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三维图形仿真在机器人控制系统中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在机器人离线控制系统的开发中,机器人三维图形仿真是重要的一环。本文通过详细的分析比较,指出了Cortona SDK建模的运用优势。介绍了VRML在机器人建模中的应用以及网络平台上的建模方法,以Puma560机器人手臂为例,实现了机器人三维图形仿真。  相似文献   

一种通用的机器人三维图形仿真的实现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘振宇  徐方  陈英林 《机器人》2001,23(5):404-406
机器人三维图形仿真是离线编程的一个重要内容,本文介绍了一种应用ActiveX编 制的机器人三维图形仿真控件,包括机器人运动学模型的建立方法和三维图形仿真的实现. 这种控件具有很强的通用性,可以与多种编程环境兼容.  相似文献   

机器人图形仿真是机器人研究中的一个很重要的内容,它涉及机器人机构学、机器人运动学、机器人零件建模、仿真机器人三维实现和机器人运动控制等方面.  相似文献   

在机器人技术研究中,为了提高机器人控制算法的开发效率,提出移动机器人三维仿真软件的设计方案并加以实现。该软件采用ODE物理引擎生成动力学世界和实现碰撞检测,提高了仿真速度和精确度,同时采用OpenGL绘制三维图形,改善了图形显示效果。仿真实例证明,该软件具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

本文介绍了作者在IBM-PC微机上实现的一个机器人仿真系统.该系统能显示机器人及其环境的三维图形,对机器人的运动学问题进行仿真。系统以交互方式工作,有较强的图形编辑功能和仿真功能.  相似文献   

机器人三维图形仿真系统中运动学方程建模方法的改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阎保定  郭跟成 《机器人》1997,19(3):202-206
机器人运动学方程的建模是三维图形仿真系统中的重要问题。本文提出了一种结合机器人形体。建模来建立机器人运动学方程新方法,并从机器人的图形示教和运动学逆诸方面对这一方法的优越进行了论述。  相似文献   

基于计算网格的机器人分布式仿真系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张平  宋丙林  王琼芳 《机器人》2005,27(4):309-312
基于计算网格技术,构建了机器人分布式三维图形仿真系统,经对PUMA 560工业机器人进行动力学仿真计算表明,计算网格技术提高了机器人三维图形仿真系统的计算能力.  相似文献   

文章将机器人三维图形仿真模块作为开放式机器人控制器中的一个通用组件来进行研究,分析了其建模和设计过程。为了保证组件的通用性,将连杆作为基本单位来设计机器人对象,并根据串联结构机器人的特点设计了通用的三维造型方法,使其可以适用于大多数串联结构的机器人。同时,为了满足机器人规划和避障的要求,在仿真组件中实现了基于距离计算的碰撞检测,并给出了仿真实验的结果。  相似文献   

通过对三维虚拟机器人运动仿真系统的发展进行介绍和分析, 描述了基于零件拼装的三维虚拟机器人运动仿真的有效方法。针对三维虚拟机器人零件结构特点和拼装功能, 对虚拟机器人零件的图形建模方法、虚拟机器人运动及传感器功能仿真进行了分析设计, 重点分析了运动仿真过程的设计方法。实验结果表明, 系统能够很好地遵循物理特性实现虚拟机器人的运动仿真, 且性能较优。  相似文献   

李大生 《机器人》1989,3(3):36-40
本文介绍一个智能化的机器人仿真系统的设计与实现,包括机器人运动学及其逆问题,轨迹规划、工作空间几何描述,碰撞和干涉测试,图形生成和处理以及动画技术等内容.系统中将人工智能技术用于机器人运动学及其逆问题解的公式推导,采用图形集合运算完成图形输人并提出一种三维图形快速生成和处理的算法,能适用机器人实时图形仿真.该系统使用 Turbo-Pascal 语言在 IBM-PC 机上实现.  相似文献   

机器人图形化编程与三维仿真环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种采用JAVA开发、基于RTLinux平台的适合多机器人多任务的图形化编程与三维仿真环境.采用图标和连线方式快速建立具备流程图特点的控制程序.运行管理内核实现程序图结构的信息流向跟踪,对程序运行采用边解释边执行机制.机器人运动学指令由底层RTLab执行,结果返回上层;由Java3D实现的三维仿真环境可动态显示机器人的运动过程.该环境支持离线编程和在线调试.目前支持日本安川公司研制的Motoman UPJ和SmartPal类人轮式移动服务机器人.  相似文献   

研究了复杂非线性系统参数优化环境的可视化建模技术及软件实现问题.应用先进的仿真技术,采用面向对象和结构化设计方法,通过通用软件实现了复杂系统参数自动寻优环境的高度可视化的一体化;与基于常规高级和谐设计语言的参数寻优方法相比,该方法不仅不用传统程序代码对算法编程,而且可方便地对系统进行多参数自动迭代寻优试验及进行智能化分析.  相似文献   

The programming of robots is slowly evolving from traditional teach pendant methods to graphical Off-Line Programming (OLP) methods. Graphical simulation tools, such as OLP, are very useful for developing and testing robot programs before they are run on real industrial equipment. OLP systems are also used to develop task level programs. Traditional OLP systems, however, suffer from the limitations of using only position control which does not account for inherent robot inaccuracies and dynamic environments. This paper describes our work on improving and supplementing traditional position control programming methods. A baseline OLP system was implemented at NIST's Automated Manufacturing Research Facility (AMRF). Experience gained in implementing this system showed that an effective OLP system must accurately simulate the real world and must support sensor programming to compensate for real-world changes that cannot be simulated. The developed OLP geometric world model is calibrated using robot mounted ultrasound ranging sensors. This measurement capability produces a baseline geometric model of relatively good static accuracy for off-line programming. The graphical environment must also provide representations of sensor features. For this specific application, force is simulated in order to include force based commands in our robot programs. These sensor based programs are able to run reliably and safely in an unpredictable industrial environment. The last portion of this paper extends OLP and describes the functionality of a complete system for programming complex robot tasks.  相似文献   

For a long time, robot assembly programming has been produced in two environments: on-line and off-line. On-line robot programming uses the actual robot for the experiments performing a given task; off-line robot programming develops a robot program in either an autonomous system with a high-level task planner and simulation or a 2D graphical user interface linked to other system components. This paper presents a whole hand interface for more easily performing robotic assembly tasks in the virtual tenvironment. The interface is composed of both static hand shapes (states) and continuous hand motions (modes). Hand shapes are recognized as discrete states that trigger the control signals and commands, and hand motions are mapped to the movements of a selected instance in real-time assembly. Hand postures are also used for specifying the alignment constraints and axis mapping of the hand-part coordinates. The basic virtual-hand functions are constructed through the states and modes developing the robotic assembly program. The assembling motion of the object is guided by the user immersed in the environment to a path such that no collisions will occur. The fine motion in controlling the contact and ending position/orientation is handled automatically by the system using prior knowledge of the parts and assembly reasoning. One assembly programming case using this interface is described in detail in the paper.  相似文献   

The working of a tool, Simulation Nets, for designing and executing models for simulation of systems is presented. The tool is an extension of the theoretically attractive Petri Nets, whose suitability in general simulation modeling has largely been overlooked in the simulation community. Simulation Nets helps in obtaining a correct simulation model because of their good graphical properties, their strength in describing concurrent processes, and because of the possibility in proving correctness for some parts of the model by applying the well known reachability tree technique. The resulting graphical model consists of a number of submodels. The submodels are exact enough to permit simulation experiments to be performed without the need of programming. This permits easy incremental validation of the model, i.e., validation of the submodels and a hierarchy of coupled submodels. Simulation nets thus facilitates rapid modeling and experimentation and thus supports the decision maker in obtaining the data needed for him to make his decision. Experiences with a working prototype are presented.  相似文献   

IGM弧焊机器人工作站三维造型与仿真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了IGM弧焊机器人工作站的结构特点,在VC++开发环境下,使用OpenGL图形开发工具,建立了基本体素;采用面向对象的思想完成了工作站各个组成部分的三维实体造型,系统中分别建立了环境类、机架类、机器人类、变位机类及其派生类,并实现了该工作站基于微机的运动仿真。  相似文献   

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