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基于Java的网络虚拟电路实验室的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
虚拟电路实验室的目标就是给学生提供一个与真实实验相同的虚拟试验环境。学生通过网络可以随时随地在虚拟试验平台上作各种不同的实验,通过各种在线工具来设计实验步骤,收集和分析实验数据,并可在线提交实验报告。文中论述了利用Java语言实现远程虚拟实验的原理和技术.并以中学电学实验为例。就如何设计基于B/S结构的网上虚拟实验室进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

电子线路虚拟实验室的Java实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
虚拟实验室的目的就是为学生提供一个与真实实验相同的虚拟试验环境。学生通过网络可以随时在实验平台上做各种实验。该文提出了基于WWW的电子线路虚拟实验室模型,分析了该实验室的特点和它应该具备的主要功能,以及实现虚拟实验室所涉及到的几项关键技术。论述了利用Java和VRML实现基于网络的电子线路虚拟实验室的原理和技术。  相似文献   

杨怿菲 《福建电脑》2009,25(5):16-16
针对如何共享高教实验资源的问题。提出了建立虚拟实验室的解决方案。论述了利用Java语言实现远程虚拟实验的原理和技术,以大学电学实验为例,详细讨论了基于B/S结构的网上虚拟实验室的设计和实现。  相似文献   

详细论述了基于Internet的B/S模式的数字逻辑虚拟实验平台的设计,采用Java技术和面向对象技术实现该平台。利用Java Applet将虚拟平台嵌入网页中,用户通过浏览器就能够做实验。实验平台具有平台无关性、可扩展性、易于维护、交互性强等特点。  相似文献   

多媒体教学课件制作中虚拟实验的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
虚拟实验设计是多媒体课件设计的重要内容。本文阐述了虚拟实验的特点和设计原则,通过“电流”、“欧姆定律”虚拟实验设计的实例,探讨了用Authorware设计虚拟实验的方法。  相似文献   

董海波  胡坤  方永丽  唐守锋 《软件》2011,32(6):20-22
论述了基于VB平台实现的一种虚拟实验软件开发技术。从虚拟实验软件的目的和功能要求出发,设计了虚拟实验软件的架构。介绍了利用Visio绘制虚拟实验场景技术,阐述了虚拟实验软件中人机交互功能的实现方法。  相似文献   

论述了虚拟化学实验室的重要性,根据化学课程的特点,总结了虚拟化学实验室的教学设计要点,归纳了虚拟化学实验室在设计过程中要着重考虑的各项因素,并以此为基础,对虚拟化学实验室的各种功能进行了模块划分,对各个模块的功能进行了详细的介绍,初步完成了虚拟化学实验的系统结构设计。最后对基于Virtools的虚拟化学实验室在实现过程中应注意的要点进行了概要性阐述。  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW的虚拟逻辑分析仪   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了NI公司虚拟仪器软件开发平台LabVIEW的特点,介绍了非NI公司的设备与LabVIEW的连接方法,详细讨论了组建和设计虚拟逻辑分析仪的方法,最后给出了虚拟逻辑分析仪测试实验结果。  相似文献   

随着远程教学的发展,远程虚拟实验的需求日益强烈.远程虚拟电路实验是远程虚拟实验的一个重要应用.远程虚拟电路实验系统开发的难点在于仿真必须具有真实性、连续性、实时交互性.对此,论述了时间片分割策略,把整个电路仿真过程按时间轴分割成若干时间片,再通过状态重置和交互响应机制实现连续仿真.在此基础上,设计并实现了支持连续仿真的可交互的远程虚拟数字电路实验平台.  相似文献   

基于Web的化工原理虚拟仿真实验系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了提高实验安全性,实现化工原理课程的网络化教学,运用虚拟仿真技术和多种图像、动画表现形式构造了常规虚拟实验设备模型,设计了相关实验过程,开发了专用实验数据处理与绘图模块,结合CAT(Computer Aided Test)理论和人工智能方法研究了实验操作过程的自动评判技术。实践证明,虚拟设备能再现各种实验场景,仿真实验过程,实验系统能在人机交互条件下训练用户组装实验设备、进行实验操作和测取实验数据,并自动评判实验成绩。  相似文献   

基于虚拟机技术的设计思想,设计一个具有多任务特性的汇编程序虚拟机并实现。针对汇编程序的特点,设计汇编虚拟机内核多任务调度机制,使之可同时运行多个汇编程序。通过实验证明,在此具有多任务特性的x86汇编虚拟机上能够较好地实现多任务的无错误运行。  相似文献   

基于VRML的心理学虚拟实验设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在远程教育中,学生空间位置相对分散,实验教学大多数采用观看视频的方式进行,学生很少有亲手实验的机会,这使得实验教学的效果大打折扣。VRML技术提供网上的、三维的、可交互的虚拟实验方法,异地的学生能够通过连网的计算机远程亲手做实验。文中介绍了VRML技术特征,并以心理学实验为例,提出了虚拟实验展开的方式。将虚拟实验分为实验准备,交互实验和结果反馈三个阶段,具体介绍了每个阶段要达到的目的、使用的技术和实现的方法。设计的结果达到了教学的目标。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a formal model of virtual organisations that incorporates the concept of conflicts of interest. The model, which follows an incremental development approach using Event-B, focuses on goals and organisations at the abstract level and introduces resources at the concrete level. The model is motivated by the type of virtual organisations used in the domain of scientific experiments. Individual organisations, at the abstract level, are allowed to pursue conflicting goals within a virtual organisation. However, at the concrete level, these conflicts are isolated by applying a separation of resources mechanism. This ensures that no resource is allocated to any two conflicting goals.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate a cost effective and efficient way of analyzing customer impressions on design alternatives by incorporating the benefits of virtual prototyping into the Internet-based experimental environment. It is hypothesized that the results of the Internet-based experiment using the images of virtual prototypes are comparable to those of the virtual reality-based environment using virtual prototypes. Two experiments were conducted. In the virtual reality environment, participants were employed to evaluate virtual prototypes while in the Internet environment participants evaluated images of the same virtual prototypes from their own places. For each experiment, 16 male participants were employed to evaluate 32 different virtual prototypes generated from the combination of 17 design elements of automobile interior. The results of the experiments indicated that there were no significant differences between the two experimental methods while the Internet environment-based method could save considerable time and efforts for experimentation. This study concludes that the Internet-based evaluation method using the images of virtual prototypes could be a cost effective and efficient way of analyzing customer impressions on design alternatives.

Relevance to Industry

This study showed that the results of the Internet-based evaluation method using the images of virtual prototypes are comparable to those of the virtual reality-based method using real virtual prototypes. The Internet-based evaluation method could be used as a cost effective and efficient way of collecting and analyzing various customers’ impressions on design alternatives at the early stage of product development process.  相似文献   

利用深度传感器估计三维人体姿态是计算机视觉领域的一个重要问题,在人机交互、虚拟现实和动画设计等领域有重要的应用价值.针对该问题的主流方法是自底向上的方法,这类方法一般采用分类、回归或检索技术,可以直接从深度数据中估计三维肢体姿态,在人机交互中得到了很广泛的应用.但是这类方法依赖于大规模的姿态数据库,而且结果不够精确.本文提出一种结合个性化人体建模和深度数据的三维姿态估计方法,首先对运动对象建立三维虚拟人模型,然后利用该个性化的虚拟人模型与深度数据之间的点匹配关系构造姿态优化的目标函数,通过迭代优化目标函数,估计出与深度数据相吻合的三维姿态.与传统方法相比,本文方法不需要任何姿态数据库.实验表明,本文方法得到的结果更加精确.  相似文献   

虚拟实验应用日益广泛,而支持虚拟实验的相关技术成为了研究热点。分析了虚拟化学实验及其在未来虚拟现实技术上的发展趋势,综述了U-nity3D技术、增强现实技术和Kinect体感交互技术的理论基础以及在虚拟化学实验中的应用与发展,以虚拟技术融合的方法为导向,仿真化学实验的实时环境,使虚拟实验简单化、直观化。展望了虚实融合技术在虚拟实验领域的应用前景。虚实融合技术有利于推动虚拟化学实验朝智能化发展,是虚拟实验改革的一个新起点。  相似文献   

VMWare在实验教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在计算机实验教学中,许多网络实验往往是单个计算机无法完成,例如组建局域网,网络软件测试等。为了节约资金和充分利用资源,可以利用虚拟机技术来完成网络实验。本文分析了虚拟机的原理和优势,同时介绍了虚拟机在计算机网络实验中的应用。  相似文献   

In augmented reality systems, registration is one of the most difficult problems currently limiting their applications. In this paper, we propose a generalized registration method using projective reconstruction technique in computer vision. This registration method is composed of embedding and tracking. Embedding involves specifying four points to build the world coordinate system on which a virtual object will be superimposed. In this stage, any arbitrary two unrelated images or any 3×4 projective matrices with rank 3 can be used to calculate the 3D pseudo-projective coordinates of the four specified points. In the tracking process, these 3D pseudo-projective coordinates are used to track the four specified points to compute the registration matrix for augmentation. The proposed method is simple, as only four points need to be specified at the embedding stage, and the virtual object can then be easily augmented onto a real scene from a video sequence. One advantage is that the virtual objects can still be superimposed on the specified regions even when the regions are occluded in the video sequence. Another advantage of the proposed method is that the registration errors can be adjusted in real-time to ensure that they are less than certain thresholds that have been specified at the initial embedding stage. Several experiments have been conducted to validate the performance of the proposed generalized method.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional virtual worlds are potentially feasible for building virtual educational environments. However, educators face technical challenges to apply these technologies because creating virtual educational environments based on virtual worlds demands 3D modeling and programming skills. This paper proposes a method to lower the technical barriers through domain-oriented interfaces with languages and environments that are familiar to educators. A domain-oriented end-user design environment, iVirtualWorld, is designed and developed to implement the proposed method in a specific educational domain, namely introductory chemistry experiments. This web-based environment provides end-users with domain-oriented building blocks, which can be assembled to create 3D virtual chemistry experiments. A usability evaluation and a comparative case study are designed to evaluate the system among chemistry educators, who are the target audience. The usability evaluation contains a task requiring participants to create a 3D virtual chemistry experiment and a voluntary semi-structured interview. The case study compares a virtual experiment generated using iVirtualWorld with an experiment in a commercial virtual chemistry laboratory system. The results show that 1) the domain-oriented end-user design environment enables participants to generate the 3D virtual chemistry experiment within 30 min; 2) participants gain confidence on creating 3D virtual experiments by themselves using iVirtualWorld; 3) participants confirm the usefulness of applying the system in introductory chemistry education; and 4) iVirtualWorld is considered more intuitive and straightforward for students to focus on finishing the experiment without being distracted than the commercial virtual chemistry laboratory system. Areas that can benefit from the system most and areas where the system is less effective are identified by participants. The responses also reveal the limitations of the current system and suggest directions for future improvement.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an augmented reality content authoring system that enables ordinary users who do not have programming capabilities to easily apply interactive features to virtual objects on a marker via gestures. The purpose of this system is to simplify augmented reality (AR) technology usage for ordinary users, especially parents and preschool children who are unfamiliar with AR technology. The system provides an immersive AR environment with a head-mounted display and recognizes users’ gestures via an RGB-D camera. Users can freely create the AR content that they will be using without any special programming ability simply by connecting virtual objects stored in a database to the system. Following recognition of the marker via the system’s RGB-D camera worn by the user, he/she can apply various interactive features to the marker-based AR content using simple gestures. Interactive features applied to AR content can enlarge, shrink, rotate, and transfer virtual objects with hand gestures. In addition to this gesture-interactive feature, the proposed system also allows for tangible interaction using markers. The AR content that the user edits is stored in a database, and is retrieved whenever the markers are recognized. The results of comparative experiments conducted indicate that the proposed system is easier to use and has a higher interaction satisfaction level than AR environments such as fixed-monitor and touch-based interaction on mobile screens.  相似文献   

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