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本刊讯(记者石磊)以新世纪计算机学科学生的培养目标的总体定位、计算机教育中如何开展素质教育和创新能力培养、ACM和IEEE颁布的CC2001教程的研究与思考、基于CC2001教程的相关教学方案的设计与思考、CC2001教程中若干教学模块的分析研究、新世纪计算机学科的教学模式、教学方法和教学手段研究和新世纪计算机学科的教学质量评估体系研究等一系列议题为主的“新世纪计算机教育与CC2001教程研讨会”将于2001年7月16日-17日在上海召开。届时,将由全国近百家计算机学科的重点分管教学的领导参加研…  相似文献   

计算机辅助化学教学回顾与展望   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
回顾了计算机辅助有机化学教学在我国的发展历史,介绍了CAI软件的种类和各自的特点。对于利用CAI软件教学与传统教学的不同方式进行了比较。本文还对国内向种最 CAI化学软件进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   

2000年8月8日由北航海尔和《计算机辅助设计与制造》(《CAD/CAM》)共同主办的“CAD/CAM校园行”座谈会在京召开。来自全国十余所大、中专院校的老师、专家济济一堂,参与座谈的还有北航海尔的代表和《CAD/CAM》的记者代表,大家共同就CAD/CAM教学在职业教育中普及的迫切性,如何改革传统课程体系适应 CAD/CAM教学以及民族 CAD/CAM软件企业在其中所起的作用等问题展开了热烈的讨论。通过讨论,与会人员对“在职业教育中推广CAD/CAM教学”有了更新的认识,同时软件厂商对这一潜在的…  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学及其实施中的几个问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曾宪庭 《计算机应用》1998,18(6):46-47,49
本文对CAI、CAI教室、CAI课件,并从实施CAI教学的角度,描述CAI在教学有效的几个方面,提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学──跨世纪的飞跃西安交通大学CAI中心副主任刘甘娜作为现代教育技术,计算机基础教育(CBE)的研究已历经近四十载,而计算机辅助教学(CAI)的研究写应用取得了长足的发展。CAI研究的壬要内容可分为墓础理论研究、开发技术研究和教学应用研究...  相似文献   

本文采用OCPN模型处理教学多媒体系统中音频,动画和视频图象的同步问题,并用C语言和WINDOWS实现了组合体教学课件。  相似文献   

涂超 《现代计算机》1999,(11):42-43,46
引言计算机辅助教学CAI的兴起是教育领域中的一场信息革命,多媒体技术对CAI的应用起到了巨大的推动作用。多媒体CAI以其交互性、集成性、形象性和自适应性等特点受到人们广泛重视。多媒体技术将对大众传播媒介、人类的学习环境产生巨大影响。CAI是计算机辅助教学(ComputerAssistedInstruction)的英文简称,是一种用计算机作为媒介,通过人一机交互达到教学目的的崭新的教学方式。CAI与传统的教学方式比,最大的区别在于他的交互性、集成性和自适应性。其交互性使教师和学生都能参与教学活动,…  相似文献   

黄晗 《福建电脑》1999,(5):17-18
本文介绍了CAI这种新的教学传媒对传统课堂教学的影响,指出应充分利用CAI来促进教学的改革。  相似文献   

CSCAD软件包在控制理论课程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一个在MATLAB5.0版本上开发的一套用于控制系统分析、设计、仿真的CSCAD软件包,讲述了它的基本特点及功能。通过两个应用实例,着重介绍其在本科自动控制理论教学(包含经典控制理论、现代控制理论、数字控制理论)中的计算机辅助教学功能,说明该CSCAD软件包是辅助控制理论教学的一个有力工具。  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学网络的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了一个用于教师编写多媒体计算机辅助教学(CAI)课件和学生调用课件进行学习的CAI网络系统,好系统的设计方案和功能。  相似文献   

双语教学作为一个新的教学模式在高校的教学中还处于探索、研究阶段。本文结合人工智能课程的双语教学实践,详细分析了师范院校双语教学的特点,提出了师范院校双语教学遵循的原则,最后设计出了人工智能双语教学的方案。  相似文献   

同步数据触发体系结构SDTA将传统指令级并行细化到微操作级并行,具有较高的数据处理能力,但其特殊的指令格式及指令特性,给指令Cache访问带来了挑战。指令预取技术能够有效地降低指令Cache的访问失效率,增强处理器取指能力,提高性能。本文分析了SDTA指令集特性,提出了一种适合SDTA指令集特性的软硬件相结合的混合指令预取机制,采用硬件预取引擎和软件提示相结合进行预取。该方法能够有效地提高指令Cache命中率,且具有实现简单、无效预取率低、不会增加代码体积等特点。  相似文献   

Sima  D. 《Micro, IEEE》1997,17(5):28-39
Clearly, instruction issue and execution are closely related: The more parallel the instruction execution, the higher the requirements for the parallelism of instruction issue. Thus, we see the continuous and harmonized increase of parallelism in instruction issue and execution. This article focuses on superscalar instruction issue, tracing the way parallel instruction execution and issue have increased performance. It also spans the design space of instruction issue, identifying important design aspects and available design choices. The article also demonstrates a concise way to represent the design space using DS trees, reviews the most frequently used issue schemes, and highlights trends for each design aspect of instruction issue  相似文献   

传统的指令优化方法通常不考虑调整指令高速缓存的硬件体系结构,只能得到局部优化结果.本文以实验的方法研究了指令优化设计和指令缓存配置之间的关系,通过实现程序指令优化并在不同指令缓存配置的平台上运行优化前后的程序,对比缓存缺失率,为进一步提高指令缓存性能提供了重要参考.实验结果表明指令缓存配置对指令优化的性能有极大的影响,在系统设计阶段同时考虑指令优化和指令缓存结构将能大幅度地改进指令缓存的性能.  相似文献   

The increasing need to instruct students in the use of personal computer software, especially electronic spreadsheets, is placing greater demands on the already full university curriculum. A potential help in meeting these demands is the readily available computer-based software tutorials. In order to explore the feasibility of computer-based instruction as an alternative to human instruction, this research compares two modes of instruction, computer-based and human. An experiment was conducted with groups of business student subjects. The research results indicate no difference in students' attitude towards computer-based instruction and human instruction of spreadsheets. Students' short-term recall of the software syntax being taught is as strong with computer-based instruction as with human instruction. These results were not affected by the level of personal computer experience that students had prior to the experiment. However, the ability to comprehend and immediately apply the software to a task is greater with human instruction than with computer-aided instruction. This advantage holds true for students instructed by experienced and inexperienced instructors.  相似文献   


The increasing need to instruct students in the use of personal computer software, especially electronic spreadsheets, is placing greater demands on the already full university curriculum. A potential help in meeting these demands is the readily available computer-based software tutorials. In order to explore the feasibility of computer-based instruction as an alternative to human instruction, this research compares two modes of instruction, computer-based and human. An experiment was conducted with groups of business student subjects. The research results indicate no difference in students‘ attitude towards computer-based instruction and human instruction of spreadsheets. Students’ short-term recall of the software syntax being taught is as strong with computer-based instruction as with human instruction. These results were not affected by the level of personal computer experience that students had prior to the experiment. However, the ability to comprehend and immediately apply the software to a task is greater with human instruction than with computer-aided instruction. This advantage holds true for students instructed by experienced and inexperienced instructors.  相似文献   

Hard real-time systems demand high performance in combination with a timing predictable program execution. The performance of a system in the worst-case, represented by its worst case execution time (WCET), highly depends on the design of the memory subsystem. In this paper we focus on the instruction memory hierarchy and quantify the impact of different on-chip instruction memories on the worst-case timing of the system. A function-based dynamic instruction scratchpad (D-ISP), an instruction cache, and static instruction scratchpads using basic-block-based and function-based assignment algorithms are compared. Therefore, we provide WCET bounds for systems with different on-chip instruction memories and different off-chip memory timings.We show that for small memory sizes a static instruction scratchpad usually outperforms the other memories in terms of the WCET estimate. However, with increasing memory sizes the D-ISP is able to reach lower WCET bounds. An instruction cache can only provide lower WCET bounds than the other memories, if no suitable assignment for the static instruction scratchpads is found or if the D-ISP suffers from thrashing or frequently loads unused code.  相似文献   

采集计算机在不同应用环境下的指令流,并对计算机各个指令使用的频度进行统计,对CPU指令设计和优化有指导意义。针对现有指令频度统计方法存在的跟踪效率低、获取速度慢等问题,提出一种新的指令频度分析方法。该方法的核心思想是在QEMU模拟器上执行用户行为脚本,利用QEMU插件获取CPU执行的指令流,并利用基于块的统计优化性能。实验结果表明,该方法可跟踪并获取指令流,能高效地分析出各指令的使用频度,并直观地展示分析结果。  相似文献   

指令槽空闲率高是VLIW处理器一直面临的问题。通过对专用VLIW处理器架构及其应用程序进行分析,提出了VLIW指令前缀压缩技术。该技术通过删除各个指令字中无效的指令槽操作来对VLIW指令字进行压缩。同时设计了解压缩电路,对压缩代码进行解压缩处理。实验结果表明,该技术能够以较小的面积代价换取约47.2%的指令存储器面积的节省。  相似文献   

指令流发射和指令Cache失效是处理器能量耗散的两个重要原因。松耦合的RISC指令集所产生的程序加剧了这样的能耗,而在片上Cache有限的网络设备如路由器、交换机中,因为指令流而遭受的性能下降和功耗增加更为严重。面向网络报文转发这一重要的网络功能服务,分析了网络报文转发的指令特性,并基于RISC-V指令集架构,重定制了RV32C压缩指令扩展集。经过Spike模拟器测试,优化后压缩率缩减至70%,动态指令压缩率为90%,同时在同等Cache条件下,使用定制压缩指令的指令Cache失效率比标准RISC-V降低了30%~70%。  相似文献   

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