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图像融合技术在计算机辅助诊断中发挥了重要作用.传统融合方法通过设计融合策略来同时解决图像融合中的两个关键问题,即细节提取和能量保存,而这容易造成信息丢失或能量保存度不足.鉴于此,提出了一种对细节提取和能量保存问题进行分别解决的融合方法.该方法的第一部分旨在进行细节提取,首先,使用非下采样剪切波变换(NSST)将源图像分解成低频和高频子带;然后,通过改进的能量策略来融合低频子带,而对于高频子带的融合,提出了一种基于直觉模糊集理论的策略;最后,利用逆NSST来重构图像.而在第二部分里,为了达成能量保存,提出了一种亮度增强方法.在43组图像上验证该方法的性能,并把该方法和主成分分析(PCA)、局部拉普拉斯滤波器(LLF)等其他八种传统融合方法进行对比,两种医学图像融合类型(核磁共振图像(MRI)和正电子发射断层图像(PET)、核磁共振图像(MRI)和单光子发射计算机断层图像(SPECT))的实验结果表明,该方法在视觉质量和互信息(MI)、空间频率(SF)、Q值、平均梯度(AG)、信息熵(EI)和标准差(SD)等客观评价指标上均具有优势,能够提高医学图像融合质量.  相似文献   

为了提高医学图像的质量,为医学诊断提供可靠的信息依据,将更为先进的多分辨率、多方向分解的NSCT变换引入到CT和MRI医学图像融合中进行研究,并针对医学图像的特点,提出一种改进的中心区域能量加权平均融合规则。进行基于NSCT变换的不同融合规则的医学图像融合仿真实验,并与Contourlet变换进行比较分析。实验结果表明,基于NSCT变换的改进融合规则算法使医学融合图像具有更丰富的信息量和更高的对比度,相关评价指标表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对红外与可见光图像融合,提出了一种基于区域能量和修正的视觉特征对比度的低频融合规则,以尽可能多地保留红外图像的热目标信息及可见光图像的光谱信息。实验结果表明,在非下采样轮廓波变换和小波变换域,新的融合规则能都充分利用源图像的互补和冗余信息,使融合图像具有更好的主观视觉效果。  相似文献   

针对传统多尺度变换的医学图像融合问题,提出一种基于非下采样Contourlet变换的医学图像融合新方法。在低频子带系数的选取上,根据医学图像的特点,考虑到相部低频子带系数之间存在的相关性,采用基于区域能量的融合规则;在选择带通方向子带系数时,充分利用非下采样Contourlet变换的方向特性,采用改进拉普拉斯能量和作为带通方向子带系数的融合规则。实验结果表明,与传统融合方法相比,该方法避免了图像失真,达到了良好的图像融合效果。  相似文献   

针对传统图像融合容易导致目标信息减弱、背景细节不清晰的问题,提出一种基于非下采样剪切波变换(Non-subsampled Shearlet Transform, NSST)和双边滤波的融合算法。首先,利用双边和高斯滤波器处理红外与可见光图像,得到包含红外目标的大尺度边缘图像;然后,采用NSST分解红外与可见光图像,得到相应的高频和低频子带系数,低频部分利用已得的大尺度边缘图像指导加权,高频部分采用绝对值取大的方法;最后将融合后的各频带系数经过NSST逆变换得到融合结果。实验结果显示,该方法既能有效突出红外目标,又充分保留了可见光图像中的背景信息,在信息熵、互信息和峰值信噪比等客观评价指标上也都优于传统的融合算法。  相似文献   

针对非下采样Contourlet变换具有多尺度分析及平移不变的性质,结合计算机断层成像(CT)和核磁共振(MRI)医学图像各自的成像特性,提出了基于非下采样Contourlet变换和区域特征策略来对低频、高频子带进行融合的医学图像融合方法;介绍了图像融合的评价标准,阐述了非下采样Contourlet变换的原理及实现;从视觉效果和客观数据指标方面对融合图像进行主观评判和数值评价。下颌骨系统CT和MRI图像的融合实验结果表明,该方法相对于小波变换和Contourlet变换方法,可有效综合这两种断层图像的有效信息和细节信息,融合后图像具有更优的视觉质量和量化指标。  相似文献   

基于NSST与自适应PCNN的多聚焦图像融合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨利素  王雷  郭全 《计算机科学》2018,45(12):217-222, 250
为弥补传统图像融合方法融合质量不高的缺点,提出了基于非下采样剪切波变换(Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform,NSST)与自适应脉冲耦合神经网络(Pulse Coupled Neural Network,PCNN)的图像融合方法。首先,利用非下采样剪切波变换对源图像进行剪切波分解;然后,采用基于图像引导滤波器的融合规则对得到的低频分量进行低频融合;其次,对于高频分量,采用改进的空间频率作为PCNN的输入,利用改进的拉普拉斯能量和作为PCNN的链接强度;最后,通过NSST逆变换得到融合后的图像。实验结果表明,相比于传统的融合规则,文中提出的算法在主观效果上能很好地保留细节信息,并抑制伪影和失真的产生;在客观评价上,其在标准差、边缘信息传递量、信息熵和互信息等常用指标上的表现更为优越。  相似文献   

基于区域的非下采样形态小波医学图像融合算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于区域的非下采样形态小波医学图像融合算法。该算法首先将待融合的图像进行非下采样形态Haar小波分解成高频子带和低频子带,对低频子带图像直接按绝对值最大的规则进行融合,对各高频子带图像则先进行区域分割,对分割的区域根据其活跃度指数进行匹配,再对相匹配的区域按能量最大规则进行融合;最后根据融合后的低频子带及高频子带进行融合图像重构。实验结果表明,该算法在保持移不变形态小波融合方法优点的基础上,增强了融合图像的细节及亮度信息,同时有效地克服了对噪声和非精确配准敏感等缺点。  相似文献   

针对基于非下采样轮廓波变换(NSCT)的图像融合算法存在计算复杂度较高的问题,提出一种基于NSCT和压缩感知的图像融合方法.首先根据压缩感知理论的特点将其应用于图像融合领域,并采用Min-TV的方法重构图像;然后对NSCT进行分解,其计算量较大的带通子带系数采用基于压缩感知理论的图像融合方法;最后对低通融合图像和带通融合图像进行NSCT逆变换,得到最终的融合图像.通过仿真实验,从主观感知和客观数据的对比分析上验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于非子采样Contourlet变换的遥感图像融合算法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
针对人类视觉特性, 以及全色高分辨图像和多光谱遥感自身的特点, 提出一种非下采样 Contourlet (NSCT) 域的图像融合新策略. NSCT 具有好的多分辨、移不变和多方向等特性, 能对图像中的边缘和围线信息给出渐近最优表示. 为了更好地保持空间分辨率和颜色分量, 引入基于 LHS 变换的亮度成分叠加策略. 实验结果表明: 本文提出的融合方法在提高空间分辨率的同时较好地保持了光谱信息. 与传统的 PCA 方法、基于 IHS 的融合方法、基于小波加权的融合方法, 以及同样采用本文的融合策略、分别基于小波变换和基于 Contourlet 变换的融合策略相比较, 本文方法在视觉效果和客观衡量指标两方面都有所改善.  相似文献   

This paper gives a novel scheme using intuitionistic fuzzy set theory to enhance the edges of medical images. Medical images contain lots of uncertainties, as they are poorly illuminated and fuzzy/vague in nature. So, direct segmentation techniques will not produce better results. There are lots of researches on edge enhancement starting from non-fuzzy to fuzzy set, but proper enhancement (highlighting important structures) is not obtained. Enhancement of edges helps in recovering the important structures that are not visible properly. Even minute pathological blood vessels/cells are not visible properly and in that case edge enhancement will enhance these blood vessels/cells. Intuitionistic fuzzy set theory is found suitable in medical image processing as it considers more (two) uncertainties as compared to fuzzy set theory. In the processing phase, image is initially converted to intuitionistic fuzzy image and intuitionistic fuzzy entropy is used to obtain the optimum value of the parameter in the membership and non-membership functions. Then it computes the total variation of the pixels with respect to the median value of the image window (rank order filtering). This enhances the borders or the edges of the image. The resulting image is then segmented (edge detected) using standard Canny's edge detector, when simply using Canny's edge detector does not give better result. From the result it is observed that on comparing with non-fuzzy and fuzzy methods, the proposed method gives better information about the images, which is helpful to the pathologists in accurate diagnosing of diseases.  相似文献   

兰蓉  贾亚雯 《控制与决策》2021,36(12):2919-2928
针对经典的直方图均衡化图像增强算法可能存在的对比度过度增强、亮度分布不均匀和细节信息不突出等问题,提出自适应直觉模糊相异直方图裁剪的图像增强算法.基于直觉模糊集的“投票模型”,引入直觉模糊相异直方图的概念,并基于此提取图像像素的空间位置信息.同时,利用S型隶属度函数对图像直觉模糊相异直方图进行自适应裁剪,采用分段策略对裁剪后的直觉模糊相异直方图进行均衡化处理.最后,利用直觉模糊集的犹豫度刻画原图像的未知信息,修正由引导滤波获得的细节图像,从而保留图像丰富的细节信息.针对3种类型的图像,即自然图像、MRI脑图像及近红外图像的实验结果表明,所提出算法能够有效提高图像的对比度,保留图像的细节信息,使图像呈现较自然的视觉效果,改善图像的质量评价指标.  相似文献   

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering - Multi-focus image fusion is an increasingly important component in image fusion, and it plays a key role in imaging. In this...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to propose an objective method for determining weights of criteria (also called attributes) based on a new measure of intuitionistic fuzzy information, called knowledge measure, in a real-world multi-criteria decision-making problem under intuitionistic fuzzy and interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environment. To address this issue, we first analyze the existing entropy measures and show that their use in objective weight determination process may lead us to produce unreliable weights of criteria by citing appropriate examples. Then we analyze important properties of knowledge measure of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) and also define knowledge measure for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set. Then a new method to determine the weights of criteria is developed on the basis of knowledge measure where information about criteria weights is completely unknown and partly known. A real-life example is presented to illustrate the proposed weight determination method and a comparative analysis is carried out to indicate the practicality and effectiveness of knowledge-based weight-generation method under both intuitionistic fuzzy and interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environment. Finally, we formulate the axioms for knowledge measure associated with IFSs and we also propose families (classes) of knowledge measures.  相似文献   

直觉模糊集理论采用隶属度函数和非隶属度函数刻画不确定性信息,具有一定程度的主观性。为了研究直觉模糊集的本质特征,提出一种直觉模糊集的结构化分析方法,定义了直觉模糊相容关系,给出了直觉模糊集的同构原理,讨论了直觉模糊集的结构化特征。所得结果表明,直觉模糊集也具有客观性的一面。  相似文献   

Image fusion is the process of combining one or more images which are obtained from different environment into a single image which is more useful for further image processing tasks. Image registration and image fusion are of great importance in defence and civilian sectors, particularly for recognizing a ground/air force vehicle and medical imaging. In this paper a new way is drawn to fuse two or more images by using maximum, minimum operations in intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). IFSs are more suitable for image processing since every digital image have lot of uncertainties. In processing phase, images are reformed into intuitionistic fuzzy images (IFIs). Entropy is employed to obtain the optimum value of the parameter in membership and non-membership function. Then the resulting IFIs are disintegrated into image blocks and the corresponding blocks of the images are reunioned by finding the count of blackness and whiteness of the blocks. This paper evaluates the performance of simple averaging (AVG), principal component analysis (PCA), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), stationary wavelet transform (SWT), dual tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT), multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MSVD), nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) and IFS (proposed method) in terms of various performance measure. The experimental and comparison results show that luminance and contrast is of great importance for image processing and prove that the proposed method is better than all other methods.  相似文献   

把商空间理论推广到直觉模糊集理论中,建立直觉模糊商空间。定义直觉模糊等价关系和直觉模糊距离。建立基于直觉模糊等价关系的商空间基本定理。证明由有序的直觉模糊等价关系簇诱导的直觉模糊商空间构成一个完备半序格。  相似文献   

A contrast enhancement of medical images using Type II fuzzy set theory is suggested. Fuzzy set theory considers uncertainty in the form of membership function but to have better information on uncertainty on the membership function, Type II fuzzy set is considered. Type II fuzzy set considers fuzziness in the membership function. Hamacher T co norm is used as an aggregation operator to form a new membership function using the upper and lower membership function of Type II fuzzy set. The image with the new membership function is an enhanced image. As medical images contain lot of uncertainties, Type II fuzzy set may be a good tool for medical image analysis. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, the results are compared with fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy, and existing Type II fuzzy methods. Experiments on several images show that the proposed Type II fuzzy method performs better than the existing methods. To show the advantage of the proposed enhancement method, detection or extraction of abnormal lesions or blood vessels has been carried out on enhanced images of all the methods. It is observed that the segmented results on the proposed enhanced images are better.  相似文献   

We propose a method to approximate Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFSs) with Shadowed Sets that could be used, in decision making or similar tasks, when the full information about membership values is not necessary, is difficult to process or to interpret. Our approach is based on an information-theoretic perspective and aims at preserving the uncertainty, represented through an entropy measure, in the original IFS by minimizing the difference between the entropy in the input IFS and the output Shadowed Set. We propose three different efficient optimization algorithms that retain Fuzziness, Lack of Knowledge, or both, and illustrate their computation through an illustrative example. We also evaluate the application of the proposed approximation methods in the Machine Learning setting by showing that the approximation, through the proposed methods, of IFS k-Nearest Neighbors is able to outperform, in terms of running time, the standard algorithm.  相似文献   

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