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为解决复杂制造业在制造资源共享和协同合作方面的难题,构建了云制造环境下制造资源共享的演化博弈模型。该模型揭示出资源服务提供企业和资源服务需求企业之间制造资源共享的演化作用关系,并基于系统动力学软件建立SD模型,对比分析不同参数变化对演化结果的影响。研究表明初始共享比例、平台管理能力系数、资源转化能力系数、资源协同能力系数、信息化效益系数、技术损失风险系数、渠道成本系数、惩罚成本系数、信任程度系数以及激励系数对博弈企业双方的策略演化结果均具有显著影响,促进云平台中企业信息互通、资源共享,须从上述方面管理改进。  相似文献   

面向协同产品商务的敏捷设计支持系统的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叙述了协同产品商务(CPC)出现的背景,对CPC定义作了进一步解释,阐明CPC所具有的三个特点及其内涵.将CPC引入产品协同设计,提出产品敏捷设计的概念.构造了面向CPC的产品敏捷设计支持系统,说明了该系统的功能及体系结构,以递纸机构设计为例验证了系统应用.  相似文献   

In today’s competitive global marketplace and knowledge-based economy, user requirement becomes an important input information for enterprises to develop new product and a critical factor to drive product collaborative design evolution. Meanwhile, there remains no consensus on how best to support knowledge activities and significant challenges to establishing design information management facing to rapid collaborative product development with dynamic user requirement. This paper introduces solutions for designer to deal with dynamic user requirement information through requirement evaluation and prediction method. In this study, we propose a user requirements-oriented knowledge management concept that is based on a four level hierarchy map model with special regard to knowledge collaboration and information communication. Furthermore, a novel distributed concurrent and interactive user requirement database was constructed, and the framework driven by user requirement was put forward to support collaborative design knowledge management. Finally, the service robot design project of a start-up company is used as a case study to explain the implementation of proposed framework.  相似文献   

The mobile post distribution system MOPS has been developed at the ETH Zurich during the last few years. A service robot like MOPS is a highly complex system, as it includes, in addition to the robot itself, the task, the operator, and the environment. Operating experiences with such service robots are not easily available yet. They would be of value, as, in the end, customer acceptance will decide upon the actual use of service robots.In this paper, technical aspects of the realization of MOPS are discussed briefly. Furthermore, operating experiences, lessons learned and consequences are commented upon.  相似文献   

In automotive industry, manufacturers expand their duties in the product's service life by means of providing the car troubleshooting services to end users. Moreover, product service system (PSS) has turned into a significant study issue in the recent decade, it focuses on stressing the specific requirements in the new service model. Hence, generation of a PSS-oriented automotive troubleshooting mode not only enhances the service quality, but promotes thoroughly the values of business and its products. Besides, under the support of network communication mechanism, it becomes easily to manage the knowledge and process of automotive troubleshooting in collaborative environment. This study explores the different relationships among car enterprises, focusing on the decision-making processes as well as communication and management of knowledge in automotive troubleshooting. This study also investigates the potential utilization of improved content management architectures in the automotive engineering field that is controlled by conventional engineering information modes. A framework of collaborative troubleshooting procedure is presented, constructed and evaluated by using an instance automobile problem, which reveals the meaningful efficiency could be reached and the module of content management has several benefits than the conventional engineering information modes in conducting the information of automotive inspection, maintenance, repairing and service involving unorganized and dynamic knowledge.  相似文献   

This study analyses a series of emergency calls related to the same event: an accident in a factory. The aim of the analysis is to show how a lack of information hinders operator’s diagnostic work. The paper shows the effects of communication problems on operator’s decision making, that is, how the operator’s diagnostic work is actively resisted by callers, and therefore, how disaligment in relation to the activity at hand influences operator’s decision making and the actual organisation of the rescue activities. I argue that CSCW technologies need to enable negotiation of potentially conflicting social practices and organizational protocols around diagnostic work and should not just support remote collaboration between professionals, but also with the public.  相似文献   

ERP协同决策方法及模型实现研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘翔 《计算机科学》2006,33(8):144-147
本文首先系统地分析了ERP软件的发展历程,定义了ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning,简称ERP)协同决策概念模式,该概念模式集成GDSS(Group Decision Support System,简称GDSS)作为ERP的协同决策方法平台,用于实现ERP的协同决策过程;其次,提出了ERP的协同决策模式框架,该模式框架改进及完善了Lai—Lai Tung研究模型,可有效地解决ERP的协同决策问题;最后,依据ERP的GDSS协同决策模式框架,深入探讨了ERP的GDSS协同决策模型的多元组空间定义、函数描述及逻辑算法实现。  相似文献   

阐述了贵州省疾病控制和预防中心目前阶段的工作成绩和存在的问题。在此基础上,设计了基于传染病学时空传播模型的突发公共卫生事件的应急响应服务系统。系统通过以事件驱动的服务动态整合机制,联合调度分布式的多种信息资源,进行多部门协同办案,为公共安全应急管理体系的建设提供了良好的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The Computer Society's business is to help members access the right resources and technical information, support them in their careers, and facilitate relationships with like-minded professionals that offer opportunities for mentoring and collaboration.  相似文献   

随着我国电信行业市场的快速发展,电信运营商的经营体制、观念和手段也正在迅速演进。利用现代技术手段为客户提供更加方便、快捷、安全的服务,成为每个电信运营商参与竞争的一种重要手段。自助服务系统由于能提供可靠、不间断的服务而成为电信、银行等行业的一种有力服务方式,正发挥着越来越重要的作用,它将成为这些行业不可缺少的基础设施之一。电信自助服务系统是集现金处理、机电、通讯、网络和计算机技术于一体的实时事务处理系统。该文就电信自助服务系统的设计和实现做了相关分析。  相似文献   

为加强水利信息化建设,解决海量异构数据管理分散、水利信息化展示平台落后等问题,实现水利信息数字化、规范化、模块化管理的目标,本文设计并实现了一套水库群智能云服务平台大屏可视化系统。该系统基于Vue前端可视化开源框架和SpringCloud微服务后端开发框架,采用WebSocket数据传输协议作为核心驱动全屏信息通讯与交互,以WebGIS地理开发库Cesium.js为依托,结合ECharts、DataV等应用组件库,设计了一套大屏可视化集成方案,为水利成果展示提供了一个多端协同与信息共享的可视化平台,有利于促进流域水资源高效利用及科学化管理。通过在金沙江下游与三峡梯级的应用实例表明,该可视化系统集成技术能够实现流域水利信息形象、生动的全方位展示,具有较高的应用前景和参考价值,能够为水资源高效开发与利用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告将“全面推进依法治国”确立为推进政治建设和政治体制改革的重要任务,而立法工作是其中最重要的基础工作.立法工作相关信息化系统的建设为立法工作提供了重要技术支撑,而随着立法工作中各项业务系统的联系性需要更加紧密,集成度要求越来越高,信息资源的共享范围需要越来越广,使得各业务系统的互联互通和流程规范化等问题成为了立法工作信息化建设必须要面对的一个关键问题.单个的业务系统拓展、功能强化、硬件升级已经不能满足要求,而基于ESB(企业服务总线enterprise service bus)的架构平台,以服务作为基本管理单元提供了很好的解决方案,它可以消除不同业务系统之间的技术差异,让不同业务系统协调运作,从而实现不同业务之间的通信与资源整合.  相似文献   

基于多Agent的楼宇自动化系统集成研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在楼宇自动化系统中,由于各子系统具有不同的结构、不统一的通信协议,使得各系统之间的信息共享及交互协作成为目前急需解决的问题.为了解决子系统的异构问题,促进系统间信息共享,将多Agent技术引入楼宇自动化系统(BAS)集成中,建立了基于多Agent的BAS集成模型.通过用可扩展标记语言XML将Agent通信语言KQML封装成统一的消息格式,并利用Java的消息服务机制JMS传递消息,从而有效地解决了异构系统互相通信和协作的问题.  相似文献   

Distributed work structure has increased the importance of group work. Consequently, the usage of collaboration systems that support group work has increased exponentially. However, limited research exists on why collocated group members use collaborative system and how their perceptions about the system change from project initiation to project completion. The study proposes resource management support, coordination support, and evaluation support as key aspects based on which collocated users form beliefs about collaboration system value. Based on technology acceptance model and expectancy disconfirmation theory, we propose a model that examines the evolution of user beliefs from pre to post-adoption stage. Further, we argue that users may engage in different information processing strategies as part of the belief change process. The research model was examined based on longitudinal data collected from student groups working on a software application development project over a three month period. The results show that users deemed all features to be valuable at the pre-adoption stage. However, at the post-adoption stage evaluation support was the only factor that had a direct influence on collaboration system usefulness. While the impact of other support factors was mediated through the confirmation process. Further, users engaged in high information processing in revising their beliefs about collaboration system features, when they experienced a high level of dissonance. On the contrary, a dual information processing approach was visible in the context of support features that required adjustment or update to beliefs from pre to post-adoption stage. The study provides three core areas around which designers can structure collaboration system features to make it more useful. It also provides theoretical insights into the process through which user cognitions about collaboration system value change over time.  相似文献   

Extending the reach of business processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A business process is a systematic set of activities by which an enterprise conducts its affairs. Various technologies-including pagers, cell phones, pocket PCs, instant messaging (IM), and the short message service (SMS)-have emerged that people can use to communicate even when they are on the move or far away. Many such devices support synchronous communication as well as proactively "pushing" messages to users. However, these devices have no mechanism to control or structure the information that users are exchanging, and they arc not integrated with business processes based on workplaces. To address these problems, we have designed and implemented PerCollab, a middleware system that facilitates structured collaboration between various communication devices for business processes and pushes tasks to users.  相似文献   

宋莺 《计算机系统应用》2013,22(12):39-42,60
随着通信技术、网络技术的快速发展,车辆导航技术正逐步向动态网络导航演进.本文通过分析目前动态导航交通信息服务平台存几个主要薄弱的技术问题,提出层次化的动态导航交通信息服务平台总体框架.该框架由数据供应层、动态导航信息服务层、通信层和用户层组成.本文研究平台的总体框架、软件体系结构、数据库的建立和发布协议等主要关键技术.建立实现了B/S与C/S混合模式的交通信息服务技术平台.  相似文献   

虚拟组织是电子商务研究中所提出的智能体协同模型,Web服务则提供了实现互联网上异构智能体间互操作与协同的技术基础。该文提出了一个基于虚拟组织模型与Web服务技术的MAS平台系统,介绍了系统的体系结构及主要模块的实现。该平台实现了基于UDDI的Agent注册管理和基于SOAP的消息传递机制,提供了系统管理和监控等功能。  相似文献   

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