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程序以操作表达式的形式呈现,而其语义则以公理的形式给出。为帮助理解这些公理并作为实现操作表达式的基础,给出了操作表达式的Petri网表示。传统Petri网的库所(place)概念与程序中变量概念有本质的不同,增加了变量概念的Petri网称为C_net。从回顾C_net的基本定义入手,研究操作表达式的网表示。  相似文献   

Petri网动态性质的考察一般基于网不变量(Net Invariants)和可达树(Reachability Tree).这两个概念已被扩展到高级Petri网中.高级Petri网可达集空间随着网的复杂性而指数性增长是计算可达树问题中的一个主要难 点.本文定义了具有变量标识的高级Petri网并给出了构造该类网的可达树的算法.本文的算法以变量标识的等价关系(equivalent relation)和覆盖关系(covering relation)为基础,明显地简化了可达集空间.个体标识的信息可从变量标识的定义域中获得.  相似文献   

一种基于线性逻辑的Petri网分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 引言 Petri网是一种用网状图形表示系统模型的方法,能够从组织结构、控制和管理的角度,精确描述系统中事件(变迁)之间的依赖(顺序)和不依赖(并发)关系。Petri网理论提供了强大的分析方法,如不变量分析、系统性能分析(如活性)等以证明系统的正确性。近年来Petri网也被用来表示知识推理,例如用于诊断和监控,这就需要发展一种关于Petri网行为的推理主题。有些学者把经典逻辑和Petri网相结合,用Petri网表示产生式规则系统,网的框架代表基于产生式规则  相似文献   

基于着色Petri网模糊专家系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对变电站无功控制模糊专家系统知识表示不确定性及规则数量多的特点,文章以模糊、着色Petri网为基础,提出了一种基于模糊着色Petri网的知识表示与规则获取方法。该方法利用Petri网的图形化环境特点,将模糊规则库的不同变量用不同的颜色加以区分,不同规则中的同一个变量用该变量的颜色集表示,构成一个模糊着色Petri网模型。充分利用着色Petri网的特点,对推理过程进行了仔细研究,并提出一种基于着色模糊Petri网的启发式搜索策略。将其用于变电站无功控制的模糊专家系统中,结果表明,基于着色Petri网的模糊知识表示和获取方法,对于大型、复杂变电站模糊专家控制系统是非常有效的。  相似文献   

Petri网以其图形化的表示方式广泛应用于形式化推理中.基于模糊有色Petri网的形式化推理算法,以系统内部事务之间的逻辑关系为依据,充分利用模糊Petri网在分析不确定知识中的优势,通过知识模糊、库所抽象、转换抽象实现层次化的知识表示和知识推理,并结合有色Petri网对系统规模作适当约简,从而构造出了一种新型的模糊着色网(FCPN)知识表示和获取模型,有效弥补了传统Petri网在实际应用中的缺陷,使模糊推理过程更加简单且易于实现.  相似文献   

对象化模糊Petri网的任务协同分配建模与推理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决FPNN/FCPN建模与推理过程中存在模型规模急剧增大、模糊变量颜色化的作用有限、无法表示知识分类等问题,提出了一种改进的对象化模糊Petri网(FPN)建模及模糊推理算法.该算法采用面向对象技术化简规模庞大的模糊赋色Petri网(FCPN),经简化的FCPN退化为普通的FPN,但是库所中托肯的语义也发生了变化,它不仅表示模糊语言变量的集合,更重要的是它可作为其他FCPN的引用.最后将该算法应用于协同设计环境中任务分配的模糊推理过程,可有效地降低Petri网模型的复杂程度,且对象化FPN模型直观,易于理解.  相似文献   

计算高级Petri网S-不变量的一种简单算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林闯  张彤 《软件学报》1992,3(3):49-55
在高级Petri网的性质分析中,S—不变量的方法是一个重要的方法,如何计算高级Petri网的S—不变量是一个重要课题。本文基于复合标志(Token)和标志流路的概念,给出了一个整系数线性方程系统,由该线性方程系统,可以得到高级Petri网的所有S—不变量,而不必将高级Petri网扩展为一般Petri网。  相似文献   

在本文中,我们提出了利用面向对象的技术表示语义和常识的方法。将知网中的义原(即最小的语义单位)表示为类,同时将概念之间、属性之间的语义关系转换为类之间关系以及类的属性之间的关系;将知网概念词典中的概念表示为所在范畴属性类的予类,并将DEF项中其它义原设置为该类中的变量。通过这种转换.知网中的语义和常识就被表示为类和对象。在实践中表明该方法是实际可行的,更重要的是为我们今后进行从文本中提取知识的研究打下基础。  相似文献   

模糊Petri网在带权不精确知识表示和推理中的应用研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Petri网是一种适合于描述异步并发事件的计算机系统模型 ,可以有效地对并行和并发系统进行形式化验证和行为分析 .以模糊 Petri网的基本定义为基础 ,讨论了带权模糊知识的模糊产生式系统表示法 ,建立了这种表示法与模糊 Petri网之间的映射关系和转换算法 ;在对模糊 Petri网进一步扩充的基础上 ,解决了与知识的模糊Petri网表示相关的几个问题 ;最后给出了模糊 Petri网中不确定性的计算方法和相应的不精确推理算法  相似文献   

基于时间Petri网的工作流建模   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着工作流管理的发展,人们提出了很多扩展Petri网概念用于工作流建模。描述工作流中的资源、资源条件以及任务与资源条件之间的关系是一件很复杂的事情。而现有的用于描述工作流的Petri网在这方面,并不令人满意。该文特别强调资源的概念,在时间Petri网的基础上提出了一种新Petri网———资源条件/任务网(ResourceCondition/Tasknet,简称RC/TN),利用RC/TN网来进行工作流建模,描述工作流的执行过程。并将该工作流建模方法应用于OA流程的描述中。  相似文献   

In many application areas there is a need to represent human-like knowledge related to spatio-temporal relations among multiple moving objects. This type of knowledge is usually imprecise, vague and fuzzy, while the reasoning about spatio-temporal relations is intuitive. In this paper we present a model of fuzzy spatio-temporal knowledge representation and reasoning based on high-level Petri nets. The model should be suitable for the design of a knowledge base for real-time, multi-agent-based intelligent systems that include expert or user human-like knowledge. The central part of the model is the knowledge representation scheme called FuSpaT, which supports the representation and reasoning for domains that include imprecise and fuzzy spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal relationships. The scheme is based on the high-level Petri nets called Petri nets with fuzzy spatio-temporal tokens (PeNeFuST). The FuSpaT scheme integrates the theory of the PeNeFuST and 117 spatio-temporal relations.The reasoning in the proposed model is a spatio-temporal data-driven process based on the dynamical properties of the scheme, i.e., the execution of the Petri nets with fuzzy spatio-temporal tokens. An illustrative example of the spatio-temporal reasoning for two agents in a simplified robot-soccer scene is given.  相似文献   

Timed high-level nets   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Petri nets have been widely used for modeling and analyzing concurrent systems. Several reasons contribute to their success: the simplicity of the model, the immediate graphical representation, the easy modeling of asynchronous aspects, the possibility of reasoning about important properties such as reachability, liveness, boundedness. However, the original model fails in representing two important features: complex functional aspects, such as conditions which rule the flow of control, and time. Due to that, two different classes of extensions of Petri nets have been proposed: high-level nets and timed Petri nets. High-level nets allow the representation of functional aspects in full details, but do not provide a means for representing time; on the other hand, timed Petri nets have been thought for time representation, but they do not provide a means for representing detailed functinal aspects. Thus, these two important aspects cannot be mastered together. In particular, it is difficult to express relationships between time and functional aspects.This paper investigates the relationships between high-level nets and timed Petri nets, thus extending a first set of results published in a previous paper, where a unifying Petri net based model for time representation has been proposed. It first recalls how time can be represented in a Petri net extension called ER nets, and assesses its generality. It then investigates the relationships of ER nets with the best known high-level nets. In particular it shows the overall equivalence of ER nets, Colored Petri nets and Predicate/Transition nets, and extends the mechanism for time representation introduced in ER nets to both Colored Petri nets and Predicate/Transition nets. It also shows that these models cannot be simplified without significantly constraining the timing aspects that can be modeled.  相似文献   

连续Petri网是用来分析和描述具有连续变量的系统,被证明是有效的建模工具。本文主要讨论连续Petri网死锁和陷阱结构的性质,并结合算例对此进行了说明。  相似文献   

Petri网是一种用网状图形表示系统模型的方法,它能够从组织结构、控制和管理的角度,精确描述系统中事件(变迁)之间的依赖(顺序)和不依赖(并发)关系。但传统的Petri网理论其不足之处在于:它的分析方法主要是可达树分析法和线性代数描述法。可达树分析法是针对某一个初始标识的,一个新的初始标识就意味着需要重新构造可达状态图;当系统存在较多  相似文献   

This paper presents knowledge representation-oriented nets (KRON), a knowledge representation schema for discrete event systems (DES). KRON enables the representation and use of a variety of knowledge about a DES static structure and its dynamic states and behavior. It is based on the integration of high-level Petri nets with frame-based representation techniques and follows the object-oriented paradigm. The main objective considered in its definition is to obtain a comprehensive and powerful representation model for data and control of DES. The use of the DES behavioral knowledge is governed by a control mechanism stored in a separate inference engine. KRON provides an efficient execution mechanism to make the models evolve. This is an adaptation of the RETE matching algorithm in order to deal with the features provided by high-level Petri nets and it takes advantage of its integration with a frame/object-oriented representation schema, Moreover, KRON facilitates dealing with decision points in the execution of nondeterministic models. A prototype of a simulation tool with graphical display and animation facilities has been implemented for KRON and it has been used in several case studies in the manufacturing systems domain  相似文献   

Modern knowledge representation is a very dynamic domain because of continuous research and development. This paper presents Logical Petri Nets (LPNs) and Fuzzy Petri Nets (FPNs) as models for knowledge representation. It is shown that knowledge propagation, described using logical and fuzzy Petri nets, terminates in a unique stable state. Based on this result, the paper introduces an algorithm for knowledge propagation in decision support systems.  相似文献   

We introduce a way of viewing Petri nets as open systems. This is done by considering a bicategory of cospans over a category of p/t nets and embeddings. We derive a labelled transition system (LTS) semantics for such nets using GIPOs and characterise the resulting congruence. Technically, our results are similar to the recent work by Milner on applying the theory of bigraphs to Petri Nets. The two main differences are that we treat p/t nets instead of c/e nets and we deal directly with a category of nets instead of encoding them into bigraphs.  相似文献   

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