++ considerably simplifies both, the task of implementing an optimizer for a new database system, and the task of evaluating alternative optimization techniques and strategies to decide what techniques are best suited for that database system. We present the results of a series of performance studies. These results validate our design and show that, in spite of its flexibility, OPT++ can be used to build efficient optimizers. Received October 1996 / Accepted January 1998  相似文献   

The view selection problem is to choose a set of views to materialize over a database schema, such that the cost of evaluating a set of workload queries is minimized and such that the views fit into a prespecified storage constraint. The two main applications of the view selection problem are materializing views in a database to speed up query processing, and selecting views to materialize in a data warehouse to answer decision support queries. In addition, view selection is a core problem for intelligent data placement over a wide-area network for data integration applications and data management for ubiquitous computing. We describe several fundamental results concerning the view selection problem. We consider the problem for views and workloads that consist of equality-selection, project and join queries, and show that the complexity of the problem depends crucially on the quality of the estimates that a query optimizer has on the size of the views it is considering to materialize. When a query optimizer has good estimates of the sizes of the views, we show a somewhat surprising result, namely, that an optimal choice of views may involve a number of views that is exponential in the size of the database schema. On the other hand, when an optimizer uses standard estimation heuristics, we show that the number of necessary views and the expression size of each view are polynomially bounded. Received: November 20, 1001 / Accepted: May 30, 2002 / Published online: September 25, 2002  相似文献   

针对现有基于日志结构合并树(LSM-Tree)实现的分布式数据库仅支持高效的主键查询,无法让用户快速地应用在自己的集群中的问题,提出了基于LSM-Tree的轻量级分布式索引实现方法SIBL。首先,通过对主键属性列建立索引来提高非主键属性的查询效率;然后,提出了分布式索引构建算法以及基于等距取样的索引区间划分算法,从而保证了索引在系统中的均匀分布,并且优化了传统索引的查询算法,将索引文件看作特殊的数据文件分布式地存储在系统中,从而保证了系统的负载均衡和可扩展性;最后,将该方法与华为二级索引方案HIndex在HBase数据库上进行实验来比较二者的索引构建的时间和空间开销、索引的查询性能和系统的负载均衡等性能,验证得出所提出的方法使查询性能提升了50~200倍。  相似文献   

数据库索引是关系数据库系统实现快速查询的有效方式之一.智能索引调优技术可以有效地对数据库实例进行索引调节,从而保持数据库高效的查询性能.现有的方法大多利用了数据库实例的查询日志,它们先从查询日志中得到候选索引,再利用人工设计的模型选择索引,从而调节索引.然而,从查询日志中产生出的候选索引可能并未实际存在于数据库实例中,因此导致这些方法不能有效地估计这类索引对于查询的优化效果.首先,设计并实现了一种面向关系数据库的智能索引调优系统;其次,提出了一种利用机器学习方法来构造索引的量化模型,根据该模型,可以准确地对索引的查询优化效果进行估计;接着设计了一种高效的最优索引选择算法,实现快速地从候选索引空间中选择满足给定大小约束的最优的索引组合;最后,通过实验测试不同场景下智能索引调优系统的调优性能.实验结果表明,所提出的技术可以在不同的场景下有效地对索引进行优化,从而实现数据库系统查询性能的提升.  相似文献   

在处理路网移动对象时,由于HBase只能采用key查询,不适用于移动对象的多维查询,导致HBase存在存储索引与查询效率不高的问题。针对此问题,在HBase存储结构的基础上设计并实现了一种高效的路网移动对象HBase索引框架(RM-HBase)。首先,对原生HBase索引框架的上层HMaster和下层HRegionServer进行改进,解决分布式集群数据的热点分布问题,提高空间数据的查询效率;其次,提出路网移动索引——RN-tree,解决空间划分中的"死空间"问题,同时提高空间中路段的查询效率;然后,基于上述对HBase的索引改进,分别设计了时空范围查询、时空K最近邻(KNN)查询和移动对象轨迹查询的查询算法;最后,实验选用了同样是基于HBase分布式数据库而提出的时空HBase索引(STEHIX)框架作为对比对象,分别从索引框架的性能和算法的查询效率两个方面对RM-HBase的性能进行分析。实验结果表明,所提的RM-HBase在数据的均衡分布性能和时空查询算法的查询性能方面都优于STEHIX框架,有助于提升海量路网移动对象数据的时空索引效率。  相似文献   

New applications of information systems need to integrate a large number of heterogeneous databases over computer networks. Answering a query in these applications usually involves selecting relevant information sources and generating a query plan to combine the data automatically. As significant progress has been made in source selection and plan generation, the critical issue has been shifting to query optimization. This paper presents a semantic query optimization (SQO) approach to optimizing query plans of heterogeneous multidatabase systems. This approach provides global optimization for query plans as well as local optimization for subqueries that retrieve data from individual database sources. An important feature of our local optimization algorithm is that we prove necessary and sufficient conditions to eliminate an unnecessary join in a conjunctive query of arbitrary join topology. This feature allows our optimizer to utilize more expressive relational rules to provide a wider range of possible optimizations than previous work in SQO. The local optimization algorithm also features a new data structure called AND-OR implication graphs to facilitate the search for optimal queries. These features allow the global optimization to effectively use semantic knowledge to reduce the data transmission cost. We have implemented this approach in the PESTO (Plan Enhancement by SemanTic Optimization) query plan optimizer as a part of the SIMS information mediator. Experimental results demonstrate that PESTO can provide significant savings in query execution cost over query plan execution without optimization  相似文献   

基于错检期望值的密文索引技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何提高密文数据库的查询效率是数据库加密技术面临的一个主要问题.密文索引技术是提高数据库中密文查询效率的手段之一,但现有的密文索引方法存在查询命中率低和信息泄露衡量问题.本文首先根据查询概率的实际分布情况,提出整体错检期望值的概念,以此为基础提出一种适用于非等概率查询的复合桶划分密文索引技术,并给出了相应的密文查询策略.然后,针对密文索引的信息泄露问题给出衡量和消减方法.最后,通过实验对算法进行了分析和验证.  相似文献   

张逸石  陈传波 《计算机科学》2011,38(12):200-205
提出了一种基于最小联合互信息亏损的最优特征选择算法。该算法首先通过一种动态渐增策略搜索一个特征全集的无差异特征子集,并基于最小条件互信息原则在保证每一步中联合互信息量亏损都最小的情况下筛选其中的冗余特征,从而得到一个近似最优特征子集。针对现有基于条件互信息的条件独立性测试方法在高维特征域上所面临的效率瓶颈问题,给出了一种用于估计条件互信息的快速实现方法,并将其用于所提算法的实现。分类实验结果表明,所提算法优于经典的特征选择算法。此外,执行效率实验结果表明,所提条件互信息的快速实现方法在执行效率上有着显著的优势。  相似文献   

判断有向图上两个顶点之间是否存在一条路径是一个经典问题,而对于一些路由规划和图分析等实际应用,要求查找是否存在跳数受限的可达路径,这是一个变种的图可达查询问题.对于大图上跳数受限的查询算法,不仅仅要对大图查询的时间效率和空间效率进行权衡,而且还要利用跳数受限的特性进行优化.普通的可达查询算法存在小度数顶点索引项占用空间过多的问题,造成空间浪费严重.为此我们提出了一种面向跳数受限的2-hop部分索引方法,采用改进的索引方法并结合局部搜索,实现跳数受限的有效可达性查询.实验结果表明,在Orkut社交网络数据集上与已有算法相比,该算法索引空间节省了32%,同时查询时间略微增加,使得我们算法可以计算更大规模图的跳数受限可达问题.  相似文献   

基于粒子群算法的数据库查询优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究粒子群算法在数据库查询优化中的应用问题。为了解决大型数据库信息检索困难、查询效率低的问题,提出了一种基于粒子群算法优化数据库查询技术方案。算法提出了一种数据库查询执行计划代价模型,主要包括了查询多链接次序以及副本的选择问题,准确定义了数据库查询执行代价,采用提出的粒子群算法来优化并求解该执行代价问题,从而使得分组数目更少、数据定位更精确。实例验证结果表明,通过属性表现和违规行为任何教师都可以被准确定位,减少了分组,为数据库查询提供了优化。  相似文献   

Commercial applications usually rely on pre-compiled parameterized procedures to interact with a database. Unfortunately, executing a procedure with a set of parameters different from those used at compilation time may be arbitrarily sub-optimal. Parametric query optimization (PQO) attempts to solve this problem by exhaustively determining the optimal plans at each point of the parameter space at compile time. However, PQO is likely not cost-effective if the query is executed infrequently or if it is executed with values only within a subset of the parameter space. In this paper we propose instead to progressively explore the parameter space and build a parametric plan during several executions of the same query. We introduce algorithms that, as parametric plans are populated, are able to frequently bypass the optimizer but still execute optimal or near-optimal plans.  相似文献   

基于迭代回溯的数据库查询优化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
查询优化器是数据库系统最重要的组件之一。该文提出了一类新的查询优化算法,并对其性能进行了评估、讨论。它是基于分层回溯的一种查询优化算法,其优点主要在于对于一些复杂的应用环境,它在枚举算法的高复杂性和算法产生方案的质量之间取一个权衡点,以产生“次优”的优化结果来换取算法的执行效率,大大节省了运行环境的资源。该算法可以应用于当今一些新型数据库,如对象数据库和XML数据库等。  相似文献   

Clustering of related or similar objects has long been regarded as a potentially useful contribution of helping users to navigate an information space such as a document collection. Many clustering algorithms and techniques have been developed and implemented but as the sizes of document collections have grown these techniques have not been scaled to large collections because of their computational overhead. To solve this problem, the proposed system concentrates on an interactive text clustering methodology, probability based topic oriented and semi-supervised document clustering. Recently, as web and various documents contain both text and large number of images, the proposed system concentrates on content-based image retrieval (CBIR) for image clustering to give additional effect to the document clustering approach. It suggests two kinds of indexing keys, major colour sets (MCS) and distribution block signature (DBS) to prune away the irrelevant images to given query image. Major colour sets are related with colour information while distribution block signatures are related with spatial information. After successively applying these filters to a large database, only small amount of high potential candidates that are somewhat similar to that of query image are identified. Then, the system uses quad modelling method (QM) to set the initial weight of two-dimensional cells in query image according to each major colour and retrieve more similar images through similarity association function associated with the weights. The proposed system evaluates the system efficiency by implementing and testing the clustering results with Dbscan and K-means clustering algorithms. Experiment shows that the proposed document clustering algorithm performs with an average efficiency of 94.4% for various document categories.  相似文献   

针对黏菌算法收敛速度慢和求解精度低等问题,提出了基于成败历史存档的融合龙格库塔-黏菌算法。提出了一种存储位置信息的改进成败历史存档机制,并使用个体适应度值的变化量作为每个存档记录参与后续计算的概率,将该机制加入原始黏菌算法;将龙格库塔算法与改进的黏菌算法通过并行计算-信息交流的方式进行融合,引导黏菌算法跳出局部最优,提升黏菌算法在狭小空间中的求解精度;提出了长短时间间隔结合的交流策略,用以确定两种群交流的时机;提出了一系列基于空间移动的种群信息交流机制,在保留两算法各自特性和优势的情况下,同时克服两算法的局限性。实验部分使用了CEC2017基准测试函数,使用了传统统计特征和MAE排名、Wilcoxon秩和检验验证算法有效性,同时对高维度函数进行探索,并与近年来新颖的高水平群智能算法、改进算法进行对比测试,实验结果表明该改进策略有效且具有一定可迁移性,改进后算法的求解精度和鲁棒性更具竞争力。  相似文献   

如今对XML查询的优化是对XML的热点研究方向。其中的结构连接操作是XML数据库查询的主要操作。和关系数据库中的连接运算一样,结构连接顺序的选择是XML数据库查询优化的核心。文中主要通过对XML查询优化中各种选择连接顺序算法的研究,提出了一种优化的算法,在规模较大的XML查询中能够有效缩减搜索空间,提高效率。  相似文献   

Skyline查询在多维决策和数据挖掘等方面发挥重要作用,然而随着数据属性维度的增大, Skyline集变得非常庞大.为克服该不足,提出Skyline代表点查询.文中提出新的评价函数改进Skyline点的得分计算方法以选择k个具有代表性的Skyline点.在二维空间提出动态规划算法(DPBA),利用覆盖圆的性质确定非代表点与代表点间的覆盖距离,迭代计算评价函数值,从而得到k个代表点;在高维空间针对NP-hard问题提出一个基于aR-tree结构的近似解决方法,遍历索引结构中的节点,通过与候选Skyline集比较判断是否被支配进行剪枝,降低计算开销.大量基于合成数据与真实数据的实验证明该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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