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网络化控制系统(NCSs)是一种通过实时化网络进行数据传输的控制系统.控制系统中的传感器、控制器、执行器等往往通过网络连接起来形成闭环控制系统.然而实际系统中由于带宽限制等客观因素,存在有因网络诱导延迟而引起的系统性能下降问题.考虑了前向通道,反馈通道中同时存在网络诱导时延情况下的网络预测控制(NPC)设计问题,提出了一种新的网络预测控制方法,用以克服网络诱导时延对系统性能带来的影响.  相似文献   

傅磊  戴冠中 《测控技术》2007,26(9):29-32
网络化控制系统中,各种恒定、时变或者随机的网络时延会导致系统控制性能的下降甚至不稳定。针对基于交换式以太网所造成的随机网络时延问题,结合对系统结构及时延特征的分析,给出了一种基于广义预测控制的控制方法,该方法采用网络时间戳机制和模型的在线辨识,能够准确地测量系统输出并及时对预测值进行在线修正,实现对随机时延的网络化控制系统的有效控制。最后通过仿真验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

庞中华  骆文城 《控制与决策》2021,36(9):2290-2296
针对一类主从式异构线性网络化多智能体系统,考虑每个智能体的反馈通道和前向通道中存在随机网络诱导时延和数据包丢失问题,采用预测控制方法,提出一种基于观测器的网络化多智能体协同输出跟踪控制方案.在该方案中,主智能体在每一时刻基于自身滞后输出和系统参考信号,计算一组控制预测序列和输出预测序列,前者用以主动补偿主智能体控制回路...  相似文献   

本文将近年来关于网络化分布式预测控制(distributed model predictive contro, DMPC)设计的结果进行了总结 概述. DMPC不仅仅继承了预测控制的优点而且还有分布式控制框架的特点. 首先, 介绍了分布式控制的系统结构设计; 然后, 依据预测控制中的性能指标, 从3个方面对DMPC进行了介绍: 基于局部性能指标的DMPC, 基于邻域指标的 DMPC和基于全局指标的DMPC. 最后, 选取3个典型例子来说明一些DMPC的有效性.  相似文献   

研究了存在数据丢失的短时延多包传输网络控制系统在静态调度和动态调度下的控制器设计问题。把未能成功传输数据的传感器节点视为暂时失效,将网络控制系统建模为一类具有时变传感器“故障”的系统。在静态调度策略下,将系统建模为一类具有一定切换规则的周期系统,利用容错控制理论和周期系统理论得到系统稳定性判据;在动态调度策略下,将系统建模为一类具有有限子系统的自主切换系统,利用容错控制理论和切换系统理论给出了系统的稳定性条件。并利用控制器和观测器的协同设计方法给出了系统在静态调度和动态调度下的容错控制律和状态观测器设计方法。数值仿真算例证明了结论的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于状态空间模型的网络化广义预测控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对网络化控制系统中存在的网络诱导时延和数据包丢失,考虑了基于状态空间模型的网络化广义预测控制问题,提出一种采用最小预测步长和预测控制向量分别补偿网络诱导时延和数据包丢失对系统性能影响的新方法.分别给出了存在数据包丢失、网络诱导时延以及两者同时存在情况下的控制器设计方法.仿真实验结果验证了所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

张天勇  刘国平 《控制与决策》2017,32(10):1864-1870
为解决通讯延时对编队控制造成的不利影响,研究网络化多智能体在通讯延时情形下的主从式预测编队控制问题,提出一种主从式预测编队控制架构.在该架构中,所有智能体都基于延时状态预测自身当前时刻状态,用于主动补偿反馈通道延时.主智能体将自身未来预测状态发送给各从智能体,从而主动补偿主从智能体间的通讯延时.仿真结果验证了所提出主从式预测编队控制架构的可行性和灵活性.  相似文献   

网络化控制系统故障检测技术的最新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伴随着控制系统的日益复杂化以及网络技术的飞速发展, 网络化控制系统受到了人们越来越多的关注. 而作为提高系统安全性和可靠性的一项重要技术, 故障检测逐渐成为控制领域的研究热点之一. 本文针对网络化控制系统中存在的各种典型问题, 综述了相应故障检测技术的最新进展.  相似文献   

网络化控制系统:建模、分析与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对网络化控制系统的结构作了简单描述,分析了基于网络的控制的一些问题,如采样、量化误差、编码、时延以及网络有限带宽对控制性能的约束等,并指出了一些可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

网络化控制系统的故障诊断与容错控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了网络化控制系统几类故障诊断与容错控制方法的基本思想。故障诊断与容错控制对于控制工程实践特别是对安全性有严格要求的控制系统是十分重要的。网络化控制系统通过共享网络资源实现控制而带来了各种优越性的同时,也给传统的控制理论带来了新的挑战。因此需要发展适用于此类异步的、基于信包的控制系统的控制理论与技术。网络化控制系统基于数学模型的故障诊断问题,在建立恰当的网络化系统模型后,可转化一类特定的时延系统故障诊断问题。  相似文献   

针对具有时变通信受限的一类非线性信息物理系统,本文采用网络化预测控制策略,对于时变通信时延和数据丢失,不是使用常规的被动方式抑制,而是进行主动补偿.为了使补偿时变通信受限的方式简单、主动和通用,提出了一种新颖的网络化非线性预测控制方法.所设计的网络化非线性预测控制器能达到具有与无网络的本地闭环控制系统完全相同的期望控制...  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problems of design and stability analysis of networked predictive control for Hammerstein systems. The Hammerstein nonlinearity is removed (or partially removed) by inverting it. By predicting the future control sequence, the random network‐induced delay and data dropout are compensated actively. The stability of the closed‐loop system is analyzed by applying the switched Lyapunov function approach. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the validity of the proposed method. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

网络控制系统中的时戳预测函数控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统预测函数控制算法不能有效处理网络控制系统中的随机延迟,为此提出了时戳预测函数控制算法.该算法使用时间戳来估计由网络引入的控制延迟,在预测系统未来输出时明确考虑了该延迟,然后借鉴传统预测函数控制算法的基本策略,得到了适用于网络控制系统的控制规律.进一步由TrueT im e工具箱搭建了网络控制系统仿真平台,对比了时戳预测函数控制算法和传统预测函数控制算法.仿真结果表明随着网络引入延迟的增大,时戳预测函数控制算法给出控制品质明显优越于传统预测函数控制算法.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a proportional-type networked iterative learning control (NILC) scheme for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems with the stochastic data communication delay within one operation duration and being subject to Bernoulli-type distribution. In the scheme, the communication delayed data is replaced by successfully captured one at the concurrent sampling moment of the latest iteration. The tracking performance of the addressed NILC algorithm is analysed by statistic technique in virtue of mathematical expectation. The analysis shows that, under certain conditions, the expectation of the tracking error measured in the form of 1-norm is asymptotically convergent to zero. Numerical experiments are carried out to illustrate the validity and effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study concerns the admissible consensus problem for networked singular multi-agent systems with communication delays and agents described by general singular systems. Only the information of outputs is available through the network. An observer-based networked predictive control scheme (NPCS) is employed to compensate for the communication delays actively. Based on NPCS and dynamic compensator (dynamic output feedback), a novel protocol is proposed. Based on graph, algebra and singular system theory, the necessary and sufficient conditions are given to guarantee existence of the proposed protocol. The conditions depend on the topologies of singular multi-agent systems and the structure properties of each agent dynamics. Moreover, a consensus algorithm is provided to design the predictive protocol. A numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of compensation for networked delays.  相似文献   

本文针对一类由状态相互耦合的子系统组成的分布式系统, 提出了一种可以处理输入约束的保证稳定性的非 迭代协调分布式预测控制方法(distributed model predictive control, DMPC). 该方法中, 每个控制器在求解控制率时只与 其它控制器通信一次来满足系统对通信负荷限制; 同时, 通过优化全局性能指标来提高优化性能. 另外, 该方法在优化 问题中加入了一致性约束来限制关联子系统的估计状态与当前时刻更新的状态之间的偏差, 进而保证各子系统优化问 题初始可行时, 后续时刻相继可行. 在此基础上, 通过加入终端约束来保证闭环系统渐进稳定. 该方法能够在使用较少 的通信和计算负荷情况下, 提高系统优化性能. 即使对于强耦合系统同样能够保证优化问题的递推可行性和闭环系统的 渐进稳定性. 仿真结果验证了本文所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this article, a sliding mode control problem is studied for a class of uncertain nonlinear networked systems with multiple communication delays. A sequence of stochastic variables obeying Bernoulli distribution is applied in the system model to describe the randomly occurring communication delays. The discrete-time system considered is also subject to parameter uncertainties and state-dependent stochastic disturbances. A novel discrete switching function is proposed to facilitate the sliding mode controller design. The sufficient conditions are derived by means of the linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. It is shown that the system dynamics in the specified sliding surface is robustly exponentially stable in the mean square if two LMIs with an equality constraint are feasible. A discrete-time SMC controller is designed that is capable of guaranteeing the discrete-time sliding-mode reaching condition of the specified sliding surface. Finally, a simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a distributed model predictive control (DMPC) method that is based on a distributed optimisation method with two-level architecture for communication. Feasibility (constraints satisfaction by the approximated solution), convergence and optimality of this distributed optimisation method are mathematically proved. For an automated irrigation channel, the satisfactory performance of the proposed DMPC method in attenuation of the undesired upstream transient error propagation and amplification phenomenon is illustrated and compared with the performance of another DMPC method that exploits a single-level architecture for communication. It is illustrated that the DMPC that exploits a two-level architecture for communication has a better performance by better managing communication overhead.  相似文献   

The consensus problem of discrete-time networked multi-agent systems (NMASs) with a communication delay is investigated in this article, where the dynamics of agents described by discrete-time linear time-invariant systems can be either uniform or non-uniform. For the NMASs with a directed topology and constant delay, a novel protocol based on the networked predictive control scheme is proposed to compensate for communication delay actively. Using algebraic graph theories and matrix theories, necessary and/or sufficient conditions of achieving consensus are obtained, which indicates that, under the proposed protocol, the consensus is independent of the network delay and only dominated by agents' dynamics and communication topology. Meanwhile, the protocol design and consensus analysis are also presented in the case of no network delay. Simulation results are further presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of theoretical results.  相似文献   

Distributed model predictive control (MPC), having been proven to be efficient for large-scale control systems, is essentially enabled by communication network connections among involved subsystems (agents). This paper studies the distributed MPC problem for a class of continuous-time decoupled nonlinear systems subject to communication delays. By using a robustness constraint and designing a waiting mechanism, a delay-involved distributed MPC scheme is proposed. Furthermore, the iterative feasibility and stability properties are analyzed. It is shown that, if the communication delays are bounded by an upper bound, and the cooperation weights and the sampling period are designed appropriately, the overall system state converges to the equilibrium point. The theoretical results are verified by a simulation study.  相似文献   

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