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李鸣鹏  高宏  邹兆年 《软件学报》2014,25(4):797-812
研究了基于图压缩的k可达查询处理,提出了一种支持k可达查询的图压缩算法k-RPC及无需解压缩的查询处理算法,k-RPC算法在所有基于等价类的支持k-reach查询的图压缩算法中是最优的.由于k-RPC算法是基于严格的等价关系,因此进一步又提出了线性时间的近似图压缩算法k-GRPC.k-GRPC算法允许从原始图中删除部分边,然后使用k-RPC获得更好的压缩比.提出了线性时间的无需解压缩的查询处理算法.真实数据上的实验结果表明,对于稀疏的原始图,两种压缩算法的压缩比分别可以达到45%,对于稠密的原始图,两种压缩算法的压缩比分别可以达到75%和67%;与在原始图上直接进行查询处理相比,两种基于压缩图的查询处理算法效率更好,在稀疏图上的查询效率可以提高2.5倍.  相似文献   

周宇  赵威  刘国华  貟慧  翟红敏  万小妹 《软件学报》2014,25(S2):136-146
查询结果重复率高是top-k查询处理过程中亟待解决的问题,已有的解决方法需要遍历初始结果集中所有的对象,因此,查询处理的效率较低.为了提高查询处理的效率,把初始结果集映射到欧氏空间中,根据拉式策略,可选用基于得分或基于距离两种方法之一从该空间选出差异最优子空间,在基于距离的方法中,对欧氏子空间进行分割并且利用探测位置和Voronoi图的几何特性减少二次查询对象的数目.在此基础上,提出了top-k查询结果有界多样化算法,并证明了算法的正确性.实验结果表明,所提出的算法提高了top-k查询处理效率.  相似文献   

在关系数据库中,关键词查询无需用户学习查询语言和数据库模式相关知识,而且有效地扩大了查询范围.采用元组图描述关系数据库中元组关系,可使关键词查询问题转化为元组图的最小Steiner树求解问题.本文提出元组图上基于相似度的边权重计算方法,使边权重能够反映元组与关键词相似度的大小.然后,鉴于最小Steiner树求解问题是NP-完全问题,提出按照贪心策略执行Dijkstra算法的最小Steiner树较优解求解算法.最后,通过实验对算法进行了分析和验证.  相似文献   

瓶颈k-Steiner树问题描述如下:给定n个点和一个正整数k,寻找一棵Steiner树用至多k个Steiner点将n个点连接起来,使得此Steiner树的最长边最短。L. Wang和D.-Z. Du证明了适用于欧几里得平面瓶颈斯坦纳树算法的近似性能比为2,并且给出了一个适用于该问题时间复杂度为(nlogn+kn)的算法,在欧几里得平面上和近似性能比为2的前提下,通过引入最大堆和斐波那契堆分别对该算法进行优化,优化后算法的时间复杂度分别达到(nlogn+klogn)和(nlogn+k),优化后的算法在现实中可以更好地应用。  相似文献   

李淼  谷峪  陈默  于戈 《软件学报》2017,28(2):310-325
随着地理位置定位技术的蓬勃发展,基于在线位置服务技术的应用也越来越多.提出一种查询类型——反向空间偏好top-k查询.类似于传统的反向空间top-k查询,对于给定的空间查询对象,该查询返回使该对象满足top-k属性得分的那些用户.但不同的是,该对象的属性不是自身具有的特性,而是通过计算该对象与其他偏好对象之间的空间关系(如距离)而确定.这种查询在市场分析等许多重要领域具有需求,例如,根据查询结果,分析出某个地区中某个设施受欢迎的程度.但是,由于大量空间对象的存在导致对象之间空间关系的计算代价非常高,如何实时地计算出对象的空间属性得分,给查询处理带来很大的挑战.针对该问题提出优化的查询处理算法包括:数据集剪枝、数据集批量处理、基于权重的用户分组等策略.通过理论分析和充分的实验验证,证明了所提出方法的有效性.与普通方法相比,这些方法能够大幅度提高查询处理的执行时间和I/O效率.  相似文献   

基于分区的Elias-Fano算法被应用于倒排索引压缩,显示出良好的空间压缩性能。本文证明了Golomb-Rice算法的压缩性能优于Elias-Fano算法。结合基于分区的Elias-Fano算法中“分区”思想,提出一种基于分区的Elias-Fano-Golomb-Rice倒排索引压缩算法。实验结果表明,与其他倒排索引压缩算法相比,基于分区的Elias-Fano-Golomb-Rice倒排索引压缩算法有更好的压缩性能。  相似文献   

现实生活中的网络通常存在社区结构,社区查询是图数据挖掘的基本任务.现有研究工作提出了多种模型来识别网络中的社区,如基于k-核的模型和基于k-truss的模型.然而,这些模型通常只限制社区内节点或边的邻居数量,忽略了邻居之间的关系,即节点的邻域结构,从而导致社区内节点的局部稠密性较低.针对这一问题,本文将节点的邻域结构信息融入k-核稠密子图中,提出一种新的基于邻域连通k-核的社区模型,并定义了社区的稠密度.基于这一新模型,研究了最稠密单社区搜索问题,即返回包含查询节点集且具有最高稠密度的社区.在现实生活图数据中,一组查询节点可能会分布在多个不相交的社区中.为此,本文进一步研究了基于稠密度阈值的多社区搜索问题,即返回包含查询节点集的多个社区,且每个社区的稠密度不低于用户指定的阈值.针对最稠密单社区搜索和基于稠密度阈值的多社区搜索问题,首先定义了边稠密度的概念,并提出了基于边稠密度的基线算法.为了提高搜索效率,设计了索引树和改进索引树结构,能够支持在多项式时间内返回查询结果.通过与基线算法在多组数据集上的对比,验证了基于邻域连通k-核的社区模型的有效性和所提出查询算法的效率.  相似文献   

谷峪  于晓楠  于戈 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1806-1816
随着智能移动设备和无线定位技术的飞速发展,使用基于位置服务应用的用户越来越多.特别地,不同于传统的针对固定位置的快照查询,移动的用户往往基于移动轨迹发出连续的查询.在真实和虚拟的空间环境中,障碍物的影响都是广泛存在的,障碍空间内的查询处理技术得到了越来越多的关注,其中,障碍空间内的连续反k近邻查询处理有着重要的应用.对障碍空间中的连续反k近邻查询问题进行了定义和系统的研究,通过定义控制点和分割点,提出了针对该问题的处理框架.进一步地,提出了一系列的过滤和求精算法,包括剪枝数据集、获取障碍物、剪枝和计算控制点和更新结果集等处理策略.基于多种数据集对所提出的算法进行了实验评估.与针对每个数据点进行k 近邻计算的基本方法相比,这些方法可以大幅度提高查询处理的CPU 和I/O 效率.  相似文献   

文本信息数量的快速增长给传统的信息检索技术带来了新的挑战.搜索引擎通常使用倒排索引来高效地处理查询.为了减少存储开销和加快访问速度,倒排索引通常被压缩存储.因此,如何选择一个高性能的压缩算法对高效查询处理是非常有必要的.在已有倒排链压缩算法PackedBinary和PForDelta的基础上,利用CPU的超标量特性和SIMD向量指令集,将其压缩和解压缩中的关键步骤并行化,提出了2种指令级并行压缩算法SIMD-PB和SIMD-PFD.基于GOV2和ClueWeb09B两个公开数据集的实验表明,SIMD-PB和SIMD-PFD算法在压缩率不变的情况下,压缩和解压缩速度比现有的压缩算法均有非常明显的提升.其中解压缩速度比起目前最好的倒排链压缩算法,最高能提升17%.此外,实验表明算法在较长的倒排链、较大的压缩块单位上有更好的解压缩性能.  相似文献   

割点求解是图应用中的一个重要操作.深度优先搜索树算法可以解决割点求解问题.但是该算法存在缺点,导致它不能在实际问题中得到很好的应用.这是因为当今数据的两大特点,一是数据规模庞大,对于很多图操作提出了挑战性的要求;二是数据多变,每天数据的大量更新使得传统算法必须依据更新重复计算,浪费了时间和空间.深度优先搜索树算法的时间复杂度为O(|V|+|E|),其中,|V|和|E|分别为图的顶点的数目和边的数目.它能够很好地适应第1个特点,但是对于第2个特点该算法则无能为力.提出一种基于压缩的割点求解算法来解决这个问题.该算法通过点的朴素相似来压缩图,时间复杂度为O(|E|).在得到的无损压缩图上进行割点求解,同时在压缩图上动态地维护点和边的更新,在不解压图的情况下完成图的更新,在更新后的图上进行割点求解,极大地降低了时间和空间消耗.该压缩算法得到的压缩图对其他图操作同样适用.  相似文献   

异质信息网络(HINs)是包含多种类型对象(顶点)和链接(边)的有向图,能够表达丰富复杂的语义和结构信息.HINs中的稠密子图查询问题,即给定一个查询点q,在HINs中查询包含q的稠密子图,已成为该领域的热点和重点研究问题,并在活动策划、生物分析和商品推荐等领域具有广泛应用.但现有方法主要存在以下两个问题:(1)基于模体团和关系约束查询的稠密子图具有多种类型顶点,导致其不能解决仅关注某种特定类型顶点的场景;(2)基于元路径的方法虽然可查询到某种特定类型顶点的稠密子图,但其忽略了子图中顶点之间基于元路径的连通度.为此,首先在HINs中提出了基于元路径的边不相交路径的连通度,即路径连通度;然后,基于路径连通度提出了k-路径连通分量(k-PCC)模型,该模型要求子图的路径连通度至少为k;其次,基于k-PCC模型提出了最大路径连通Steiner分量(SMPCC)概念,其为包含q的具有最大路径连通度的k-PCC;最后,提出一种高效的基于图分解的k-PCC发现算法,并在此基础上提出了优化查询SMPCC算法.大量基于真实和合成HINs数据的实验结果验证了所提出模型和算法的有效性和高效性.  相似文献   

周智  蒋承东  黄刘生  顾钧 《软件学报》2003,14(9):1503-1514
在VLSI设计中,多点互连是物理设计阶段的关键问题之一,而互连的点数等于2或大于2分别对应于Manhattan空间上有障碍时的最短路径问题和最小Steiner树问题,显然前者是后者的基础.连接图是研究最短路径问题的有效工具,已有的典型连接图包括基于轨迹的GC和GT以及基于自由区的GF和GG.工作包括3个方面:设计并分析了在各种连接图上实现动态的点对之间的最短路径查询算法;分析了在各个连接图上构造3-Steiner树的算法,对于已有的GC上的3-Steiner算法,将其Steiner顶点的候选集合规模从O((e+p)2)降低到了O((t+p)2),其中e,t,p分别表示边数、障碍极边数和顶点数;设计了在GG上的3-Steiner树构造算法,其平均情况时间复杂度只有(θ)(t).  相似文献   

We study the problem of packing element-disjoint Steiner trees in graphs. We are given a graph and a designated subset of terminal nodes, and the goal is to find a maximum cardinality set of element-disjoint trees such that each tree contains every terminal node. An element means a non-terminal node or an edge. (Thus, each non-terminal node and each edge must be in at most one of the trees.) We show that the problem is APX-hard when there are only three terminal nodes, thus answering an open question. Our main focus is on the special case when the graph is planar. We show that the problem of finding two element-disjoint Steiner trees in a planar graph is NP-hard. Similarly, the problem of finding two edge-disjoint Steiner trees in a planar graph is NP-hard. We design an algorithm for planar graphs that achieves an approximation guarantee close to 2. In fact, given a planar graph that is k element-connected on the terminals (k is an upper bound on the number of element-disjoint Steiner trees), the algorithm returns $\lfloor\frac{k}{2} \rfloor-1$ element-disjoint Steiner trees. Using this algorithm, we get an approximation algorithm for the edge-disjoint version of the problem on planar graphs that improves on the previous approximation guarantees. We also show that the natural LP relaxation of the planar problem has an integrality ratio approaching?2.  相似文献   

A minimum connected dominating set (MCDS) is used as virtual backbone for efficient routing and broadcasting in ad hoc sensor networks. The minimum CDS problem is NP-complete even in unit disk graphs. Many heuristics-based distributed approximation algorithms for MCDS problems are reported and the best known performance ratio has (4.8+ln 5). We propose a new heuristic called collaborative cover using two principles: 1) domatic number of a connected graph is at least two and 2) optimal substructure defined as subset of independent dominator preferably with a common connector. We obtain a partial Steiner tree during the construction of the independent set (dominators). A final postprocessing step identifies the Steiner nodes in the formation of Steiner tree for the independent set of G. We show that our collaborative cover heuristics are better than degree-based heuristics in identifying independent set and Steiner tree. While our distributed approximation CDS algorithm achieves the performance ratio of (4.8+ln 5){rm opt} + 1.2, where {rm opt} is the size of any optimal CDS, we also show that the collaborative cover heuristic is able to give a marginally better bound when the distribution of sensor nodes is uniform permitting identification of the optimal substructures. We show that the message complexity of our algorithm is O(nDelta^{2} ), Delta being the maximum degree of a node in graph and the time complexity is O(n).  相似文献   

A k-core of a graph is a maximal connected subgraph in which every vertex is connected to at least k vertices in the subgraph. k-core decomposition is often used in large-scale network analysis, such as community detection, protein function prediction, visualization, and solving NP-hard problems on real networks efficiently, like maximal clique finding. In many real-world applications, networks change over time. As a result, it is essential to develop efficient incremental algorithms for dynamic graph data. In this paper, we propose a suite of incremental k-core decomposition algorithms for dynamic graph data. These algorithms locate a small subgraph that is guaranteed to contain the list of vertices whose maximum k-core values have changed and efficiently process this subgraph to update the k-core decomposition. We present incremental algorithms for both insertion and deletion operations, and propose auxiliary vertex state maintenance techniques that can further accelerate these operations. Our results show a significant reduction in runtime compared to non-incremental alternatives. We illustrate the efficiency of our algorithms on different types of real and synthetic graphs, at varying scales. For a graph of 16 million vertices, we observe relative throughputs reaching a million times, relative to the non-incremental algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of processing supergraph queries, that is, given a database containing a set of graphs, find all the graphs in the database of which the query graph is a supergraph. Existing works usually construct an index and performs a filtering-and-verification process, which still requires many subgraph isomorphism testings. There are also significant overheads in both index construction and maintenance. In this paper, we design a graph querying system that achieves both fast indexing and efficient query processing. The index is constructed by a simple but fast method of extracting the commonality among the graphs, which does not involve any costly operation such as graph mining. Our query processing has two key techniques, direct inclusion and filtering. Direct inclusion allows partial query answers to be included directly without candidate verification. Our filtering technique further reduces the candidate set by operating on a much smaller projected database. Experimental results show that our method is significantly more efficient than the existing works in both indexing and query processing, and our index has a low maintenance cost.  相似文献   

Querying graph data is a fundamental problem that witnesses an increasing interest especially for massive graph databases which come as a promising alternative to relational databases for big data modeling. In this paper, we study the problem of subgraph isomorphism search which consists to enumerate the embedding of a query graph in a data graph. The most known solutions of this NP-complete problem are backtracking-based and result in a high computational cost when we deal with massive graph databases. We address this problem and its challenges via graph compression with modular decomposition. In our approach, subgraph isomorphism search is performed on compressed graphs without decompressing them yielding substantial reduction of the search space and consequently a significant saving in processing time as well as in storage space for the graphs. We evaluated our algorithms on nine real-word datasets. The experimental results show that our approach is efficient and scalable.  相似文献   

We present new primal–dual algorithms for several network design problems. The problems considered are the generalized Steiner tree problem (GST), the directed Steiner tree problem (DST), and the set cover problem (SC) which is a subcase of DST. All our problems are NP-hard; so we are interested in their approximation algorithms. First, we give an algorithm for DST which is based on the traditional approach of designing primal–dual approximation algorithms. We show that the approximation factor of the algorithm is k, where k is the number of terminals, in the case when the problem is restricted to quasi-bipartite graphs. We also give pathologically bad examples for the algorithm performance. To overcome the problems exposed by the bad examples, we design a new framework for primal–dual algorithms which can be applied to all of our problems. The main feature of the new approach is that, unlike the traditional primal–dual algorithms, it keeps the dual solution in the interior of the dual feasible region. The new approach allows us to avoid including too many arcs in the solution, and thus achieves a smaller-cost solution. Our computational results show that the interior-point version of the primal–dual most of the time performs better than the original primal–dual method.  相似文献   

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