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研究网络在线评论的倾向性分类能够及时了解民众对当前事件、热点话题的态度和心理状态,从而为相关领域的决策提供依据。针对网络在线电影评论倾向性分类问题,提出了基于网络词语扩展及属性约简的解决算法,该算法利用相关度测量对垃圾评论进行剔除,针对网络语言自身特点对其属性进行扩展,使用词频和信息增益分两步进行特征选择,构建特征属性进行分类。实验结果表明,使用该算法后,分类准确率等各项指标得到了提高。  相似文献   

以实现慕课网用户评论的情感倾向性分析为目的,本文提出一种基于BERT和双向GRU模型的用户评论情感倾向性分类方法。首先使用BERT模型提取课程评论文本的特征表示,其次将获取的词语特征输入BiGRU网络实现用户评论的情感特征的提取,最后用Softmax逻辑回归的方式进行情感倾向性分类。实验结果表明基于BERT和双向GRU模型的评论情感倾向性分类模型的F1值达到92.5%,提高了用户情感倾向性分析的准确率,从而验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

网络评论数据的情绪倾向性信息对于企业商业智能系统、政府舆情分析等诸多领域有着广阔的应用空间和发展前景。该文基于语言类比超空间(HAL空间),利用信息推理方法,给出了一种短语级别的评论数据情绪倾向分类模型。该模型首先从评论文本中抽取符合预定义模式的短语,然后运用基于HAL空间的概念组合算法,将短语组合为概念C,最后使用信息推理算法,对概念C按情绪分类。实验表明,与SVM算法和Term-Count算法相比,该文的模型对于网络在线新闻评论数据分类效果较好。  相似文献   

基于语义理解的中文博文倾向性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何凤英 《计算机应用》2011,31(8):2130-2133
博客作为一种大众化的信息及文化载体被越来越多的人所接受,博客文本的情感倾向性分析也逐渐成为信息挖掘领域的热点。目前,文本倾向性分析的研究大都围绕普通文本、新闻评论进行,针对博客文本的特点,提出一种基于语义理解的博客文本倾向性分类方法。首先以HowNet情感词语集为基准,构建中文基础情感词典,并用中文词语相似度方法计算词语的情感权值,同时分析语义层副词的出现规律及其对文本倾向性判断的影响,最后利用博主的语言风格因素对倾向性结果进行修正实现博文的情感分类。实验表明,该方法能有效地判定博客文本情感倾向性。  相似文献   

针对网络不良文本信息的过滤问题提出了一种基于文本倾向性的不良文本识别方法.首先采用基于主题的文本分类方法,然后对不良主题的相关文本利用倾向性分析方法识别不良文本.基于文本倾向性由文本主题词的上下文词汇确定的假设,提出了一种基于主题词上下文的文本倾向性分类方法.实验结果显示该方法对已有基于主题分类方法很难区分的文本具有较好识别效果.  相似文献   

高飞  周学广  孙艳 《计算机工程》2012,38(10):63-66
针对话题分类文本训练集少、主题相似度大的特点,提出一种基于关联规则和粗糙集的话题特征提取方法。在向量空间模型的基础上,采用挖掘关联规则的方式生成规则集与文本主体,通过调节事务主体的最小支持度与最小置信度查找不同颗粒层次的话题,利用粗糙集理论对词语特征与关联特征进行属性约简。实验结果表明,该方法能提取文本集中描述的评论主题,具有较高的话题分类准确率。  相似文献   

在对现有分类方法和文本倾向性分类的复杂性进行分析的基础上,提出了一种基于类别空间模型的文本倾向性分类方法。该方法采用组合特征提取方法,基于词语对类别的倾向性进行分类。实验结果表明该方法有效地提高了倾向性分类的精度和速度。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于语义词典的网络评论文本情感分类及极性值计算方法,用于自动识别网络评论中的情感倾向。首先利用爬虫技术采集真实的电子商务网站在线评论文本数据,然后对语料做预处理,接着完成各类语义词典的构建和基础情感词典的扩充,最后使用本文提出的基于词典的无监督分类方法对获取的评论文本进行情感分类及极性值计算。实验结果表明,本文提出的情感识别方法对网络舆论的分类效果较为理想。  相似文献   

网络信息的多样性和多变性给信息的管理和过滤带来极大困难,为加快网络信息的分类速度和分类精度,提出了一种基于模糊粗糙集的Wdb文本分类方法.采用机器学习的方法:在训练阶段,首先对Web文本信息预处理,用向量空间模型表示文本,生成初始特征属性空间,并进行权值计算;然后用模糊粗糙集算法来进行信息过滤,用基于模糊租糙集的属性约简算法生成分类规则:最后利用知识库进行文档分类.在测试阶段,对未经预处理的文本直接进行关键属性匹配,经模糊粗糙因子加权后,用空间距离法分类.通过试验比较,该方法具有较好的分类效果.  相似文献   

情感倾向性分类是自然语言处理领域中的热门话题,它的一个重要应用是挖掘线上评论中的重要信息,掌握网络舆论走向,因此本文提出一种基于GDBN网络的文本情感倾向性分类算法.该算法通过引入遗传算法来改进深度置信网络模型中的隐层,使模型自行对隐单元个数寻优,取得当前模型的适宜值,并以此模型进行深层建模与特征提取.最后通过反向传播网络对提取到的特征进行情感倾向性分类.在多个文本数据集上进行实验验证,验证结果表明了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

词汇情感倾向性(Word sentiment orientation, WSO)的鉴定通常是对文本进行粗粒度意见挖掘的基础.自由评论中存在许多语法噪声, 这使得以往基于规范文本提出的WSO鉴定方法不再适合自由评论. 自由评论中的情感词汇往往是上下文敏感的, 这使得非当前鉴定的情感词汇难以适用于当前自由评论的粗粒度意见挖掘. 针对上述问题,提出一种新的利用复杂网络为自由评论鉴定WSO的方法. 该方法主要有两个部分: 1)为了利用自由评论中词汇之间的上下文信息建模一个能够有效解决上下文敏感问题且具有良好抗噪声能力的情感倾向性关系网络(Sentiment orientation relationship network, SORN),提出了两个算法:金字塔抗噪声信息模型算法和利用抗噪声信息优化调整SORN的算法; 2)为了有效利用SORN为自由评论鉴定WSO,提出了基于SORN的WSO鉴定算法. 实验表明:对于在线为自由评论鉴定WSO,本文方法不仅在精确度方面远高于Hatzivassiloglou提出的方法,且具有良好的时间效率.  相似文献   

With the development of Internet, people are more likely to post and propagate opinions online. Sentiment analysis is then becoming an important challenge to understand the polarity beneath these comments. Currently a lot of approaches from natural language processing’s perspective have been employed to conduct this task. The widely used ones include bag-of-words and semantic oriented analysis methods. In this research, we further investigate the structural information among words, phrases and sentences within the comments to conduct the sentiment analysis. The idea is inspired by the fact that the structural information is playing important role in identifying the overall statement’s polarity. As a result a novel sentiment analysis model is proposed based on recurrent neural network, which takes the partial document as input and then the next parts to predict the sentiment label distribution rather than the next word. The proposed method learns words representation simultaneously the sentiment distribution. Experimental studies have been conducted on commonly used datasets and the results have shown its promising potential.  相似文献   

为了充分挖掘和应用电子商务网站中的教材评论信息,运用细粒度的情感分类算法对用户的在线评论进行分析,基于教材特征级的情感分析结果,辅助潜在客户和商家做出合理有效的决策.本文首先使用爬虫采集教材的在线评论文本,对其进行去噪、分词和词性标注等预处理;然后分析产品特征,在通用情感词典的基础上扩建领域情感词典;最后基于句法分析结果,结合教材评论的语言特性,设计适合教材评论的情感倾向性分析算法,并通过实验验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

This study addresses the problem of Chinese microblog opinion retrieval, which aims to retrieve opinionated Chinese microblog posts relevant to a target specified by a user query. Existing studies have shown that lexicon-based approaches employed online public sentiment resources to rank sentimentwords relying on the document features. However, this approach could not be effectively applied to microblogs that have typical user-generated content with valuable contextual information: “user–user” interpersonal interactions and “user–post/comment” intrapersonal interactions. This contextual information is very helpful in estimating the strength of sentiment words more accurately. In this study, we integrate the social contextual relationships among users, posts/comments, and sentiment words into a mutual reinforcement model and propose a unified three-layer heterogeneous graph, on which a random walk sentiment word weighting algorithm is presented to measure the strength of opinion of the sentiment words. Furthermore, the weights of sentiment words are incorporated into a lexicon-based model for Chinese microblog opinion retrieval. Comparative experiments are conducted on a Chinese microblog corpus, and the results show that our proposed mutual reinforcement model achieves significant improvement over previous methods.  相似文献   

随着社交网络平台的广泛使用,涌现出大量蕴涵丰富情感信息的在线评论文本,分析评论中表达的情感对企业、平台等具有重要意义。为了解决目前针对在线评论短文本情感分析中存在特征提取能力弱以及忽略短文本本身情感信息的问题,提出一种基于文本情感值加权融合字词向量表示的模型——SVW-BERT模型。首先,基于字、词级别向量融合表示文本向量,最大程度获取语义表征,同时考虑副词、否定词、感叹句及疑问句对文本情感的影响,通过权值计算得到文本的情感值,构建情感值加权融合字词向量的中文短文本情感分析模型。通过网络平台在线评论数据集对模型的可行性和优越性进行验证。实验结果表明,字词向量融合特征提取语义的能力更强,同时情感值加权句向量考虑了文本本身蕴涵的情感信息,达到了提升情感分类能力的效果。  相似文献   

随着电子商务,个人博客,社交网站和微博的蓬勃发展,互联网进入了一个崭新的时代,而在线评论的情感分类关系到个人决策、企业管理甚至社会安全.提出了一种基于区间直觉模糊的情感分类模型,采用了区间直觉模糊算子来计算特征词的区间直觉模糊数,利用区间直觉模糊集的隶属度、非隶属度和犹豫度分别定量地描述特征词,通过情感合成确定文本的情感倾向,从而获得准确率较高的情感倾向性分析结果.最后通过相同语料库的比较实验证明该分类模型的可行性、正确性和较高的分类性能.  相似文献   

The activity of Social-TV viewers has grown considerably in the last few years—viewers are no longer passive elements. The Web has socially empowered the viewers in many new different ways, for example, viewers can now rate TV programs, comment them, and suggest TV shows to friends through Web sites. Some innovations have been exploring these new activities of viewers but we are still far from realizing the full potential of this new setting. For example, social interactions on the Web, such as comments and ratings in online forums, create valuable feedback about the targeted TV entertainment shows. In this paper, we address this last setting: a media recommendation algorithm that suggests recommendations based on users’ ratings and unrated comments. In contrast to similar approaches that are only ratings-based, we propose the inclusion of sentiment knowledge in recommendations. This approach computes new media recommendations by merging media ratings and comments written by users about specific entertainment shows. This contrasts with existing recommendation methods that explore ratings and metadata but do not analyze what users have to say about particular media programs. In this paper, we argue that text comments are excellent indicators of user satisfaction. Sentiment analysis algorithms offer an analysis of the users’ preferences in which the comments may not be associated with an explicit rating. Thus, this analysis will also have an impact on the popularity of a given media show. Thus, the recommendation algorithm—based on matrix factorization by Singular Value Decomposition—will consider both explicit ratings and the output of sentiment analysis algorithms to compute new recommendations. The implemented recommendation framework can be integrated on a Web TV system where users can view and comment entertainment media from a video-on-demand service. The recommendation framework was evaluated on two datasets from IMDb with 53,112 reviews (50 % unrated) and Amazon entertainment media with 698,210 reviews (26 % unrated). Recommendation results with ratings and the inferred preferences—based on the sentiment analysis algorithms—exhibited an improvement over the ratings only based recommendations. This result illustrates the potential of sentiment analysis of user comments in recommendation systems.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel application of Sentiment Analysis in Recommender Systems by categorizing users according to the average polarity of their comments. These categories are used as attributes in Collaborative Filtering algorithms. To test this solution a new corpus of opinions on movies obtained from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) has been generated, so both ratings and comments are available. The experiments stress the informative value of comments. By applying Sentiment Analysis approaches some Collaborative Filtering algorithms can be improved in rating prediction tasks. The results indicate that we obtain a more reliable prediction considering only the opinion text (RMSE of 1.868), than when apply similarities over the entire user community (RMSE of 2.134) and sentiment analysis can be advantageous to recommender systems.  相似文献   

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