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基于语义单元表示树剪枝的高速多语言机器翻译   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高小宇  高庆狮  胡玥  李莉 《软件学报》2005,16(11):1909-1919
提出一种基于语义单元表示树剪枝的高速多语言机器翻译方法.此方法是一种将汉语翻译到其他语种不需要先进行汉语切分的多语言机器翻译方法.而且翻译时间为O(L)而不是O(LN),其中,L是文本的长度,N是语义单元库中语义单元的数量,一般有数十万或者数百万.  相似文献   

自然语言合理句子的生成系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于语法规则的使用Chomsky上下文无关文法产生的句子虽合乎语法规则但并不一定合乎语义常理.文中提出一种可以产生合理的自然语言句子的产生系统{TI,N,BI,CI,S,FI,PI},其中,I是指定的自然语言.该系统建立在语义语言理论上,使用Chomsky短语文法.系统的关键技术是引入了语义单元技术、类型参量,类型参量的作用不仅体现在语义单元中而且还体现在句树、事物树和函数集中.语义单元和类型参量共同作用能有效的对产生的句子进行语义约束使得生成的句子合理.  相似文献   

通用的自然语言词法分析机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文提出了一种通用的自然语言词法分析技术,其处理机构不仅可以独立于具体自然语言,而且又具有适合于未来智能计算机直接处理的规则形式和实现过程.文中还详细讨论了独立于自然语言的词法分析技术,以及我们在IMT/EC系统中实现的词法分析机制的工作原理.  相似文献   

本首先阐明了汉语分析中所要面对的问题,并描述了如何建立搭配词典以表达个性的语现象及处理规则,为了适应自然语言中随机性和规律性,我们提出了一个词汇语义驱动算法,它不仅提高了系统的效率,而且较好地解决了自然语言处理中诸如词汇兼类处理这样的难题。  相似文献   

英汉机器翻译中的语义分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

戚世远 《计算机应用》1991,11(5):11-13,20
本文介绍了作者在 IBM—PC/XT 机上采用语义分析方法实现的英汉机器翻译系统。该系统是单向、全自动翻译系统,系统由总控,字典维护、字典查询、分析树生成、转换生成五个模块,全部程序用 Turbo—Prolog 逻辑程序设计语言编写。文章主要介绍了作者在介词短语语义分析方面的一些工作。  相似文献   

In knowledge-based machine translation (KBMT), the lexicon can be specified and acquired only in close connection with the specification and acquisition of the world model (ontology) and the specification of the text meaning representation (interlingua) language. The former supplies the atoms for the specification of text meaning and provides world knowledge to support the inference processes necessary for a variety of disambiguation and meaning assignment operations. The latter is necessary for the formulation of the semantic zone of the lexicon entries, which can be viewed as containing the static building blocks of the text meaning representation. This is the view taken in the Mikrokosmos KBMT project.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will discuss a system that semantically interprets a formal database accessing language and generates natural language from this interpretation. In the past, the major way of communication between a user and a database was by means of a formal language. One such language is the SQL query language. Even though constructed as a user friendly language, SQL exemplifies the same difficulties for users as do other formal languages, namely a fairly rigid syntax, the necessity of variable binding, the lack of pronouns, and in the case of erroneous queries error messages that do not provide much insight. To alleviate some of the formal language problems, yet utilize the power of the formal language, we set out to build a natural language ‘umbrella’ for the SQL user. Our goal was not to build a natural language query system, but rather to use semantic knowledge and natural language for paraphrasing the formal language (SQL) and producing error messages as a feedback mechanism. In this way we build a genuine help facility, which would not only aid the user in dealing with SQL, but also trap erroneous queries.  相似文献   

从现代汉语语义学角度,可将句义类型划分为简单句义、复杂句义、复合句义和多重句义4种。作为在整体上对句义结构进行描述的方式之一,句义类型识别是对汉语句子进行完整句义结构分析的重要步骤。该文基于谓词及句义类型块提出了一种汉语句义类型识别的方法,实现了4种句义类型的识别。该方法先通过句中谓词的个数进行初步识别判断出部分简单句,再对剩余的句子先用C4.5机器学习的方法得到句中谓词经过的最大句义类型块的个数,再结合句法结构中顶端句子节点进行判决,最终给出剩余句子的句义类型判定结果。实验采用BFS-CTC汉语标注语料库中10221个句子进行开集测试,句义类型的整体识别准确率达到97.6%,为基于现代汉语语义学的研究奠定了一定的技术研究基础。  相似文献   

Chinese-English machine translation is a significant and challenging problem in information processing.The paper presents an interlingua-based Chinese-English natural language translation system(ICENT).It introduces the realization mechanism of Chinses language analysis,which contains syntactic parsing and semantic analyzing and gives the design of interlingua in details .Experimental results and system evaluation are given .The sesult is satisfying.  相似文献   

语义角色除了受句法结构限制之外,同词汇的语义特征也有着紧密的内在联系。对于一些仅依靠句法分析不能很好解决的角色标注问题,如句法结构相同的两个成分所对应的角色分别为完全不同的施事、受事角色的情况,可以通过引入一些词汇语义特征来进行处理。该文基于北京大学的语义词典CSD,引入了配价数、主客体语义类等词汇语义特征来进行语义角色标注研究。10折交叉验证的结果显示,通过引用词汇语义特征,所有角色标注的总体评价F值比单纯使用句法特征上升了1.11%,而其中Arg0和Arg1角色标注的F值达到93.85%和90.60%,比仅使用句法特征进行角色标注分别提高了1.10%和1.26%。  相似文献   

In conventional algorithms, the lack of entity information, reference, and semantic relations in the current corpus leads to a low rate of precision and efficiency in constructing cross‐language bilingual mapping. According to natural language processing and machine translation technology, to solve the problem, this paper aims to establish a parallel corpus for information extraction based on the OntoNotes corpus by combining automatic extraction and manual adjustment. To verify the validity of the parallel corpus constructed in this paper, a comparative experiment was carried out on the corpus. The corpus entity alignment rate, anaphora absence, and syntactic structure were analysed in detail based on statistics. The data set is well performed in language processing and machine translation. The parallel corpus for information extraction constructed in this paper can produce highly precise, stable, and efficient information in the process of bilingual mapping, which provides an effective parallel corpus for the study in machine translation of bilingual mapping.  相似文献   

This paper reevaluates some of the contributions of Montague grammar in view of the increasing importance of computational considerations in linguistic theory and the demand for linguistic theories that can provide support in the design of natural language systems. It also considers Montague grammar in relation to work on lexical semantics and semantic nets. In this perspective the techniques of Montague grammar for systematically linking syntactic form and a model-theoretic semantics emerge as the most significant feature of the theory, while a number of the specific semantic assumptions recede in importance. Yet, with different ways of thinking about the structure mapping between levels of linguistic form and interpretations (e.g., constraint systems), we can also implement this connection using different techniques from what Montague had at his disposal.  相似文献   

基于语义神经网络的汉语表层语义分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出一种基于语义神经网络的汉语表层语义分析方法。该方法将符号主义和连接主义结合在一起。文中给出了语义神经网络的定义、构造,以及应用于汉语表层语义分析的算法。  相似文献   

口语解析在人机对话系统和口语翻译系统中的作用是十分关键的。本文提出了一种统计和规则相结合的汉语口语解析方法,解析结果是一种中间语义表示格式。该方法分为两个阶段。首先,采用统计方法,解析出输入句子的语义信息,然后,利用规则,将这些语义信息映射到中间语义表示格式。试验证明,此方法具有较强的鲁棒性,而且避免了完全用规则方法解析的一些弊端,达到较高的解析正确率。  相似文献   

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