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天下之大。无奇不有。一个小小的MP3。居然有这么多稀奇古怪的玩法。小编在聆听各位朋友的经历时,精彩。出人意料的妙招。实在让人无瑕他顾。只能拍手叫好。来来往往的各路的朋友。除了欢迎大家围坐下来一起分享他人的经验。也一定不吝赐教自己使过的高招。[编者按]  相似文献   

许多人在接触家用电器的金属外壳时。曾遇到过有“麻电”的感觉。严重时甚至有刺痛的感觉。“麻电”是一种危险的征兆。轻则引起使用者精神紧张。重则危及使用者的生命安全.发生触电伤亡事故。因此。当发生“麻电”现象时。必须暂停使用。找出“麻电”的原因。及时排除电器的故障。同时也应采取必要的技术措施避免“麻电”现象的再次产生。  相似文献   

见识过林林总总的短信流氓之后。我们看到网络上与短信有关的东西。总会担心上当受骗。而不敢去轻易尝试。其实。只要能善用移动运营商提供的网上营业厅。经常检查自己的话费变动情况。核对自己订阅的短信服务。就能最大限度地防止受骗。避免损失。 下面我们就以中国移动公司的网上营业厅为例。进行一个简单的讲解。[编者按]  相似文献   

中国的广阔土地,养育了十三亿中国人民;中国的博大胸怀。包容了56个民族的繁衍生息。他们的生活方式,民间习俗。为中国的历史文化增添了很多值得收藏、研究的东西。在这个篇目里。我们将为您——讲述中国各民族的民俗与民风。轶闻趣事。以及传统工艺品。使您能在阅读的过程中了解中国各民族的情况。从而更加了解中国这个历史悠久。文化灿烂的国家。  相似文献   

大家都知道。MSN MessengerA有针对Hotmail的邮件提示功能。这给使用Hotmail的用户带了极大的便利。我们最常用的QQ。虽然对于专门的QQmail也有提示功能。但微不足道的5MB容量让QQmail成了鸡肋。如今。腾迅公司在对其进行空间扩容的同时提供了很多特色功能。并且。这一切都是免费的。[编者按]  相似文献   

使用代理的意义何在? 最早使用代理大概是中国互联网的发展造成的。很多网友还记得当年的163和169吧。那时有意分割互联网为相互独立的国内网和国际网。一些聪明的网友发现持用代理可以绕过这个限制。用169的帐号看163的内容。呵呵。无论从费用和内容上。此举都颇讨人喜欢,也是当年的讨论热潮之一。只怕声势不下后来的所谓超频。据我看来。加挂代理似乎最重要的功能就是加快速度和匿名性。这是目前代理存在的主要目的了。  相似文献   

脱机浏览是Internet Explorer浏览器(简称IE)本身自带的一项功能。所谓脱机浏览。就是把整个网站无论图片还是文字。统统从网上下载到我们电脑的硬盘上,当我们浏览这个网站时。可以不必上网而直接从硬盘中读取。脱机浏览又分为两种方式:一种方式是把网站直接下载到硬盘:另一种是同步脱机浏览方式。虽然也是把网站下载到硬盘。但这个网站与因特网还有千丝万屡的联系。不要怕哦。不是让你掏钱上网哟。听我慢慢道来。我们都知道。几乎每个网站都会在一定时间更改一下网站的内容。以便让访问者得到最新的信息。这个过程叫做更新。既然网站总在更新。我们当然不希望只看到过时的网站。所以同步脱机浏览把这个问题帮你解决了。同步脱机浏览这种方式的优点在于。它可以按照我们设定的固定时间。来更新下载到我们硬盘中的网站。这样。我们在硬盘中浏览的网站和实际上网浏览的网站都是更新过的。是同步的。下面我们就来一起用一用这两种方式。来体验一下。不用付网费,也不用上网。轻轻松松。随时随地欣赏网页的感觉!  相似文献   

小猪 《网络与信息》2010,24(4):24-24
随着社会的发展和商业文明的进步.商业已经迈入电子2.0的时代。很多手工式的单据已经被淘汰。更多的是应用到打印。而说到打印。用户就会想到一个成本的问题,纸张是打印成本中比重较大的一部分。随着全球纸浆价格上升,纸张价格也在飙升。使得企业打印成本偏高。选择合适的纸张.降低打印过程中纸张的消耗。是提高效率节省开支的最好方法。今天,小编先从打印纸的分类开始。给大家分享选购经验。  相似文献   

一年一度的3.15马上就要到了。每年这个时候。电台、电视台中总会不间断地播放各种打假信息。其实。除了现实版的骗术之外。随着互联网的发展。各种各样的网络骗术也时常出现在我们身边。那么下面。笔者就给您列举几个最常见的网络骗术吧。  相似文献   

古人云:工欲善其事。必先利其器。要制作网页第一件事就是选定一个网页制作软件。选择一个好的编辑器会令你有事半功倍的效果哟!FrontPage就是能让你体会到“功能强大。简单易用”的网页制作软件之一。FrontPage是微软出品的一款支持所见即所得的网页制作软件。它不需要你掌握很深的网页制作技术知识,甚至不需要你了解HTML的基本语法。事实上。如果你会使用Word。也就会使用FrontPage了。因为它的基本使用方法和Word十分相似。它的界面就象是一块吾布。任你在上面自由发挥你的仓I意。而无需分神考虑书写相应的HTML代码。因为这些工作FrontPage都已经替你代劳了。  相似文献   

The present study proposes an efficient equivalent static load (ESL) method for dynamic optimization problems. The ESL method transforms dynamic problems into equivalent static problems. Although it provides an efficient way to solve dynamic optimization problems, large-scale dynamic problems still require heavy computation. In order to approximate solutions to dynamic optimization problems more efficiently, the proposed method combines ESLs with a system reduction method. The proposed method combines transient dynamic analysis with static optimization to form a highly efficient dynamic optimization algorithm.  相似文献   

The importance of evaluating the usability of e-commerce websites is well recognised. User testing and heuristic evaluation methods are commonly used to evaluate the usability of such sites, but just how effective are these for identifying specific problems? This article describes an evaluation of these methods by comparing the number, severity and type of usability problems identified by each one. The cost of employing these methods is also considered. The findings highlight the number and severity level of 44 specific usability problem areas which were uniquely identified by either user testing or heuristic evaluation methods, common problems that were identified by both methods, and problems that were missed by each method. The results show that user testing uniquely identified major problems related to four specific areas and minor problems related to one area. Conversely, the heuristic evaluation uniquely identified minor problems in eight specific areas and major problems in three areas.  相似文献   

Many robust design problems can be described by minimax optimization problems. Classical techniques for solving these problems have typically been limited to a discrete form of the problem. More recently, evolutionary algorithms, particularly coevolutionary optimization techniques, have been applied to minimax problems. A new method of solving minimax optimization problems using evolutionary algorithms is proposed. The performance of this algorithm is shown to compare favorably with the existing methods on test problems. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated on a robust pole placement problem and a ship engineering plant design problem.  相似文献   

Top 10 unsolved information visualization problems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The top 10 unsolved problems list described in this article is a revised and extended version of information visualization problems. These problems are not necessarily imposed by technical barriers, rather, they are problems that might hinder the growth of information visualization as a field. The first three problems highlight issues from a user-centered perspective. The fifth, sixth, and seventh problems are technical challenges in nature. The last three are the ones that need tackling at the disciplinary level. The author broadly defines information visualization as visual representations of the semantics, or meaning, of information. In contrast to scientific visualization, information visualization typically deals with nonnumeric, nonspatial, and high-dimensional data.  相似文献   

A very close relationship between the compaction, retraction, and constraint satisfaction problems has been established earlier providing evidence that it is likely to be difficult to give a complete computational complexity classification of the compaction and retraction problems for reflexive or bipartite graphs. In this paper, we give a complete computational complexity classification of the compaction and retraction problems for all graphs (including partially reflexive graphs) with four or fewer vertices. The complexity classification of both the compaction and retraction problems is found to be the same for each of these graphs. This relates to a long-standing open problem concerning the equivalence of the compaction and retraction problems. The study of the compaction and retraction problems for graphs with at most four vertices has a special interest as it covers a popular open problem in relation to the general open problem. We also give complexity results for some general graphs. The compaction and retraction problems are special graph colouring problems, and can also be viewed as partition problems with certain properties. We describe some practical applications also.  相似文献   

The paper was motivated by solution methods suggested in the literature for solving linear optimization problems over (max,+)- or (max,min)-algebras and certain class of so called max-separable optimization problems. General features of these optimization problems, which play a crucial role in the optimization methods were used to formulate a general class of optimization problems with disjunctive constraints and a max-separable objective function and suggest a solution procedure for solving such problems. Linear problems over (max,+)-algebras and the max-separable problems are contained in this general class of optimization problems as special cases.  相似文献   

针对遗传算法智能组卷过程中出现的重题问题进行研究,提出一种重题优化策略,包括重题甄别和重题替换2个部分。该策略能快速甄别并替换试卷中的重题,同时最大限度地保留整张试卷的优势。实验数据表明,采用该策略的组卷算法能有效缩短组卷时间,同时提高生成试卷的满意度。  相似文献   

The paper gives an overview of a number of mathematical models and problems on planning anti-terrorist and special actions. These are problems of monitoring a territory, protecting critical infrastructure (described by optimization models), interdicting transport and information networks. It is shown that many territory control problems can be reduced to well-known optimization problems on graphs, shortest paths search, and minimal covering on graphs. The problems of protecting critical infrastructure and interdicting networks are reduced to stochastic minimax game problems.  相似文献   

This paper presents taxonomy of detailed literature reviews on bi-level programming problems (BLPPs), multi-level programming problems (MLPPs) and associated research problems, while providing detail of solution techniques at the same time. In this taxonomy of review, we classified the multi-level programming problems into two types: (i) General multi-level programming problems (MLPPs) (ii) multi-level multi-objective programming problems (ML-MOPPs) which are further sub classified based on the algorithmic and optimality studies. Bi-level programming problems (BLPPs) are considered as special cases of multi-level programming problems with two level structures. The present literature review includes approximately all prior and latest references on BLPPs, and MLPPs, related solution methodologies. The general related concepts are briefly described while associated references are included for further investigations. The aim of this paper is to provide an easy and systematic road map of currently available literature studies on BLPPs and MLPPs for future researchers.  相似文献   

Approximate solutions of multiobjective H-optimization problems, also referred to as multidisk problems, are considered. The main result is an algorithm that makes it possible to compute an upper bound for linear two-disk problems and also a (suboptimal) controller that achieves this bound. The algorithm involves some graphical techniques which can also be used to demonstrate explicitly the design tradeoffs inherent in problems involving competing objectives. The results can be generalized to multidisk problems  相似文献   

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