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随着云计算技术的飞速发展,数字图书馆云平台 SaaS 层的图书应用服务数量将会快速增长,为图书用户选择个性化的云服务带来困难。通过建立偏好树,构建了三网融合环境下的图书用户模型和图书云服务模型。为了确定图书云服务对图书用户的推荐度,设计了服务选择算法。经过实验数据分析,该算法可以根据图书用户模型的偏好需求,为用户推荐匹配度较高的图书云服务。  相似文献   

云计算由于具备强大的资源处理能力与高效的计算能力而在当今快速发展,且云计算因可以为用户提供廉价可定制的服务而受到人们的青睐。伴随着云计算技术的进步,云平台承载了越来越多繁杂的应用服务。软件测试作为一种常见而普遍的应用服务,其规模与复杂度近年来不断增长。云平台相比传统的测试模式更能满足软件测试的需求。文章将云平台的软件测试系统分为测试任务的上传、管理、资源分配、执行以及测试任务数据库5个模块,并探讨与测试任务特性相适应的调度原则以高效完成测试任务。文章还探讨了面向云测试平台的安全防护模型,从需求与技术两方面分析了该模型对云测试平台的安全保障。  相似文献   

随着云计算应用范围的扩展,人们对云计算在安全性、可靠性、可用性等方面的担忧与日俱增。云计算服务商承诺提供的服务满足服务水平协议,主要包括性能和可用性。但是,因可用性的内在复杂性而缺乏定量评估手段,对于云计算系统用户而言更是如此。为此,提出面向最终用户和面向云计算服务提供商的云计算系统可用性评估方法,这两种方法都采用可用性的定义建立模型,并且采用虚拟机的启动时间代替平均故障修复时间(Mean Time To Repair,MTTR)。第一种方法的平均失效前时间(Mean Time To Failure,MTTF)采用云计算服务提供商提供的参数;第二种方法通过统计得到虚拟机的MTTF,并计算云计算系统之上的集群可用性。由于 难以对后者进行实验验证,因此只对第一种方法进行验证,通过实验测量公有云和私有云提供的虚拟机的启动时间,结合云计算服务提供商提供的MTTF,计算了两种不同云平台服务的可用性,该方法方便用户快速计算可用性,为用户选择不同的云服务提供建议,并且可以判断云计算服务提供商的承诺是否达到标准以及是否可以将一些关键行业应用服务迁移至云平台。  相似文献   

随着云计算技术的发展,数字图书馆云服务评价成为迫切需要解决的问题.基于层次分析法(AHP),设计一种新的用户满意度模型评估数字图书馆云服务;为了从评估者角度获得测评指标的相对重要程度,提出一种新的AHP算法判断矩阵构造方式.实例表明:1)用户满意度模型能准确定位评估人员迫切需要改进的数字图书馆云服务; 2)改进的AHP算法能够从评估人员角度获得测评指标的权重值,有助于提高用户满意度的准确性.  相似文献   

姜福成 《软件》2014,(7):97-102
云计算是基于云结构的信息技术资源消费与利用系统,也是基于互联网的链路传输系统与终端服务系统的集成应用模型。典型的云服务模型包括Saa S/Aaa S、Iaa S、Paa S、Daa S,这些参考模型同时组成云系统应用服务基础架构。云计算开发标准与规则是云结构发展与云数据库的开发参考基准,也是云管理与云进化的参考结构。云系统服务质量关系云应用发展,而云管理的服务配置与监视服务提供反馈信息。云应用服务维护运行与数据安全是云安全提供的基础保障服务。云备份作为领导性企业云的高级服务功能应能适应云灵活多变性与容灾免灾设计,文中深入分析云数据备份技术应用与程序算法,细述实用数据应用处理方法。动态开发环境是企业云对云计算开放研究平台,在全球推进云环境的开发测试。云计算风险分析与管理同时促进云应用进化。  相似文献   

浙江华通云数据科技有限公司(下面简称华通)主要从事于云计算基础设施以及政务云、企业云、个人云、CDN等云计算产业应用服务和运营。通过云数据中心、全国骨干网络、CDN网络和各种云应用,向通信运营商、服务提供商、互联网企业以及互联网终端用户提供云计算产业所带来的各种应用和服务。  相似文献   

王小亮  刘彬 《软件》2012,(11):11-13
云计算正在加速应用到各行各业。然而在云计算模式下用户将数据和应用转移到云服务器或者虚拟机中,可能会受到来自云内部恶意管理员的攻击,加剧了云服务的可信性问题,阻碍了云计算的发展和推广。本文通过引入可信计算技术和第三方验证的方式,设计实现一种新的可信基础实施云模型T-IaaS。最后在Linux上实现原型系统,对其进行定量分析评估。实验结果表明,T-IaaS能够有效的保证基础设施云的可信性,而只引入很小的额外代价。  相似文献   

针对现有云供应商数据中心负载率低、云用户需求不确定及多样性的问题,为提高云供应商平均利润,建立了不确定需求下的多实例类型云服务超额预订模型。该模型结合实际云计算资源市场下超额预订对于云供应商负载均衡及云服务等级协议(SLA)的影响,给出超额预订的多重约束条件,提出了各实例类型数量最优分配策略。实验结果表明,采用该模型在预约未使用概率为0.25时,云供应商利润较高,数据中心负载率达到78%,最终确定了各实例类型的最优分配数量。  相似文献   

通过对云计算数据中心提高资源利用率和用户QOS的需求进行分析,围绕其中的关键技术虚拟化技术,从服务器虚拟化、网络虚拟化、存储虚拟化三个方面进行总结,针对云计算平台建立其可用性模型,分析了IAAS,PAAS,SAAS三种云服务模式的可用性计算方法,最后通过实验验证了云计算可用性参考模型适用于常见的云服务模式。  相似文献   

通过对云计算数据中心提高资源利用率和用户QOS的需求进行分析,围绕其中的关键技术虚拟化技术,从服务器虚拟化、网络虚拟化、存储虚拟化三个方面进行总结,针对云计算平台建立其可用性模型,分析了IAAS,PAAS,SAAS三种云服务模式的可用性计算方法,最后通过实验验证了云计算可用性参考模型适用于常见的云服务模式。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the effects of security risk factors fit for cloud computing paradigm on the acceptance of enterprise cloud service with intent to illuminate the factors for vitalizing the adoption of corporate cloud services in the future. The acceptance intention was set as a dependent variable. Independent variables were set in reference to the technology acceptance theory. Security risks were categorized into compliance risk, information leakage risk, troubleshooting risk and service discontinuation risk to design a model for analysis.  相似文献   

云计算应用和企业私有云建设不是简单的虚拟化和传统意义上的主机托管.为了着力提升企业信息资源的重用性、敏捷性和快速服务响应水平,以国防部体系结构框架DoDAF V2.0的服务视图模型为主体,提出一个基于面向服务体系结构(SOA)的企业云服务体系结构设计框架.通过服务视图模型间约束关系的研究和融合云计算模式的面向服务体系解析,建立相应的企业云服务体系结构设计规范和企业云计算应用实施环境.最后,提出了一个基于松耦合SOA的云应用解决方案,从而支持企业云服务体系结构设计和云计算应用技术实施.  相似文献   

Video user-created content (video UCC) is currently being spotlighted by business practitioners and researchers. However, little consideration is being made on elderly people’s adoption of this innovative service. This paper highlights this issue of elderly online users and discovers the factors affecting their participation decisions in video UCC services. This study introduces elderly-specific constructs such as perceived physical condition (physical age), life course events (psycho-social age), perceived user resources, prior similar experience, and computer anxiety, each reflecting the complex aging process. Then, the relationship between these constructs and the conventional constructs from the technology acceptance model (TAM) (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and compatibility) is hypothesized and tested. Data was collected from 290 online users older than 50 years of age. The results show that elderly people are not highly resistant to change and will adopt video UCC if some conditions are satisfied. In addition, elderly-specific variables could be good antecedents for conventional TAM constructs, while having direct effects on the intention construct for some cases (perceived physical condition, life course events, and perceived user resources). We believe the implications of this study are important for both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a dynamic, country level methodology and model to determine the energy related Green House Gas (GHG) emissions abatement potential of enterprise cloud computing. The developed model focused upon demonstrating the impact of a move to cloud computing from traditional on-site computing, by creating country specific estimates of energy and GHG reductions. The methodology presented includes variables for market penetration, organisation size, and organisational adoption of on-site and cloud computing. Using the current enterprise cloud service applications of email, customer relationship management (CRM), and groupware against selected global countries, results indicated that 4.5 million tonnes of CO2e could be reduced with an 80% market penetration for cloud computing. The majority of reductions were calculated to be from small and medium size organisations. A sensitivity analysis of the market penetration and current organisational adoption of cloud computing highlights the possible large variability in overall energy and GHG reductions. An analysis of the model and data used within this study illustrates a requirement for industry and academia to work closely in order to reach the large energy reductions possible with enterprise cloud computing.  相似文献   

A cloud learning environment enables an enriched learning experience compared to conventional methods of learning. Employing a value-sensitive approach, we undertook theoretical and empirical analyses to explore the values that influence potential users’ adoption of cloud courseware, by integrating cognitive motivations and user values as primary determining factors. We found that users’ intentions and behaviours are largely influenced by their perceptions of what is valuable about the cloud courseware in terms of sociability, learnability, and usability. These evaluations were found to be significant antecedents of cloud-computing intentions. This study makes a contribution to theory development as our model extends existing technology acceptance models and can be used to design user interfaces and promote the acceptance of cloud computing. For practical applications, the study findings can be used by industries promoting cloud services to increase user acceptance by addressing user values and incorporating them into cloud-computing design.  相似文献   

Social network services are emerging as a promising IT-based business, with some services already being provided commercially such as Facebook, Cyworld and Xiaonei. However, it is not yet clear which potential audience groups will be key social network service participants. Moreover, the process showing how an individual actually decides to start using a social network service may be somewhat different from current web-based community services. Hence, the aims of this paper are twofold. First, we empirically examine how individual characteristics affect actual user acceptance of social network services. To examine these individual characteristics, we apply a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to construct an amended model that focuses on three individual differences: social identity, altruism and telepresence, and one perceived construct: the perceived encouragement, imported from psychology-based research. Next, we examine if the users’ perception to see a target social network service as human relationship-oriented service or as a task-oriented service could be a moderator between perceived constructs and actual use. As a result, we discover that the perceived encouragement and perceived orientation are significant constructs that affect actual use of social network services.  相似文献   

This study explores the factors influencing the adoption of IPTV, and tests the applicability of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in a new convergent technology. The behavioural constructs from TAM were tested for predicting user acceptance of IPTV. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse data and to design a theoretical model predicting the individual's intention to adopt IPTV. A modified TAM for IPTV proposes that new constructs determine user-perceived usefulness and enjoyment of using IPTV. Although this study confirms the impact of information quality and system quality on consumers' technology experience, it specifically shows that the perceived quality of content and system were found to have a significant effect on users' perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment. In addition, social influences had a positive effect on the intention to use IPTV. These findings suggest an extension of the TAM model for convergence technologies. This research advances theory and contributes to the foundation for future research aimed at improving the understanding of users' adoption behaviour of convergence technologies. Implications of these findings for practice and research are examined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess how consumer involvement and service quality within the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) influence consumers' adoption of self‐service technologies (SSTs). A model is proposed to test the antecedent factors of SSTs in a retail environment. A total of 441 valid questionnaires were received, and the data were examined by using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings show that consumer involvement has a significant positive effect on attitude toward SSTs. In addition, service quality plays an important role by significantly moderating the influence of intention to use SSTs on consumer behavior. The key objective of this study is to analyze the role that consumer involvement and service quality play in influencing the adoption of SSTs. Future research could classify the different levels of involvement and types of SSTs to confirm and extend our framework. Despite the increasing popularity of SSTs, few studies have to date examined the topic of technology acceptance in combination with user involvement. This study extends the original TAM and explains the conditions required for successful user involvement and service quality in consumers' adoption of SSTs. This study makes an original contribution by proposing a strategic model for a successful implementation of SSTs. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

服务与云计算范型的融合有助于大规模分布式软件的开发和应用,同时也为面向服务的软件工程带来了新的挑战。云计算的最大挑战是缺少事实上的标准或单一的体系结构方法,以满足企业将关键产品作为Internet上的云服务发布的应用需求。首先,针对企业云计算的业务特点,提出了一种企业云服务体系结构(Enterprise Cloud Service Architecture,ECSA)风格的通用和抽象参考模型,分析了该模型中的云服务、服务模式、服务消费者、管理、流程、质量属性、服务构件模型、服务匹配和交互模式匹配9个组件及其之间的关系,并讨论了它们中的角色。然后,提出了一个四阶段的ECSA迭代改进过程,该过程把云服务视为首要的类建模元素,通过解除云服务模型和来自目标构件配置之间的耦合,可实现相同云服务集的多种不同体系结构。最后,给出了一种基于该模型的期货程序化交易的私有云服务应用实例,用以展示该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

To meet the needs of today’s library users, institutions are developing library mobile apps (LMAs), as their libraries are increasingly intelligent and rely on deep learning. This paper explores the influencing factors and differences in the perception of LMAs at different time points after a user has downloaded an LMA. A research model was constructed based on the technology acceptance model. A questionnaire was designed and distributed twice to LMA users with an interval of three months to collect dynamic data. The analysis was based on structural equation modeling. The empirical results show that the perceived ease of use, the perceived usefulness, the social influence, and the facilitating conditions affected the users’ behavioral intention, but their impacts were different at different times. As the usage time increases, the technology acceptance model is still universal for understanding the user perception of LMA. In addition, two extended variables (social impact and convenience) also affect the user’s behavior intention. User behavior is dynamic and changed over time. This study is important both theoretically and practically, as the results could be used to improve the service quality of LMAs and reduce the loss rate of users. Its findings may help the designers and developers of LMAs to optimize them from the perspective of a user and improve the service experience by providing a deeper understanding of the adoption behavior of information systems by LMA users.  相似文献   

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