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研究一个城市的经济可持续发展性有利于调整该城市的产业结构,促进其可持续发展。本文基于模糊模式识别法,利用评价指标体系,采用定量评价方法,研究典型发展中城市-河南省"A市"的经济可持续发展性,对该市2005年和2011年两年的经济可持续发展能力进行对比分析。结果表明:该市2011年经济的可持续发展性好于2005年,这说明A市的经济可持续发展能力正在不断提高。该识别法语义明确,评价结果符合实际,对国内类似城市的经济可持续发展的评价具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着智慧城市理念的西风东渐,国内兴起了智慧城市建设的高潮,中央与地方相继出台了智慧城市建设的指导意见、发展规划与配套政策。智慧城市是城市发展的新形态,是城市信息化建设的新阶段。从2008年IBM提出"智慧地球"到2009年IBM与迪比克市合作建立美国第一个智慧城市,全球兴起了智慧城市建设的热潮,对智慧城市的认识也不断深化。在IBM初步界定智慧城市四个基本特征的基础上。  相似文献   

基于快速BP算法的城市可持续发展综合评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市可持续发展是一个多因素的相互作用的过程 ,要建立一个既简单又能反映可持续发展普遍规律的评价方法难度很大。通过把附加动量法和自适应算法相结合而形成的快速BP神经网络算法用于对城市可持续发展综合评价 ,结果证明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

神经网络在旅游可持续发展能力评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了神经网络原理和BP神经网络模型,基于BP神经网络模型研究旅游可持续发展能力的评价方法,并应用Matlab和EasyNN分析软件,以上海旅游可持续发展能力为例,构建了以旅游经济,旅游环境,旅游人文资源、旅游地生活质量为主的旅游可持续发展能力评价指标体系.基于统计年鉴和问卷调查数据对其进行了实证评价,并对上海可持续发展旅游形象各个评价指标的重要性进行了分析,结论对进一步提高上海旅游可持续发展能力具有参考价值.  相似文献   

在城市化的进程中,随着社会经济的发展和生活水平的提高,对于如何创造符合城市特质的建筑风格和色彩,人们越来越重视。文章主要针对衡阳市城市建筑色彩的现状进行实地调研,采取层次分析法、以点带面法、实地调研法、案例分析法和文献查阅法来分析当代衡阳市的建筑色彩,探讨人们对于"千城一面"或"缤纷多彩"的城市建筑色彩感知及满意度评价,为衡阳市城市色彩体系提出规划策略建议,探索当代中国中等城市建筑色彩的特征。  相似文献   

对2011年全国大学生数学建模A题中的数据进行了分析,运用模糊综合评判法评价了城市土壤重金属污染程度,给相关研究提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

鉴于城市扩张及其驱动力分析在协调城市扩张与土地资源保护的矛盾、促进城市可持续发展中的重要作用,该文利用多时相遥感数据和莆田市社会经济统计数据,结合野外调查,采用室内解译方法来获取1988年~2014年莆田城市扩张数据,以分析不同时期莆田各城区扩张的面积、速度、方向主要驱动力。1988年~2002年莆田市建成区扩张面积快速增长,而2002年以后增长速度明显减小;仙游县、梧塘镇、大济镇和度尾镇建成区扩张整体呈现出"增-减"趋势,其余城镇建成区扩张则呈现"减-增"趋势。同时,人口增长、经济发展和社会投资是莆田城市扩张发展的主要驱动力,其中,GDP增长是最主要驱动力。该研究有效地揭示了莆田城市扩张的发展规律,为该地区城市规划与管理提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

1988年~2014年莆田市城市扩展及其驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于城市扩张及其驱动力分析在协调城市扩张与土地资源保护的矛盾、促进城市可持续发展中的重要作用,该文利用多时相遥感数据和莆田市社会经济统计数据,结合野外调查,采用室内解译方法来获取1988年~2014年莆田城市扩张数据,以分析不同时期莆田各城区扩张的面积、速度、方向主要驱动力。1988年~2002年莆田市建成区扩张面积快速增长,而2002年以后增长速度明显减小;仙游县、梧塘镇、大济镇和度尾镇建成区扩张整体呈现出“增 减”趋势,其余城镇建成区扩张则呈现“减 增”趋势。同时,人口增长、经济发展和社会投资是莆田城市扩张发展的主要驱动力,其中,GDP增长是最主要驱动力。该研究有效地揭示了莆田城市扩张的发展规律,为该地区城市规划与管理提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

一、背景全球不可再生能源的巨大消耗带来石油价格飞涨,自然灾害如地震、飓风、海啸、水灾等频频发生,环境污染和其他人为因素造成流行性疾病蔓延、物种消亡、土壤流失与退化。上述问题已经严重影响全球社会与经济的发展,乃至威胁到人类的生存。而人口向大城市的迁移和地区之间、人群之间的贫富不均更加剧了城市的不稳定因素,城市尤其是人口集中的大城市在可持续发展上面临着更大的挑战。为此,德国教研部于2005年启动了长达11年的“明天百万级城市区域可持续发展研究”研究项目。鉴于安徽省计算机软件工程技术研究中心与德国宇航中心交通研…  相似文献   

日前,第七届互联网治理论坛(IGF 2012)在阿塞拜疆首都巴库市举办,本届论坛主题是"互联网治理,促进人类、经济和社会的可持续发展"。  相似文献   

Urban sustainability has become the world’s most important urban issue.The evaluation index system is an effective tool to objectively diagnosethe current status and problems of sustainable development.The existing urban sustainability evaluation index systems are mostly based on traditional statistical data and they have different emphases.Due to the suitability of index and availability of data,etc,These index systems are hardly used for comparative evaluation amongdifferent cities.With the interpretation of the sustainable city connotation by the Sustainable Development Goals11,and the use of multi-source data such as remote sensing and network big data,it is possible to achieve higher resolution for urban sustainability assessment under a unified standard.Based on this,this work analyzes the evolution of the concept of urban sustainable development and identifies the key areas of the connotation of sustainable city construction.This work also summarizes the research progress of sustainability evaluation indicators and analyzes typical index system.Based on SDG11,this study establish an open city sustainability index system,with combining traditional statistical data and multi-source data,such as remote sensing data and network big data.The framework of the evaluation index system aims to provide reference for the sustainability evaluation of cities in China under the framework of the United Nations.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the real estate asset assessment is performed by experienced valuators, who take into account its economic, social, physical and locational aspects. Nowadays, the construction industry is becoming more and more influenced by the sustainability requirements. Therefore, the inclusion of the sustainability evaluation into real estate asset valuation is of utmost importance. The Neutrosophic Multi-Attribute Market Value Assessment (MAMVA) method developed by the authors of this article handles market value calculations by solving multiple criteria assessment problems, and the initial information vagueness is modelled explicitly. The supplementary novelty of the present paper is the inclusion of the sustainability aspects into the real estate market valuation. The sustainable market valuation of Croydon University Hospital (Emergency Department) is performed as the case study to present numerical capabilities of the proposed approach. Our research findings suggest that neutrosophic MAMVA is a rational approach for calculations of property market valuation and might be suitable for application worldwide.  相似文献   

“感知城市“通过物联网、三网融合、云计算等新一代信息技术,构建一个高感度的城市基础环境,实现城市内及时、互动、整合的信息感知、传递和处理,以提升民众生活幸福感、企业经济竞争力、城市可持续发展为目标的先进城市发展理念。“感知城市”建设已成为大连发展的战略性要求。了解“感知城市”的主要内容,“感知城市”的建设技术及措施,为大连更快速准确地定位自身“感知城市”建设方向,提供必要的参考依据。  相似文献   

A satisfactory multiobjective design that incorporates physical performance as well as sustainability is necessary from a global environmental protection perspective. For obtaining sustainable lifecycles, decision making in the early phases of the design process, considering multiple sources of uncertainty, is important. Previously, we proposed a preference set-based design (PSD) by Inoue et al. (2010) [16] method, which enables a flexible and robust design under various sources of uncertainty while capturing the designer’s preference based on his/her knowledge or experience. The present study focuses on a decision-making support for sustainable product creation in the early phases of the design process considering the various design uncertainties. We investigate different officially accepted sustainability indicators and identify the ones that are related to the product development process by considering the physical performance and sustainability of the products concurrently. Thereafter, the proposed method is applied to a multiobjective design problem. This paper discusses the applicability of PSD as a decision-making support method for sustainable development using the design of an alternator as an example.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a conceptual model and a research framework for study of the economic, social and environmental sustainability of digital libraries. The major factors that are related to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of digital libraries have been identified. Relevant research in digital information systems and services in general, and digital libraries in particular, have been discussed to illustrate different issues and challenges associated with each of the three forms of sustainability. Based on the discussions of relevant research that have implications on sustainability of information systems and services, the paper proposes a conceptual model and a theoretical research framework for study of the sustainability of digital libraries. It shows that the sustainable business models to support digital libraries should also support equitable access supported by specific design and usability guidelines that facilitate easier, better and cheaper access; support the personal, institutional and social culture of users; and at the same time conform with the policy and regulatory frameworks of the respective regions, countries and institutions. It is also shown that measures taken to improve the economic and social sustainability should also support the environmental sustainability guidelines, i.e. reduce the overall environmental impact of digital libraries. It is argued that the various factors affecting the different sustainability issues of digital libraries need to be studied together to build digital libraries that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.  相似文献   

The role of energy in economic, social and ecological development of a country defines its significance in sustainable development. We propose here a method to classify a nation’s hydrocarbon development into one of five classes: (1) futuristic; (2) conforming; (3) sustainable; (4) unsustainable; or, (5) critical. K means clustering is a method of unsupervised classification in which the clusters cannot be labeled due to their lack of a class value. We propose a unique method to label unsupervised classes which is then used to divide the energy data of nations into five clusters. The labeled clusters are structured in an ID3 decision tree which provides a hierarchical structure to evaluate the hydrocarbon development in a given country. The results indicate some useful and interesting patterns in sustainability indicators.  相似文献   

A risk assessment model for water shortage is constructed using a risk analysis method based on the information diffusion theory. The application of this model is demonstrated in the city of Yiwu in Zhejiang Province, China. Based on the analytical results from a small sample, this study indicates that the present model is more stable and effective than the traditional model. Risk assessment results are used to analyze the carrying capacity of water resources from an ecological angle. For this study, the carrying capacity of water resources is defined as the maximum volume of water suitable for supporting human activity in certain stages of social development that can be borne by water resources under favorable ecological conditions. Further study on Yiwu is also performed, with results indicating that water shortages in this city are not related to types of water source, but can be classified in terms of water quality and conservation. To verify the results of theoretical investigation in this paper, the authors simulate changes in the carrying capacity of water resources under the conditions of future water management policies. This simulation uses the system dynamics (SD) model, based on the historical data collected by the city over the past 20 years and governmental plans to raise inhabitants’ living standards between the present and 2020. The paper simultaneously indicates that both singularly pursuing fast economic development at the expense of the environment and promoting environmental protection via reduced economic development are undesirable for Yiwu. Simultaneously giving consideration to both the economic development and environmental protection is likely to produce better overall results. However, if the present water supply level is maintained but does not increase in the near future, Yiwu's water supply will be unable to satisfy requirements even under this scheme. In this case, the carrying capacity of water resources in the region can only be effectively improved by promoting more efficient use of water and water conservation schemes, as well as strengthening long-term investment in environmental protection.  相似文献   

随着我国各地的智慧城市建设已正式迈入“实践探索”阶段,智慧城市作为一种区域经济发展新模式催生出新兴的产业概念--智慧城市IT产业。本文精选7个样本城市,分析智慧城市建设对IT产业发展的作用,具有一定代表性和示范作用,可供国内其他城市在开展智慧城市建设的过程中把握发展城市IT产业的机遇参考借鉴。  相似文献   

This article describes examples of the application of human factors research and development work to a sustainable minerals industry. It begins by outlining human-related aspects of the minerals industry and the key human factors work previously undertaken in this domain. The focus then switches to sustainability in the minerals industry. Sustainability principles are introduced and illustrations provided of how human factors research and development work fits within such a framework. Three case studies of human factors in the minerals industry research are presented and the sustainability implications in each case study are highlighted. Finally, future trends related to human factors work in a sustainable minerals industry are addressed, in particular the opportunities and possible adverse consequences that increasing deployment of mining automation might bring.

Practitioner Summary: Minerals industries are a major global activity with significant sustainability implications. Aspects of sustainability in mining are examined using three case studies. These illustrate the contribution of human factors/ergonomics in reducing risks; developing emergency response management systems; and the value of participatory ergonomics in improving the design of mining equipment.  相似文献   

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