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爱情杀手第一位,时间。没有什么东西能抵御时间的侵蚀,爱情也不能。曾经喜欢一个人喜欢了十年,当放下的时候,确定自己真的一点爱都没有了,那种感觉很惊讶,也很释然。爱情杀手第二位,距离。从来不认为异地恋算是爱情,个人意见而已。更加从来不敢接受异地恋。我知道异地恋人们很多,所以不必在意我的看法,相信你们会得到幸福的。爱情杀手第三位,现实。现实是个说不清道不明的东西。当你觉得很理想的东西被破坏时,这个破坏者一般就可以称为现实。爱情不是面包,但是谈恋爱的人需要吃面包。爱情杀手第四位,性格。性格不合是许多恋人要面对的最大的问题。但是笼统来说无论是谁,都不可能完全合适的,总会有冲突的地方。也正是因为在相互的包容中经历的幸福和痛苦,使得出现了一种说法:“爱是妥协。”爱情杀手第五位,家庭。双方父母的意见总能使爱情高潮迭起。从个人经验来说,最后如果你坚持,你的父母还是会同意你的。但是不可否认父母比我们睿智得多,他们的意见,到最后一般总能证明是对的。爱情杀手第六位,环境。不同环境的人,想法千差万别。但是这绝对是在可以克服的范围之内,不像时间和距离那么可怕。多多沟通,也许明天你就会发现,你曾经被周围环境所强加的东西,可以被爱情稀释掉。...  相似文献   

一年 《现代计算机》2008,(7):115-115
某一天,白领丽人MSN和小太妹QQ爱上了同一个男人。 她们相约在一家酒店摊牌。 MSN穿的是一身名牌。Chanel的外套,Dior的长裙,LV的包,TIFFANY的珠宝,奢侈华贵,优雅动人。 QQ穿的是款式取胜。鹅黄小抹胸,嫩绿超短裙,闪闪发光的凉鞋,大紫大红的腰链和流苏。  相似文献   

爆料王中的漫画人物已经登场了几位,可能您还不太熟悉,我们在这里来简单介绍其中几位,下期将会介绍另外几位MM主角,敬请关注呦、阿贵:小眼睛,瘪鼻子。外表忠厚,内心……总是做一些让人出乎意料、匪夷所思的事情。小李:学生气,一脸的幼稚。他是刚从学校毕业的年轻小伙子,销售部的新人。吃苦耐劳,不懂的事情总是敢于追根溯源。老程:长脸,小圆眼镜片。技术部的老员工,骨灰级的电脑专家。但有时也总是出一些低级的错误。老猫:圆脸,肥胖,细长条的眼睛。销售部的老员工,与老程关系不错,两人总是开开玩笑。做人圆滑,见什么人说什么话,与谁的关系都…  相似文献   

镜头前,飞驰而过的白桦林随风摇曳。远处,山峦起伏。特写,跑车中一位优雅的女子手握方向盘,脸上是惬意的微笑。长发,在风中飞扬。莫扎特明媚的乐曲在阳光中流淌和跳动。这,是我们熟悉电影镜头,但,也是我们今天许多人的生活。  相似文献   

忙碌的都市人,其实也是生活在森林中,只不过这座森林里,长满了钢筋和水泥。在四川的自然风景区里度过长假, 带上相机,找寻生命的绿色。憨态的熊猫,灵巧的金丝猴九寨沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州境内,是一个佳景荟萃、神奇莫测的旷世胜地; 一个不见纤尘、自然纯净的童话世界。卧龙自然保护区位于汶川县境内,是繁殖大熊猫的国家重点保护区。山间云雾缭绕,瀑布垂帘,箭竹和桦桔竹林茂密丛生,风景秀丽。白河金丝猴保护区是饲养金丝猴的国家级保护区。金丝猴相貌奇特,圆头长尾,青面蓝鼻,鼻孔朝天,肩背毛发光亮如丝,宛如一件金黄色的大衣,因此得名, 是中国特有的珍稀动物。在自然保护区拍摄生态, 由于需要不惊扰国家保护动物, 要和它们保持相当的距离。可是无法接近拍摄对象,一般来说也就不方便清晰的拍摄了。这个时候,就显现出高倍变焦相机的重要性来。将镜头推至长焦端,活灵活现的动物仿佛就在眼前。  相似文献   

时光转到60年代末。 老王头的病床靠窗边。 北方的初春,咋暖还寒。窗外坡地上,几株倔强的小草,顶着试图反攻倒算的寒风,坚强地露出一丝新绿。而老王头的生命,似乎已经走到了尽头,一阵紧似一阵的干咳,直把他的头,低得贴到胸前,快要扣成一个圈。 大夫进病房询视,他从不说话。同屋的病友知道,他恨大夫。十多年的硫化铁矿矿工,  相似文献   

一名大一学生,以大幻想的形式为人们打开了一扇门,就是从这扇门里,涌出来十万册《幻城》,一跃成为北京图书订货会上排行榜的第二名。在2002年即将结束之前还不大有人知道的郭敬明,现在被称为继韩寒之后的青春小说擂主。《幻城》来自于幻想。而这种幻想是轻灵的,浪漫的,狂放不羁的。它的场景与故事不在地上,而是在天上。作品的构思,更像是一种天马行空的邀游。天穹苍茫,思维的精灵在无极世界游走,所到之处,风光无限。由作者率领,我们之所见,绝非人间之所见。一切物象,一切场景,都是大地以外的,是烟里的,是雾里的,是梦里的。【书名】《幻城》…  相似文献   

江湖中,一路走过,风景我们边走边看。路途中陌生的面孔,新鲜的故事,奇致的风景,给我们人生抹上五彩的一笔。所谓“读万卷书,行万里路”,江湖的阅历要在行走之中获得。“行走江湖”曾经那么重要。可自从有了一张“网”的出现,行走变的不再那么重要。一切的消息再也不用飞鸽传书,只要鼠标轻触。一切尽在掌握。  相似文献   

初夏的夜晚,乌云密布,雷声阵阵,大雨哗啦啦地下个不停。我望着窗外的雨幕,只觉得一阵阵倦意袭来。抬头看看墙上的表,才晚上十一点钟,时间还早,再复习一会儿吧。我继续敲打着键盘,演算着一道道莫名其妙的数学题,脑子里一片空白,屏幕上出现的东西也越来越模糊了。我拍拍自己的脑门,你呀,清醒一点啦,千万不能犯困呀,中考的脚步一天天临近,怎么能放松呢。哎,想到了好朋友琳达,她在干什么呢,是不是也和我一样伏案读书呢?琳达,是我小学时的同学。细高的个子,明亮的大眼睛,尖尖的下巴,一笑还有两个甜甜的酒窝,浑身洋溢着青春的活力。大家都说她长得…  相似文献   

“陈老师,我回来了。”“陈老师,你好,我是A 同学。今天我们放假,我和B 想回来找你玩儿。”陈老师眼前闪现出两个个子高挑,眼睛大大,一个哭着不上学,一个满脸通红的孩子。“陈老师,今天B 同学请假,周末家里的钱不见了100 元,于是我就批评了她。她觉得自己被误解了,在家里和我闹情绪,怎么说都不理我。”电话那头传来家长担忧的焦虑。这个孩子在离异家庭长大,心理比较脆弱。于是,陈老师的第一反应是赶紧去家访。经过了解,孩子告知有可能班里的A 同学在家里玩,拿走了妈妈的钱,妈妈的批评让自己觉得太委屈。  相似文献   

The new method of defuzzification of output parameters from the base of fuzzy rules for a Mamdani fuzzy controller is given in the paper. The peculiarity of the method is the usage of the universal equation for the area computation of the geometric shapes. During the realization of fuzzy inference linguistic terms, the structure changes from the triangular into a trapezoidal shape. That is why the universal equation is used. The method is limited and can be used only for the triangular and trapezoidal membership functions. Gaussian functions can also be used while modifying the proposed method. Traditional defuzzification models such as Middle of Maxima − MoM, First of Maxima − FoM, Last of Maxima − LoM, First of Suppport − FoS, Last of Support − LoS, Middle of Support − MoS, Center of Sums − CoS, Model of Height − MoH have a number of systematic errors: curse of dimensionality, partition of unity condition and absence of additivity. The above-mentioned methods can be seen as Center of Gravity − CoG, which has the same errors. These errors lead to the fact that accuracy of fuzzy systems decreases, because during the training root mean square error increases. One of the reasons that provokes the errors is that some of the activated fuzzy rules are excluded from the fuzzy inference. It is also possible to increase the accuracy of the fuzzy system through properties of continuity. The proposed method guarantees fulfilling of the property of continuity, as the intersection point of the adjustment linguistic terms equals 0.5 when a parametrized membership function is used. The causes of errors and a way to delete them are reviewed in the paper. The proposed method excludes errors which are inherent to the traditional and non- traditional models of defuzzification. Comparative analysis of the proposed method of defuzzification with traditional and non-traditional models shows its effectiveness.  相似文献   

A method of synthesis of fuzzy stabilization systems for a broad class of dynamic objects under the assumption that the mathematical model of the object is not known a priori is proposed. The control is formulated in the form of a proportional law of adjustment as a function of a macro-variable; the square of the Euclidean norm of the phase variables is adopted as the macro-variable. An analogous variable characterizes the distance of the object from the equilibrium position. Despite the simplicity of the control law, its sign remains constant due to the fact that the macro-variable is positive-definite over the entire phase space. The switching times of the signals are determined by fuzzy identification of the system’s dynamic modes on the basis of measurement of the derivatives of the macro-variable.  相似文献   

Measurements of spring phenological dates in boreal regions using NDVI can be affected by snowmelt. This impacts the analysis of interannual variations in phenology and the estimates of annual carbon fluxes. For these two objectives, snowmelt effect must be removed from the phenological detection. We propose a methodology for determining the date of onset of greening in the 1982-2004 period using SPOT-VEGETATION (VGT) and NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data. From 1998 onwards, the date of onset of greening is taken as the date at which the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), calculated from SPOT-VGT near and short-wave infrared bands, starts increasing. This index decreases with snowmelt but increases with vegetation greening. For the 1982-2001 period, the date of onset of greening is the date at which AVHRR-NDVI equals a pixel specific threshold (PST), determined using the results of the NDWI method in the years common to the two datasets. The methods are validated using in situ measurements of the dates of leaf appearance. RMSE of 6.7 and 7.8 days, respectively, is found using NDWI-VGT and PST-NOAA methodologies, and the difference between the two methodologies in the common years is small. Very importantly, the dates are not biased. The interannual variations of the 23-year spring phenology dataset on the study area in northern Eurasia are analysed. In average over the study area, an advance of 8 days and a delay of 3.6 days are, respectively, found over the periods 1982-1991 and 1993-2004. These results confirm and complete previous studies about the greening trend, remove the uncertainty due to snow, and may improve carbon budget calculations.  相似文献   

The laser is a joining tool which is particularly suitable for the application in microtechnology. The process variant laser transmission joining can be used both for welding thermoplastics and bonding of silicon and glass. The investigations presented in this paper cover detailed examinations of both processes. Concerning laser transmission welding of plastics it is examined how far the content of carbon black in the material influences the formation of the weld seam. It is shown that the optical depth of penetration, the weld seam width as well as the formation of the weld morphology differ with varying content of carbon black. Selective laser radiation bonding (SLB) is a novel method for joining silicon and glass based on the transmission heating of the interface of both joining partners and the thermo-chemical principles of silicon direct bonding. SLB shows advantages in reference to the thermal load of sensitive components like sensors and to the selectivity of the joining geometry. In this study the principle method of SLB and the latest advances like the integration of the thermal process control in the laser processing head will be presented. Also experimental test results of the process with constant laser power and thermal process control and the comparison of them will be shown.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A new notion of joint, defined in terms of the state of motor (active or locked) and type of the elastic or rigid element, gear and/or link that follows after the motor, is introduced. Special attention is paid to the motion of the flexible links in the robotic configuration. The paper deals with the relationship between the equation of elastic line equilibrium, the “Euler–Bernoulli approach” (EBA), and equation of motion at the point of elastic line tip, the “Lumped-mass approach” (LMA). The Euler–Bernoulli equations (which have for a long time been used in the literature) should be expanded according to the requirements of the motion complexity of elastic robotic systems. The Euler–Bernoulli equation (based on the known laws of dynamics) should be supplemented with all the forces that are participating in the formation of the elasticity moment of the considered mode. This yields the difference in the structure of Euler–Bernoulli equations for each mode. The stiffness matrix is a full matrix. Mathematical model of the actuators also comprises coupling between elasticity forces. Particular integral of Daniel Bernoulli should be supplemented with the stationary character of elastic deformation of any point of the considered mode, caused by the present forces. General form of the elastic line is a direct outcome of the system motion dynamics, and cannot be described by one scalar equation but by three equations for position and three equations for orientation of every point on that elastic line. The choice of reference trajectory is analyzed. Simulation results are shown for a selected robotic example involving the simultaneous presence of elasticity of the gear and of the link (two modes), as well as the environment force dynamics.  相似文献   

概念的形成是实现人工智能的基础,为研究人工智能系统中概念的形成过程,从人对事物形成概念的过程出发进行了研究。比较人和人工智能系统的概念形成过程得到了如下特点:人的优势在于能自主地确定对象表象和对象功能中的各种特征和划分等,能在对象、描述性定义和功能性定义对应关系不完备情况下通过思维和联想建立概念;人工智能系统的优势在于丰富的对象表象感知能力,对象的各种特征和划分的长期存储、运算和分析能力;而人工智能的概念形成过程存在的缺点基本与人的概念形成过程的优点对应。因此本文认为人工智能的概念形成过程必须关注因素的智能识别、功能的系统实践和人经验知识的有师学习。现有技术在缺乏人经验知识的情况下,人工智能系统不能自主建立概念和知识库,不能实现智能过程。  相似文献   

针对空间想象能力培养的教学需要,对基于Android 平台的工程图学助教助学系统 进行了研究。根据教与学的需要,确定了系统功能,设计了软件的框架结构。分析研究了移动设 备的系统平台,选择了系统的开发及运行平台。通过分析Android 框架中OpenGL ES 的设计接口, 实现了模型的轴测显示模式。通过分析OpenGL ES 中glDrawElements 方法的数据需求和VRML97 的数据格式,设计了虚拟模型加载器,实现了Android 系统中的VRML 模型3D 浏览器。开发了 软件的核心功能模块,设计实现了基于Android 平台的工程图学助教助学系统。该系统因其创新 性和实用性,在2014 年第十四届全国多媒体课件大赛中荣获一等奖。  相似文献   

针对仿射非局部均值(ANLM)算法对图像去噪过程中出现用时过长的问题,提出了一种快速仿射非 局部均值去噪(F-ANLM)算法。通过对算法的研究和用时分析得知,仿射变换和关于仿射不变相似性度量的计算这 2 个模块占时最多,因此从这 2 个部分入手提出优化策略。算法首先使用仿射协变结构张量其特征向量的夹角代替 尺寸不变特征变换(SIFT)算子的主方向,简化了仿射变换过程;然后将 ANLM 方法中的仿射不变相似性度量改写为 离散卷积的形式,使用快速傅里叶变换减少卷积的运算量,加速仿射协变特征区域之间相似性度量的计算。实验证 明,F-ANLM 方法简化了仿射变换和仿射不变相似性度量的计算,与原来 ANLM 算法相比,速度得到很大的提升。  相似文献   

田勇    王洪光  潘新安  胡明伟   《智能系统学报》2019,14(2):217-223
针对协作机器人的构型分析研究,得出了偏置是影响机器人构型的一个重要因素。首先,对现有典型协作机器人的构型进行分析,通过构型间的内在联系与演化过程得到构型之间的差异。然后利用构型之间的差异引出了偏置的定义,并通过偏置对关节运动范围的影响将其分为S型偏置和Y型偏置。最后以全局性能指标、工作空间体积指标和灵活工作空间指标为性能评价标准,对iiwa、Sawyer、Yumi三种典型构型的性能进行了仿真。通过对比分析可知,偏置的存在使构型的全局性能和工作空间体积性能降低,但对灵活工作空间性能有提高作用。结果表明偏置是影响机器人性能的重要因素,该分析研究为协作机器人的构型设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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