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提出了一种Freeman链码与B样条曲线误差控制相结合实现轮廓拟合的算法,首先利用Freeman链码法进行边界跟踪,根据相邻像素点间的不同的链码变化关系,排除伪特征点,提取出轮廓中绝大多数特征点,然后结合基于误差控制的B样条曲线法,取得能够精确表示轮廓信息的特征点。本文算法即避免了使用曲率来进行求取特征点的复杂计算,提高了特征点检测速度,又提取出能够精确拟合轮廓的局部支撑点,实现了基于误差控制的轮廓曲线拟合。实验结果证明了本文算法的正确性。  相似文献   

Two methods for stroke segmentation from a global point of view are presented and compared. One is based on thinning methods and the other is based on contour curve fitting. For both cases an input image is binarized. For the former, Hilditch's method is used, then crossing points are sought, around which a domain is constructed. Outside the domain, a set of line segments are identified. These lines are connected and approximated by cubic B-spline curves. Smoothly connected lines are selected as segmented curves. This method works well for a limited class of crossing lines, which are shown experimentally. In the latter, a contour line is approximated by cubic B-spline curve, along which curvature is measured. According to the extreme points of the curvature graph, the contour line is segmented, based on which the line segment is obtained. Experimental results are shown for some difficult cases. Received October 31, 1998 / Revised January 12, 1999  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of fitting the B-spline curves to a set of ordered points, by finding the control points and the location parameters. The presented method takes two main steps: specifying initial B-spline curve and optimization. The method determines the number and the position of control points such that the initial B-spline curve is very close to the target curve. The proposed method introduces a length parameter in which this allows us to adjust the number of the control points and increases the precision of the initial B-spline curve. Afterwards, the scaled BFGS algorithm is used to optimize the control points and the foot points simultaneously and generates the final curve. Furthermore, we present a new procedure to insert a new control point and repeat the optimization method, if it is necessary to modify the fitting accuracy of the generated B-spline fitting curve. Associated examples are also offered to show that the proposed approach performs accurately for complex shapes with a large number of data points and is able to generate a precise fitting curve with a high degree of approximation.  相似文献   

目的 隐式曲线能够描述复杂的几何形状和拓扑结构,而传统的隐式B样条曲线的控制网格需要大量多余的控制点满足拓扑约束。有些情况下,获取的数据点不仅包含坐标信息,还包含相应的法向约束条件。针对这个问题,提出了一种带法向约束的隐式T样条曲线重建算法。方法 结合曲率自适应地调整采样点的疏密,利用二叉树及其细分过程从散乱数据点集构造2维T网格;基于隐式T样条函数提出了一种有效的曲线拟合模型。通过加入偏移数据点和光滑项消除额外零水平集,同时加入法向项减小曲线的法向误差,并依据最优化原理将问题转化为线性方程组求解得到控制系数,从而实现隐式曲线的重构。在误差较大的区域进行T网格局部细分,提高重建隐式曲线的精度。结果 实验在3个数据集上与两种方法进行比较,实验结果表明,本文算法的法向误差显著减小,法向平均误差由10-3数量级缩小为10-4数量级,法向最大误差由10-2数量级缩小为10-3数量级。在重构曲线质量上,消除了额外零水平集。与隐式B样条控制网格相比,3个数据集的T网格的控制点数量只有B样条网格的55.88%、39.80%和47.06%。结论 本文算法能在保证数据点精度的前提下,有效降低法向误差,消除了额外的零水平集。与隐式B样条曲线相比,本文方法减少了控制系数的数量,提高了运算速度。  相似文献   

We propose a method that automatically generates discrete bicubic G1 continuous B-spline surfaces that interpolate the curve network of a ship hullform. First, the curves in the network are classified into two types: boundary curves and "reference curves". The boundary curves correspond to a set of rectangular (or triangular) topological type that can be represented with tensor-product (or degenerate) B-spline surface patches. Next, in the interior of the patches, surface fitting points and cross boundary derivatives are estimated from the reference curves by constructing "virtual" isoparametric curves. Finally, a discrete G1 continuous B-spline surface is generated by a surface fitting algorithm. Several smooth ship hullform surfaces generated from curve networks corresponding to actual ship hullforms demonstrate the quality of the method.  相似文献   

周晨  陈伟  刘渊 《图学学报》2021,42(6):979-986
矢量地图化简在地形仿真、制图综合等研究中具有重要应用。针对已有算法难以兼顾化简曲线 的整体形态和局部特征点精度的问题,提出一种基于 B 样条曲线渐进迭代逼近(PIA)的矢量地图曲线化简方法。 首先筛选出能保持曲线轮廓、具有最大信息量的特征点列,将其作为初始控制点列,得到相应的非均匀 3 次 B 样条拟合曲线;然后根据拟合曲线与特征点的误差进行迭代调整控制点,逐步得到一系列逼近曲线,直至最终 满足精度要求。实验表明,PIA 方法不仅保持了化简曲线的整体几何形态,而且能在满足全局误差要求的情况 下,实现特征点处的高精度逼近。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to propose a method for building quadrilateral network of curves automatically from a huge number of triangular meshes. The curve net can be served as the framework of automatic surface reconstruction. The proposed method mainly includes three stages: mesh simplification, quadrangulation and curve net generation. Mesh simplification is employed to reduce the number of meshes in accordance with a quadratic error metric for each vertex. Additional post-processing criteria are also employed to improve the shape of the reduced meshes. For quadrangulation, a front composed of a sequence of edges is introduced. An algorithm is proposed to combine each pair of triangles along the front. A new front is then formed and quadrangulation is continued until all triangles are combined or converted. For curve net generation, each edge of quadrilateral meshes is projected onto the triangular meshes to acquire a set of slicing points first. A constrained curve fitting is then employed to convert all sets of slicing points into B-spline curves, with appropriate continuity conditions across adjacent curves. Several examples have been presented to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method and its application in automatic surface reconstruction.  相似文献   

By expanding the idea of B-spline curve fitting using dominant points (Park and Lee 2007 [13]), we propose a new approach to B-spline surface fitting to rectangular grid points, which is based on adaptive knot placement using dominant columns along u- and v-directions. The approach basically takes approximate B-spline surface lofting which performs adaptive multiple B-spline curve fitting along and across rows of the grid points to construct a resulting B-spline surface. In multiple B-spline curve fitting, rows of points are fitted by compatible B-spline curves with a common knot vector whose knots are computed by averaging the parameter values of dominant columns selected from the points. We address how to select dominant columns which play a key role in realizing adaptive knot placement and thereby yielding better surface fitting. Some examples demonstrate the usefulness and quality of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Point clouds as measurements of 3D sensors have many applications in various fields such as object modeling, environment mapping and surface representation. Storage and processing of raw point clouds is time consuming and computationally expensive. In addition, their high dimensionality shall be considered, which results in the well known curse of dimensionality. Conventional methods either apply reduction or approximation to the captured point clouds in order to make the data processing tractable. B-spline curves and surfaces can effectively represent 2D data points and 3D point clouds for most applications. Since processing all available data for B-spline curve or surface fitting is not efficient, based on the Group Testing theory an algorithm is developed that finds salient points sequentially. The B-spline curve or surface models are updated by adding a new salient point to the fitting process iteratively until the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is met. Also, it has been proved that the proposed method finds a unique solution so as what is defined in the group testing theory. From the experimental results the applicability and performance improvement of the proposed method in relation to some state-of-the-art B-spline curve and surface fitting methods, may be concluded.  相似文献   

T-spline has been recently developed to represent objects of arbitrary shapes using a smaller number of control points than the conventional NURBS or B-spline representations in computer aided design, computer graphics, and reverse engineering. However, existing methods for fitting a T-spline over a point cloud are slow. By shifting away from the conventional iterative fit-and-refine paradigm, we present a novel split-connect-fit algorithm to more efficiently perform the T-spline fitting. Through adaptively dividing a point cloud into a set of B-spline patches, we first discover a proper topology of T-spline control points, i.e., the T-mesh. We then connect these B-spline patches into a single T-spline surface with different continuity options between neighboring patches according to the data. The T-spline control points are initialized from their correspondences in the B-spline patches, which are refined by using a conjugate gradient method. In experiments using several types of large-sized point clouds, we demonstrate that our algorithm is at least an order of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art algorithms while provides comparable or better results in terms of quality and conciseness.  相似文献   

Generalized B-spline bases are generated by monotone increasing and continuous “core” functions; thus generalized B-spline curves and surfaces not only hold almost the same perfect properties which classical B-splines hold but also show more flexibility in practical applications. Geometric iterative method (also known as progressive iterative approximation method) has good adaptability and stability and is popular due to its straight geometric meaning. However, in classical geometric iterative method, the number of control points is the same as that of data points. It is not suitable when large numbers of data points need to be fitted. In order to combine the advantages of generalized B-splines with those of geometric iterative method, a fresh least square geometric iterative fitting method for generalized B-splines is given, and two different kinds of weights are also introduced. The fitting method develops a series of fitting curves by adjusting control points iteratively, and the limit curve is weighted least square fitting result to the given large data points. Detailed discussion about choosing of core functions and two kinds of weights are also given. Plentiful numerical examples are also presented to show the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

目的 机载激光雷达(light detection and ranging,LiDAR)能够快速获取建筑物表面的3维点云,为提取建筑物轮廓提供重要的数据支撑,但由于激光脚点的随机性和点云自身的离散性,常规固定半径Alpha Shapes(A-Shapes)算法难以兼顾轮廓提取的精细度和完整度,且在点数量较大情况下计算效率较低。因此,提出一种基于网格的可变半径Alpha Shapes方法用于提取机载LiDAR点云建筑物轮廓。方法 对3维点云进行投影降维,对投影后2维离散点的范围构建规则格网,接着根据网格内点云填充情况筛选出边界网格,计算边界网格的平滑度并加权不同的滚动圆半径,再以边界网格为中心生成3×3邻域网格检测窗口,利用滚动圆原理提取窗口内点集的边界点,迭代检测直到所有边界网格遍历完成,最后获取点云的完整轮廓。结果 在精度评价实验中,与固定半径A-Shapes方法和可变半径Alpha Shapes(variable radius Alpha Shapes,VA-Shapes)方法相比,若建筑物以直线特征为主且边缘点云参差不齐,则本文方法的提取效果不理想;若建筑物含有较多拐角特征,则本文方法的提取效果较好。在效率评价实验中,与A-Shapes方法、VA-Shapse方法以及包裹圆方法相比,若点云数据量较小,则4种方法的耗时差距不大;若数据量较大,则本文方法和包裹圆方法的耗时远小于固定半径A-Shapes方法。实验结果表明,本文提出的轮廓提取方法适用于多种形状的建筑物点云。从轮廓完整性、几何精度以及计算效率等几方面综合考虑,本文方法提取建筑物点云轮廓效果较好。结论 本文提出的基于网格的可变半径Alpha Shapes建筑物点云轮廓提取方法结合了网格划分和滚动圆检测的优点,能够有效提取机载LiDAR建筑物点云顶部轮廓,具有较高的提取效率和良好的鲁棒性,提取的轮廓精度较高。  相似文献   

提出了一种以隐式B-样条曲线为表达形式,基于直接Greville纵标的曲线重建方法。根据点云建立有向距离场,并作为B-样条函数的Greville纵标,然后根据高影响区内的平均代数误差优化Greville纵标;得到一个隐式B-样条函数,该函数的零点集即为重建曲线。该方法具有模型简单,重建速度快,无多余分支,无需手工调节任何参数的优点。实验结果证实了该直接法的效率明显高于点拟合法和普通场拟合法,以几何误差为准则的精度亦优于普通场拟合方法。  相似文献   

开展用计算机生成具有中国民族特色动画的研究,对弘扬我国传统艺术和提高中国动画片竞争力都有重要意义。祥云图案历史悠久,是最富有中国特色的吉祥图案之一,现有的大部分研究工作主要针对真实感烟云的模拟和绘制,而对生成中国传统风格祥云动画的研究工作还很少。本文提出一个祥云动画生成模型。首先利用椭圆来构造云朵的骨架曲线,沿着曲线上的非均匀分布点排列多个半径不同的基本圆,然后通过对这些基本圆进行求并运算来生成云朵的内部区域和轮廓线;通过控制基本圆沿以分布点为圆心的圆周上运动,来生成连续变化的轮廓线和云朵形状;利用轮廓线上的运动点作为起点,沿中心点方向绘制云尾内卷线条。实验结果表明,利用该模型用户可以生成各类具有中国传统风格的祥云动画。  相似文献   

曲线拟合技术已被广泛地应用于图像处理、工程实验等领域。其中,B 样条曲线拟 合是曲线拟合中最常见的方法,它具有局部性好、连续性好等优点,但拟合精度一般较低。在实 际应用中,B 样条曲线拟合对于精度和速度的要求都较高。为了提升平面 B 样条曲线拟合速度, 将安德森加速的想法应用到曲线拟合的方法之中,提出一种基于安德森加速的拟牛顿方法。首先 设定一个初始形状,然后根据初始形状找到其每个数据点的投影点的位置参数,然后利用安德森 加速计算出控制点的相应位置,迭代进行以上 2 步,直到结果收敛。实验结果表明,该方法在收 敛速度和迭代时间上均优于其他方法。  相似文献   

为了勾勒点云的骨架或在点云上标记符号,提出一种基于手绘的点云表面曲线构造方法.首先将手绘的二维草图识别成二次曲线;然后将其均匀离散化并分别投影到点云表面;最后判断投影点是否接近于同一平面,如果是,则将二次曲线重新投影到该拟合平面;否则,将投影点连接成B样条曲线并对其平滑去噪.实验结果表明,利用该方法可以快速勾勒出点云轮廓,并在点云表面高效地绘制出二次曲线或者平滑的B样条曲线.  相似文献   

Data reduction using cubic rational B-splines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A geometric method for fitting rational cubic B-spline curves to data representing smooth curves, such as intersection curves or silhouette lines, is presented. The algorithm relies on the convex hull and on the variation diminishing properties of Bezier/B-spline curves. It is shown that the algorithm delivers fitting curves that approximate the data with high accuracy even in cases with large tolerances. The ways in which the algorithm computes the end tangent magnitudes and inner control points, fits cubic curves through intermediate points, checks the approximate error, obtains optimal segmentation using binary search, and obtains appropriate final curve form are discussed  相似文献   

基于B样条隶属函数的模糊推理系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李静  田卫东 《计算机应用》2011,31(2):490-492
隶属函数和推理规则的确定是模糊推理的难点。通过研究模糊推理过程和B样条函数的特性,对应用B样条函数拟合模糊隶属函数进行推理的方法进行改进。通过对误差极值点、曲率极值点的计算和筛选,得到B样条函数的型值点。反算求得控制点之后,通过自适应增加控制点对曲线进行调整,增加曲线对隶属函数的拟合度,解决了B样条函数对隶属函数的拟合问题。建立B样条推理规则,构造实现了B样条推理系统,并求出该系统的最终结果为B样条超曲面。最后,通过实验验证了该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

李衷怡  徐欣康 《微机发展》2007,17(10):16-19
通过二维断层图像进行三维对象重建是现今较为活跃的研究领域,而二维断层数据的质量将直接影响到三维重建的效果。提出了一种对医学断层离散数据在三维重建前进行预处理的方法,通过单层轮廓平面内平滑以及多层轮廓基于层间关系的B样条曲线拟合对原始数据进行了平滑处理,减少了重建后层与层之间的锯齿现象,使得在此基础上的三维重建效果得到了明显的改善。算法具有一定的通用性,同样适用于其它领域的数据处理。  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method is presented in this paper to reliably reconstruct 2D polygonal curves and 3D triangular surfaces from discrete points based on the respective clustering of Delaunay circles and spheres. A Delaunay circle is the circumcircle of a Delaunay triangle in the 2D space, and a Delaunay sphere is the circumsphere of a Delaunay tetrahedron in the 3D space. The basic concept of the presented method is that all the incident Delaunay circles/spheres of a point are supposed to be clustered into two groups along the original curve/surface with satisfactory point density. The required point density is considered equivalent to that of meeting the well-documented r-sampling condition. With the clustering of Delaunay circles/spheres at each point, an initial partial mesh can be generated. An extrapolation heuristic is then applied to reconstructing the remainder mesh, often around sharp corners. This leads to the unique benefit of the presented method that point density around sharp corners does not have to be infinite. Implementation results have shown that the presented method can correctly reconstruct 2D curves and 3D surfaces for known point cloud data sets employed in the literature.  相似文献   

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