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以上海超算中心目前急需解决的异构网格中间件之间的互操作问题为研究背景,深入研究了HPCProfile标准及实现的关键技术,设计和实现了基于HPC Profile标准的网格批作业服务,并将此服务集成到各网格中间件上,使之支持多种类型的作业调度器,并在此基础上实现了网格中间件之间的批作业服务互操作,提升现有网格应用系统的可扩展性和网格中间件的互操作性。  相似文献   

OSEware:一个支持面向计算互操作性的中间件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
互操作性是计算机开放系统的必具特特征之一,是技术界至尚未完美地解决的公开问题。开放系统中互操作性可以划分为面向计算互操作性和面向信息互操作性,本文将介绍的是,作者设计并实现的一个用于支持面向计算的可互操作性的应用开发与应用运行环境-中间件OSEware。  相似文献   

通过对网上报税安全问题的分析,明确指出随着《电子签名法》的实施,采用PKI机制的网上报税电子数据的法律地位得到解决后,PKI的互操作性问题是影响当前网上报税安全的瓶颈。随后对网上报税应用与多个PKI互操作问题进行详细分析,提出可以采用安全中间件架构(事务传输层)来解决网上报税中PKI互操作问题。  相似文献   

HLA对象模型的概念,描述与建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱晓刚  黄柯棣 《计算机仿真》1998,15(1):34-37,13
美国国防部提出HLA的目的在于提高仿真应用的互操作性和可重用性。达到这一目的的关键技术之一是建立HLA的对象模型。本文从基本术语的含义,层次结构,面向对象的特点基本概念和对互操作与重用的支持等方面对HLA OM进行了详细的分析,并介绍了描述HLAOM的对象模型样板OMT的组成和构造OM的基本过程。  相似文献   

在异质分布式计算环境中必须要解决互操作性问题:本文介绍了支持分布系统互操作的标准:OSF的DCE和OMG的CORBA。并就一个实例给出了基于CORBA的分布式对象应用的解决方案。  相似文献   

可互操作数据库平台的实现途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何实现数据库互操作性,目前正在从两个方面进行努力:一是发展标准,即建立一个统一的数据库规范;二是承认数据库之间存在差异这一现实,构造可互操作数据库平台。本文将从构造可互操作数据库平台的角度,对数据库互操作性的实现进行较全面的探讨。  相似文献   

针对当前网格中间件中信息服务系统的差异性和不可互操作性,提出了一种基于插件和虚拟层的网格信息服务互操作策略。该策略可以屏蔽底层网格中间件信息服务部件的异构性,为终端用户和作业调度模块提供统一的服务访问接口。通过在CSGrid网格互操作项目中的成功应用,该策略体现了以下特点:可在互操作的同时,保证各网格系统的独立性;只需开发一些插件就可扩展到更多的网格平台,具有良好的可扩展性;能够提供一定的可靠性保证和服务质量保证。  相似文献   

开放的异种对象标识及绑定机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着各种分布对象计算系统的广泛使用,异构对象系统之间的互操作已成为必要。其中,COM/CORBA互操作是最为迫切的,很多CORBA产品遵照OMG组织的COM/COBA互操作规范提供了互操作功能。然而规范中异种对象的标识及绑定机制存在问题,影响了应用程序的可移植性和互操作系统之间的互操作性。文中将互操作中异种对象的标识和绑定机制形式化地描述为异种对象标识空间的映射,在此基础上归纳出3种对象标识方法和  相似文献   

GIS互操作性初探   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
互操作性是GIS发展的趋势,它实现窨数据和系统操作的共享。实现互操作性是GIS用户的要求,万维网的发展为GIS互操作性提供了技术基础。分布式空间数据模型和GIS部件化是互操作笥GIS的特征,Open GIS政致力于互操作性GIS的空间标准。  相似文献   

移动Agent互操作性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动agent互操作的问题阻碍了移动agent系统的广泛应用,本文主要阐述如何解决该问题,通过深入分析与移动agent系统互操作性有关的CORBA、MASIF和FIPA规范,系统地提出了移动agent技术与三者结合实现互操作性的可能性和必然性,并且分析了互操作的四个层次,最后给出了实现该互操作性移动agent平台的方法并与现有系统进行了比较.  相似文献   

In recent years, new services on the Internet have enabled global cooperation; in particular, the Web has enabled new distributed simulation technology. Much research has been devoted to develop middleware interoperability methods on the Web. However, most existing methods have constraints in the structural rules that are placed on the design of middleware interoperability methods. For example, such constraints make it difficult to enhance interoperability via decoupling systems implementations and design, which is essential in open computing networks, as in the case of the Web. In order to achieve such objectives we present the RISE (RESTful Interoperability Simulation Environment) middleware. This all-purpose WS-based distributed simulation middleware decouples design and implementation while allowing composition scalability and dynamicity. Furthermore, it supports experiment-oriented frameworks and has the ability to put Web 2.0 services in the simulation loop. RISE is the first existing middleware to achieve such objectives, and the first to employ RESTful Web-services. We present the foundations for meeting the above objectives, and the distinct characteristics of RISE from existing Web-based approaches.  相似文献   

In order to ensure interoperability between middleware and authorization infrastructures used in the Open Science Grid (OSG) and the Enabling Grids for E-science (EGEE) projects, an Authorization Interoperability activity was initiated in 2006. The interoperability goal was met in two phases: firstly, agreeing on a common authorization query interface and protocol with an associated profile that ensures standardized use of attributes and obligations; and secondly implementing, testing, and deploying on OSG and EGEE, middleware that supports the interoperability protocol and profile. The activity has involved people from OSG, EGEE, the Globus Toolkit project, and the Condor project. This paper presents a summary of the agreed-upon protocol, profile and the software components involved.  相似文献   

With the expansion of the Web, the desire toward global cooperation in the distributed simulation technology has also been on the rise. However, since current distributed simulation interoperability methods are coupled with system implementations, they place constraints on enhancing interoperability and synchronization algorithms. To enhance simulation interoperability on the Web, we implemented the RISE (RESTful Interoperability Simulation Environment) middleware, the first existing simulation middleware to be based on RESTful Web-services (WS). RISE is a general middleware that serves as a container to hold different simulation environments without being specific to a certain environment. RISE can hold heterogeneous simulations, and it exposes them as services via the Web. One of such services is called Distributed CD++ (DCD++) simulation system, an extension of the CD++ core engine that allows executing DEVS and Cell-DEVS models. Here, we introduce a proof-of-concept design and implementation of DCD++ using the distributed simulation using the RISE environment. We show how the RESTful WS interoperability style in RISE has improved the design, implementation and the performance of the DCD++ simulator. We also discuss a substantial performance improvement of the implementation of the RISE-based DCD++ presented here, showing many advantages of the RESTful WS presented here: improved interoperability, a seamless method to be connected into a cloud computing environment, and performance improvement when compared to our SOAP-based DCD++ in a similar testing environment.  相似文献   

Chester  T.M. 《IT Professional》2001,3(5):26-34
The current rage for middleware has provided tremendous opportunities for those who love to build complex distributed software applications. Interoperability is no longer a fringe movement; it's become mainstream. The big three-Microsoft, IBM, and Sun Microsystems-are now investing considerable resources into interoperability research. I tackle the abstract concept of software interoperability and how the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) can assist in integrating business applications. Together with the concept of Web services, these standards could provide an alternative to what organizations do today: rely on the batch export of data to integrate software applications  相似文献   

Interoperability frameworks present a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a method of dealing with interoperability issues in the electronic business (e-business) context. Achieving interoperability in the e-business generates numerous benefits. Thus, interoperability frameworks are the main component of e-business activities. This paper describes the existing interoperability frameworks for e-business, and performs a comparative analysis among their findings to determine the similarities and differences in their philosophy and implementation. This analysis yields a set of recommendations for any party that is open to the idea of creating or improving an E-business Interoperability Framework.  相似文献   

协议测试中的互操作性测试是保证不同厂商通信设备之间能够正确实施互操作的主要工程测试方法。针对互操作性测试过程中缺乏形式化测试框架和测试方法指导而导致无法保证测试可靠性的问题,在介绍ETSI定义的通用互操作性测试模型基础上,提出一个基于互操作性状态机的互操作性测试方法。通过一个面向IPsec VPN的互操作性测试实例表明该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

DRM系统协作的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
薛梅  顾海  顾君忠 《计算机应用》2005,25(5):1148-1150,1157
分析了数字版权管理(DRM)系统产生的原因、研究现状,以及DRM系统的基本结构。针对现有DRM系统之间的协作问题,文中分析了格式互用、连通互用、配置驱动互用三种解决方法及其优缺点并提出使用原则。最后,提出了实现连通协作方法的框架,并以多媒体分发应用为例,用实验验证此框架支持DRM系统间协作的特性。  相似文献   

信息系统的互操作对于军事综合电子信息系统至关重要,美军制定的信息系统互操作性的等级(USI)模型分为隔离级、连接级、功能级、领域级、企业级,在每一个等级中又分为若干子级,以反映较小的互操作性能变化。LISI等级属性分成四类:规程(P)、应用(A)、基础设施(I)和数据(D),总称为PAID。一个完整的综合电子信息系统互操作性评估系统包括三个大的组成部分:互操作性评估基础与标准、互操作性评估工具、互操作性评估产品。该文还分析了我军综合电子信息系统对美国的LISI如何借鉴和应用,最后进行了小结。  相似文献   

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