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A property of Hurwitz polynomials is related with the Hadamard product. Garloff and Wagner proved that Hadamard products of Hurwitz polynomials are Hurwitz polynomials, and Garloff and Shrinivasan shown that there are Hurwitz polynomials of degree 4 which do not have a Hadamard factorization into two Hurwitz polynomials of the same degree 4. In this paper, we give necessary conditions for an even-degree Hurwitz polynomial to have a Hadamard factorization into two even-degree Hurwitz polynomials; such conditions are given in terms of the coefficients of the given polynomial alone. Furthermore, we show that if an odd-degree Hurwitz polynomial has a Hadamard factorization then a system of nonlinear inequalities has at least one solution.  相似文献   

Network realzability theory provides the basis for a unified approach to the stability of a polynomial or a family of polynomials. In this paper conditions are given, in terms of certain decompositions of a given polynomial, that are necessary and sufficient for the given polynomial to be Hurwitz. These conditions facilitate the construction of stability domains for a family of polynomials through the use of linear inequalities. This approach provides a simple interpretation of recent results for polynomials with real coefficients and also leads to the formulation of corresponding results for the case of polynomials with complex coefficients.  相似文献   

Based on results of A.V. Lipatov and N.I. Sokolov (1979) simple sufficient conditions for the robust stability of both (strictly) Hurwitz and Schur interval polynomials are obtained. Furthermore, sufficient conditions are derived for robustness of (strictly) Hurwitz and Schur polynomials whose coefficients of linear functions of a single parameter. Several examples are discussed illustrating the derived results  相似文献   

A discrete version of Foster's reactance theorem is developed and, subsequently, used to delineate necessary and sufficient conditions for a given polynomial with complex or real coefficients to be of the Schur type. These conditions, obtained from the decomposition of a polynomial into its circularly symmetric and anti-circularly symmetric components, facilitate the construction of stability domains for a family of polynomials through the use of linear inequalities. These results provide the complete discrete counterpart of recent results for a family of polynomials which are required to be tested for the Hurwitz property.  相似文献   

Sufficient conditions are developed for root clustering of a polynomial in a transformable region when each of the polynomial coefficients takes an arbitrary but fixed value within a specified closed interval. The conditions are in terms of the Kronecker products or the bialternate products. The sufficient conditions are then applied to different subregions in the complex plane. The work of Barmish (1984) on the invariance of the strict Hurwitz property for interval polynomials with perturbed coefficients is extended to root clustering in a region.  相似文献   

Kharitonov has shown that a family of interval polynomials is Hurwitz if and only if the vertex polynomials are Hurwitz. A necessary and sufficient condition to check the existence of Kharitonov-like theorems for other regions of interest in the complex plane is presented.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTheproblemofestimatingtheparametersofmultiplesinusoidsinnoisehasre-ceivedconsiderableattentioninthepastthirtyyears,andalotofalgorithmshavebeenestablishedtosolvetheproblem.Amongallofthealgorithms,themaximumlikelihood(ML)estimatorisaprominentone[1],andseveralalgorithms,suchasANP[2]andIMP[3,4]arerelatedtoML.ThedrawbackoftheMLestimatorisitshighcomputationalcomplexity,sothealternatingprojection(AP)algorithm[5]wasdevelopedtomakeitsrealtimerealizationpossible.Butthefundamentaldefic…  相似文献   

A condition proven in the above paper to be a necessary condition for Hurwitz polynomials is not new. It is part of a necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial to be Hurwitz.  相似文献   

An extension to a well-known theorem due to Kharitonov is presented, Kharitonov's theorem gives a necessary and sufficient condition for all polynomials in a given family to be Hurwitz stable. In Kharitonov's theorem, the family of polynomials considered is obtained by allowing each of the polynomial coefficients to vary independently within an interval. Kharitonov's theorem shows that stability of this family of polynomials can be determined by looking at the stability of four specially constructed vertex polynomials. Kharitonov's theorem is extended to allow for more general families of polynomials and to allow a given margin of stability to be guaranteed for the family of polynomials  相似文献   

In his well-known theorem, V. L. Kharitonov established that Hurwitz stability of a set f1 of interval polynomials with complex coefficients (polynomials where each coefficient varies in an arbitrary but prescribed rectangle of the complex plane) is equivalent to the Hurwitz stability of only eight polynomials in this set. In this paper we consider an alternative but equally meaningful model of uncertainty by introducing a set fD of disc polynomials, characterized by the fact that each coefficient of a typical element P(s) in fD can be any complex number in an arbitrary but fixed disc of the complex plane. Our result shows that the entire set is Hurwitz stable if and only if the ‘center’ polynomial is stable, and the H -norms of two specific stable rational functions are less than one. Our result can be readily extended to deal with the Schur stability problem and the resulting condition is equally simple.  相似文献   

In this note, it is shown how the maximum interval, centered around each of the coefficients of a prescribed fourth-degree strictly Hurwitz polynomial, may be determined so that the strictly Hurwitz property remains invariant when each coefficient might be perturbed to any arbitrary value within its permissible interval.  相似文献   

Several sufficient conditions for the Hurwitz property of polynomials are derived by combining the existing sufficient criteria for the Schur property with bilinear mapping. The conditions obtained are linear or piecewise linear inequalities with respect to the polynomial coefficients. Making the most of this feature, the results are applied to the Hurwitz stability test for a polytope of polynomials. It turns out that checking the sufficient conditions at every generating extreme polynomial suffices to guarantee the stability of any member of the polytope, yielding thus extreme point results on the Hurwitz stability of the polytope. This brings about considerable computational economy in such a test as a preliminary check before going to the exact method, the edge theorem and stability test of segment polynomials.  相似文献   

A state feedback is proposed to analyse the stability of a matrix polynomial in closed loop. First, it is shown that a matrix polynomial is stable if and only if a state space realisation of a ladder form of certain transfer matrix is stable. Following the ideas of the Routh–Hurwitz stability procedure for scalar polynomials, certain continued-fraction expansions of polynomial matrices are carrying out by unimodular matrices to achieve the Euclid’s division algorithm which leads to an extension of the well-known Routh–Hurwitz stability criteria but this time in terms of matrix coefficients. After that, stability of the closed-loop matrix polynomial is guaranteed based on a Corollary of a Lyapunov Theorem. The sufficient stability conditions are: (i) The matrices of one column of the presented array must be symmetric and positive definite and (ii) the matrices of the cascade realisation must satisfy a commutative condition. These stability conditions are also necessary for matrix polynomial of second order. The results are illustrated through examples.  相似文献   

The theorem of Kharitonov on the Hurwitz property of interval families of polynomials cannot be extended, in genera, to obtain sufficient conditions for the stability of families of characteristic polynomials of discrete-time systems. Necessary and sufficient conditions for this stability problem are given. Such conditions naturally give rise to a computationally efficient stability test which requires the solution of a one-parameter optimization problem and which can be considered as a counterpart to the Kharitonov test for continuous-time systems. At the same time, the method used to derive the stability conditions provides a procedure for solving another stability robustness problem, i.e. the estimation of the largest domain of stability with a rectangular box shape around given nominal values of the polynomial coefficients  相似文献   

It is proved in this paper that all Hurwitz polynomials of order not less than n form two simply connected Borel cones in the polynomial parameter space. Based on this result, edge theorems for Hurwitz stability of general polyhedrons of polynomials and boundary theorems for Hurwitz stability of compact sets of polynomials are obtained. Both cases of families of polynomials with dependent and independent coefficients are considered. Different from the previous ones, our edge theorems and boundary theorems are applicable to both monic and nonmonic polynomial families and do not require the convexity or the connectivity of the set of polynomials. Moreover, our boundary theorem for families of polynomials with dependent coefficients does not require the coefficient dependency relation to be affine  相似文献   

C.B. Soh and C.S. Berger (1988) derived a sufficient condition for a family of interval polynomials to have a damping ratio of φ using Kharitonov's theorem for complex polynomials. This paper points out that the transformations used by Soh and Berger to obtain the sufficient conditions also guarantee a simplification of Kharitonov's theorem for complex polynomials. That is, the number of required polynomials to be Hurwitz is half the number specified by Soh and Berger  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a conic approach to the stability theory of uncertain polynomials. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for a conic setp 0+K of polynomials to be Hurwitz stable (K is a convex cone of polynomials of degree n and degp 0=n). As analytical tools we derive an edge theorem and Rantzer-type conditions for marginal stability (semistability). The results are applied to prove an extremal-ray result for conic sets whose cone of directions is given by an interval polynomial.The second author would like to thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for its support during the writing of this paper.  相似文献   

Gives an elementary proof of Kharitonov's theorem using simple complex plane geometry without invoking the Hermite-Bieler theorem. Kharitonov's theorem is a stability result for classes of polynomials defined by letting each coefficient vary independently in an arbitrary interval. The result states that the whole class is Hurwitz if and only if four special, well-defined polynomials are Hurwitz. The paper also gives elementary proofs of two previously known extensions: for polynomials of degree less than six, the requirement is reduced to fewer than four polynomials; and the theorem is generalized to polynomials with complex coefficients  相似文献   

A result is given that enables one to determine the interval within which the coefficients of a real bivariate polynomial might be allowed to vary, centered around their respective nominal values, so that the strict Hurwitz property remains invariant. These results are suitable for generalization to multivariate polynomials with complex coefficients. Applications can be found in branches of network and control theory concerned with robust stability analysis. Such analysis should be of interest because of the established role of multivariate realizability theory in systems research and also because of the increasing importance that is being attached to the design of multidimensional feedback control systems  相似文献   

The stability test of polynomials whose coefficients depend multilinearly on interval parameters is considered. The authors describe and compare four brute-force solution approaches. These are eigenvalue calculation, zero exclusion from a specified value set, algebraic tests of real and complex Hurwitz roots, and the parameter space method. They are applied to a simple example with two parameters and third-order polynomial. An interesting feature of the example is that it can have an isolated unstable point. The example may be useful as a benchmark for future approaches to the multilinear problem. All four methods are shown to be feasible for the simple example, but they require effort  相似文献   

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