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后序遍历二叉树非递归算法的推导及形式化证明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
开发涉及非线性数据结构算法程序的循环不变式一直是形式化方法的难点。本文使用PAR方法开发循环不变式的新策略,对后序遍历二叉树问题循环不变式的开发使用递归定义技术,得到了该问题循环不变式的简单精确的表达形式,简化了算法程序的推导和证明过程;利用PAR平台提供的抽象程序设计语言Ap1a中的数据抽象机制,使所得的算法程序结构简洁清晰且易于证明;最后,使用Dijkstra-Gries标准程序证明法形式证明了该问题的核心算法程序(只有4行代码),并使用PAR平台将Apla程序转换成正确的C++代码。实例的成功进一步说明PAR方法提供的循环不变式的开发技术对推导和证明非线性数据结构算法程序的有效性。  相似文献   

形式化推导是在程序正确性证明理论下所进行的程序开发,最终得到完全正确的算法程序。针对序列折半划分问题,现有的形式化推导方法将推导与证明交替进行,推导过程繁琐且大多无法直接获得可执行程序。为解决上述问题,提出了一种新的序列折半划分问题的形式化推导方法。该方法基于分划递推的核心思想,应用规约变换技术对问题规约进行变换并严格保证一致性,使得在推导过程中无需交替证明,进而导出递推关系式并得到高可靠性抽象算法程序Apla,最终通过转换工具自动生成可执行程序。实现了从程序规约到具体可执行程序的完整程序求精过程。以2个序列算法为例,验证了该方法的有效性和可行性,对相关问题的形式化推导具有指导意义。  相似文献   

介绍了Dijkstra的形式化推导方法的主要思想、步骤及要点。该方法主张程序开发和程序证明同时进行,先确定好描述程序功能的断言,再通过形式化方法推导出正确的程序。选择具有代表性的循环结构的实例进行推导证明,并对循环结构的形式化推导进行阐述说明。  相似文献   

算法是计算机科学的核心,算法设计对于开发正确、高效的程序至关重要。基于递推技术的算法设计方法通过形式化推导保证算法的可靠性,同时能较好地提高算法程序的效率。本文通过两个实例,详细介绍基于递推技术的算法设计方法形式化推导算法程序的过程。  相似文献   

PAR方法基于分划与递推、量词变换规则、循环不变式开发新策略和软件转换工具,实现了复杂算法问题的形式化开发.采用PAR方法形式化推导几个典型的算法问题.通过量词变换规则对程序规约进行形式化推导,可以得到具有数学引用透明性、易于形式化证明的求解算法问题的递推关系;并在此基础上,自然地导出循环不变式.在得到简短、易于理解、高可靠性的Apla算法程序之后,通过转换工具自动生成Java,C 等可执行程序.  相似文献   

软件自动化是提高软件生产率的关键途径之一,而类比程序设计是软件自动化的一条重要途径,它的主要思想是系统地将求解一个问题的程序转化/修改为求解另一个相似但不等同的问题程序。为达到此目标,现在的共识是充分利用从规格说明到程序的推导,即所谓推导类比方法。当前,程序推导的形式化表示成为该领域研究的焦点。在定理证明领域,证明过程的表示早在1968年 de Bruijn 的工作中得到了充分重视。在他所主持的 AUTOMATH 项目中,数学定理证明过程可用一种带类型λ演算的项  相似文献   

算法设计是一项创造性工作,传统的设计与描述方法难以保证算法的正确性.在PAR方法中通过定义具有数学引用透明性的算法描述语言Radl,可实现对问题规约进行形式化推导得到用递推关系描述的算法.Radl算法的核心就是递推关系组,从而易于进行形式化推导和证明.通过深入剖析Radl算法特性,揭示Radl算法与抽象顺序程序Apla(abstract programming language)间本质关系,定义基于Radl语法产生式的Apla程序生成规则,实现了Apla程序自动生成系统,并对其可靠性进行系统研究,着重形式化验证了实现系统的核心算法.使用PAR方法开发的算法是正确的,采用形式化证明的生成系统具有可靠性保证,从而保证了算法从设计到实现的高可靠性,并通过实现自动化开发工具提高了程序的开发效率.  相似文献   

循环不变式开发新策略及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
循环不变式体现了循环程序的本质特征,在算法程序的开发、证明和推导中具有十分重要的作用。而传统的循环不变式开发策略并没有很好地解决循环不变式开发难的问题。文章在阐述现有策略局限性的基础上,详细阐述了刻画循环不变式本质特征的新定义及基于此定义的开发循环不变式的新策略,并通过三个典型的实例,对开发新策略的具体应用作了比较深入的探索。  相似文献   

高可靠性软件是当今软件开发的热点问题。确保算法程序逻辑结构正确最理想的途径是算法程序的形式化推导和证明,而循环不变式是算法程序形式推导和证明的关键。循环不变式的开发一直是算法程序设计领域中最具挑战性、最富有创造性、也是最困难的问题之一。本文研究了众多现有循环不变式开发方法中较为典型的几种方法,指出了它们的基本原理、技术难点、特点及效果,旨在探寻循环不变式本质特征,从而为研究更简单、有效的生成方法提出指导。  相似文献   

陈意云  郭青 《计算机学报》1990,13(8):631-636
程序设计语言的形式规格说明是程序设计语言标准化、编译器自动生成和程序正确性证明的基础。良好的形式规格说明对语言的设计者、实现者和使用者都是有益的。 1.程序设计语言的代数规格说明方法 代数规格说明方法起源于ADJ小组,他们把语言的语法作为初始代数T,语义论域则是同样基调(signature)上的代数A,使得语言的语义由唯一同态f:T→A自动给  相似文献   

A calculus of refinements for program derivations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A calculus of program refinements is described, to be used as a tool for the step-by-step derivation of correct programs. A derivation step is considered correct if the new program preserves the total correctness of the old program. This requirement is expressed as a relation of (correct) refinement between nondeterministic program statements. The properties of this relation are studied in detail. The usual sequential statement constructors are shown to be monotone with respect to this relation and it is shown how refinement between statements can be reduced to a proof of total correctness of the refining statement. A special emphasis is put on the correctness of replacement steps, where some component of a program is replaced by another component. A method by which assertions can be added to statements to justify replacements in specific contexts is developed. The paper extends the weakest precondition technique of Dijkstra to proving correctness of larger program derivation steps, thus providing a unified framework for the axiomatic, the stepwise refinement and the transformational approach to program construction and verification.  相似文献   

The inductive assertion method is generalized to permit formal, machine-verifiable proofs of correctness for multiprocess programs. Individual processes are represented by ordinary flowcharts, and no special synchronization mechanisms are assumed, so the method can be applied to a large class of multiprocess programs. A correctness proof can be designed together with the program by a hierarchical process of stepwise refinement, making the method practical for larger programs. The resulting proofs tend to be natural formalizations of the informal proofs that are now used.  相似文献   

It is shown that a combination of specification and program refinement may be applied to deriving efficient concurrent rule-based programs. Specification refinement is used to generate an initial rule-based program that is refined into a program which is highly concurrent and efficient. This program derivation strategy is divided into two major tasks. The first task relies on specification refinement. Techniques similar to those employed in the derivation of UNITY programs are used to produce a correct rule-based program having a static knowledge base. The second task involves program refinement and is specific to the development of concurrent rule-based programs. It relies heavily on the availability of a computational model, such as Swarm, that has the ability to dynamically restructure the knowledge base. The ways in which a Swarm program can be translated to OPS5 specifically, given some restrictions, while maintaining the correctness criteria are discussed  相似文献   

王昌晶  薛锦云 《软件学报》2013,24(4):715-729
在形式规格说明的获取任务中,一个重要问题是验证获取得到的形式规格说明的正确性.即给定一个问题需求P,往往可以获取多种不同形式的规格说明,如何验证这些不同形式的规格说明均正确?问题需求的非(半)形式化与形式规格说明的形式化两者之间差异的本性,使得该问题成为软件需求工程中一个具有挑战性的问题.提出一种基于形式化推导的方法来验证同一问题不同形式规格说明的相对正确性,通过证明不同形式规格说明与问题需求某个最为直截明了的形式规格说明Si等价来实现,而Si使用PAR方法和PAR平台转换为可执行程序,通过测试已经得到确认.为了支持该方法,进一步提出了扩展的逻辑系统和辅助证明算法.使用Radl语言作为形式规格说明语言,通过排序搜索、组合优化领域的两个典型实例对该方法进行了详细的阐述.实际使用效果表明,该方法不仅能够有效地验证Radl形式规格说明的正确性,还具备良好的可扩充性.该方法在规格说明的正确性验证、算法优化、程序等价性证明等研究领域具有潜在的理论意义与应用价值.  相似文献   

We present a Theory of Specifications based on Martin-Löf's type theory, with rules for simultaneously constructing programs and their correctness proofs. The theory contains types for representing specifications whose corresponding notion of implementation is that of a pair formed by a program and a correctness proof. The rules of the theory are such that in implementations the program parts appear mixed together with the proof parts. A confluent and normalizing computational relation performs the task of separating programs from proofs. As a consequence, every implementation computes to a pair composed of a program and a proof of its correctness, and so the program extraction procedure is immediate.  相似文献   

Deductive verification and synthesis of binary addition programs are carried out on the base of the rules of proving the correctness for statements of the predicate programming language P. The paper presents key fragments of verification and synthesis of the programs for the Ripple carry, Carry look-ahead and Ling adders. The correctness conditions of the programs were translated into the specification language of the PVS verification system. The proof is found to be a tedious procedure as compared with the ordinary programming. However, for program synthesis, the development of theories and proofs on PVS are easier and faster than for program verification.  相似文献   

A key index of the performance of a rule based program used in real time monitoring and control is its response time, defined by the longest program execution time before a fixed point of the program is reached from a start state. Previous work in computing the response time bounds for rule based programs effectively assumes that all rules take the same amount of firing time. It is also assumed that if two rules are enabled, then either one of them may be scheduled first for firing. These assumptions can result in loose bounds, especially in the case programmers choose to impose a priority structure on the set of rules. We remove the uniform firing cost assumption and discuss how to get tighter bounds by taking rule priority information into account. We show that the rule suppression relation we previously introduced can be extended to incorporate rule priority information. A bound derivation algorithm for programs whose potential trigger relations satisfy an acyclicity condition is presented, followed by its correctness proof and an analysis example  相似文献   

We give a correctness proof of the sliding-window protocol. Both safety and liveness properties are addressed. We show how faulty channels can be represented as nondeterministic programs. The correctness proof is given as a sequence of correctness-preserving transformations of a sequential program that satisfies the original specification, with the exception that it does not have any faulty channels. We work as long as possible with a sequential program, although the transformation steps are guided by the aim of going to a distributed program. The final transformation steps consist in distributing the actions of the sequential program over a number of processes.  相似文献   

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