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In this paper we present a new randomized algorithm for SAT, i.e., the satisfiability problem for Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form. Despite its simplicity, this algorithm performs well on many common benchmarks ranging from graph coloring problems to microprocessor verification. Our algorithm is inspired by two randomized algorithms having the best current worst-case upper bounds ([27,28] and [30,31]). We combine the main ideas of these algorithms in one algorithm. The two approaches we use are local search (which is used in many SAT algorithms, e.g., in GSAT [34] and WalkSAT [33]) and unit clause elimination (which is rarely used in local search algorithms). In this paper we do not prove any theoretical bounds. However, we present encouraging results of computational experiments comparing several implementations of our algorithm with other SAT solvers. We also prove that our algorithm is probabilistically approximately complete (PAC).  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new randomized algorithm for SAT, i.e., the satisfiability problem for Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form. Despite its simplicity, this algorithm performs well on many common benchmarks ranging from graph coloring problems to microprocessor verification. Our algorithm is inspired by two randomized algorithms having the best current worst-case upper bounds ([27,28] and [30,31]). We combine the main ideas of these algorithms in one algorithm. The two approaches we use are local search (which is used in many SAT algorithms, e.g., in GSAT [34] and WalkSAT [33]) and unit clause elimination (which is rarely used in local search algorithms). In this paper we do not prove any theoretical bounds. However, we present encouraging results of computational experiments comparing several implementations of our algorithm with other SAT solvers. We also prove that our algorithm is probabilistically approximately complete (PAC).  相似文献   

基于SAT求解器的故障树最小割集求解算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
故障树分析广泛应用于核工业、航空航天和交通控制等安全攸关领域的安全性分析。求解故障树的最小割集是故障树分析的关键步骤。目前,对于大规模故障树的最小割集的求解方法主要是将故障树转化为二元决策图之后求解,其主要缺点在于算法在时间和空间上的消耗严重依赖良好的变量顺序。为了减少存储资源并加快求解速度,提出了一种基于可满足性问题的故障树最小割集求解算法。首先,将求解故障树最小割集问题转化为求解布尔可满足性问题。然后,利用可满足性问题求解器,通过迭代分析求得最小可满足解集合,即为对应故障树的最小割集。实验表明,本文算法求得的最小割集准确、有效并且在空间和时间上的消耗均要优于传统的基于二元决策图的故障树最小割集求解算法。  相似文献   

Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and maximum satisfiability (Max-SAT) are difficult combinatorial problems that have many important real-world applications. In this paper, we first investigate the configuration landscapes of local minima reached by the WalkSAT local search algorithm, one of the most effective algorithms for SAT. A configuration landscape of a set of local minima is their distribution in terms of quality and structural differences relative to an optimal or a reference solution. Our experimental results show that local minima from WalkSAT form large clusters, and their configuration landscapes constitute big valleys, in that high quality local minima typically share large partial structures with optimal solutions. Inspired by this insight into WalkSAT and the previous research on phase transitions and backbones of combinatorial problems, we propose and develop a novel method that exploits the configuration landscapes of such local minima. The new method, termed as backbone-guided search, can be embedded in a local search algorithm, such as WalkSAT, to improve its performance. Our experimental results show that backbone-guided local search is effective on overconstrained random Max-SAT instances. Moreover, on large problem instances from a SAT library (SATLIB), the backbone guided WalkSAT algorithm finds satisfiable solutions more often than WalkSAT on SAT problem instances, and obtains better solutions than WalkSAT on Max-SAT problem instances, improving solution quality by 20% on average.  相似文献   

The development of successful metaheuristic algorithms such as local search for a difficult problem such as satisfiability testing (SAT) is a challenging task. We investigate an evolutionary approach to automating the discovery of new local search heuristics for SAT. We show that several well-known SAT local search algorithms such as Walksat and Novelty are composite heuristics that are derived from novel combinations of a set of building blocks. Based on this observation, we developed CLASS, a genetic programming system that uses a simple composition operator to automatically discover SAT local search heuristics. New heuristics discovered by CLASS are shown to be competitive with the best Walksat variants, including Novelty+. Evolutionary algorithms have previously been applied to directly evolve a solution for a particular SAT instance. We show that the heuristics discovered by CLASS are also competitive with these previous, direct evolutionary approaches for SAT. We also analyze the local search behavior of the learned heuristics using the depth, mobility, and coverage metrics proposed by Schuurmans and Southey.  相似文献   

GASAT: a genetic local search algorithm for the satisfiability problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents GASAT, a hybrid algorithm for the satisfiability problem (SAT). The main feature of GASAT is that it includes a recombination stage based on a specific crossover and a tabu search stage. We have conducted experiments to evaluate the different components of GASAT and to compare its overall performance with state-of-the-art SAT algorithms. These experiments show that GASAT provides very competitive results.  相似文献   

由一阶逻辑公式得到命题逻辑可满足性问题实例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
黄拙  张健 《软件学报》2005,16(3):327-335
命题逻辑可满足性(SAT)问题是计算机科学中的一个重要问题.近年来许多学者在这方面进行了大量的研究,提出了不少有效的算法.但是,很多实际问题如果用一组一阶逻辑公式来描述,往往更为自然.当解释的论域是一个固定大小的有限集合时,一阶逻辑公式的可满足性问题可以等价地归约为SAT问题.为了利用现有的高效SAT工具,提出了一种从一阶逻辑公式生成SAT问题实例的算法,并描述了一个自动的转换工具,给出了相应的实验结果.还讨论了通过增加公式来消除同构从而减小搜索空间的一些方法.实验表明,这一算法是有效的,可以用来解决数学研究和实际应用中的许多问题.  相似文献   

Accelerating Bounded Model Checking of Safety Properties   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bounded Model Checking based on SAT methods has recently been introduced as a complementary technique to BDD-based Symbolic Model Checking. The basic idea is to search for a counterexample in executions whose length is bounded by some integer k. The BMC problem can be efficiently reduced to a propositional satisfiability problem, and can therefore be solved by SAT methods rather than BDDs. SAT procedures are based on general-purpose heuristics that are designed for any propositional formula. We show how the unique characteristics of BMC invariant formulas (G p) can be exploited for a variety of optimizations in the SAT checking procedure. Experiments with these optimizations on real designs prove their efficiency in many of the hard test cases, in comparison to both the standard SAT procedure and a BDD-based model checker.  相似文献   

随机约束满足问题的相变现象及求解算法是NP-完全问题的研究热点。RB模型(Revised B)是一个非平凡的随机约束满足问题,它具有精确的可满足性相变现象和极易产生难解实例这两个重要特征。针对RB模型这一类具有大值域的随机约束满足问题,提出了两种基于模拟退火的改进算法即RSA(Revised Simulated Annealing Algorithm)和GSA(Genetic-simulated Annealing Algorithm)。将这两种算法用于求解RB模型的随机实例,数值实验结果表明:在进入相变区域时,RSA和GSA算法依然可以有效地找到随机实例的解,并且在求解效率上明显优于随机游走算法。在接近相变阈值点时,由这两种算法得到的最优解仅使得极少数的约束无法满足。  相似文献   

房至一  鞠九滨 《软件学报》1996,7(4):211-216
存储器一致性管理是分布式共享存储器DSM(distributedsharedmemory)系统的一个重要问题.在基于目录和所有者管理一致性的DSM系统中,如何适时地更新所有者链表以及目录中关于所有者的信息是缩短查表时间的关键.本文介绍一种新型的链表更新算法的设计及其性能分析.分析表明,这种方案对维护存储器一致性来说,具有较灵活的适应性并有助于缩短查表时间,提高系统性能.该算法也可适用于树形层次结构的一致性管理方案.  相似文献   

求解SAT问题的分级重排搜索算法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘涛  李国杰 《软件学报》1996,7(4):201-210
局部搜索法在SAT问题上的成功运用已引起越来越广泛的重视,然而,它在面对不可满足问题例时的局限性不能不被考虑.分级重排搜索算法MSRA(multi-stagesearchrearrange-mentalgorithm)正是为克服局部搜索法的不完备性而提出的,准确地讲,它是几种算法在思想上的集成,但为明确起见,把其最典型的分级重排过程作为名称.分级重排搜索算法在求解SAT问题时,能表现出优于单一求解策略(如局部搜索法或回溯算法)的明显特性.由于可根据约束条件的强弱来估计SAT问题例的可满足性,因此能够以此来确定更有效的求解策略.  相似文献   

求解SAT问题的拟人退火算法   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
该文利用一个简单的变换,将可满足性(SAT)问题转换为一个求相应目标函数最小值的优化问题,提出了一种用于跳出局部陷阱的拟人策略,基于模拟退火算法和拟人策略,为SAT问题的高效近注解得出了拟人退火算法(PA),该方法不仅具有模拟退火算法的全局收敛性质,而且具有一定的并行性,继承性。数值实验表明,对于本文随机产生的测试问题例,采用拟人策略的模拟退火算法的结果优于局部搜索算法,模拟退火算法以及近来国际上流行的WALKSAT算法,因此拟人退火算法是可行的和有效的。  相似文献   

SAT问题中局部搜索法的改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
局部搜索方法在求解SAT问题的高效率使其成为一研究热点.提出用初始概率的方法对局部搜索算法中变量的初始随机指派进行适当的约束.使在局部搜索的开始阶段,可满足的子句数大大增加,减少了翻转的次数,加快了求解的速度.用该方法对目前的一些重要的SAT问题的局部搜索算法(如WSAT,TSAT,NSAT,SDF等)进行改进,通过对不同规模的随机3-SAT问题的实例和一些不同规模的结构性SAT问题的实例,以及利用相变现象构造的难解SAT实例测试表明,改进后的这些局部搜索算法的求解效率有了很大的提高.该方法对其他局部搜索法的改进具有参考价值。  相似文献   

SAT-solvers have turned into essential tools in many areas of applied logic like, for example, hardware verification or satisfiability checking modulo theories. However, although recent implementations are able to solve problems with hundreds of thousands of variables and millions of clauses, much smaller instances remain unsolved. What makes a particular instance hard or easy is at most partially understood – and is often attributed to the instance’s internal structure. By converting SAT instances into graphs and applying established graph layout techniques, this internal structure can be visualized and thus serve as the basis of subsequent analysis. Moreover, by providing tools that animate the structure during the run of a SAT algorithm, dynamic changes of the problem instance become observable. Thus, we expect both to gain new insights into the hardness of the SAT problem and to help in teaching SAT algorithms.  相似文献   

Model checkers verify properties of safety- or business-critical systems. The main idea behind model checking is to convert a design's verification into a problem of checking key design properties expressed as a set of temporal logic formulas. The graph representing the design's state space then becomes the basis for testing these formulas' satisfiability (SAT). This divide-and-conquer approach provides an overall test for design correctness. We describe a method for checking safety properties using sequential SAT. SSAT can efficiently prove true properties by harnessing the power of bounded model checking (BMC) using SAT, but without the need for a pre-computed correctness threshold. Using a standard set of benchmarks, we conducted experiments to compare the runtime behavior of SSAT with BMC and binary decision diagrams (BDDs).  相似文献   

布尔可满足性被深入研究并广泛应用于电子设计自动化等领域。该文提出了一种基于布尔可满足性的组合电路ATPG改进算法。在采用当前最新布尔可满足性求解程序加速策略的基础上,比如冲突驱动训练、冲突导向回跳和重启动技术等,引入电路结构信息来实现基于结构的分支决策。通过新增的电路结构信息层,布尔可满足性求解程序只需稍加修改,就能利用和及时更新此信息。最后给出的实验结果表明了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

包冬庆  葛宁  翟树茂  张莉 《软件学报》2022,33(8):2839-2850
布尔可满足性求解能够验证的问题规模通常受限, 因此, 如何高精度地预测布尔可满足性问题的可满足性是一个重要研究问题, 也是一项具有挑战性的工作.相关研究工作一般使用由文字节点和子句节点组成的图来表示布尔可满足性问题的结构, 但是这种表征方法缺少了变量、子句之间的重要关系信息.在我们的方法中, 通过将原始布尔可满足性问题实例表征为多关系异构图的方式来表达变量和句子之间的关系, 并设计使用消息传递关系网络模型来捕获实例的关系信息, 提取了更多的结构特征.结果表明, 该模型在预测精度、泛化能力和资源需求等方面均优于现有模型, 对所选数据集的平均预测精度为81%.该模型在小规模问题(变量数为100)上训练, 在大规模数据集上预测的平均预测精度达到了80.8%.同时, 该模型对随机生成的非均匀随机问题的预测精度达到99%, 这意味着它学习了预测可满足性的重要特征.此外, 模型预测所花费的时间随着问题规模的增大也只是呈线性增长. 总结而言, 本文基于关系消息传递网络提出了一个预测精度更高, 泛化能力更好的布尔可满足性预测方法.  相似文献   

黄金贵  王胜春 《软件学报》2018,29(12):3595-3603
布尔可满足性问题(SAT)是指对于给定的布尔公式,是否存在一个可满足的真值指派.这是第1个被证明的NP完全问题,一般认为不存在多项式时间算法,除非P=NP.学者们大都研究了子句长度不超过k的SAT问题(k-SAT),从全局搜索到局部搜索,给出了大量的相对有效算法,包括随机算法和确定算法.目前,最好算法的时间复杂度不超过O((2-2/kn),当k=3时,最好算法时间复杂度为O(1.308n).而对于更一般的与子句长度k无关的SAT问题,很少有文献涉及.引入了一类可分离SAT问题,即3-正则可分离可满足性问题(3-RSSAT),证明了3-RSSAT是NP完全问题,给出了一般SAT问题3-正则可分离性的O(1.890n)判定算法.然后,利用矩阵相乘算法的研究成果,给出了3-RSSAT问题的O(1.890n)精确算法,该算法与子句长度无关.  相似文献   

The efficiency of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers is dependent on the capability of theory reasoners to provide small conflict sets, i.e. small unsatisfiable subsets from unsatisfiable sets of literals. Decision procedures for uninterpreted symbols (i.e. congruence closure algorithms) date back from the very early days of SMT. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, the complexity of generating smallest conflict sets for sets of literals with uninterpreted symbols and equalities had not yet been determined, although the corresponding decision problem was believed to be NP-complete. We provide here an NP-completeness proof, using a simple reduction from SAT.  相似文献   

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